Embedded videos in PowerPoint

1、首先一种方法是,在我们的键盘上,按住Fn不放,再按NumLK键,或者我们可以进Bios里面,BioS中有一项Keypad (Embedded),用手指按着 NumLK和PrntScr键,就可以关闭数字键盘了。 按照国家规范及设计单位的要求,Dwg图纸的字体使用的是仿宋GB2312字体,Win10系统没有预装此字体,因此图纸中使用此字体的说明全部显示为“? 我这里安装的是Windows Embedded Standard 7 32位的,里面是没有驱动的,大家可以下载一个驱动精灵离线版安装驱动,驱动安装完成,系统就可以正常运行了 [图] [图] [图] [图]

2025.01.22 22:10 No-Artichoke5496 Embedded videos in PowerPoint

I'm completely new to GoodNotes; I'm not a user, but support someone who is. They're very happy with it and would like to use it as an app to handle all of their daily teaching needs: note-taking, displaying presentations, what have you.
GoodNotes does a pretty good job of displaying PowerPoint decks, but it seems that it can't handle embedded videos. GoodNotes won't play them at all; the video is just a black rectangle.
Does anybody know if this is a known issue? Are there perhaps only certain embedded video formats it can handle? I've looked at the GoodNotes Help Center and feature request list, but nothing I've found so far is germane.
Has anybody else gotten embedded PowerPoint videos to work in GoodNotes?
submitted by No-Artichoke5496 to GoodNotes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Nicholamsious List of Everything in Minecraft Survival 1.21.4 (Java Edition) (1,577 items & blocks) (Includes all potions & all enchanted books) (Obtainable items only (Survival mode only))

submitted by Nicholamsious to lists [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 No_Volume_1066 A neat trick for campaign targeting

💡 Pro tip: Use an anchor tag in your destination URL if you want to show specific content to specific people.
I had to run a giveaway campaign for a lookalike audience to boost brand awareness.
The Problem We didn’t want didn’t want the existing customers to stumble upon it. This was strictly for new customers. The challenge with Klaviyo’s popups is that they show up everywhere by default. Hiding the giveaway on a lesser-used page wasn’t ideal either, as it would disrupt the user experience for new visitors.
The Solution With anchor tags, you can tweak your URL so only specific visitors see the popup. This keeps your regular visitors on track with the usual welcome experience while showing the giveaway to your ad audience.
How it Works

  1. Go to Targeting and Behavior in the form settings.
  2. Tick the box labeled “Only show on certain URLs.”
  3. In the “Containing” field, add a hashtag followed by your campaign keyword. → For ex: I put in #giveaway
  4. Use the updated URL with the anchor tag in your ads.
Now, anyone clicking the ad link with the anchor tag (#giveaway) will see the giveaway popup, while those entering the regular URL will see the usual welcome popup.
This approach keeps things seamless and ensures the right message reaches the right audience without overcomplicating your site’s user experience.
submitted by No_Volume_1066 to DigitalMarketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Diligent-Procedure91 PCOS survey (ACES, coping,etc)

I am a senior honors psychology student at Trinity College conducting research to better understand the connections between childhood experiences and health. This study involves an anonymous survey that aims to explore health and coping in people with PCOS.
If you are interested please visit the link below.
submitted by Diligent-Procedure91 to DietFreePCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 enriquegalindo ¿Por qué nadie toma acción contra las Big Four por no respetar las condiciones laborales (Horarios específicamente)?

