Scared, HPV Colposcope 29F

其实男性感染了hpv跟女性一样,绝大多数都可以通过自身免疫力清除掉病毒,但是有少数会出现尖锐湿疣,极少数持续性感染了高危型hpv的话还会发生癌变,虽然男性不会有宫颈癌,但有一定概率会出现阴茎癌、肛门癌以及口腔癌等. 第二个问题需要治疗吗? 可有数据统计惊人地发现,男性感染hpv病毒并不会随着年龄增长而降低,而且在整个感染hpv的人群中,男性比例要远远高于女性! 大多数男性感染HPV病毒后一般没有症状或症状轻微 ,感染后长期带菌,少数男性感染HPV病毒后易引起良性的 寻常疣、趾疣、扁平疣 等: 导语:hpv病毒目前是人类唯一已知的能够诱发女性宫颈癌的病毒。在关注女性健康的话题上,一定少不了对hpv病毒的讨论。根据目前临床上的统计,有接近半数的女性hpv阳性感染者在被发现时感染hpv病毒时,已经感染超过一年,这个数据细思极恐。 hpv病毒是有一定可能性的彻底治愈,但是也要根据不同的分型来说。如果是低危型的病毒,基本不需要治疗,不会对人体产生什么影响,一段时间后也会消失。但是如果是高危型的病毒,就需要长期服用抗病毒的药物、增强自身免疫力进行治疗。 其中 hpv–1 和 hpv–2 的皮肤感染与跖疣或手部寻常疣相关 , hpv–6 和 hpv–11 亚型与绝大多数生殖器尖锐湿疣相关 。 高危型 HPV 的持续感染可能引起宫颈癌 , 约有 90% 的宫颈癌与其有关 , 目前已分离出的 HPV 中至少有 14 个型别可导致宫颈癌 、 阴道癌 、 外阴癌或阴茎癌 。 hpv检查对于男性来说并不属于常规体检内的项目,但是在以下两种情况下男性是有必要做hpv检查的。 1 伴侣存在HPV感染 众所周知HPV主要是通过性行为传播的,当另一半存在HPV感染的时候,男性很大概率也处于HPV的感染状态。 目前国内已上市的hpv疫苗有三种,根据其可预防的hpv病毒亚型数量,可以分为二价、四价与九价hpv疫苗。 其中,“价”越高,代表可预防的hpv病毒亚型越多。 二价. 预防病毒类型:主要针对hpv16以及18两种高危hpv病毒的预防。在我国,约70%的宫颈癌是由hpv16和18 ... 其中 hpv–1 和 hpv–2 的皮肤感染与跖疣或手部寻常疣相关,hpv–6 和 hpv–11 亚型与绝大多数生殖器尖锐湿疣相关。 高危型 HPV 的持续感染可能引起宫颈癌,约有 90% 的宫颈癌与其有关,目前已分离出的 HPV 中至少有 14 个型别可导致宫颈癌、阴道癌、外阴癌或阴茎癌。 下面是针对男性hpv,美国cdc(美国疾病控制与预防中心)发布的相关说明 什么是生殖器人乳头瘤病毒 (hpv)? 生殖器人乳头瘤病毒 (hpv) 是一种常见病毒。 在美国,大多数性活跃的人在他们一生中的某个时候都会感染 hpv。有超过 40 种类型的 hpv 通过性接触传播。 您现在查出来HPV感染,建议您再补充做TCT(宫颈脱落细胞学)检查。 Tct是看宫颈是否有可疑病变的细胞或者癌细胞。Hpv是看是否感染人乳头瘤病毒,因为高危型HPv病毒持续性感染和宫颈癌癌前病变以及宫颈癌密切相关,90%的宫颈癌都由高危HPv病毒感染引起的。

