Grandpa’s Medal Rack

2025.01.23 00:04 PhiDeltDevil Grandpa’s Medal Rack

Grandpa’s Medal Rack Might as well pile in with everyone else on the sub the past 24 hours. I have not built a shadow box for him yet but these will all be in it when I do (still trying to nail down ‘Nam campaign stars; AFOUA, PUC, and RVNGC are from his time in 366th Transportation Squadron). 23 years in the Air Force as a vehicle mechanic/superintendent. Rest in peace SMSgt 🫡
submitted by PhiDeltDevil to Medals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Skyyelight Oh

What did she do 💔
submitted by Skyyelight to ClanGen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 IAmNotGodot Waimea Falls, Oahu

Waimea Falls, Oahu submitted by IAmNotGodot to Waterfalls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Responsible_Cow_70 Squeaky Suspension

Own a 22 TLX and after a huge snowstorm and really cold weather my front end squeaks a lot when hitting bumps. I think it may be the temperature affecting the suspension but I’ve never experienced this before.
Has anyone every experienced this/know if it’s just the temp and not anything much larger??
submitted by Responsible_Cow_70 to Acura [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 antiprism [WTB] Miller Harris L'Air de Rien or Celine Nightclubbing (bottle)

Full or partial is OK. Thanks!
submitted by antiprism to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 NoStomach2471 Please help me win 🙏🏻

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by NoStomach2471 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 TINGLECLOUD ASMR Book Haul 💕📚 tapping - tracing - gripping✨ book triggers 🫶[intentional]

ASMR Book Haul 💕📚 tapping - tracing - gripping✨ book triggers 🫶[intentional] submitted by TINGLECLOUD to asmr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Matero_Empedernido Give me your best sad k-pop songs

I'm on a ver low mood and I need to expand my actual playlist. The mood i'm looking for are songs like:
Big Bang: Blue, Last Dance or Loser Block B: Toy or Don't Leave EXO: Sing For You BlackPink: Stay Twice: The Best Thing I Ever Did Winner: Fool Ikon: Apology
Thank you very much!
submitted by Matero_Empedernido to kpoppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Molly_Mafic Love these 👠💋

Love these 👠💋 submitted by Molly_Mafic to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 GiLND New features (+2 app flairs , new commands)

From now one, every new AutoMod command that users can react with, will be added to !Commands. All you have to do is type !Commands to know every possible interaction with AutoMod (in case you forgot a command and need to use it).
EmulationOniOS Team
submitted by GiLND to EmulationOniOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 YOTHUB Em qual parte do ciclo vcs acham que o Inter vai conseguir quebrar essa maldição?

Em qual parte do ciclo vcs acham que o Inter vai conseguir quebrar essa maldição? submitted by YOTHUB to internacional [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Man_of_soldier39 Was there even ment to be multiple seasons?

I've accompanied the show since the pilot launched, and remember watching it right the same day it launched. But I'm not sure, it is bugging me, did they ever planned to do multiple seasons? I genuinely don't remember where I saw that but back then I remember a "Yes." I don't know if I am being delirious or not... can someone answer?
submitted by Man_of_soldier39 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Only_Boysenberry1551 When to go up a dose / any tips and tricks.

Hi everyone, this community has been great so far. I started zep on September 30, 2024 and currently am only down 17 pounds. (Roughly 4.5 months). The first month I did 2.5 mg, and now have been on 5 mg for the last 3 months. I was losing about a pound a week, but have been stalling for about the last month and a half now.
How did you know when it was time to go up in dose? Or am I slow loser?
I prioritize a high protein low carb diet, and workout 4-5 days a week, even if it’s just walking on the treadmill some days. I eat around 1400 calories a day as a 5’10 woman.
TYIA for any advice!
SW: 251 CW: 234 GW: 170
submitted by Only_Boysenberry1551 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Wiley-raters Where to purchase license keys for Grayjay

Hello! I'm a relatively new user, I've been using Grayjay for the last few months every since I heard Louis Rossman mention it in a video of his (thank you, Louis). In looking through the settings, I saw that users can purchase licenses for the app, I'd like to purchase one if I am able to support the development of the application.
Where do I purchase Grayjay license keys?
submitted by Wiley-raters to grayjay [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 PauloAlexsander [for hire] Hi, I do character designs and create colorful illustrations. DM ME.