TL;DR: Teniendo miles de empleados y habiendo personas que mencionan trabajar hasta 18 horas al día y también en sus días de descanso, ¿Por qué nadie denuncia, o en su caso se sanciona, a las Big Four por no respetar los horarios y días de descanso?
Recientemente me postulé para una de las Big Four (las cuatros firmas más importantes de auditoría y consultoría), e investigando un poco más de la firma me di cuenta que ninguna de las cuatro respetan el horario laboral ni los días de descanso. De entrada desde el primer contacto con la empresa la persona de RH me dejó muy claro que en ocasiones por la carga de trabajo y por la necesidad de cumplir los tiempos no iba a ser posible salir a la hora exacta de salida, en ese momento pensé que serían una o dos horas extras máximo y aunque iban a ser no remuneradas con tal de tener la experiencia en el CV era algo que estaba dispuesto a aceptar. Pero viendo más a fondo este tema, me encontré con comentarios que por mínimo son tres horas extra lo que se quedan si bien les va, algunos comentan que trabajan hasta 18 horas por día.
Mi pregunta ya ni siquiera es porque alguien aguantaría un año trabajando bajo estas condiciones, que es lo mínimo que debes durar para que tenga peso en el CV. Si no por qué la autoridad no ha hecho nada al respecto, estamos hablando de una empresa con 20 sucursales en el país y presencia en todo el mundo (que por lo que vi en todos los países es lo mismo). Realmente ningún trabajador de los miles que tiene y de los cientos de miles que han pasado por ahí a puesto una denuncia ante la Secretaría del Trabajo, o simplemente son inmunes.
submitted by enriquegalindo to lacamiseta [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 thehighstyle What can be done to restore this vachetta leather?

What can be done to restore this vachetta leather? Or at least make it look a little less worn?
submitted by thehighstyle to Louisvuitton [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Infamous-Class-7862 Weapons. Of music.

And I’m not talking hunting horns only. I’m talking music themed weapons. Like a switch axe guitar or something.
submitted by Infamous-Class-7862 to MonsterHunter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Infamous-Quarter2427 wtf is this Pcola? (In downtown)

Walking downtown to explore and came across this snow creature.
submitted by Infamous-Quarter2427 to Pensacola [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 JustSocially MEGATHREAD: Debunking False Allegations Against Justin Baldoni and Wayfarer.

We are listing down claims that have already been proven to be false. Let's keep updating this list as more updates come in. Please feel free to add to it (with linked sources).

Mr. Baldoni and Ms. Lively were filming a slow dance scene for a montage in which no sound was recorded. Mr. Baldoni chose to let the camera roll and have them perform the scene, but did not act in character as Ryle; instead, he spoke to Ms. Lively out of character as himself. At one point, he leaned forward and slowly dragged his lips from her ear and down her neck as he said, “it smells so good.” None of this was remotely in character, or based on any dialogue in the script, and nothing needed to be said because, again, there was no sound—Mr. Baldoni was caressing Mr. Lively with his mouth in a way that had nothing to do with their roles. (Page 19, 48.)
Proven false with video evidence of the incident.
Mr. Baldoni improvised physical intimacy that had not been rehearsed, choreographed, or discussed with Ms. Lively, with no intimacy coordinator involved.
Proven false with text message of Lively refusing to meet with the intimacy coordinator hired before the beginning shooting.
When the birth scene was filmed.... Ms. Lively was mostly nude with her legs spread wide in stirrups and only a small piece of fabric covering her genitalia. Ms. Lively was not provided with anything to cover herself with between takes until after she had made multiple requests.
Proven false with footage from the actual movie. She was not "mostly nude". She is wearing a hospital gown, and a full pregnancy suit. (More BTS footage to be released).
Ms. Lively became even more alarmed when Mr. Baldoni introduced his “best friend” to play the role of the OBGYN, when ordinarily, a small role of this nature would be filled by a local actor. Ms. Lively felt that the selection of Mr. Baldoni’s friend for this intimate role, in which the actor’s face and hands were in close proximity to her nearly nude genitalia for a birth scene, was invasive and humiliating.
Mischaracterised a professional actor as a "best friend". Similarly, Lively's sister and Baldoni's wife were both casted in the movie as well.
Mr. Heath approached Ms. Lively and her assistant on set and started playing a video of a fully nude woman with her legs spread apart. Ms. Lively thought he was showing her pornography and stopped him.
Mischaracterised a child birth video as porn.
Throughout filming, Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath invaded Ms. Lively’s privacy by entering her makeup trailer uninvited while she was undressed, including when she was breastfeeding her infant child. Ms. Lively did not expect or consent to anyone entering her private spaces while topless, exposed, and vulnerable with her newborn, or during body makeup application or removal. Mr. Baldoni and Mr. Heath both showed a shocking lack of boundaries by invading her personal space when she was undressed and vulnerable.
Proven false with texts inviting them into the trailer.
Are there more? Please add to it (with linked sources). We'll keep updating this list as new updates pour in.
submitted by JustSocially to JustinBaldoni [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Fat_Cheesy_Burrito CCRM protocols are shady