2025.01.23 00:11 Snoodzfordayz Scared, HPV Colposcope 29F

This is gonna be long, bear with me….Can we acknowledge how annoyingly difficult it is to spell and remember the word colposcope for a sec? Lol. Honestly I’m glad I found this thread. I originally got diagnosed with HPV low risk strain in 2019, and have had the virus persist with no symptoms. No warts or any complications that I can remember apart from general anxiety over it. I still remember getting the result back after a trip where the office took a full five days to give me my pap screening results which indicated an abnormal pap, and a positive test for HPV.
I was honestly so scared and shook as I always was very spare with sexual partners and always used protection with the exception being when I was assaulted by a guy I was seeing at the time. I prided myself on being wholly careful up onto that point with minimal partners…now I’m five years in, and had my first colposcope, with a biopsy because the infection hasn’t cleared. Now I’m seeing this wonderful man, whom I love, after over a year of celibacy until I met him, and I’m terrified. Terrified that this will never clear, that ill developed cervical cancer and that I didn’t disclose my HPV to him because it was only just this year that I’ve had a doctor classify this as an STI, i had my last gyno tell me that this wasn’t a big deal, nor do most doctors even consider it an STI/STD, it clears on its own and it’s nothing that I need to worry about or even disclosing it due to those facts.
Mind you, I’d always used condoms with the few partners I had minus the one non consensual encounter. I love my current partner so much, and I know he cares about me too….i have a whole bunch swimming in my head right now:
One being that I feel like a terrible person because I’m just finding out barely this year that this is something I needed to disclose due to my own negligence in doing more research when really lost in my health anxiety over it.
Two being that I’m terrified of it’s longevity in my system despite lack of symptoms and my most recent normal Pap smear result
And three…I’m terrified I’ll never be able to have kids and that this is going to affect my fertility and ability to have children.
Just to recap, I was diagnosed positive after the assault, I don’t know if it was from that man or a prior partner I had protected sex with; I didn’t know until just this year due to information I was told when I was first diagnosed about how this wasn’t considered an STD/STI to the larger medical community, and disclosure/condoms didn’t seem like a big issue. It was largely downplayed…maybe because of my panic over it; I’m really not sure. I remained celibate for a years before accepting my current partner and discovering more about this as a whole.
How do I tell my partner about this? How do I even begin to start a conversation about this? And how did you all with prolonged HPV lasting 5+ years deal with this? Did it ever clear? What changes did you make?
submitted by Snoodzfordayz to HPV [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 hooded_bean [Gen 7] Chain of 0 + chain of 769

[Gen 7] Chain of 0 + chain of 769 First one was a random encounter, which I found looking for a meowth to chain. Then I chained for 769 to get the second one, easily longest chain I've done. Guess it averages out. Proud of my two ugly cats :D
submitted by hooded_bean to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Traditional_Monk5442 Where are the 1% in this Silo world?

There's a judge, IT director, sheriff and doctor (missing anyone?) as for authorities that run the Silos. Where are the 1%, elites, politicians, etc? Are they all in some 1% Silos? The top level people only seem to be middle class if that.
It's also really weird that the head of IT doesn't know about the advanced technology in the Silo like the so-called AI or algorithm. That might be on purpose.
submitted by Traditional_Monk5442 to SiloSeries [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Rocky_isback Should Apple Create Their Own Gaming Console?

I feel like Apple should create their own console or handheld. Sure, people can just say "buy an Apple TV," because it has games and streaming platforms like a PlayStation. But I think Apple should make a console specifically designed for gaming. Sure, you can also roast me by saying they have an iPhone or iPad that you can use a controller with, or you can game on a Mac, but they should create something directly for games like Apple Arcade, and that's the only thing it has on that machine.
Either a handheld or a console would be great. It would feel safer for kids with games only, or they could just make a Switch-type handheld. This is all just my opinion, but I think they should do something, and it would be a fun way to get a better view of your achievements. My main reason for this is because they promote third-party controllers like the PS5 controller, but they should create their own and market it as a gaming controller for the Apple TV or create a handheld. I saw pictures online, but I don't believe they're real.
What do you all think? Should Apple venture into the gaming console market?
submitted by Rocky_isback to AppleArcade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 bobio7 Appreciate any advice on building an app to generate new code files base on existing codebase

I am building an app that allow user to quickly generate a web app and publish to vercel.
The app should do:

  1. Take an existing codebase, I use repomix to package existing nextJS project codebase into a single text file for LLM - this is completed.
  2. Send codebase package file to Claude via API, user can send instruction to modify the code for the new project, for example, change the main title on home page to "my first app" etc. Minimum customisations for MVP stage, no complex modifications.
  3. Claude API returns the files (not sure if this is possible) or return the responses contains all the code for new file and file structures?
For step #2 and #3, does anyone have any examples or existing JS/TS npm packages that can achieve this? Do I send everything as text prompt to Claude API or upload document via API? I was also looking into artifacts but looks like it is only available via UI not API.
The use case is not viable for user to use Claude UI, as the project is a part of other product with other features, generating new code base on old codebase is only one of the features. So I am trying to achieve it via API.
thanks in advance!
submitted by bobio7 to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 humanoid_42 Xbox Mod or Update?

