Draw My Sisters Doggies?

Wie meine Vorredner sehe ich da keine grossen abers für eine Übernahme von der Hündin. Das einzige was ich aus eigener Erfahrung hinzufügen möchte, ist dass der erste Eindruck wenn man den Hund selbst an der Leine hat, nicht das sein wird, was der Hund bei einem zuhause nach 3 Tagen, 3 Wochen und 3 Monaten zeigen wird. River kennt ein Stopp-Kommando auf Distanz und führt das auch ziemlich zuverlässig aus, aktuell so auf ca. 10 m (weil sie sich gar nicht wirklich weiter von mir wegbewegt). Nun möchte ich das gerne mit der Pfeife verbinden. Habe aber absolut keine… Ich stelle mir die Frage, ob es nochmal einen Unterschied macht im Verhalten, wenn ein Rüde nur gechipt ist gegenüber einer definitiven Kastration. Gibts Erfahrungen hierzu? Zum Hintergrund: Ich habe mich entschieden, Yorik aus der Zucht zu nehmen und… Das Forum für den Hundefreund. Der erste Hund? Welcher Hund passt zu mir? Was gilt es beim Kauf zu beachten? Ich hatte heute in meinen Fleischpaketen, die ich wöchentlich frisch beim Metzger abhole, frische Schweineohren drin. Ups! Kann ich die selber im Backofen trocknen ohne das es stinkt wie S.. ;)? Falls ja: wie lange bei wieviel Grad? Hallo zusammen Ich hab mich gestern im Fressnapf beraten lassen, da ich einen guten Kauartikel für Takeo gesucht habe, den er nicht gleich nach 2 Sekunden :biggrin: aufgefuttert hat. Darauf hin hat die nette Dame mir das Kalbsbrustbein Empfohlen und… Hatte schon mal ein Hund von euch Librela gespritzt bekommen? Und falls ja, wie war die Reaktion? Lady hat am Donnerstag ihre erste Librela Spritze erhalten. Mein TA hat mir erklärt, dass das die Schmerzrezeptoren hemmt, es ist also kein Schmerzmittel… Die stille Mitleserin meldet sich auch wieder mal zu Wort :zwinker: Milly ist jetzt seit etwa einem Monat bei uns und hat seitdem immer sehr weichen Kot und oft Durchfall. Da es zeitweise besser wurde, haben wir immer gedacht es liegt am Stress und… Wir überlegen uns im Juni nach Sizilien zu gehen. Überfahrt mit der Fähre von Genua nach Palermo. Dort hätten wir dann ein Ferienhaus (Hunde natürlich erlaubt) War jemand schon mit Hund in Sizilien? (Zia glaube ich?) Habt ihr Tipps oder Anregungen was… Ich möchte nun doch wieder für 2 hunde eine tierversicherung abschliessen. Was ich so lese soll animalia und wau-miau gut sein. (Habe eben gesehen, das thema gabs ja schon) Aber wenn ich das google, kommen mehrere tierversicherungen die animalia heissen…

2025.01.22 23:14 queerlyafrog Draw My Sisters Doggies?

Draw My Sisters Doggies? These are my sisters doggos and they are like her whole life! They’re like brothers fighting and playing together and messing with each other. They even have matching Christmas Jammie’s! I adore them & would love to show my sister some art of them 🩵
submitted by queerlyafrog to redditgetsdrawnbadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 No_Jelly_7936 Hello everyone, I’m a 21year old female from the uk 🇬🇧 I’ve just started out doing some logo designs and I’m looking to make a better go of it. I won’t be limited to just logos, I can do social media backgrounds and banners, business cards and flyers with the requested designs people wish for.

Hello everyone, I’m a 21year old female from the uk 🇬🇧 I’ve just started out doing some logo designs and I’m looking to make a better go of it. I won’t be limited to just logos, I can do social media backgrounds and banners, business cards and flyers with the requested designs people wish for. Here’s just a few examples that I’ve been requested for to my locals. Very positive and great feedback. I don’t quite know where to get started however all I know is I can be creative lol
submitted by No_Jelly_7936 to GraphicDesigning [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 TastyCity21 Benedict Bridgerton

Benedict Bridgerton submitted by TastyCity21 to PhiloiseBridgerton [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 domtomm WB WITH LOCALS ADDING ALL 278276529030

WB WITH LOCALS ADDING ALL 278276529030 submitted by domtomm to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 FeralXenomorph My first step

My first step submitted by FeralXenomorph to Political_Revolution [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 Knightbear49 Blue Jays Sign Christian Bethancourt, Richard Lovelady To Minor League Deals

