I bought Valve Index through my friend's account (unavailable in my region), yet, Steam Support added the game to my account. Steam Support is just amazing.

2025.01.22 23:12 azizfcb I bought Valve Index through my friend's account (unavailable in my region), yet, Steam Support added the game to my account. Steam Support is just amazing.

I bought Valve Index through my friend's account (unavailable in my region), yet, Steam Support added the game to my account. Steam Support is just amazing. submitted by azizfcb to Steam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 amk1258 Snake plant update and advice needed!!

Snake plant update and advice needed!! Pic 2: the right hand plant which feels very healthy, study in it dirt, and has perked up significantly in the last 6 months. Pic 3: the 2 new leaves the right hand plant has grown, both of which feel very healthy
Pic 4: the left hand plant, whose 2+ year old leaves have been slowly rotting off of the plant. Pic 5: the part below the red line seems to be separated from the 2 rotten leaves (which are above the red line) underneath the dirt. The tiny broken tipped leaf and even tinier guy are all that’s grown in the past 6 months.
History on this plant: It’s about 4 years old. Fiancée had it before we met, they were originally planted in separate hanging pots in a dark bedroom. About 2 years ago I noticed how badly they were doing and repotted, finding there were 0 roots on either plant. I wasn’t aware they like to be crowded so at that point, I planted them in way too big of a ceramic coated pot. They grew a couple leaves but no more roots.
6 months ago I replanted them into this much smaller pot with better draining soil and a clay pot to try to avoid root rot. The plant on the right seems to be thriving but the plant on the left just cannot catch up.
Current issues: I’d love advice on what to do for the poor guy on the left. I think the two rotted leaves have separated from the base, so am I good to remove them? Do I need to take the plant out to make sure everything rotted is off the root ball (per the story above, I really don’t want to uproot it if I don’t have to, it’s been trying to grow roots and I don’t want to hurt that.)
It gets watered about every 1.5-2 weeks when it is fully dry. The soil is a mix of multiple fast draining mediums and it’s in a clay pot. It is on a table right next to a window facing east, so it does not get tons of direct sunlight but lots of good indirect sunlight.
submitted by amk1258 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 bleigh420 CPF number and Electroal discharge certificate???

Really need help! My partner is Brazilian I am not but he is clueless when it comes to this so I am trying to do it for him, he lost his passport a few months ago and we’ve been going around in circles trying to get a new one. First off it requires a CPF number, he didn’t even know this was a thing. We are trying to get it through the e-consular website. However to get the CPF number it keeps asking us for a copy of his Electoral Discharge Certificate??? How the hell does he get that? He only has a voter registration number, we tried to find a way to get it on the tse.jus.br website but we have no clue where to even start. Can someone please help? We’ve been trying to do this now for 3 months, we find some document and send it off but they say it’s not right and have gotten no where. Can someone tell us exactly what to press on and what to do like we are 10 years old. The consulate of Brazil doesn’t have a number we can call and when I email they just send me the link for the website I am already on, but no instructions on how to obtain the discharge certificate. Any help appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by bleigh420 to Brazil [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 KCid816 Lmk Wyt 6yrs play

Just getting bored with game anyone else feel this way
submitted by KCid816 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Justadude1911 Got the call…

That my package arrived while I was at work, and my wife got to it before I did.
submitted by Justadude1911 to Tudor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 kasym1 414336224149 Raid hour!!!

414336224149 Raid hour!!! submitted by kasym1 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 water__botle I made a Wasteland, Baby! Themed brick for my school's music room

I made a Wasteland, Baby! Themed brick for my school's music room At my school, seniors in music classes get to decorate a brick on the music room wall. I kind of tried to mimic the colors of the Wasteland, Baby! album cover and used a lyric from the song. It took my about 4 hours over the span of a few days. I really like how it turned out, I might make some tweaks to the letters later to clean them up, but I thought I'd share anyway. I hope you guys like it!
submitted by water__botle to Hozier [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Portugalpaul Second date, made dinner. Will she be impressed?

Second date, made dinner. Will she be impressed? submitted by Portugalpaul to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Furina-Fan I may have found an explanation for #itzlipofutzli

I found this old video https://youtu.be/gnBXKmxjqlU?feature=shared In the description, it's explained that #itzlipofutzli is a group Searge was part of. "Hello and welcome to the first (And probably only) video on this channel. This was an attempt at the End Book Challenge set by SeargeDP in our group of #Itzlipofutzli Sadly due to complete darkness, creepers and a bug we could not complete this challenge in the end. But it was all great fun (Someone else managed to complete the challenge as soon as we failed anyway) Soenjoy watching I guess." Is the description.
submitted by Furina-Fan to MinecraftClues [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 pigeon-luk Weather boosted deoxys 2 locals 905854929426

submitted by pigeon-luk to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 CodingWhileRaving Situação Financeira Jovem

Bons dias!
Vim fazer este post para saber se estou no rumo correto, ou se estou a arriscar demais.
Tenho 21. Invisto desde os 18 em Crypto, e desde os 20 em SP500. Em Crypto investi +- 2700€, e tenho +- 8000€. Em SP500, investi +- 9000€ e tenho +- 12000€. Sempre tentei fazer uma alocação de depósitos de +- 75/25 (75% em SP500 e 25% em crypto), porém, como as crypto cresceram bastante nestes últimos 3 anos, a alocação real neste momento está em +- 60/40. Não tenho nenhum fundo de emergência, apenas deixo cerca de 1000€ na conta à ordem para eventuais gastos.
Estou neste momento a fazer um estágio profissional, recebendo +- 1100-1200€ limpos, e vivo com os meus pais.
Os meus pais emprestaram me algum dinheiro para ajudar a comprar o carro, e estou-lhes a dar 500€ por mês. Eles ofereceram-se a fazer isso porque, como não investem (apesar de já lhes ter tentado meter o bichinho), desta forma eu não teria de tirar o dinheiro dos investimentos para pagar o carro.
Após este contexto, as minhas questões são: 1. Devo realocar o portfólio, para alocar mais no SP500? 2. Devo retirar algum dinheiro para criar um fundo de emergência já?
Todos os conselhos e opiniões são bem-vindas 👌
submitted by CodingWhileRaving to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Upstairs-Menu0000 Nigella Lawson