Xbox Mod or Update? So I just noticed this page on Bethesda's official site under the mods section. I'm playing exclusively on Xbox currently and was wondering if this is a mod or more of an announcement of an update.
It looks like some kind of mod, but from my understanding there are no mods that can be used on Xbox. Yet it clearly says it's for Xbox and just below it PC.
submitted by humanoid_42 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Fantastic-Tune-62 hladam di lera

Dobry den, neviete poradit ako najst alebo rovno odporucit nejakeho, chcem len travu, nikoho tu nepoznam. Ospravedlnujem sa za tento prispevok, neberte ho seriozne. A teraz seriozne, budem rad za kazdu radu.
submitted by Fantastic-Tune-62 to Bratislava [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 mr_oscy PS Plus Query (Switzerland 🇨🇭)

New PS5 owner here... In Switzerland, I'm wondering if it's wise to wait for the end of the month before starting a PS Plus subscription, or is there any anticipated new subscriber deals on the horizon, any EU/Swiss based discounts coming?
I've been planning on picking up a few of the New Years games deals that I like, and then waiting for a subscription deal to pop up. I'll likely go for the Essentials or possibly the Extra tier, but i've heard of the Valhalla days of luring in for that and continuing with ass games, possibly a similar outcome with this months GOWR.
Any tips much appreciated :)
submitted by mr_oscy to PlayStationPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 abarn012 11 DPO- don’t usually use clearblue so I’m not sure what to think

11 DPO- don’t usually use clearblue so I’m not sure what to think submitted by abarn012 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 campbell-charlesdq74 Anyone else get super argumentative on Modafinil?

I’ve been using it and feeling way more productive, focused, and less down. But I've noticed I'm getting into more arguments with my husband. Anyone else experienced this?
submitted by campbell-charlesdq74 to modacommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 grayspot94 Is this a good deck build ?

My friend and I just started going back to tournaments after not playing since XYZ era, and i was wondering if this is a good deck build
Main Deck: 1x Dogmatika Maximus 1x Nadir Servant 1x Grave of the Super Ancient Organism 1x Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood 1x Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill 1x Twin Twisters 1x Solemn Strike 1x Axe of Fools 1x Double-Edged Sword 2x Preparation of Rites 1x Lava Golem 1x Snatch Steal 3x Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko 3x Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko 2x Ashoka Pillar 1x Swords of Revealing Light 2x Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju 1x Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju 1x Angelica's Angelic Ring 3x Mikanko Dance - Mayowashidori 1x Mikanko Kagura 3x Ni-Ni the Mirror Mikanko 2x Arahime the Manifested Mikanko 2x Ohime the Manifested Mikanko 2x The Great Mikanko Ceremony 2x Mikanko Spiritwalk 1x Mikanko Rivalry 2x Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju 2x Mikanko Promise 1x Mikanko Fire Dance 1x Mikanko Water Arabesque 1x Heavenly Gate of the Mikanko
1x Mikanko Reflection Rondo Extra Deck: 1x Scareclaw Tri-Heart 1x Elder Entity N'tss 1x Golden Cloud Beast - Malong 1x Dyna Mondo 1x Knightmare Unicorn 1x Salamangreat Almiraj 1x Herald of the Arc Light 1x Number 49: Fortune Tune 1x I:P Masquerena
1x The Phantom Knights of Break Sword Side Deck: 1x Lava Golem 1x Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju 1x Ohime the Manifested Mikanko 1x Nadir Servant 1x Cyber Shadow Gardna
submitted by grayspot94 to Yugioh101 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Whatskid32 Deoxys def 7741 7464 8190

submitted by Whatskid32 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 hdfidelity Puerto Ricans in Space presents A Kingdom’s Heart

