Is this normal? Landlady says it's normal that buildings move/shift/settle.

2025.01.23 03:24 neryl08 Is this normal? Landlady says it's normal that buildings move/shift/settle.

submitted by neryl08 to NorthVancouver [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Primary_Pea7993 Kon Tala

Kon Tala submitted by Primary_Pea7993 to DHHMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Ok-Helicopter3635 Secure Signature for Shared PDF

Hi, I am trying to create a secure signature for someone else to sign. I need to take a fillable PDF and share it via email to clients so that I can get a secure signature back from them, however I cannot figure out how to do this. I only have access to standard through my work account, but I'm not sure if this is a pro feature. Any guidance is welcome, I am at my wits end.
submitted by Ok-Helicopter3635 to AdobeAcrobat [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Accomplished-Side829 myocarditis?

25F, POTS diagnosis, sent for MRI because of a 2 second episode of non sustained VTach on a holter monitor. normal echocardiogram. scared i’ve been working out too much and just found out i probably have myocarditis. any advice?
Height: 176 cm; Weight: 62 kg; BSA 1.74 m2 LVEF: 62% (normal: female = [55-76]%) LVEDV: 187 ml (normal: female = [90-171]ml) LVESV: 72 ml (normal: female = [25-64]ml) SV: 115 ml (normal: female = [61-117)ml) LVEDVI: 107 ml/m2 (normal: female = (59-93]ml/m2) [LVESVI: 41 ml/m2 (normal: female = [17-34]ml/m2)]
[Anteroseptum wall: 6 mm (normal: female= [6-12]mm)] [LVEDD: 56 mm (normal: female= [37-54]mm)] [Inferolateral wall: 5 mm (normal: female= [6-12]mm)] RVEF: 60% (normal: female = [50-73]%) RVEDV: 194 ml (normal: female = [87-172]ml) RVESV: 77 ml (normal: female = [20-72]ml) SV: 117 ml (normal: female = [56-108]ml) RVEDVI: 111 ml/m2 (normal: female = [57-90]ml/m2) [RVESVI: 44 ml/m2 (normal: female = [14-40]ml/m2)] Left ventricular tissue characterization: Native T1 time 1036 ms. globally within normal limits, there is an elevated T1 map noted in the basal anterior wall which may part be secondary to artifact. Synthetic extracellular volume 28%. Within normal limits Native T2 time 50 ms. globally within normal limits with a mild elevation in the septum to 57 ms as well as in the lateral apical segment. Native T2*time 26 ms indicating no evidence of myocardial iron overload. QP 106 mL/beat QS 101 mL/beat QP/QS: 1.1 indicating no evidence of hemodynamically significant shunt. FINDINGS: Left Ventricle: The left ventricle is mildly dilated in size. Left ventricular wall thickness is normal. There is normal left ventricular systolic function. There are no regional wall motion abnormality seen.. Right Ventricle: The right ventricle is mildly dilated in size. There is normal right ventricular systolic function.
The left atrium is normal in size. The right atrium is borderline dilated in size. Valves: The aortic valve is grossly normal. The aortic root is normal in size The mitral valve does demonstrate evidence of mitral annular disjunction as visualized from the three chamber orientation. Mild mitral regurgitation by qualitative assessment. The tricuspid valve is grossly normal with evidence of mild regurgitation by qualitative assessment. Great Vessels: The ascending aorta demonstrates normal dimensions. Descending thoracic aorta demonstrates normal dimentions. The pulmonary artery is normal in size. Pericardium: The pericardium appears of normal thickness and without significant effusion. LATE GADOLINIUM ENHANCEMENT: Mid wall linear enhancement noted in the basal anterior septum consistent with a nonischemic etiology. This is a nonspecific finding, however can be observed in nonischemic cardiomyopathies as well as previous myocarditis. Conventional gadolinium kinetics which is suggestive against infiltrative processes such as cardiac amyloidosis. Additional findings: None IMPRESSION: 1. Mildly dilated left ventricular size with normal systolic function; LVEF 62%. No left ventricular hypertrophy. Normal segmental wall motion. No left ventricular thrombus. 2. Mildly dilated right ventricular size with normal systolic function; RVEF 60%. No evidence of right ventricular focal wall motion abnormalities. Patient does fulfill the MRI 2010 revised task force criteria for a diagnosis of ARVC. 3. There is evidence of mid wall linear enhancement in the basal septum consistent with a nonischemic etiology which is nonspecific however can be found in nonischemic cardiomyopathies as well as previous myocarditis. Additionally elevation in T2 parametric mapping is noted in the basal septum suggestive of edema. Taken concomitantly these findings fulfill the 2018 Lake Louise criteria for myocarditis. Recommend repeat cardiac MRI in 3-6 months for interval assessment. 4. Mitral annular disjunction noted in the three chamber orientation with mild mitral regurgitation by qualitative assessment.
submitted by Accomplished-Side829 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 PowerPrestigious4514 G sync monitor issue