Nigella Lawson submitted by Upstairs-Menu0000 to UK_babes_underrated [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Seesaw-Natural English Cause of Death Request

English Cause of Death Request Can someone help me decipher this full cause of death please?
submitted by Seesaw-Natural to Transcription [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 DoktorEcho Employment: Don't Bother With Compunnel

This is the shit we complain about when we say we can't get jobs. This was after three days of calling. Fuck this third-party contractor in general, they're incompetent.
submitted by DoktorEcho to ColumbusOhio [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Sea_Contract_9796 How can I make my classmate stop staring at me everyday?

This has been going on since the beginning of the school year. First, I'm going to say how it started. He's in my English and PE class. In English, I noticed he was staring at me a lot but I didn't say anything. At lunch, I decided to ask him "Everytime I'm around you, why do you always stare at me?" His claim "I was doing something weird". I can't think of anything I did weird but okay. From this day on, I he was staring at me every single day. He looks at me all the time in PE and passing by in the hallways.
Each time I always say stop staring at me but he still does it. He literally stares at me EVERY DAY. It's really aggravating
submitted by Sea_Contract_9796 to confessions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 PrestigiousAuthor487 Author James Joyce is dooo's spiritual ancestor

submitted by PrestigiousAuthor487 to TheDooo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 CharmingChemical580 Grace entity concept: beefydie cat

Grace entity concept: beefydie cat submitted by CharmingChemical580 to Graceroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 2EyeCyclop Any way to skip the first cutscene when you start a new episode in sly 2[PAL]

I recently acquired sly 2 and the CD is a bit scratched I managed to reach the 7th episode with no issues but the cd keeps freezing in the middle of the intro cutscene (more specifically when the crew overlooks the cut forest). Up until now I've been 100 % ing all other episodes so I really don't want to stop now.
submitted by 2EyeCyclop to Slycooper [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 a_cupcake ✨ Clionadh Cosmetics 6 new Slick-adelic Magnetics + opening the vault!

submitted by a_cupcake to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 WestAppointment2484 Experiencing higher blood pressure due to new meds. Can anyone shed some insight on my readings?

Started new meds (adhd meds so they are known to increase BP) and I have been monitoring. After any kind activity right away, my BP will be in that 140/100 range. (not normal for me without the meds). And after resting 15 minutes it seems to return to normal. My question is how dangerous is this long term? Being that it is 140/100 even after simply walking. Pre medication it wasn’t ever this high.
I understand we’re supposed to wait until we rest to check BP, but with my numbers being this high in general is this dangerous or a risk?
submitted by WestAppointment2484 to bloodpressure [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Wonderful-Depth-448 Insertion sites vs. Skin

Have had pump since 2006. Had 45 degree Medtronic infusion sets now have switched to 90 degree Tandem. I am pretty thin and to avoid inserting right into muscle I only really have upper glute and abdominal regions to work with. I switch and rotate as best as I possibly can. My skin is so callous and scar tissue is building up after 19 years. Don’t really feel like it negatively impacts delivery (maybe on last day of site at worst) but it inevitably will. Any suggestions on preserving the skin in these areas? General skincare advice or how to manage for lifelong pumpers? Thanks in advance pretty new to Reddit and this community is so cool what a stupid disease lol
submitted by Wonderful-Depth-448 to Type1Diabetes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Hickory55 How is this possible?

I’ve had a persistent, croup like cough for years. Doctor: you’re fine, but lose weight.
I’m on thyroid meds & get labs checked regularly, but I’m still sooooo tired, can’t concentrate, hair still falling out, still stop dry skin. Doctor: you’re fine, but lose weight.
My migraine headaches, which last 4-5 days at a time and happen a couple times a month are drastically affecting my life and work, and no meds are working. Doctor: lose weight.
I’m 12 years post-menopausal, haven’t had the symptoms in over a decade, and suddenly having hot flashes, night sweats, & mood swings again. Doctor: huh, that’s weird. Lose weight.
No, I’m not kidding. Yes I am about 30 pounds overweight. No, I’m not obese (female size 10). Yes I am eating better and trying to exercise more.
So, is it really weight that is causing everything??
submitted by Hickory55 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 toastysmores8 G59 House?

I’m casually scrolling through tiktok and i’m seeing multiple posts about a supposed “G59 house” and taking “applications” Looks like some possible newer fan activity Can someone genuinely explain to me what exactly these “newer” fans are trying to do here? Seems like a goofy thing right lol love to get some thoughts
submitted by toastysmores8 to G59 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 apslt92 Old picture of my combo

Old picture of my combo Found an old picture of my combo on my camera roll.
submitted by apslt92 to PassportPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:12 Newzab I'm older and bad at every major thing

Or a lot of people would say that about me if they watched me. Sample of some of the big things:
Things I do in an extremely half-assed way:

Things I don't do:
I'm over 40, I wonder if I can change at this point. I've done some of these things better at some points in my life, but it's never been everything running smoothly with good habits.
Any olds have advice?
I think the only thing to do is little goals each day. Tiny habits method. I don't know.
If I could double down on will power... that would be great, but that's not really me.
submitted by Newzab to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]