Stay away from CCRM, they will run your CC, promise and promise , and at the end of the day move the goal post time after time, just to Run your CC again. They did a couple friend of mine baaaad, charged them, went through the whole process, just to tell them at the very last step, they wont do implantation if they didn’t get an OK from a Specialist Dr. which is WIIILD to me since they already have the embryos and everything, and thats gonna set them back some time. And instead of being upfront and accepting their responsibility they keep pushing the goalpost to them. The logical thing to do would be to require whatever they require before they get their hopes up and charge them thousands and thousands of Dollars to be at the end of the process and theeeen be like , you know what I need this clearance from your X Doctor is just stupid to me, they are a joke and only want your money. I wouldn’t do business with them if I was reading this.
I would advise anyone to read the fine print on their studies and be prepared to be delayed and milked out of your hard earned money , they WILL play with your hopes, and cash on it, TRULY DESPICABLE
submitted by Fat_Cheesy_Burrito to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 dark_wolf_572 What do you think about my Beagle mask ?

What do you think about my Beagle mask ? Hello ! I'm a new therian and I'd like to know what you think of my beagle mask! it was made by Patte de Lion
submitted by dark_wolf_572 to theriangear [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 ShyLonelyStanBoy Phoebe Tonkin

Phoebe Tonkin submitted by ShyLonelyStanBoy to celebheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Belladonna_Babe Oral Surgeons say Wisdom Teeth extraction is Dental, but my Cyst is Medical

About three months ago I went to my local Oral Surgeon's office for a consult to remove my wisdom teeth. They did a panoramic, and it turns out I have a cyst surrounding my lower right wisdom tooth. (For context, I have BCBS for Dental Insurance, and UHCP for Medical) Basically they told me that my Dental insurance would cover the wisdom tooth removal, but that the cyst was considered "Medical", and they don't accept my Medical insurance. They said I have to get both my teeth and cyst removed at the same time, and it would be an easy procedure, but the only way they would remove the teeth is if it was out of pocket. They estimated $2,500 for the cyst. So I'm having issues finding an Oral Surgeon near me that covers both Dental (which a lot do) and Medical, which next to nobody has listed online, just the Dental plans that they accept.
My next course of action is to just call up a bunch of places that do accept my Dental and hope that they accept the Medical too. The Oral Surgeon suggested I also call my Medical insurance and ask which offices they work with. If anyone has any comments or has gone through something similar, please feel free to share. I've been pretty frustrated by this, and I just wanted to get some of that out.
Also, Supposedly the cyst was on a panoramic from my Dentist's office in 2022, but it was small and I was never informed of it. So it's good to know that I've been letting it grow over the past 2 years lol. I could have had this taken care of much sooner.
submitted by Belladonna_Babe to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Jazzlike_Schedule_51 Payments For Some Student Loan Borrowers Could Triple In 2025

“These dangerous cuts will cause chaos across the economy — causing monthly student loan payments to spike for millions of working families,” warned Mike Pierce, executive director of the Student Borrower Protection Center, in a statement last week."
submitted by Jazzlike_Schedule_51 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Puzzleheaded_Bill_56 The Black Deck almost broke me

The Black Deck almost broke me I finally completed every deck on gold stake now I’m focusing on ++, but let me tell you from the depths of my soul….the Black deck was by far the hardest run to do in orange and gold. I spent literally 2 weeks playing about 2-3 hours a day (lotta down time at work) and I only got thru a run with them by pure NRG, every Strat that worked for every other deck could not keep up to not having an extra hand…I was cooked. I kept telling myself to not look for advice or walkthroughs on this since it was my last deck to complete and I wanted to do it to myself but I’m just like Private Ryan, all grown up staring at a Perkeo headstone asking if I earned it. That is all, good luck to everyone else 🫡
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Bill_56 to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 trusted-apiarist Curated gallery of well-funded, fintech startups + jobs

