Dog walks in bush

usuallyNormally = not strange. It's usually a good thing. Commonly = not rare. Usually = everyday, happens often.|James normally drives to work, but today he decided to ride to work. Jane normally walks her dog at 6pm, but today she walked him at 11pm. Jack usually works late, so Jill often eats dinner alone. I know that man, I usually walk past his shop on my way to work. Knee injuries are ... 【ネイティブ回答】「take a ...」と「take walks」はどう違うの?質問に6件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 A "rabbi" is a Jewish religious teacher/leader, and both priests and monks are religious teachers/leaders for other religions and belief systems. The joke usually goes "A priest, a rabbi and a monk walk into a bar" and then continues from there, but because "rabbi" and "rabbit" are a letter away from each other, it's easy to mistype "rabbi" as the more commonly used (but completely unrelated ... 【ネイティブ回答】「walk down 」と「walk」はどう違うの?質問に1件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"英語(アメリカ)"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 Tips and “HACKS” @RB_AC In addition to our friend Miss @Kimchay_Agnes 's amazing explanation: HACKS💎 1💎 Life hack is any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life (HACKS is the short-term for 'Life-hacks') Also as @Kimchay_Agnes mentioned: 2💎To gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer. my my@Rohan45 An example of somebody saying it in a nice way: A woman walks in on her bestfriend kissing her neighbor. She says, "My, my, what do we have here?" It means she's playfully judging her bestfriend for kissing the neighbor guy. It's like saying, "Ooh la la!" An example of somebody saying it in a mean way: A snooty old lady is at a rich person's dinner party. Everybody is sitting at ... money talks, BS walksThis means that words alone will get you nothing in life, but if you have money you can persuade people to do what you want 的定义 you’re one to talkWell let's say I'm talking to my friend and she's overweight and then a fat guy walks by and she says "look at how tight that guys shirt is on him" so I tell her "you're one to talk" Let's say that I am speaking with my best friend who always tells me about what other people are doing then I mention spending time with another friend named Dave and my best friend says "Dave ... だけでも「少なくとも だけは」という意味です。 例 食欲がないなら、無理に食べなくてもいいけれど、スープだけでも飲んだ方がいいよ。 怒っているのはわかるけど、せめて話だけでも聞いてよ。 2つめの例のように、「せめて」と一緒に使われることもよくあります。 的定义だけでも (だけ ... おすYes, you are write. It's a greeting word that means "Hi" or "Good morning". Good Morning is おはようございます in Japanese, the first sound お and the last sound す, then おす or おっす.

2025.01.22 23:02 Such_Set8687 Dog walks in bush

Hi all!
I am after some recommendations for good bush walks for my dog and I.
Its too hot for her during the day. We normally go to the beach or puketoki. Am looking for more places like puketoki, under forest cover so cooler for her.
submitted by Such_Set8687 to Tauranga [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 valgal8210 Item still listed as “awaiting shipping” and this is what the seller tells me

Item still listed as “awaiting shipping” and this is what the seller tells me I bought an item on the 16th and it still shows as not shipped. When I asked the seller this is her reply…something weird or is this normal?
submitted by valgal8210 to Depop [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 OG_rafiki Bulk assign child cases to parents

Hi folks,
Started out using SN.
Is there a way to bulk assign multiple child cases to a parent?
I'm familiar with using the related cases tab and then populating either child case/parent case id.
I was hoping for a faster way.
Many thanks in advance
submitted by OG_rafiki to servicenow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 neddy-seagoon useful inkjet setup video

Can someone please point me to a decent M1 ultra tutorial on setting up the inkjet module.I got as far as putting some A4 paper on the bed and starting the test and the paper wandered around as the inkjet made contact. When I peeled the clear plastic off the blue mat, and stuck it on there, the paper stuck to the blue mat! Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Just unboxed. Decided to practice everything else before lasering
submitted by neddy-seagoon to xToolOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 OKFortune56 Community Tier List for Palaces. Day #6: Casino Palace

