looks like the anger core

2025.01.23 03:12 boogiepoosie looks like the anger core

looks like the anger core submitted by boogiepoosie to Portal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 duke_of_nothing15 This seemed better in my head

This seemed better in my head submitted by duke_of_nothing15 to OkBuddyPersona [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Thowi42 TO FLEA OR NOT TO FLEA [Suggestion]

All this talk about removing the flea market, or keeping it. How about both.
Wipes last roughly 6 months:
month 1 = no flea
month 2 = flea is trader lvl 1 type stuff only
month 3 = trader lvl 2 type stuff + trader lvl 1 type stuff
month 4 = lvl 1 + lvl 2 + lvl 3 type stuff
month 5 = lvl 1-3 + all royal lvl stuff
month 6 = every item in the game can be traded on the market
best of both worlds? :) right??
submitted by Thowi42 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 spaghettiviolist Wild help

The one time I was able to get lucid for just a little bit was WILD. I am not able to find success in DILD because I am unable to become active in them, I’m just watching it. WBTB I am too tired and fall asleep quickly. But with wild I can usually get halfway, get somewhat sleepy, and then experience crippling insomnia the rest of the night. I make sure to turn off electronics, have an anchor, and then try and keep my body still completely. Problem is when I feel like I have to move or turn over and then I can’t sleep because my progress is ruined. I am unable to hit sleep paralysis or the hypnogognic state. A ton of YouTube videos keep telling me there’s one step I’m doing wrong in whatever technique I’m using but I really don’t know what. I try to focus and drift off enough to keep awareness but I get too sleepy, or I am too aware. There’s no balance. At this point, what can I do to make this even an ounce easier?
submitted by spaghettiviolist to ShiftYourReality [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 PhilosopherHot7531 I think I might have a problem

Hello everyone. I (m18) have now been drinking for about 3 years now. I only drink at parties, when I hang out at a bar with friends or on special occasions, never alone.
My problem doesn’t really reside in the frequency of my drinking, I only drink like once a week or maybe three times a week at most, but more in how much I drink. Every party I’m invited to I’ll start drinking but I can never get myself to stop once I start. It has now caused me to act in ways that I am truly ashamed of, I was a bad friend, a bad boyfriend, and overall a bad person on multiple occasion because of how drunk I was.
I do not want to stop drinking completely because I still enjoy having a beer with friends once in a while but I am looking for advice on how to cut down drinking in situations like parties and bars.
Thank you in advance for any kind of advice you could give me.
Good luck to you all in your struggles.
submitted by PhilosopherHot7531 to alcoholism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 juanrp_ cuota River id

tengo jna deuda de 3 meses, si la pago en cuotas puedo entrar a la cancha el proximo partido o tendre q esperar a cancelar la totalidad de la deuda?
submitted by juanrp_ to riverplate [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 BeginningSpace1827 I dont want to go down this path anymore...

I am 24 and my whole life, I've always been highly sensitive. It has led to me being a frequent victim of bullying and teasing growing up, and has led me to develop strong people pleasing tendencies. It is terrible and has made my life a living hell. The only upside of it is movies, music, and books are a lot more meaningful to me, and I can fully understand their depth.
I have had many friends take advantage of my emotional sensitivity. I just had to cut off a best friend of 10 years because I realized it had been a one-sided friendship for so long, and he never valued it the way I did. It led me to being emotionally abused and emasculated by a terrible, awful woman in my first relationship.
And the more time I spend in the real world, the more I feel different and isolated from everybody else. Dating has been a shit show. Barely have friends.
I realize I have 2 options to survive in this world - either keep my sensitivity and cut myself off from the world, so no one can exploit me. Or I can keep existing in the world, but harden myself, and abandon my sensitivity. I need to stop caring so much.
I am learning the hard truth that softness means nothing in a callous world. It's all meaningless. To survive, I need to be selfish and cruel. And it feels tragic. I wish I could just stop existing so I wouldn't have to bear this burden anymore.
submitted by BeginningSpace1827 to hsp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 ToToMo77 Homeschool Networks Near Me: A Guide to Finding Local Support

Discover the benefits of homeschool networks near you! Learn how these communities provide social interaction, shared resources, and extracurricular opportunities for your homeschooling journey. Find local networks and tips for joining here: Homeschool Networks Near Me: A Guide to Finding Local Support #Homeschooling #CommunitySupport #LocalNetworks
submitted by ToToMo77 to zadjecu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 lovellyums When your sibling gets the last slice of pizza 😤