A ChatGPT Story Puerto Ricans in Space presents A Kingdom’s Heart
Chapter 12: A Brother’s Bond The café in Mayagüez sat at the intersection of two bustling streets, its outdoor tables lit softly by warm lamps that created pools of light on the cobblestone. It was a modest establishment, far from the grandeur of New San Juan, but Sebastián Montalvo had insisted on meeting there. He needed a place with ordinary rhythm, where life was simpler, where the hum of conversation and the scent of freshly brewed coffee could drown out the weight in his thoughts.
Carlos Montalvo y Estrella, his younger brother and a senator with an ever-expanding influence, sat across from him. The two shared the same sharp features, though Carlos’s eyes were warmer, less clouded by the burdens of leadership.
“You’ve been quiet, Sebastián,” Carlos said, stirring his coffee. “Unusual for you.”
Sebastián glanced at him, offering a faint smile. “Just listening. It’s been a while since I could sit like this—hear the laughter, the conversations, the world turning without me having to push it.”
Carlos chuckled. “The world turns doesn't because of people like you, Sebastián. Don’t kid yourself.”
Navigating Policy Through Influence
As they spoke, a middle-aged man approached hesitantly. He wore a worn shirt and carried a straw hat, twisting it nervously in his hands.
“Governor Montalvo,” the man began, addressing Sebastián with the title many still used despite his departure from office. “My apologies for interrupting, but I just wanted to say thank you. My daughter was treated at the clinic in Vega Alta. Without it, we wouldn’t have made it.”
Sebastián stood, shaking the man’s hand warmly. “I’m glad the clinic was able to help. It was built for families like yours. Please, give your daughter my best.”
As the man departed, Carlos raised an eyebrow. “You still wield influence, even without a title. It’s remarkable—and a little unnerving.”
Sebastián sat back down, his expression thoughtful. “Influence is a double-edged sword, Carlos. It can move mountains, but it can also cut deeply if wielded carelessly.”
Carlos leaned forward. “So, how do you wield it now? You’ve got a hand in the House of Lords, the Intelligentsia, the R.I.S., Atlas Defense Systems, labor unions—your reach extends farther than most active governors.”
Sebastián stirred his coffee absently. “Carefully, and only when necessary. I’ve learned that sometimes the best way to lead is to step back and let others find their strength.”
The Young Man’s Plea
The conversation was interrupted by a young man approaching their table. He clutched a folded piece of paper, his face a mix of nerves and determination.
“Governor Montalvo,” he began, his voice trembling slightly, “my family owns a small business here in Mayagüez. We’ve been struggling with the new taxes. I… I don’t know where else to turn. Is there any way you could help?”
Sebastián took the paper, unfolding it carefully. It contained a detailed plea for a reprieve from the increased taxation under Barrera’s administration.
“I can’t promise immediate action,” Sebastián said gently, “but I’ll have someone review this. Your voice deserves to be heard.”
The young man nodded, his gratitude evident. “Thank you, Governor. Truly.”
As he walked away, Carlos smirked. “And how exactly are you going to handle that, big brother? You don’t have executive authority anymore.”
Strategy Over Coffee
Sebastián leaned back, his gaze drifting to the bustling street. “The taxes are suffocating small businesses. Barrera’s austerity measures are short-sighted—they bleed the people dry while benefitting people who are forced to awkwardly shun his relief; his plans have proven through the years, by others weilding those same arguments, to fail in fostering growth in the ways that matter.”
“And what would you do?” Carlos pressed.
Sebastián’s expression sharpened. “I’d ease taxation on essential industries—our industries, agriculture, trade, local manufacturing. In exchange, I’d incentivize reinvestment into the community: hiring locals, funding clinics, supporting schools. Growth in 9 years would offset the initial revenue loss.”
Carlos leaned forward, intrigued. “And how do you make that happen without being governor?”
Sebastián smirked. “I don’t. But I can influence those who are. The House of Lords, the unions, even Barrera’s allies—if they all have a stake in Puerto Rico’s future. They just need to be reminded of it.”
Carlos shook his head, laughing softly. “You always make it sound so simple. But you know as well as I do, politics is a mess.”
Sebastián raised his coffee cup in a mock toast. “True. But messes are my specialty.”
A Glimpse of Hope
As the brothers prepared to leave, Sebastián glanced at the folded paper in his hand. It wasn’t much—a single voice among many—but it was a reminder of why he continued to fight, even without a formal title.
Carlos watched him, his expression softening. “You really can’t stop, can you?”
Sebastián shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips. “Not while there’s work to be done.”
As they conversed sat beside the cobblestone street, the city around them alive with the humble bustle of evening life, Sebastián felt his sense of purpose renewed. He might not ever hold the governor’s seat again, but his influence was far from diminished.
submitted by hdfidelity to hdfidelity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 kadooboo Hooooooly freak