Here's 100+ manually curated, VC-backed fintechs (consumer, B2B, infra) that are growing and hiring. And yes, I know startups aren't for everyone, but hopefully these are the better ones: https://startups.gallery/categories/industries/fintech
submitted by trusted-apiarist to fintech [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 LangdonAlger999 _________ as a Traitor

Although she has good instincts and gameplans, I am actually of the opinion that Charlotte isn't a great traitor. She hasn't come under any scrutiny as yet and even this evening when Alexander asked her opinion, she was very wishy washy and didn't speak very well. She had suggested Minah to Leanne and Alexander previously so she should have jumped on Minah if she was a Faithful. I think Alexander will be suspicious and I can't see her defending herself very well based on what we have watched so far.
submitted by LangdonAlger999 to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 MorningHappy4168 The most rewarding part of drawing a webtoon: the lighting ✨🌟

The most rewarding part of drawing a webtoon: the lighting ✨🌟 Nothing to say, just gotta love making everything look like it belongs in the same space! Link: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-phantom-of-the-opera-reimagined/list?title_no=969033
submitted by MorningHappy4168 to WebtoonCanvas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 rbgeh A response to the "trolley problem" according to Islam. Thought it was very well put together

A response to the submitted by rbgeh to extomatoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 attticusfinch Where in Berlin can I watch the Grammy Awards?

Hi all! I would love to watch the Grammy Awards on February 3rd in a public space. Does anyone know a spot where that might be possible? Any ideas / suggestions are appreciated :)
submitted by attticusfinch to berlinsocialclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Stephanierecipes16 Old Fashioned Pancakes A classic, fluffy pancake recipe perfect for a warm breakfast. Simple and easy to make, these pancakes are the perfect start to your day

Milk: 3/4 cup White vinegar: 2 tablespoons (see note) All-purpose flour: 1 cup White sugar: 2 tablespoons (I used 3) Baking powder: 1 teaspoon Baking soda: 1/2 teaspoon Instructions 1️⃣ Prepare the Buttermilk: • In a small bowl, combine the milk and vinegar. Stir and let it sit for about 5 minutes. This will create homemade buttermilk.
2️⃣ Mix Dry Ingredients: • In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda.
3️⃣ Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients: • Pour the buttermilk mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Be careful not to overmix, as this can make the pancakes tough.
4️⃣ Cook the Pancakes: • Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Lightly grease it with butter or oil. • Pour 1/4 cup of the batter onto the skillet for each pancake. Cook until bubbles form on the surface and the edges start to look set, about 2-3 minutes. Flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes, until golden brown.
5️⃣ Serve: • Serve warm with your favorite toppings, such as butter, syrup, or fresh fruit
submitted by Stephanierecipes16 to bakingrecipes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 RomanUngern97 See-through characters in Tekken 5

submitted by RomanUngern97 to PCSX2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 MichelleTrace85 Come check me out!

submitted by MichelleTrace85 to feetfinderprofile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Supra_Doodle Schaden an E91 330d

Schaden an E91 330d Servus, mich hats leider erwischt 🙁
Ich bin leider bei Glatteis ins Schleudern gekommen und gegen ein Verkehrschild gerutsch. Ich hab bereits die ersten Kostenvoranschläge erhalten welche sich zwischen 2500€-3500€ aufhalten. Alle meinten da muss eine neue Seitenwand zum ersetzen her. Denkt ihr, dass ist die einzige Lösung? 👀
Der Wagen ist aus 2009 und hat 260t km. Tolle Austattung M-Paket außen wie innen und funktioniert einwandfrei.
Was sagt ihr zum Schaden? Was würdet ihr tun?
Besten Dank schonmal für eure Ratschläge✌🏽
submitted by Supra_Doodle to automobil [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 22:10 Technical-Row8333 Getting denied for Earthquake coverage in home insurance? is this a one time thing or going to be a trend like california fire insurance

are we cooked? or should I say shook.
submitted by Technical-Row8333 to richmondbc [link] [comments]
