Anyone know if any radio stations be playing any of sofaygo’s songs? 🧐

2025.01.23 03:36 Large_Restaurant6902 Anyone know if any radio stations be playing any of sofaygo’s songs? 🧐

submitted by Large_Restaurant6902 to SoFaygo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 EBIKE-ULTRA Recommendations for Safer Bike Lanes and Rider-Pedestrian Protocols

For Safer Bike Lanes: 1. Dedicated Bike Lanes: Create protected bike lanes separated by barriers from car traffic and sidewalks to reduce conflicts and accidents. 2. Wider Lanes: Ensure bike lanes are wide enough (at least 6–8 feet) to accommodate both standard and high-speed e-bikes, allowing for safe passing. 3. Clear Signage and Markings: Use bright, reflective paint and signs to clearly designate bike lanes and indicate speed limits and merging zones. 4. Intersection Safety Features: Install bike-specific traffic lights, advance stop lines, and green-painted zones at intersections to prevent collisions with vehicles. 5. Well-Lit Pathways: Equip bike lanes with adequate lighting to ensure safety during nighttime riding.
For Riders: 1. Speed Management: Maintain speeds appropriate for the bike lane, slowing down in shared spaces or congested areas. 2. Visibility: Use lights, reflectors, and brightly colored clothing to enhance visibility, especially in low-light conditions. 3. Yield to Pedestrians: Slow down or stop when approaching crosswalks and shared spaces, giving pedestrians the right of way. 4. Use of Safety Gear: Wear helmets and consider additional protective gear, such as gloves and padded clothing. 5. Signal Intentions: Use hand signals or audible alerts (bells or verbal warnings) to notify others when turning or passing.
For Pedestrians: 1. Avoid Blocking Bike Lanes: Stay on sidewalks and use designated crosswalks to minimize conflicts with riders. 2. Stay Alert: Look both ways before crossing bike lanes, particularly in areas with high-speed e-bike traffic. 3. Use Predictable Movements: Avoid sudden changes in direction when near bike lanes to help riders anticipate your actions. 4. Share Space Mindfully: In shared pathways, stay to the side and walk in a single file when necessary to allow riders to pass safely. 5. Educate and Promote Awareness: Encourage mutual respect and understanding between pedestrians and riders through community outreach and education programs.
By implementing these recommendations, cities can create safer environments for all road and path users, fostering harmony and reducing accidents.
submitted by EBIKE-ULTRA to Ebikecommuter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 bielgamer1449 Be Afraid

Be Afraid submitted by bielgamer1449 to MinecraftMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 DarthMaddoxious Tomorrow I Will Try My New Woo Technique

I’m not telling until tomorrow though.
submitted by DarthMaddoxious to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 VagrantWaters Can i get memes, quotes, sayings or random musings from any of youse?

Want to add them into my journals—like fresh wine being pour into husky built kegs, filling from the base to the brims, to be drunk in many years later.
Also got a Thermal Pocket Printer I don't use, so if you'd like to be even more effervescent with your contribution, label your comment with Ephemeral, and I'll use it to add to my journal so your presence will fade away from my leaves over the years, leaving a sense of mystery and even nostalgia for what was once there.
submitted by VagrantWaters to rs_x [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 ApprehensiveDuck22 Hacked again

submitted by ApprehensiveDuck22 to Morrisons [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 GusGangViking18 Robert Baratheon VS Ajax. Who wins?

submitted by GusGangViking18 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 fakealexx Male prostituition?

submitted by fakealexx to indiameme [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 TheRealMorph I like posting SREFs, sending you all some love (codes in comment)

I like posting SREFs, sending you all some love (codes in comment) submitted by TheRealMorph to midjourney [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 ClassicWay2248 Recommendations for Local Car Mechanic for Regular Car Service

Hi, I'm looking for a reliable and affordable local car mechanic in and around Hickory to get my car serviced regularly. Where do you guys get your car serviced?
submitted by ClassicWay2248 to HIckoryNC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 RuinedEye Sub update.

