
2025.01.23 01:15 limecoc0nut @homefindsandcrafts

Will follow back! New account I’m trying to grow!
submitted by limecoc0nut to follow4follow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ravenwing110 "Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many years ago with a little illumination. Gentlemen?"

What are your favorite moments that hit as hard as the Phantom of the Opera overture?
submitted by ravenwing110 to musicals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 euphoric_rue coraline??

coraline?? arianna, cora and now coraline? wtf is her actual name
submitted by euphoric_rue to notcoratilleysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 GreenPurple000 Help me to stay strong

N husband and I had a deal. 4 days in, he didn't held up his promise. Now he claims to be so sad because of lifes challenges. (in his family are some hardships) Yesterday he talked negative about the people and said it was their own fault. Now he wants my pitty for himself. I'm disgusted. He is well aware of my soft spots and knows that I care deeply for his family members. But I don't want to let this BS slide.
submitted by GreenPurple000 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 MomakizSplita Večer dame!

31m, 180cm/70-tak kg. Momak iz Splita, situiran, s jednim a često i dva posla. Otvorenog uma, vrlo odgovoran, uredan, pošten i normalan, neki bi rekli vrlo smiješan i zanimljiv - ne znam koliko bi se složio 🤭. Tu sam, rado odgovorim - ako te ne osvojim barem te nasmijem... nadam se 🤣
Da napomenem ako ima zainteresiranih: Samo dugoročne veze
Kriteriji su - slobodna, normalna, bez repova, proživjela našto života, zna i kuži što je što. Zna da je život nekad težak nekad super, traži nekoga za zauvijek i zna što želi. Ljubav ne bira ako se desi a ako već moram - ne volim "preteške" kako fizionomijom kako karakterom. Toliko o tome.
submitted by MomakizSplita to RedditIskrice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 lastpeppermint Playing vs Spider-man is insufferable on console

Anyone have any good tips on playing vs Spider-man on console? I play bucky and I'm a pretty good shot, currently high-plat. The one character I feel I can't do anything against is Spiderman. His mobility is insane (I know, he's Spiderman) but it feels impossible trying to hit him at all as he's swinging around constantly. Whenever I'm against spiderman it just feels like an automatic loss, no matter how good or bad they are.
submitted by lastpeppermint to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 quickservesupp Is this the preferred method of framing carts? Specifically where the upright loads directly to the wheel. The bottom and top frame shouldn’t interfere with this connection?

Is this the preferred method of framing carts? Specifically where the upright loads directly to the wheel. The bottom and top frame shouldn’t interfere with this connection? submitted by quickservesupp to 8020 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Soniquethehedgedog In case you were feeling vibrant and youthful today, the lead singer of Bad Religion now looks like Dr. Drew

In case you were feeling vibrant and youthful today, the lead singer of Bad Religion now looks like Dr. Drew 21st century digital boy is 34 years old 👴🏻
submitted by Soniquethehedgedog to GenX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Lung-Salad [Charania] The Philadelphia 76ers and Joel Embiid are expected to sit down and have a serious conversation concerning his health. There have been frustrations within the organization about Embiid’s lack of availability.

[Charania] The Philadelphia 76ers and Joel Embiid are expected to sit down and have a serious conversation concerning his health. There have been frustrations within the organization about Embiid’s lack of availability. submitted by Lung-Salad to UrinatingTree [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 NuclearPoweredPony What exactly are you going to fight the americans with?

What exactly are you going to fight the americans with? submitted by NuclearPoweredPony to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Admirable_Day_5265 My Donut 🍩

My Donut 🍩 We won’t stop scratching and licking ourselves. So we wear our donut.
submitted by Admirable_Day_5265 to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 JDivine911 Yeahh this surrender glitch is turning me away from the game COMPLETELY..