Hooooooly freak submitted by kadooboo to IDF [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 111111MMMC Australien

Australien submitted by 111111MMMC to okoidawappler [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Alepro1335_1 sim card only detecting for a few secs after restart and when it worked it was impossible to get sms ( galaxy tab E 9.6 SM-T567V)

i have found this tablet in a drawer in my house it had some stuff in it no password and a microsd and no sim so i decided to take it and bought a sim for it so it worked for a few weeks but it had no sms that wasn’t a problem until i had no data and the app for the sim i use logged me off and it requires me to get an sms for me to log back in my number but this tablet never got any sms i tried some thing like apps but they require to be a default sms app but this tablet doesn’t have an option to do that + now it says it doesn’t have a sim in it so when i take it out and put it back in it tells me to restart it, after i do that i looks normal for some time then it just stops saying there’s a sim card and there’s no updates for it i can’t use verizon app because it asks for an update and the play store says the device isn’t compatible with the app i need help because i really need to use sms rn and i don’t have any pc nor phone so someone pls help me and if there’s nothing i can it was worth a try
submitted by Alepro1335_1 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 DeushlandfanAdam0719 Do any Biograpghy Missions give an Agaki peice as an award.

More or less the title
I have Agaki at 29/30 and am really tweaking of getting it, and am wondering if any of the Biography missions give a peice as an award?
submitted by DeushlandfanAdam0719 to WorldConqueror4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Haunting-Noise-7233 The woof pupcicle ball is a success!!!

The woof pupcicle ball is a success!!! submitted by Haunting-Noise-7233 to MiniatureSchnauzer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 wakeau Can I find Uber/ridesharing services around 1-2am?

I need to travel from Namba Station to Umeda/Ogimachi Station late at night, around 1-2am. Has anyone experienced difficulty finding a driver at this hour? If Uber isn’t reliable, are there other apps or services you’d recommend for late-night rides in Osaka?
submitted by wakeau to OsakaTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Adventurous-View6384 R

Install this app, Watch and download "Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" at no cost.
submitted by Adventurous-View6384 to lylahstyles [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 Main_Lengthiness_217 Surviving in Chronic Pains