Trump is POTUS. Again.
fuck Not sure how active I'll keep the sub, it was pretty exhausting last time...
oh well
submitted by RuinedEye to ItsALWAYSReal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Other_Lettuce_607 Order kat mamak

Seriously, bila pegi mamak, how many of you can order in Tamil? Bila aku balik Malaysia, member aku budak India from Setapak aku suruh dia order in Tamil, dia cakap dia tak reti. "Aku Manggis broo. Hitam outside, maksalleh inside"
submitted by Other_Lettuce_607 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 bykaymay ITAP of a hallway

ITAP of a hallway submitted by bykaymay to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Several_Repeat_1271 The UN is the entire circus, not a bunch of clowns.

The UN is the entire circus, not a bunch of clowns. submitted by Several_Repeat_1271 to Asmongold [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Remarkable-Rate-9688 Crystal Mangum's boyfriend takes responsibility | ABC7 Los Angeles |

submitted by Remarkable-Rate-9688 to WomenAreViolentToo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 sonicbrawler182 Clairen Arcade Mode - Hard Difficulty - Abyssal Medal (04:29:91)

Clairen Arcade Mode - Hard Difficulty - Abyssal Medal (04:29:91) submitted by sonicbrawler182 to RivalsOfAether [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Lonelygamer975 Where can I watch

I want to watch it but I have everything but Disney plus is there a app or website that has it without ads
submitted by Lonelygamer975 to MoonKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Your_Average_Idiot17 Is This A Problem?? I Love Dave Blunts💜

Is This A Problem?? I Love Dave Blunts💜 submitted by Your_Average_Idiot17 to DaveBlunts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 egnogra Hong Kong by night

Hong Kong by night • Camera: Sony A7RV • Lens: 35mm G Master Series • ISO: 800 • Aperture: f/3.2• Shutter speed: 1/160s
Specs: No Al 🤖 One single exposure, edited in Lightroom
submitted by egnogra to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Mobile-Fox-1251 First java course. Need help figuring out why this program won't run.

Here is the program I have written. I don't understand why
" QuadraticEquation equation = new QuadraticEquation(a, b, c, discriminant, root1, root2);"
gives me the error "non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context". Can someone explain this to me? (I am using NetBeans)
package quadraticequation2;
import java.util.*;
public class QuadraticEquation2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Display for inputs
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter values for a, b, and c: ");
double a = input.nextDouble();
double b = input.nextDouble();
double c = input.nextDouble();
QuadraticEquation equation = new QuadraticEquation(a, b, c, discriminant,
root1, root2);
// Calculation and displays
double discriminant = equation.getDiscriminant();
if (discriminant < 0){
System.out.println("Root 1: " + equation.getRoot1());
System.out.println("Root 2: " + equation.getRoot2());
else if (discriminant == 0){
System.out.println("Root is: " + equation.getRoot1());
else {
System.out.println("This equation does not a have root.");
// Establish Class
class QuadraticEquation {
private double a;
private double b;
private double c;
public double discriminant;
public double root1;
public double root2;
// Establish getter for a
public double getA(){
return a;
// Establish getter for b
public double getB(){
return b;
// Establish getter for c
public double getC(){
return c;
// Establish getter for discriminant
public double getDiscriminant(){
return discriminant = (b *b) - (4 * a * c);
// get root1
public double getRoot1(){
return root1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant) / 2 * a);
// get root2
public double getRoot2(){
return root2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(discriminant) / 2 * a);
submitted by Mobile-Fox-1251 to javahelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 MrMonad225 Why is Google AI Telling Me Children Can Grow 7 Inches a Day?

Why is Google AI Telling Me Children Can Grow 7 Inches a Day? submitted by MrMonad225 to HolUp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 beaninspirer Top 10 No Gym Exercises To Lose Weight Fast (for Beginners)

Top 10 No Gym Exercises To Lose Weight Fast (for Beginners) Watch: submitted by beaninspirer to exercisepostures [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 Far_Spring372 How To Get A Covid Vaccine Certificate?

submitted by Far_Spring372 to AskPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 mars42600 2042 past seasons

Do y'all think EA or DICE will ever consider releasing past seasons as they did with BFV? Would be nice to get the last season cosmetics as I missed that one.
submitted by mars42600 to battlefield2042 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:36 dwhitt2232 I'm sure it will get deleted but does anyone have a clip of Luna breaking his nose??

submitted by dwhitt2232 to ussoccer [link] [comments]