When i turn on g sync in my monitor while playing games most of the time or few times outside games it turn off and on automatically is there any way to fix it?
submitted by PowerPrestigious4514 to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 ChalantIamNot Trying out chocolate fondue!

Trying out chocolate fondue! I'm not sure what else would be good with it but this random assortment of snacks was pretty tasty
submitted by ChalantIamNot to decentfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 SetFun Srpska ekonomija i privreda od 2000te do danas

Razmisljam vec neko vreme stanje nase privrede i ekonomije gledajuci kako se pojedini investitori koji su dosli sa slavljenjem i vecim platama sada raspadaju.I to me je nataralo da sagledam sve nase drzavne "napore" vezane za razvoj ekonomije i privrede od 2000ih do danas.Jer ipak je to bitna stavka ako se zeli sagledati neka buducnost zivljenja u Srbiji.
I objektivno gledano,bez emocija prema svima njima,cak i prema SNSu i Vucicu primetio sam nesto.Od 2000ih do sada kao da se privreda i ekonomija kretala pravcem nezavisnim od vladajucih stranaka.Idemo odredjenom brzinom na gore,doduse jako sporo,ali sam primetio da se ta brzina uopste nije menjala do danasnjeg dana.Imali ste oporavak od bombardovanja i sankcija,pa se stalo na noge,pa ste imali otcepljenje od Crne Gore koje je salbo ako ista uticalo,takodje i ubistvo Djindjica i Kosovski pogrom koji je takodje slabo uticao na brzinu i rast ekonomije,ako je i uopste.Onda imate svetsku ekonomsku krizu 2008. koja je udarila Srbiju jako i stvarno se osetila ta kriza i posla je bilo jako malo.Ali ta kriza je pogodila sve zemlje sveta malte ne podjednako.Onda imate prirodan rast posle krize,pa nakon nje bum korona koja je ispala mozda cak i gora od krize 2008me.I ta kraiza se zavrsila i nastavljamo opet istom brzinom da se razvijamo.
Cini mi se kao da nasa vlada ove 24 godine apsolutno nije radila nista inovativno niti ista uopste osim slusanja MMFa i EU po pitanju pravca razvoja i investicija.Cini mi se kao da zapravo nasa vlada ne radi nista vec samo dopusta da se stvari dogode.Cini mi se i da niko za ove 24 godine i nije znao kako da upravlja privredom i ekonomijom drzave.
Cak i SNS belezi isti rast.Jedina razlika koju vidim je kolicina "ugradnje" politicara za ove 24 godine zavisno od toga ko je na vlasti.Ali opet s obzirom da pricamo o milijardama,ta ugradanja bi trebalo da je malte ne neprimetna kada je BDP u pitanju.
Kakvo je vase misljenje? Meni deluje kao da se niko do sada nije pozabavio ovim problemom osim mozda Djindjica pokojnog,a i to je pretpostavka,misljeno u smislu njegovog oslanjanja na Nemacku.
submitted by SetFun to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Embuscadopack Acho que me tornei cetiscista