Blue Jays Sign Christian Bethancourt, Richard Lovelady To Minor League Deals submitted by Knightbear49 to baseball [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 Whistleblower793 I wish we knew who Christine and Meri’s therapists are

Whoever is giving them professional help is truly amazing and deserves public accolades. They’ve done an excellent job helping these two women.
submitted by Whistleblower793 to SisterWives [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 detailsac AI Checker for Turnitin

If you’re searching for a dependable way to check your work using Turnitin’s AI detection software, I have a discord server where members are able to get documents checked by this tool, which is typically exclusive for educators.
Any writers, students, or people just looking to refine their content should feel free to join. They can: - Run their work through Turnitin's AI Detection for peace of mind - Connect with writers who are navigating AI enhanced creativity - Share tips, tricks, and experiences to level up your writing
submitted by detailsac to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 Gypsumi Been obsessing over the designs from ep10

Been obsessing over the designs from ep10 submitted by Gypsumi to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 user-2244 Anyone else plan on joining them on the episode 200 "celebration"

Anyone else plan on joining them on the episode 200 submitted by user-2244 to SleepDeprivedPodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 SevenBeavers Saeco Odea Giro Plus: repairable?

submitted by SevenBeavers to superautomatic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 carolinaaaa10 What do you think?

I was going to my daughters ABA right? Well on my way over there I got on the elevator with a dad and their autistic kid age I believe 12/13. Anyways while going up to the therapy, the 12 year old pulled down her pants, squat down and peed on the floor. I went to the corner but the dad started screaming at her in their own language and started yanking her by the hand to get up. The elevator door opened and she was still peeing and yank her out with her pants and underwear down all the way to the restroom. I wanted to cry. I didn’t know what to do because it was just something that was shocking to me. Once I got to the therapy he was there too I wanted to speak to my child’s therapist to let her know what had happened but he was just looking at me. What do you guys think? Am I right for trying to report it to them or should I not intervene?
submitted by carolinaaaa10 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 carl84 James Joyce was Karl's uncle?

James Joyce was Karl's uncle? submitted by carl84 to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 pancakesandcoffee1 4th Grade Math Curriculum Recommendations

We have been using Saxon Math and are almost ready to switch to 4th grade and would like to use something a little more exciting. My child has a learning disability in math along with ADHD so we thought Saxon would be great as the pages are non distracting and the repetition would help with the low attention span, but it has gotten just plain boring for my child at this point which leads to not wanting to do school work, meltdowns etc. We supplement with Time4Learning, but we need something hands on. We use The Good and the Beautiful for Language but I don't think it would be a good math program for my child's specific needs.
submitted by pancakesandcoffee1 to homeschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 Ok_Notice368 Undesired Closure

After a year of being dumped, and (for the most part) continuing no contact where my ex got into a situationship (where she apparently loved this guy before he ghosted her), she reached out to me. We were "friends" for about a week, where I was the main person she talked to; where she admitted she loved me as a friend and nothing more; where she's said she's in no position to settle down with anyone, let alone me; where she at first did stuff like hug me tightly, give forehead kisses, hold my hand, etc. before letting up.
What I got from it (before blocking her on everything and getting her to apologize for hurting me), was that she has developed into a damaged, self-sabatoging, immature person. Whether this was a hidden part of her unleashed by whatever happened during the breakup, or whatever. I know some may try to diagnose her as an avoidant attachment style, but I'm skeptical mainly because she seemed mostly anxious (albeit with hints of avoidant when she loved me romantically).
I got the information that I needed from her, in both what she has directly said, and what she has inadvertently implied. She is not technically over her situationship. She does not love me romantically anymore, despite missing the good parts of the relationship. She is scared to love me romantically because of what may happen (and makes subconscious excuses as to why she doesn't want to try). She wants to "have fun" and see if the grass is greener. She's not mentally ready to settle down with anyone.
I blocked her on everything the other day, for my wellbeing/self-control. I tell myself everyday the following: "I can't hate anyone, but I do not love her anymore. The person I love does not exist anymore–I don't doubt a part of her lives on, but is suppressed by who she is now. I have no desire to get back together with who she is now."
I guess I want to ask, in anyone's experience, whether she will someday regret her lack of introspection. Whether she will realize I was better than she could ever find, and that the grass isn't greener. Not that I would take her back (unless she has truly changed, and unless it isn't even a little bit too late). I just would prefer the peace of mind that she will never forget the life she missed, even if I never talk to her again.
submitted by Ok_Notice368 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 RWBYLWDR White Knight Wednesday: Cuddle ( NaiTouRSE )

White Knight Wednesday: Cuddle ( NaiTouRSE ) submitted by RWBYLWDR to RWBY_Weiss_Schnee [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 F3LK__ Why can't I log in to ZZZ?

