AMA post title 341

Ad opera dell’art. 6 del DDL di Bilancio, nel prossimo anno cambiano dal punto di vista quantitativo e qualitativo le soglie di esenzione per i fringe benefits riconosciuti ai dipendenti. Così ... Tale importo deve comprendere anche i premi relativi alle assicurazioni sulla vita e contro gli infortuni indicati nella sezione “Oneri detraibili” (punti da 341 a 352) della CU 2024 con il ... In sede di dichiarazione dei redditi è possibile portare in detrazione le spese sostenute per gli addetti all'assistenza personale, fino ad un importo massimo di 2.100 Euro (art. 15 comma 1 i ... Nei modelli 730 o Redditi PF 2024 riferite all'anno di imposta 2023 è possibile portare in detrazione al 19% le spese sostenute per la pratica sportiva svolta dai ragazzi, di età compresa tra i ... Buonasera a tutti, Ho un problema, lo scorso anno il Caf riuscì a scaricarmi l'importo figurate come cod.36 nel rigo 341 come polizza vita sul 730. Ora sto facendo il precompilato semplificato e ... Ciao, apro un secondo post su un argomento diverso. Nel mio CUD da lavoro dipendente trovo tra gli oneri deducibili, caselle 341 e 342 un importo e il codice 36 (dovrebeb essere legato alle ... Ufficializzati gli importi di pensioni , prestazioni assistenziali e indennità di accompagnamento a pensione INPS per il 2024 nella circolare 1 del 2 gennaio 2024 L’importo indicato in colonna 1 deve comprendere gli interessi passivi sui mutui ipotecari indicati nella sezione “Oneri detraibili” (punti da 341 a 352) della Certificazione Unica con il ... Con Provvedimento n. 205127 del 22 aprile le Entrate individuano i livelli di affidabilità fiscale relativi al periodo di imposta in corso al 31 dicembre 2023, cui sono riconosciuti i benefici ... Nei punti 341, 343, 345, 347, 349, e 351 va indicato il codice relativo all’onere detraibile, peril quale spetta la detrazione dall’imposta lorda nella misura del 19%, del 26%, del 30%, del 35 ...

2025.01.22 23:50 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 341

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 CapGlass3857 🇮🇱 YUVAL RAPHAEL! Chosen as Israel's Representative for Eurovision 2025

She came first in Hakhokav Haba (הכוכב הבא) which chooses the artist that will represent Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest.
Valerie Hamaty came second, Res Band came third and Daniel Weiss came fourth.
Yuval is a very strong singer and an even stronger person; she survived October 7 while hiding in a bunker with her friends.
submitted by CapGlass3857 to Jewish [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 phantasmdan This is how my baby girl sleeps.

This is how my baby girl sleeps. submitted by phantasmdan to corgi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 PKRadiance I literally can't rn you guys

I literally can't rn you guys submitted by PKRadiance to SnootGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 ShiiiiiMannnnn Anyone know of any recorded incidents with sailboats and rogue waves?

Anyone know of any recorded incidents with sailboats and rogue waves? submitted by ShiiiiiMannnnn to sailing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 ToasterBathPillow What part in my pc could be making this weird chirping sound?

What part in my pc could be making this weird chirping sound? This sound started soon after I installed my 3060 in late October. I thought it was my exhaust fan and I changed it and the sound was still there. I thought it might’ve been my power supply so I upgraded that and the sound continued. I have an i7-9700f and 16 gb of ram. I have an ssd which is my main c: drive and my hdd which is my d: drive. I’m not sure if the sound is coil whine or if it is my hard drive trying to read and write data. It only starts making that sound when I put the pc under a heavy load of tasks.
submitted by ToasterBathPillow to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 belzbieta test

submitted by belzbieta to heterochromia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 TheRuinerrr 2024 Ram 5500 keyless entry

2024 Ram 5500 keyless entry Got a new ram 5500 it has power locks and push button start. But doesn’t have keyless entry on the remote. Can you just add it by adding the option code and getting a new remote? Dealer doesn’t know of course. But I’ve seen it done on older trucks. Pictures of the remotes I have now. You gotta pull the key out of the keyless remote to unlock doors. Which is inconvenient at times. This is a weird over sight.
submitted by TheRuinerrr to ram_trucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 AbductedByACockroach Are my areolas too big?

I’m roughly a 48 D cup and i’ve been wondering if my areolas or however tf you spell them are too big. They’re about 4-5 inches i think straight down the middle and i feel like they’re really big. so the question is, do men find bigger areolas attractive? PLEASE BE HONEST I JUST WANNA KNOW!!
submitted by AbductedByACockroach to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Hopeful-Ad-7567 Alternatives to the vest while traveling

Hi all,
I didn't start using the vest until I was about 42 (I'm 45 now)! Now I use it religiously twice a day. The last couple years we haven't traveled much since we just had a baby but eventually we will again!
I am realizing that when I think of traveling again I feel so much dread and despair about bringing my vest. Honestly, I don't want to drag it on a plane or to someone's house or have it in a hotel room. I can still stomach the idea of doing my nebs and inhaled antibiotics mostly because they are much smaller.
I'd like to ask the group about this and what alternative they've tried (aerobika?). The idea of bring my vest and having to deal with it almost ruins the idea if a vacation for me!
submitted by Hopeful-Ad-7567 to CysticFibrosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 That_sweetguy_0420 Date night with myself the sun will shine again