Pessoal, boa noite, tudo bem com vocês? Eu necessito talvez até de opiniões e conselhos, eu desde os meus 10 anos sou Umbandista, vem de família, tanto que meu irmão é o Zelador da casa, e eu me encontro numa encruzilhada complicada, desde os meus 10 a Umbanda foi um refúgio pra tudo o que ocorria na minha vida, problemas familiares, socias e até psicológico, mas o tempo foi passando e eu acabei me "viciando" em buscar uma fagulha de verdade em qual o sentido da vida, e isso me mata de pouco em pouco, porque passo por várias filosofias que muitas das vezes trazem ideias atéicas mas talvez por eu ser novo não consigo ter uma maturidade o suficiente pra discernir e continuar com os meus ideais, e estou ficando cético, a vida perdeu a cor e questiono realmente tudo, não consigo se quer deixar alguém ser feliz puramente que eu infelizmente chego e falo alguma "verdade" de que o momento é momentaneo como o próprio nome diz e que nada disso tem brilho porque o final é a morte, e isso está abalando minha fé e realmente eu estou perdido pois meu irmão tenta me aconselhar para eu ficar mas me deixa no escolher como éticamente deve ser feito, mas eu entendo ele pois desde pequeno minha alegria esteve ali, mas decorrido de problemas familiares pela minha primeira vez me relacionando com uma menina, isso gerou muito estresse e teve brigas donde ele me falou coisas e eu disse coisas que acabaram até influênciando nainha momentânea saída do terreiro, dentre tudo por um sentimento eu escolhi ficar por medo de me arrepender pois ali já foi meu maior pilar de felicidade, o que vocês me aconselhariam?
submitted by Embuscadopack to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 DazzlingGolfer Moving to Macclesfield – Looking for Second-Hand Furniture

Hi everyone,
I’m moving to Macclesfield soon and currently on the lookout for second-hand furniture to furnish my new place. I’ve tried looking on Facebook Marketplace, but it seems to be full of scammers, and I’d rather buy from someone trustworthy.
If you’re in Macclesfield or nearby and have any furniture you’re looking to sell (or even give away), please let me know! I’d be happy to pick up items that might help make my new place feel like home.
Thanks so much in advance
submitted by DazzlingGolfer to macclesfield [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 lemkowidmak Temple Men's Basketball @TUMBBHoops: UNT makes both, Berry misses at the other end. Mean Green to the line for a pair with 37.8 to go, leading 74-67.#Team129

Temple Men's Basketball @TUMBBHoops: UNT makes both, Berry misses at the other end. Mean Green to the line for a pair with 37.8 to go, leading 74-67.#Team129 submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 arekkuzu my best pack so far

my best pack so far submitted by arekkuzu to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 BlackMetalEndsieg For Sale LP's: $65 shipped in USA

For Sale LP's: $65 shipped in USA submitted by BlackMetalEndsieg to blackmetalvinyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 cherryvanillacola7 First-Time Car Owner—Feeling Lost! Need Guidance on Process for Registration, Roadworthy, and More

Hi everyone,
I just bought my first car —a second-hand import from Japan (a 2012 Mazda Demio 2)—and honestly, I’m completely lost about what I need to do next. I have no one to ask, so I’m turning to Reddit for help.
Here’s what I’ve been told so far by the dealer: 1. The car needs to be serviced. 2. It needs to go for a roadworthy test. 3. I need to get a license disc and number plates. 4. I need to change the ownership from the dealer to me.
I’m overwhelmed because I don’t know the proper order of all of this or how anything works.
Questions I Have: 1. Do I need to get the car serviced before booking the roadworthy test? 2. Does the roadworthy test give me the license disc and number plates, or are those separate processes? 3. The dealer gave me a certificate of registration in respect of motor vehicle, but it has their name on it. How do I transfer ownership to myself? 4. What documents do I need for each step (servicing, roadworthy, license disc, and changing ownership)? 5. Can anyone give me estimated costs for: • Servicing (basic vs. full service)? • Roadworthy testing? • Changing ownership? • License disc and number plates?
I’m just looking for clear guidance on what steps to take, in what order, and how to handle all of this as a first-time car owner as well as estimated costs. Any advice or tips would mean the world to me!
Thank you so much in advance.
submitted by cherryvanillacola7 to Namibia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 kk78952 Endgame Boss map issue

I'm going to share my feelings every time I face the boss. I'm a newbie and this is the first time I play POE. I'm playing Witch Hunter and my build can easily damage the boss, which takes mostly 10s for each boss. But the problem is I would die on any 1-hit by bosses. I should dodge whenever the boss hits right? But sometimes I miss the dodge and 10% of my exp bar is gone. I'm currently at level 93 and one map can only gain 1-2% exp. These all lead to nervous feelings every time I face the boss. I'm afraid of losing 10% exp as it is equal to my time spent on mapping is wasted.
I have 1.9K Life and 1.5K ES (3K with Grim Feast). I would love to hear any advice or tips that may help me reduce the chance of wasting 10% exp. Thank you for reading.
submitted by kk78952 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Wooden_Ganache_610 Am I softlocked?