Why can't I log in to ZZZ? I was playing normally after the 1.5 update when suddenly my game returned to the main menu and logged me out of my account. Every time I try to log in again, it says "authorization failed" and asks me to try again. At first, I thought it was just a bug or server maintenance, but it's been two hours since it happened, and nothing has changed. Anyone else experiencing this? (I don't know if it makes a difference, but I use a Google account.)
submitted by F3LK__ to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 DTG_Bot X.Com/Twitter Links have been added to the DTG Domain Blacklist

Greetings Guardians,
Going forward, all direct links to the x.com/twitter.com domains will be automatically removed by our automod. This decision falls in line with the dozens of other subreddits across this site (including Destiny subreddits) due to various compounding reasons, one of which is difficulty of access and content restrictions, but recent events have accelerated our desire to emphasize the need for viable alternatives.
Thankfully, this is a topic that has already been discussed many times with the community already, so coming to this decision was relatively easy.

We do not anticipate this change will cause any significant disruption to the community. If we were to take a recent TwitteX information post, for example, "D2Team provides insight onto why Slayer's Fang deals self-damage, much like many other weapons which also do the same", this post is entirely identical to what would still be allowed on the subreddit. The only change would be that instead of a direct link, OP would either provide a Bluesky link, or simply state "Source: @Destiny2Team" in plaintext.
Unexpectedly, we also got a teaser of the TWID on X/Twitter today, and the original poster who wanted to share that information to the subreddit sent us a modmail asking how he should proceed. At the time, we did not have our policies finalized, so we allowed the post (and OP provided imgur screenshots of the tweet for those who did not want to click the link). This is an excellent way to provide this information as well. The only change going forward would be the removal of the original link.
We're happy that Bungie has already made movements away from the X, providing access to their necessary social updates through other means such as...
As well as community and third party access tools which can provide insight into their posts, such as:
While initially we were going to poll the community for a final verdict on whether or not we should go forward, we found that we could implement this policy with little disruption to the subreddit, and we figured that a prompt response rather than delaying actions with further feedback or polling would be the best choice. Plus, your feedback through modmail and on the few meta posts we have seen have already shown more than enough majority support for this action.
Going forward, direct links to X.com/Twitter will be automatically deleted and given an alert by the automod, prompting the user to resubmit their post or comment. This post serves as an announcement of this policy going forward, and if you have any questions or concerns, our modmail is always open to you guys.
See you all in Episode Heresy,
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 ConsciousSpray1549 Novo no virtual e novo no rouvy.

Desde já agradecer qualquer input. Sou novo no ciclismo virtual. Adquiri um elite direto XR T. Para ja estou com um laptop e parece que a imagem arrasta um pouco. Algumas dúvidas: além da aplicação para executar as rotas vocês usam alguma outra como a CompanionApp ou outras? Alguém já fez setup com um iPhone e a conectar hdmi com um monitor maior? Todos os dias surgem perguntas novas. Agradeço a partilha
submitted by ConsciousSpray1549 to Rouvy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 ThrowRAEquivalent_Co My desires as an allo flared up and might ruin my relationship with my ace girlfriend