Steak with Jack and Ginger why not
submitted by That_sweetguy_0420 to selflove [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 ldnsippers 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇮🇳 wtw on this Indian codeine

submitted by ldnsippers to Drank [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 WorryNew3661 Suggestions for antifascist/nazi tattoos

submitted by WorryNew3661 to punk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 birdflustocks As H5N1 Is Detected In San Francisco, A Panel Discusses Next Steps

As H5N1 Is Detected In San Francisco, A Panel Discusses Next Steps submitted by birdflustocks to Bird_Flu_Now [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Useful-Hair-5465 Need Advice on Floor & Rewire Renovation for 1970s London Flat

Need Advice on Floor & Rewire Renovation for 1970s London Flat submitted by Useful-Hair-5465 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 KronosInvader121 Alternate timeline

Alternate timeline submitted by KronosInvader121 to PrequelMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 EireTribe Can I Become a Cultural Christian Even If I’m Not a Believer?

Hi everyone,
I love Orthodox Christianity, I love the the Bible, I love the church tradition, its sacraments, its beauty. I love helping my Christian friends respond to critiques from non-Christians, and I’ve found myself deeply invested in learning about Christian theology and studying the Bible.
That said, I’m not a believer. I believe in God, but I’ve never been convinced by any particular religion or scripture. However, if I were to choose a religion, it would undoubtedly be Orthodox Christianity.
I also have a distain for some other religions and non-religious worldviews, which makes me even more appreciative of the Christian worldview. While I don’t have faith in the traditional sense, I’m inspired by the values, traditions, and lifestyle of Orthodox Christianity.
My question is: can I still decide to become an Orthodox Christian, even if I don’t have a genuine belief in all its teachings? Would it be acceptable to embrace the lifestyle and cultural aspects of the faith without fully committing to the spiritual beliefs?
submitted by EireTribe to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 MrSuperGuyMan "Barrels of Fun, Bananas Galore, Expanding Dongs, & He's The First Member of the DK Crew" DONKEY KONG BATTLE ROYALE

submitted by MrSuperGuyMan to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 rottenbreadlolxx A promise between me and a friend

I just thought this would be funny so I wanna tell ppl about it.
I met this girl 2 years ago when I moved to a new school. At first we didn't even know the other existed since I was not very social to new people in new environments (still am tho). I don't have a good memory but I remember we met for the first time through a friend. We talked more and more after that day I think? I hung out at her house sometimes, we had a sleepover once, made some Japanese DIY candy kits and ate noodles. We even tried to bake cookies but kinda failed. Somehow while making the dough, we made up our own joke that only us 2 can understand. It's still hilarious whenever one of us mention about it.
One day, again, I don't remember exactly how but she told me "When we're 40, If both of us are still single then we should get married." I didn't know how to react then she added "I don't wanna be alone." I didn't react again but I did tell her that "I don't wanna be alone either" so she ended the conversation with "Good.". I wasn't sure if she meant it or not. Few days later, while she was beside me with my other friends around, I told them that we made a promise of marrying each other at 40 if we are still single by that age. Guess what? She confirmed it twice.
I'm a girl btw, also she's having a lowkey crush on this guy in our school. Sorry if my punctuation or wording isn't good.
submitted by rottenbreadlolxx to stories [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Trainerjoriole 218711117725

218711117725 submitted by Trainerjoriole to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Guilt_Written Turn them into *miracles*

This entire song is just gold - but these lyrics though….
“ But something inside of me wants to change the earth Build my kingdom, watch it burn Chase a feeling, lift the curse Teachers told me I'd never learn I won't be the last, but you won't be the first Hit when I'm kneeling, do your worst 'Cause I'll take all your sticks and stones Turn 'em into miracles Let me let you know, oh-ooh, oh-ooh, oh I'm never gonna want your pity “
submitted by Guilt_Written to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 T_7_K OPM needs help tracking down DEIA violators!!

If you have any suspicions, accusations, words of the day, car extended warranties, new memberships, or a cute limerick to share, send it (and lots of other messages) to [email protected]! It'd be a shame if this email started getting bombarded with spam and they couldn't sift through it to find the real offenders... /s
submitted by T_7_K to lostgeneration [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Crunch_21 Rate the room

Rate the room 😼😼😼
submitted by Crunch_21 to GayBroTeens [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Illustrious_Light162 Someone help me read this please. First time

Someone help me read this please. First time Pulled this today! Got the card centering tool and I’m honestly lost on how to read it. Any tips? Thanks in advance.
submitted by Illustrious_Light162 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:50 Successful-Arrival87 Sinai icon on driftwood

Sinai icon on driftwood My first icon painting. I mainly paint landscapes and draw icons so this was extremely difficult
submitted by Successful-Arrival87 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]