Am I softlocked?
There are the only 4 rooms I can access. I cant leave. What do I do?
submitted by Wooden_Ganache_610 to animalWell [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Ok_Macaroon_1172 The Rt RevMariann Edgar Budde is one of ours

The Rt RevMariann Edgar Budde is one of ours I found out today that she was born in NJ and grew up here and in Colorado.
submitted by Ok_Macaroon_1172 to newjersey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 FreedomCanada2025 Three years ago today...

The Freedom Convoy began its journey toward Ottawa on January 22, 2022.
The Freedom Convoy. Whether you're American, Canadian, Australian, Scottish and so on, you've heard of the Freedom Convoy. Originally launched in an effort to fight off vaccine requirements for Canadian truckers, it quickly escalated into a nationwide fight for freedom, and against the over reach and paternalist views of Justin Trudeau and his government. The movement was inspiring, motivating, and courageous. The Canadian public rallied behind the Freedom Convoy as it gained momentum and tracked toward Ottawa. The movement left many with tears of joy, hope, and happiness. After 2 full years of lockdowns, divisive laws, and unscientific mandates the people finally snapped. The Convoy peacefully protested at Parliament in Ottawa, and by the spring the every day life that we took for granted was back.
While this event was three years ago, and some may not even remember it anymore, it frankly serves as a great reminder to fight for what you believe is right, and stand up and say something if you believe something is wrong. As Albert Einstein said "The World is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
submitted by FreedomCanada2025 to cmhocpress [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 GasPretend 22 [m4f] #Online I wanna chat with someone cool/awesome

Maybe both
submitted by GasPretend to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 nate_maximoff Nameless Kids

I just discovered Nameless Kids through a Tiktok video of their song Sa'yo (Ang Mundo) and i am soooooooo hooked. All of their songs are right up my alley, but Sa'yo (Ang Mundo) is just special. I've beel listening to it on repeat and there's just something really magical about it that I really can't figure out. I'm guessing it's the hopeful lyrics + the voice of the vocalist that makes it so beautiful
So, do you guys have any song recommendation that has the same atmosphere/vibes/feels of this song? Also if possible, other OPM bands/artists that make the same kinds of songs that Nameless Kids does. Thank you!
submitted by nate_maximoff to opm [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 ExerciseOver3508 Iowa carrier, who

Iowa carrier, who submitted by ExerciseOver3508 to PlaneCrazyCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 bimma187039 Can I get an extended warranty still?

I bought a 2019 BMW X3 non-CPO, I denied the extended warranty through the Nissan dealer when I first purchased 2 weeks ago but I think I may want one now.
Can I call the dealer to buy it again? Should I go with a different company?
submitted by bimma187039 to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 Def-C Southern Gothic/Western Horror?

I had a blast watching Bone Tomahawk, first two acts could have been trimmed down just a little bit, but it was still all in all a fun & intensely brutal watch.
I’d like to find more Western Horror to enjoy.
submitted by Def-C to horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 itsmydootysir Got That - Alexandria

Are there snippets of this song before it came out? LMK.
submitted by itsmydootysir to Izayatiji [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 16-bitstf need help with IW

so basically i havent touched IW since febuary bcs of personal life issues and now im back at it, i stopped at chapter 13 and my ichiban crew are all level 35 which is REALLY low in this point of the game and i need to know the best way to farm levels in this chapter
submitted by 16-bitstf to yakuzagames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:24 CerbSideCombo Where is the collages feature on Android Pinterest?

I didn't even know they existed until today because the feature was never there. Is it only accessible through Shuffles? I went to the play store and found it there.
submitted by CerbSideCombo to Pinterest [link] [comments]