Hi, this is somewhat a rant and somewhat asking for advice.
I [M27] have been with my girlfriend [F26] for almost eight years now. Our relationship started out somewhat abnormal, we met online, started out long distance and then moved in to study together pretty much immediately. So for the longest time of the relationship we lived together.
At the start we had what I would call an average sex life. I came out of a pretty much hypersexual relationship so I knew that I shouldn't expect too much but it was nice. Over time though it became less and less and at some point she figured out for herself that she is asexual. She sees anything sexual where she is involved as repulsive and also extremely struggles with kisses.
Essentially we haven't had sex or anything of the sort, including deep kisses and or making out in about six years now. For the longest time I've been perfectly fine with that. I managed myself, we snuggle a lot and things were good. I had flare ups of these types of emotions from time to time, we talked about it and it went away again. Additionally we decided to open the relationship sexually to let me have some sexual relief which has not really worked out over the years so that is not what this post is about.
About two months ago, for no reason in particular, I experienced the worst hit of those feelings of neglect, need and frustration ever. It was really overwhelming. I started thinking more about myself over the past year, working on anxiety and depression and overall just trying to let go of some toxic behaviour that I put onto myself.
Additionally, through some mutual friends I met someone who really made me question if I actually managed my needs over the years or just suppressed myself. To not make anyone nervous, there is no cheating involved in any of this and every person involved knows about the others. Regardless, I had a taste of not even a sexual relation but just being touched by a person who wants me and likewise who wanted me to touch them on a physical, lustful level.
Since then my head is a mess. I realized that what I thought I managed was just me pushing down my feelings and needs again and again until I grew almost numb to it.
I convinced myself that a breakup is the only option but since we're together for so long and communication is key we had a long talk. It was rough. She justifiedly feels betrayed because to her the relationship was perfect and she never saw or felt like I had these problems. Either way we decided to try to fix it. She says that know that she knows that I felt neglected on a physical level she can put more effort into it.
Now here's where things get complicated. She's trying, she really is. I get more, deeper kisses, receive more hugs, we're holding hands when we take walks and she's overall sweeter to me. I told her again and again that I don't want her to do things she dislikes because she wants to keep the relationship going but she just tells me thats not the case, that its not a problem for me. That rubs me the wrong way. Years of regularly asking for kisses, questioning her if maybe sometimes we could kiss more or deeper, sometimes packing it in jokes, sometimes seriously asking and now, all of a sudden she can do it?
I realize its childish, I should just be happy that I finally get some of the things I so desperately desired but honestly, after my realizations I struggle to find her attractive in the same way that I had before. It is very out of character for her to do these things and in the past she told me that she disliked them for various reasons.
Granted, at first I was being drawn to the other person I mentioned above but that feeling is cleared out now. Now I am just sitting here confused. Everything should be good, should be back to normal but I keep feeling nothing but doubt.
What if my feelings flare up again? What if I feel like I need sex after all? I understand that the way she is as a person means she cannot understand and or feel the way in which I want to be desired and desire her, but can I really live with that for the rest of my life?
Just a short while ago I had a clear future with her in mind, and now, because of my dumb desires I feel like it all crumbles around me. She gives me more intimacy and acts as if everything is the same but I really feel like I am losing attraction to her in a romantic and intimate way because of all that has happened. It feels...acted, dishonest and somehow forced even. She keeps saying thats not the case but I have a hard time convincing myself of that.
Maybe this post doesn't fit here all that well but in the end it boils down to us being two very different people because of our sexuality. Even if she gives me a deep, long kiss I know that for her its not about intimacy or because she feels the desire to do so, it's about giving me what I want and that feeling sucks. Sometimes I feel disgusted with myself.
I don't know if these feelings will go away. I keep going like normal but feel locked in place. I find myself anxious when she's with me and relieved when she is gone yet at the same time I truly enjoy spending time with her. She is my best friend after all, I just don't know if I ever even considered her truly a romantic partner, maybe I was just happy to have a close female friend?
I tried grounding exercises, looking back at our past, reminding myself of fun times, looking at pictures, etc and while I do feel like these moments made me truly happy I cannot honestly tell right now if these feelings are because I spent them with my girlfriend or with a friend I'm really close with.
Maybe someone can offer some advice? I know that I might wake up tomorrow and feel fine but I'm terrified of waking up months, maybe years from now and feeling like I made a terrible mistake. Likewise I'm scared that breaking up might be a terrible mistake when ultimately life together is good and comfortable.
I understand there is no simple solution here, but I have no one to talk to about this so Reddit it is, I'm sorry for the long text but hey, it needed to go somewhere.
submitted by ThrowRAEquivalent_Co to asexuality [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 honolulu_oahu_mod Local farmer shares her path back to the basics of growing food

Local farmer shares her path back to the basics of growing food submitted by honolulu_oahu_mod to HawaiiPlantMedicine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 Shadowske28 21F Looking for older friends (but younger are also welcome :])

Whenever people who are younger than me tell me about their lives and their problems, I notice that a lot of the things that they are going through are very similar to what I went through when I was their age. Not only can I relate to their problems, but I can also provide them with good advice based on how I dealt with a similar situation. This made me realize that this is probably how older people feel about me and my problems xD. It would be lovely to make friends who are older than me that could teach me what they've learned in life. (This sounds a bit selfish, like if I'm going to use them for advice only, but I promise that's not what I mean XD. I'm just trying to explain my logic for why I've thought about looking for older people in particular.) I've also realized that the older we get, the lonelier we become. I'm only 32 and I already feel I don't have many people I can count on in my life. I can't imagine what it'll be like when I'm older :( so if there are people out there who are as lonely as me and would like to make a new friend, please reach out! -
submitted by Shadowske28 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 Scandibrovians SodaPoppin unsuccessful in ZG Hide and Seek after 1.5 hours

SodaPoppin unsuccessful in ZG Hide and Seek after 1.5 hours submitted by Scandibrovians to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 BlueFireSnorlax Would Thad Lose?

Would Thad Lose? submitted by BlueFireSnorlax to GlitchProductions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:14 SnooDonuts2973 Is this a baby roach?

Is this a baby roach? Please say no. I have seen 20 recently.
submitted by SnooDonuts2973 to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]