Named this way for spoilers. Where would you place Sae's Palace on a tier list? This can be based on gameplay, story, aesthetics, or anything else.
View Poll
submitted by OKFortune56 to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 MoeCReativeNAme FOUND PHONE IN RSM

submitted by MoeCReativeNAme to RanchoSantaMargarita [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 RoyalPepper3568 Thank you DC

Thank you to all of the kind & decent people we encountered during our visit to your city. I have to admit I expected to experience some rudeness towards conservatives, but without exception every person was kind & helpful. In particular a big shout out to the employees of the Metro, the local restaurants & coffee shops & the numerous ride share drivers we rode with. I'm equally proud to say that I didn't see a single incident of bad behavior from my side of the political aisle either. Proof that we can get along in the real world, if not in places like reddit.
submitted by RoyalPepper3568 to washdc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 MandalShArK WiP Wednesday

WiP Wednesday submitted by MandalShArK to MandalorianCosplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 xorkon ROG Flow Z13 2025 USB4 ports confusing info, WTB USB4 v2 please!

Flow Z13 2025's USB4 ports as well as the Strix Halo APU supports Display Port 2.1, UHBR20, which is technically at 80 Gbps, but the port marking on the sites only mark them at 40Gbps and specs only talks about data speed up to 40Gbps. How can it be a DP 2.1 if it only supports data speed of 40Gbps? Conflicting information to say the least.
This is what we know, AMD Ryzen™ Al Max+ 395 with its Radeon 8060S Graphics supports UHBR20 with DP 2.1 as confirmed by the AMD official product page, and the product page of the ASUS ROG Flow Z13 (2025) GZ302 shows the USB4 ports supporting DP 2.1, ..., but the USB4 ports also only supposedly has a max data speed of only 40Gbps. If someone can who knows more about this topic can shine some light on this I will be very grateful!
I am not sure if USB4 v2/gen2 is a hardware specific thing or if it is more of a software thing and that a USB4 v1/gen1 port can become USB4 v2/gen2 via a firmware or software update. In Intel platforms, the Barlow Ridge controllers (JHL9440, JHL9450, JHL9480, JHL9540, & JHL9580) are all USB4 v2, and all support DP 2.1 up to UHBR20, but only JHL9480 and 9580 are TB5 (USB4V2), which is also confusing since DP 2.1 is 80Gbps, so should only be supported by JHL9480 and 9580.
Why am I even concern about the USB4 version and speed for the Flow Z13 2025? Well, all because the new XG Mobile 2025 with the laptop version of RTX 5090. It utilizes a TB5 connection, and is compatible with TB4 and USB4. If Flow Z13 2025's USB4 ports are somehow V2, then it can pair well with the new XG Mobile 2025's TB5 and gain access to the 80Gbps/80Gbps (symmetric) or 120Gbps/40Gbps (asymmetric). But if it isn't USB4 V2, then then old proprietary ASUS connector that is on the 2022/2023 models of Z13 (as well as Ally/AllyX, X13, etc.) would be a better choice for the new XG Mobile 2025 to use, but ASUS's thinking is probably that by using TB5, they can sell the new XG Mobile 2025 to more people, and they wouldn't be wrong, I just wish they would also give the new Flow Z13 a USB4 v2 port instead of just the v1 port.
If ASUS is reading this, please give us the USB4 v2 ports on new AMD devices, thanks!
submitted by xorkon to ASUSROG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Adventurous_Long774 Global Retirement Index 2025

Global Retirement Index 2025
submitted by Adventurous_Long774 to costarica [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 thunderboltsow My husband shakes things exactly 15 times, and it's driving me nuts!