[for hire] Hi, I do character designs and create colorful illustrations. DM ME. submitted by PauloAlexsander to Artistsforhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 TheRealAlkemyst No AXL Remote or LDAP Servers were found. A Unified Communications Manager and/or LDAP Directory server integration is required to import users.

Everything was working fine, no changes were made. Today went to import a CUCM user into CUC and got this error. Did some searching, but don't know where to go to check the settings nor why'd they disappear.
submitted by TheRealAlkemyst to ciscoUC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 strychnine_in_well 600 chembaron cashout = 6th

600 chembaron cashout = 6th I hit 600 chembaron cashout and took 6th. It’s been clear for a while that not all chembaron items are created equal, and I got what I believe to be the 2 worst perfected items in terms of average placement. I never got a reforger, and my board was not amazing, but not terrible. Augment on Silco was more AP with each ally death. I just feel like a 600 cashout should be a guaranteed top 4, but the items it gave were so shit. Anyone have similar experiences?
submitted by strychnine_in_well to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Alive_Tutor_4968 Medically plausibility of rapid weight loss from liver node lodged in diaphramatic hernia (dog in boarding when it happened - Concern neglect is at play)

(Note up front, I obviously am asking my vet this too but they haven't responded and a lawyer I consulted on this matter thinks they may never answer me because of an affiliation between the hospital that treated my dog and an animal hospital associated with the boarding provider. That is what led me here to ask here too :( )
I have a 9 year old female catahoula leopard dog/pit mix who is spayed and consistently weighs in between 55-60lbs. I am located in Durham, NC. My dog has relevant health history to this story, but I'm currently waiting for detailed vet record notes and unfortunately don't have those to post. I'll update when I get them.
Relevant health history: Generally healthy and up to date on all treatments/vaccines etc with regular vet visits and checkups. Exception to that statement is a traumatic injury she received in 2019 when a faulty collar loop let her chase a deer into the road as we were hiking, where she was struck in a hit and run incident. She got treatment immediately for:

They did tests on her and noticed unusual liver values from her blood test, but those steadily improved in her 2 days there. They told me to monitor and re-test. I also had to have the one veterinary dentist in my area extract a tooth that the ER vet said was damaged but not urgent. X-rays at the time of the initial injury revealed a small fracture to her floating rib which there was no treatment for. Additional x-rays a couple weeks later at the specialist dental vet revealed she also sustained a small fracture to her jaw.
Despite this, for the past five years my poor girl recovered and has led a mostly very normal life. She has started to experience arthritis noticeably only this year, and we hike a lot so I probably became aware of it quicker than if she were less active. I adjusted her activity level and got her on medication for that. She has had bloodwork numerous times in between that has always been normal.
The terrible part
I left her in a boarding and daycare place I had utilized for both over many years on 12/24/24 and picked her up 1/14/25. An hour or so before I was set to pick her up the boarding place called me and said she hadn't been eating since 1/11. I said I would change my plans to get there sooner (I was at an urgent care appointment myself when they called for a travel injury).
Shortly after they called back and said her behavior was unusual, she didn't seem as responsive as normal. I was already about to head over there but they asked if I wanted her seen by the animal hospital adjoined to the boarding facility and I said yes. Before this they hadn't notified me that she stopped eating 3 days ago. They mentioned that this can be common, but I had had her boarded for longer stays there previously and my girl loves to eat, she has never lost appetite so this to me was really alarming and already said something was seriously wrong.
I get there to hang out with her before the on-site vet can see her and what they called a "little hunger strike" was actually that she had lost > 20% of her body weight and was emaciated, a 1 on the body comp scale for dogs. I expressed shock, and at that point they told me they noticed she was thin and from 1/9/25 - 1/10/25 had given her an extra meal and wet food (never contacted me about this) until she stopped eating from 1/11/25 onwards. My dog also barely recognized me, she was clearly weak and emaciated.
Took her to the animal hospital, chest x-ray revealed abnormal liver values, high white blood cell count, and a bladder infection indicated by discharge. The liver values and details of cloudiness in the chest x-ray led the doctor to believe it was cancer potentially spread from the liver to the lungs. He recommended a second opinion from the state of the art ER vet facility who had helped her after her car accident and we were admitted as an emergency case.
They initially agreed with the cancer assessment based on ultrasound results, however shortly after their radiologist weighed in and discovered that it was actually an abdominal hernia which had allowed her liver to intrude into her chest cavity, compressing a lung and causing tissue death. They let me know they expected to need to resect both the lung and some of the liver on her right side. They wanted full surgical staff so took that night to stabilize her with fluids to do surgery the next day.
Surgery went well and they didn't have to resect her lung in the end. It was also not her right liver lobe but instead one small left liver lobe that had somehow crossed over and entered the hernia. She did well through surgery.
My real question
I've now had her home for a week and she is thankfully improving. I know the boarding staff aren't vets or diagnosticians and I wouldn't expect them to be, but I don't feel their story checks out. I want to ask you all the medically plausible degree of weight loss she could have experienced in 3 weeks. She is behaving like she wasn't fed that entire time. She is putting weight on again rapidly but eating and drinking huge amounts constantly, as if she didn't have food or water that whole time. I have read that liver issues can lead to weight loss but it kept coming up that it is often associated with loss of appetite from them feeling bad vs reduced function of the liver itself. My understanding is that humans and animals work somewhat the same here, that primary digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs in the stomach then intestines. So the story from the boarding place that she missed 3 days of food doesn't check out. Especially given that it was a relatively smaller node of the liver in the end that was unhealthy.
She was there 3 weeks. Her last weight was 57lbs. Her weight at the first animal hospital when I picked her up was 43lbs. Is it medically plausible that this is from the liver issue? Is it medically plausible only 3 days could do this? Pretty sure not as I looked up stats about dog caloric intake and weight loss and it sounds like they need a substantial deficit to lose 1lb. ~4lbs a week is insane.
Obviously they were neglectful on the basis of noticing she was skinny so they changed her food(?) and didn't tell me then letting her go so long not eating without telling me, I'm furious and looking at all my recourse there. But I'm wondering if there is any way their story checks out or if I need to suspect an even greater degree of neglect on their part. I'm not educated in veterinary science but the info I've found seems like it doesn't line up with what they told me being a reasonable timeline of events.
I also have pics of her weight loss and her weight right before boarding I'll put in the comments
submitted by Alive_Tutor_4968 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 MarvelRivalsMan Marvel Rivals Tank Tier List

Marvel Rivals Tank Tier List submitted by MarvelRivalsMan to tierlists [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Mush626 Any good and cheaper ipl devices?

Is there any cheaper ipl devices that work just as well as the more expensive ones? I was gonna save up for the braun ipl.. but if there's a cheaper one that does the same thing then I might as well start there :)
submitted by Mush626 to HairRemoval [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 wormbreath No one on the team making this ad was a migraine sufferer. Lmao.

No one on the team making this ad was a migraine sufferer. Lmao. Well if it’s called aura then get it the hell away from me.
submitted by wormbreath to migraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 OneLonelyTroll Just finished my first Clanrats!

Just finished my first Clanrats! I painted them in groups of 5, and learned a lot each round, so I’m very proud of the last ones and very embarrassed by early ones.
submitted by OneLonelyTroll to skaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 DrunknLama My first missprint!

My first missprint! I finally found my first missprint myself!
I can't find much about this card, let alone missprints of it. Is this by chance anyway valuable or just a cool keepsake?
submitted by DrunknLama to mtgmisprints [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Munksii Member Item trading on F2P

Is it possible to for a F2P group ironman player with member items somehow give their 'membership' group members the items?
Or am I going to have to buy another membership
submitted by Munksii to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 00:04 Fulltimekiddykicker What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Fulltimekiddykicker to Pixelary [link] [comments]