NPC Cassia absolutely torched the last rebel in her mansion... with a fire grenade.

2025.01.23 01:26 techno_viking419 NPC Cassia absolutely torched the last rebel in her mansion... with a fire grenade.

NPC Cassia absolutely torched the last rebel in her mansion... with a fire grenade. submitted by techno_viking419 to RogueTraderCRPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 PlasticGenitals ¿Seria buena idea tomarse otro año para evitar el supuesto sesgo que las empresas tienen a Unis fuera de la region Metropolitana? ¿Siquiera es tan prevalente como dicen?

Sali de la media el 2023, di la PAES sin saber que queria, asi que yo con mi familia decidimos que me tomaria un año para irme a un Pre-U. Lo di, me centre en pensar en algo que en verdad queria estudiar, y diria que en la PAES me fue decentemente, exceptuando la M2. (CL: 795, CM1: 792, Ciencias: 758, CM2: 432, NEM: 727, Ranking: 770.)
La cosa es que, a causa de unas presiones a las que fui sometido (en las que no me gustaria ahondar), no quede en las unis a las que habia puesto con mayor prioidad, y no puse otras las cuales me interesaban (entre ellas, Ing. en Computacion en la UCEN y Ing. Informatica en la UDP). Eso si, quede en la UOH de Rancagua, en Ing. en Computacion.
¿Deberia tirarme a la UOH y era? He estado leyendo y se dicen buenas cosas, pero aun asi muchas de las anecdotas que he leido hablan de la preferencia que empleadores tienen por Unis tradicionales y con mas renombre, sin siquiera hablar de la (creencia mia) de que Santiago es de por si mucho mejor para generar conexiones y redes, debido a que tiene algo asi como veinte veces la poblacion de Rancagua.
Ademas, obviamente planeo seguir estudiando en el caso de que me tome otro año, pero ¿los puntajes que tengo ahora me servirian si es que el de corte en las carreras que mencione de la UCEN y la UDP se satura? ¿Siquiera valen para tirarme a esas carreras?
Eso, la verdad. Mi familia tiene medios para rentar alojamiento, pero su mayor preocupacion es que me vaya solo a Santiago, que es muy peligroso (algo que no dudo). Ayuda?
submitted by PlasticGenitals to EducacionChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 RangeFirst2060 New bike registration cost

Went to register my new Beta 500, it was ~$350. That’s including a late fee because paperwork at my dealer was wrong showing I bought it 2 months ago, when I barely picked it up last week. DMV lady was being snobby and couldn’t tell me how much the fees were because she had already exited the transaction. I’m just wondering what everyone is paying on new bike registration for a $10,000 bike. My 25 yr old XR was only around $60 to register last October. In Nevada btw.
submitted by RangeFirst2060 to Dualsport [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Tight-Pear-1402 Here is my newest card inspired by My book.

Please leave opinions below.
submitted by Tight-Pear-1402 to custommagic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 dunkin_dognuts_ These guns are gnarly

These guns are gnarly Really loving the 100rnd drum on the mg338 also the thermals on night maps are open as fuck but good luck figuring out who's an enemy and who's civilian. My team just smoked me 😂
submitted by dunkin_dognuts_ to ReadyOrNotGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Logical-Professor325 I’ll Never Recover…

Oy’s death… 😢😭
I’m almost done with book 7 and what a gut punch of a death. One of my favorite Ka-Tet members.
“Olan” 🥺
submitted by Logical-Professor325 to TheDarkTower [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 kilertree RB20 swapped Mustang is the official Car of, Tokyo Drift on a budget.

RB20 swapped Mustang is the official Car of, Tokyo Drift on a budget. submitted by kilertree to regularcarreviews [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Imaginary-Ad9022 My first YouTube video

Hey guys I did my first ever YouTube video and it was an appreciation for the great game of last of us 1 I really hope you guys can watch it and enjoy it I always wanted to do a YouTube video I hope you enjoy it
submitted by Imaginary-Ad9022 to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 setsunasensei KINGSTON 2TB XS1000 or SANDISK 1TB?

Alin po mas okay at magtatagal? I have booth kasi. Di ko alam alin i-let go ko.
submitted by setsunasensei to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Confetti_canon_252 757-300 help me pick a seat please!

757-300 help me pick a seat please! Never flown a 757-300 and the options available make it a tough choice.
2 passengers. 15E and 15F upgrade is 12k miles each. FC is 48k each. Thoughts? Does 15F have extra legroom? Does row 15 have the barriers between the seats with the trays in them rather than movable armrests? Is FC on a 757-300 any better or worse than on other planes?
28B and 28C are also available as well as all of row 29, and I know 29A and 29F have amazing legroom. But is it worth staying in the cheap seats?
submitted by Confetti_canon_252 to delta [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Beautiful-Fig2939 Pink or Blue

Who was born first
A mother should know
Which baby came first
I must know
Was there a method to my
First in
First out
I am tormented
By how I decided
submitted by Beautiful-Fig2939 to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 dl_photography Although I don’t mind the tight jeans and tummy showing, I’m ready for the summer months of bikini tops and shorts

Although I don’t mind the tight jeans and tummy showing, I’m ready for the summer months of bikini tops and shorts Posted on snap 1/22/25
submitted by dl_photography to HannahBarron [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 iusa219 Nvidia Eye Contact to pass SWE interviews these days?