I noticed this a few years ago and just sort of shrugged it off. These days, though, it's starting to make me crazy.
Whenever he shakes anything. ANYTHING, he shakes it exactly fifteen times. Always. And always in the same rhythmic pattern.
It's 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, short pause, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7
He gets up before I do, so he's in charge of making the morning's coffee. When he rinses out the pot, it's three rinses, each time holding his hand over the lid and shaking it exactly fifteen times.
If we're having a salad with dinner, he'll pick up the Italian dressing and shake it- exactly fifteen times. Same thing when mixing up some instant iced tea or koolaid.
At the gas pump, squeegying the windshield. Dip, drip, squeege, then shake, exactly fifteen times.
Spray paint? That clicky ball in the can is gonna hit the top and the bottom exactly fifteen times.
For the record, he does not have OCD. He's been tested. He has no similar compulsion to do anything else for a fixed number of repetitions. This is the only thing he does like this.
Every damn day, at least once (for the coffee) and usually again for some random thing. I can literally count to fifteen by eight then seven in my effing head! It was OK before we both got to work remote, but now I'm dreading every time I hear him get up. Will he find something to shake? When will the count start? I simply can't ignore it anymore.
submitted by thunderboltsow to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 davidfliesplanes Shunter at rest

Shunter at rest submitted by davidfliesplanes to trainsimworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 t1ffmeow expires tonight

submitted by t1ffmeow to VictoriasSecret [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 diligent_mouse_724 Closing Sapphire Preferred but awaiting Chase Travel refund?

Hello! As the title states, I want to close my credit card before Feb 1st so my annual fee can be refunded. Not looking for "don't close your card" advice (I have already transferred most of my available credit to another Chase cc). In October, there was a $100 cash back promo with Sapphire so I booked a trip through Chase Travel. The flight has changed multiple times to the point that the itinerary does not work for me anymore. United Airlines gave me the option to cancel for a full refund, even though it is basic economy, due to the constant changes. I requested the cancellation on Monday, and I was told it could take up to 7 business days to clear. From what I have read, most people do not receive the refund in their current billing statement. Will I be able to close my credit card and still receive my refund through another means? Should I just lose the $95 annual fee to make sure I still receive my $1,000 flight refund?
submitted by diligent_mouse_724 to ChaseSapphire [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 Physical-Estate-6335 Guys we need more peiple to join our alliance!! So if your intrested, join

Guys we need more peiple to join our alliance!! So if your intrested, join submitted by Physical-Estate-6335 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:02 OkCategory9615 What the 🔔

What the 🔔 This is my friend’s PEG - E on start and mine .. how is this fair?! She got 100 dices and 45 rewards at the start choice meanwhile I have a pathetic 10 dices..
submitted by OkCategory9615 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 Ri4iRi4 Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum Foundation Reshaping Leadership

submitted by Ri4iRi4 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 realshuri Check out the patch notes for the LoL patch 25.S1.2

submitted by realshuri to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 Moddiffy Hľadám offroad akcie

Ahojte chcel by som sa spýtať ľudí z offroad komunity či by mi niekto vedel poradiť zaujímavé akcie. Ideálne niečo čo je aj na viac dní napr podobné Trans-carpathia rally.
submitted by Moddiffy to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 TheDroGuy9 Laundry

Just had an issue at my house where my closet had mold due condensation from this cold. I have two garbage bags of cloths with mold on them. Anyone know of a laundry mat that might be able to help save them?
submitted by TheDroGuy9 to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 DiOzzy54 Hot Hutson take: he won’t get it, but he will be in the Norris Trophy conversation this season

submitted by DiOzzy54 to HabsNation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 Key-Sample-7860 Bachelor trip golf recommendations Mesa, AZ

Hey guys, I’m planning a bachelor party and want to get 2 rounds of golf in with about 8 guys in late May? Are there any affordable golf courses you would recommend. Last time I was there I played Dobson Ranch and loved it. Any other courses that are a must?
submitted by Key-Sample-7860 to golf [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 HaleyBaby713 Trades?

Trades? Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
submitted by HaleyBaby713 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 M4DD1GAN sirgrafvonburgund on Instagram

sirgrafvonburgund on Instagram Good to see the fellas are still at it
submitted by M4DD1GAN to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:01 Cautious_Ring8574 Save big on a new Tesla! Use my referral link for up to $1,000 off FREE LIFETIME SUPERCHARGING when you buy a new Model S or Foundation Series Cybertruck in the US!
submitted by Cautious_Ring8574 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]