It's one thing to have hit registering issues, but to have someone surrender only to give you a loss is just extremely off-putting. I know some are gonna say to just play and not worry about your record, but in combat sports, it's something about seeing your record or someone's record and then be like, "Damn, they're not BS-ing" I've gotten Surrender glitched 4x in one day because I've gotten the better of someone and it's almost like people are weaponizing it now.
I tried to play career mode, but it's just too RPG for me. I like interactive mini-games to go with the training. Like heavy bag work, sparring, double end bag, maize bag, etc. It's just a mess right now and the clocks running out. I think this next update is gonna be make or break for a lot of people. We'll just have to wait and see..
submitted by JDivine911 to undisputedboxing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Mental-Cartoonist271 Created a blog few days ago but not receiving any traffic what wrong i’m doing

This is my website, i’m planning to purchase a domain but thinking about it again and again that any of my blog is not even receiving traffic of 100 people then how i’ll grow this website. Please review it and let me know what should i do…
submitted by Mental-Cartoonist271 to Blogging [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 unredditwitter Booked!

Booked! Waiting for Feb 5th now. 😀
submitted by unredditwitter to GalaxyS25Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Aggressive_Theme8092 Baby doesn’t cuddle

I got Luna 2 months ago. She was abandoned at a shelter when she was 4 months old and spent 1 month there before we took her. She does not like being petted, scratched or cuddles. How do I go about it? Do I gently force it to get her used to it?
submitted by Aggressive_Theme8092 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ShitPostSempai Daily Assistant-kun glazing 1

Daily Assistant-kun glazing 1 I might be Senpai💕
submitted by ShitPostSempai to MagicalSempai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ReanimatedYT Everybody wants to bang me in Origins

Am I tripping? The dialogue with EVERY character started seeming border line romantic lol. Has the dialogue always been like this? I don’t remember the previous DW games having such “tense” dialogue 😂
submitted by ReanimatedYT to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Evaine_r Propaganda do monstro olhudo, campanha do governo federal 'de olho no imposto'

Lembro de ter visto na tv, tenho quase certeza q era na globo. Era uma propaganda do programa do governo federal, o programa chamava ''de olho no imposto'' (existe até hoje essa iniciativa mas nao tem mais propaganda). Enfim tento achar já faz anos essa propaganda pq era super engraçada, tinha um monstro q era um olho gigante de CGI e ele gritava "OLHO!"
submitted by Evaine_r to LostMediaBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ProStreetKing My favorite Sport Classics

submitted by ProStreetKing to gtavcustoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Tiny-Assignment1099 Has anyone actually opened up their dehumidifier and removed the light?

As you can see this dehumidifier has some lights on it. I taped up with electrical tape, but due to the nature of thin, white plastic, the blue lights sort of illuminates the entire unit to a slight degree.
Any reason besides maybe avoiding of manufacturers warranty that I shouldn't open this sucker up and remove that blue light source?
In case it needs to be said the purpose is to eliminate any potential light-leak, revegging type of thing. (I saw a video of Bruce Bugbee saying that red or white light is worse than blue, but I'd still like to eliminated all together if possible.
submitted by Tiny-Assignment1099 to cannabiscultivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ReDensaki my account just randomly got banned after 1 year of not playing?

I just downloaded again to play tft after 1 year but somehow my account is banned
submitted by ReDensaki to riotgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 PrizeCat3256 Electrocuted when I was 9 months pregnant!! Why did this happen?

My apartment was built new about 3 years ago. They have a key fob system to come in and out so I asked my husband to hide the keys somewhere because we only had one at the time. He ended up hiding them (on the ground!) under the meter socket (I believe that’s what it’s called) our apartment has 40 units so it’s a wall of about 40 of those. As I went to pick up the keys, i didn’t even make contact with the keys and all of a sudden i was electrocuted. Ended up with 3rd degree burns and had to be flown via helicopter to John’s Hopkins burn center and have special care because I was 9 months pregnant! I have contacted a lawyer and are processing with a lawsuit. I’m just curious as to what caused this to happen?
submitted by PrizeCat3256 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 ManicDipshit Am I an idiot for loading these barbell clamps like this? (see comments for explanation)

Am I an idiot for loading these barbell clamps like this? (see comments for explanation) submitted by ManicDipshit to MechanicalEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 WhichMeet0 Just Complaining

submitted by WhichMeet0 to oldschoolrs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:15 Substantial-Day-3549 Infertility

Im going through the process of finding out if I'm fertile or not. Recently diagnosed with PCOS and seeing a specialist for that. Waiting on bloodworm to come back to see if my eggs are even worth a shit. Anyone else with tricare dealing with this? I have no in network doctors in my area. Does tricare even cover this? Any advice?
submitted by Substantial-Day-3549 to tricare [link] [comments]