I remember just a few years ago pre-covid, people would be celebrating about getting 5-6 big tech offers, and cashing out their IPO stock for millions
People are struggling to get even a single offer today and resorting to cheating on interviews.
I don't think I've ever seen this in my career.
Nvidia Eye Contact to pass SWE interviews these days? are you f kidding me??
submitted by iusa219 to csMajors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 More_Future_4798 Outlined Rocket

Outlined Rocket submitted by More_Future_4798 to SpaceflightSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 kdbleeep My gorgeous golden who I was blessed to grow up with. I miss him every single day. Everybody loved you, Stanley. The kindest most gentlest boy. 2008-2024 (Photos are when he was 1 and 16)

submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Altruistic-Cut1707 Selling (2) two day lift tickets (1/23 - 1/24) $200 ea

Hey all,
My friend and I have seemingly caught a cold and will most likely be too sick to ski the next two days. As a last ditch effort, looking to sell both of our two day passes for $200 ea. (discounted by half)
Let me know if you’re willing!
submitted by Altruistic-Cut1707 to Powdermountain [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 TN_Girl_1 Trades

Trades submitted by TN_Girl_1 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Arsuriel Javier "Chupapijas" Milei sale a defender a Musk diciendo que no es Nazi, y en el mismo post diciendo cosas como "los vamos a ir a buscar al ultimo rincon del planeta" "tiemblen", digamos persecución ideológica, una de las caracteristicas del Nazismo. El Presidente más mogólico de la historia

Javier submitted by Arsuriel to RepublicaArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Cobaltrt Big black flash

submitted by Cobaltrt to JujutsuPowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 NoImDominican Recall campaign ended but car needs repair

Hello, I have a 2016 Hyundai Tucson which just started having issues which were diagnosed by another mechanic as needing a knock sensor replacement.
I went to make an appointment with an authorized Hyundai repair shop and when I entered my VIN number it said my car had a recall on it (service campaign 966). This seems like the exact issue that is going on with my car but this shop doesn’t have appointments until February.
I decided to make an appointment with the Hyundai service center near me and the recall doesn’t show up but on my account I can see the recall where it says “closed campaigns”
My question is, let’s say my issue IS due to the recall will they still honor the campaign? If they give me push back is there anywhere I should contact?
Alternatively I had some work done last year due to the theft system recall and the closed campaign date on my act is the same date they updated the theft system so there may be a chance they did fix this issue. But if it’s coming up again and it’s part of a recall would they do that fix a second time?
submitted by NoImDominican to Hyundai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Phantasmal_Red Anyone know who this dickhead is? Was using a mastery farmer.

Anyone know who this dickhead is? Was using a mastery farmer. submitted by Phantasmal_Red to fuckbuzzlightyear [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Bannana-on-a-boat Tbh I feel like her saying this is just trying to victimize herself in this whole situation and not take accountability for what she did wrong

Tbh I feel like her saying this is just trying to victimize herself in this whole situation and not take accountability for what she did wrong submitted by Bannana-on-a-boat to ashleybarnesnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 RuinousWing137 Defense Form Deoxys 968126680693

submitted by RuinousWing137 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 LEdgar-Smith Volvo EX90 Digital Key Working!

We’ve still got less than 100 miles our EX90. We love it and have no regrets at all. We did have a small challenge with getting the Digital Key set up, but it is now connected and working. Here’s the short version:
What did work - Finding a location where there was a very strong 5G signal on the car and my phone. - Doing it at 7:30 am in the Acme parking lot - Running through the standard process for adding the Digital Key (Profiles > Keys > digital key…etc.) What did NOT work or had no effect. - Trying it with a weak 5G or LTE signal - Turning off WiFi - Factory reset on the car - Cursing prolifically (well, this helped a little) - Removing the Car from the App on my phone - Trying Safari vs. Chrome - Rebooting my phone - Yelling at the salesman
I knew we were getting relatively new technology, so I’m not surprised there are a few small challenges. The rest of the car features by far outweigh these hiccups.
I guess maybe it wasn’t that short a version.
Good luck if you are having issues. You’ll get through it!
submitted by LEdgar-Smith to VolvoEX90 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 01:26 Weary_Piano2079 Guys

If you like a girl would you like other girls Instagram posts? Like girls who stream?
Please motivate why.
The situation is that we barley see eachother because of circumstances. I don't know if he likes me or understands that i like him. I would have told him if it wasn't risking a loooong friendship between our relatives.
submitted by Weary_Piano2079 to Crushes [link] [comments]