Right now, moving at all, causes pain, sometimes just a little, often though, a lot, I feel emotionally broken, and a prisoner to my broken and infection body, I daydream of suicide every day, I'm relieved when finally each night I collapse into a sleep.
Had a really bad respiratory chronic infection, for 6 and a half years, unknown virus in my megines, neck muscles, and lungs, also spread to become pleuritic, causes tightening strain on lungs and neck, especially when the daily inflammation happens, then the thick sticky mucous pours out of my nose and mouth, seen all the specialist doctors I can, they found nothing, Im left with this horrible parasite living in multiple organs, draining me of energy, causing muscle strains, and secreting this glue like muccous, my body is colonised, and in the grip of this parasitic infection, it's a living nightmare, only greatful it's not infected my brain yet, tho I'm obviously thinking about it all the time, as I'm always in pains and strains if I move much
Gotten over a series of hurdles with it, a few other infections, and a bad abscess, and now I've recently got a bruised lung, just hoping to get over that, as the sharp pains of it, in top of the regular pains, has overwhelmed me - I break down in tears just going to the shops, I'm resting in bed a lot more, but force myself to go out occasionally, so I'm not just totally vegetative, if this new lung injury doesn't heal I just don't know what I'll do tbh, got an infected lung so may just be taking longer, who knows, been 3 weeks since I injured it and it still hurts
It's the emotional grief that's sending me into despair tho : being doubted by doctors, because a neck and lung chronic infection is strange symptoms, perhaps it's something rare, but I know that it's an infection because one day I had no infectious symptoms and the next day I did. Third doctor I saw finally prescribed pain relief, saw how broken I was, though didn't seem to grasp what by. Am doubted by friends and family and I feel free people understand that I'm living in survival mode, in pain in multiple parts of the body, Ive had so much on off isolation now, either being fairly isolated or extremely isolated, depending on how sick I am.
On some positive notes, I've had a supportive housemate, but he's also very ill, and in grief, and I have a habit of upsetting him unintentional. There's a couple of family I talk to occasionally, been to a few mental support groups, and I started volunteering at an activity centre for adults with learning disabilities, that last in particular has been positive
Just wished friends or family would call to chat, but only two call, and occasionally, I'm in silence so much of the time, feel like I'm a ghost at home, having lost my identity and what I was, a son, a worker, and a friend, now I'm sad I'm none of those things, life doesn't seem worth Livin if I'm not getting to know others, not being known by others, what's awful is that it doesn't matter how long nor how much unknown pain you experience, when no one knows then no one cares, and the few that do are exhausted by the longevity of it, and having their own problems too
Even the mental support groups are tainted by the pains, as I can't share a laugh or any of the hope the others have, they can't support me as they don't know what it's like to be trapped in a progressive non treatable unknown chronic infection, that I will, barring some miracle, suffer with every day until I die with it. People always urge you on, yet without knowing what they're urging you through, I wonder why I'm putting myself through it all, searching for some elusive compassion that I endlessly hope for but that is rationed out, or non existent
I used to live for love, to love others, and to be loved, but feel it's becoming pointless suffering a lot for a little love, I hardly see people, others think I look well, and assume wrongly Im not so bad, dispite my appeals, I gave up asking others to call, and know that my life and suffering doesn't matter to others, and I just don't know whether there's any realistic prospect of anything changing, there's no chronic illness support groups where i live, only mental support groups, and they're ok, but not specific, none of them are living perpetually in chronic pain or reduced to being bedbound.
Someone at the group was complaining about having a week off with the flu, when you've missed five years then five days seems nothing. People at the groups don't know what real isolation is....few weeks here, few weeks there, sometimes a few months, without any conversation, bleak weeks, when I talk to no one, are normal.
Me, I'm trapped between a rock and a hard place....I go out, and the physical pains are bad, I'm like some Livin dead zombie out there, tears and muccous pouring out me eyes, and mouth, as I stagger, panting, off my head, delirious on tramadol, celebrating surviving a trip to local shops as if id made it through some sinking, it's a hard trial getting about, but few call or visit, and I'm not technological enough to be able to meet people through the internet, this is my first time trying a message on Reddit tbh, and at home, of course I can manage the pains ok, by resting, but then if I do that too much life just becomes useless, empty, and meaningless.... that's the cause of my emotional grief, that's been escalating for the last few years really, so it's either be a zombie outside or a ghost inside, get broken by the physical pains, or get broken by the emotional pains......
..... sometimes when I go out and still have little contact with others I can be broken by the physical and emotional pains.... thats a reason for remaining in sometimes, tho to remain resting inside too much then pointless as I see no one ! Staying in is only suffering a little, but for nothing, going out tho is suffering a quite a lot, sometimes it's been worthwhile and often not. Friends never fell out with me, just never adapted the relationship to change to my changed abilities, it's been a trial going out to see them, I found the longer you're ill the less people want to know, with a few exceptions, and if you don't have an official diagnosis, and a condition that's understood and known then you don't have your pains, your disabilities, and your true reality recognised
Wish there was some kinda chronic illness support group, to speak to some others that can understand the frustrations and grief, just stumbled on this site, so thought of writing to others my situation, I just feel totally invisible and like an unknown planet dying in a distant dark corner of the universe, desperate to engage with others that don't insist I be happy and positive, and enjoy my pain and grief..... sorry, it was a long rant, it's been a long time with it though
I really am feeling in doubt about what I can, would appreciate any comments
submitted by Main_Lengthiness_217 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 AccomplishedStay9284 It’s nice to know Robert Evan’s Compound is getting the recognition it deserves! Very wholesome way to wake up 🥰

It’s nice to know Robert Evan’s Compound is getting the recognition it deserves! Very wholesome way to wake up 🥰 submitted by AccomplishedStay9284 to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 kitten451 7-day paid parking implementation delay- keep telling them how you feel!

7-day paid parking implementation delay- keep telling them how you feel! submitted by kitten451 to CalPoly [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 airingmomo Why do people ask was it cold or hot outside when they know the answer?

submitted by airingmomo to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:11 poormandreams89 A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks

A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks submitted by poormandreams89 to sugarbabies4daddys [link] [comments]