When your sibling gets the last slice of pizza 😤 submitted by lovellyums to wiisportsmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Hungry-Mud114 Red flags in my new OT role, unsure whether to stick it out or leave

I have recently started an OT role in a paediatric private clinic. I have 2.5 years’ experience in mental health. I am really keen to get some experience in paeds, particularly in relation to sensory integration and motor skills, and eventually want to return to mental health with this new knowledge.
I know sometimes you need to stick things out and not just quit due to feeling anxious. But I feel like there are situations where your gut feeling is telling you to leave the situation, and I’m pretty sure this is the second one.
The OT who runs the practice brings her children to the therapeutic groups I run in the community and in clinic. Her children qre friends with other children in the group and one of the group members goes to her house outside of clinic time for playdates. The OT brought her newborn baby to one of the community based groups and changed her at the end of the groups with another group member there, before giving him a lift back to his school. I just feel a bit uneasy, like there is a lack of boundaries or that it is slightly unethical. Today she asked me to run a school readiness group last minute and sent me a plan for the group 30 minutes before the group. Of course as OTs we need to be flexible and think on the spot, but this left me with very limited time to plan how to make the group therapeutic, review child/family goals to ensure it is meaningful, gather resources, etc. The children attending the group ended up being her son, and another OT in the clinic’s two daughters. Functionally, they could do all the tasks without difficulty and when I tried to grade it up to increase the challenge they managed that well too. It felt like it was more childcare than a meaningful OT group. There were no other staff members on site at the time of the group (an admin was there but had to leave the building for 1 hour unexpectedly), and two of the children needed to use the toilet. I waited outside while they used the toilet, but in my home country there was a policy where two adults had to be present if a child needed to use the toilet in the OT setting. It just felt a bit dodgy. The way the practice is run is chaotic and very disorganised in general.
During supervision she had her newborn baby in the room who was crying for most of the time, and she was breastfeeding. I observed some of her sessions and I did not agree with her clinical judgement. I have a lot of respect for experienced OTs and always want to learn from them. But I also trust my own clinical judgement and know that it was just a bit questionable. For example, she facilitated a session with a 5 year old who’s parents are going through a messy divorce, there are custody issues etc and the child is ‘being controlling during play’ (not my words). The goals of the session were to try to get her to ‘co-operate’ more and be ‘less controlling’ during play. I just felt this was not trauma-informed and could inadvertently re-traumatise the child. My reasoning was that the child may be feeling like she has no control over the circumstances going on in her life and this is coming out in her play. I also feel that working with the child 1:1 in the absence of the home environment changing is not the right approach. Of course I will manage my caseload differently and will work in a trauma-informed way. But I am a little concerned about her judgement because she is my supervisor so I am unsure if I will be supported appropriately when there is a complex case.
Today I can feel my heart beating in my stomach all day. I feel very anxious and on edge. I think it’s my gut telling me this is a dodgy situation. I have not signed a contract yet and there are other OT jobs out there. I would really appreciate some advice from other OTs about this.
submitted by Hungry-Mud114 to OccupationalTherapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 GoldVeste Other currency usable in Japan?

Hey all,
Me and a few mates will be leaving for Japan in a couple of weeks and have lots of things sorted, but my family brought up something that I never considered.
We have quite a bit of Chinese Yuan in cash lying around, and apparently they’re usable/accepted in a lot of retail stores (biggest exception being convenience stores).
Does anyone happen to know if this is true?
Thank you for your time.
submitted by GoldVeste to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Yookeke 30 [M4F] #Florida #online Local nerd and author seeks someone to love.

As the title says, I am looking for someone to become my partner and best friend.
About me:

Here is a picture of me! https://imgur.com/gallery/rwV6Pqd
submitted by Yookeke to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 plushbunny101 Trading for a parrot!! O

Trading for a parrot!! O Here are two trades I’m willing to do! Lmk if we could work something out! :3
submitted by plushbunny101 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Popular_Debt1002 Spread the word

Spread the word submitted by Popular_Debt1002 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Reasonable-Bonus-545 can i ctrl F and change a word across files?

recently changed a main characters name and going through everything to manually change it is too tedious. is there a quick fix?
submitted by Reasonable-Bonus-545 to ObsidianMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 pmac44 Chiefs on YouTube Against Everett

Game is free. Go Chiefs!
submitted by pmac44 to spokanechiefs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 DrOxi-Clean Clark and Bruce

submitted by DrOxi-Clean to superman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 abuchewbacca1995 Buffalo deserves the ring

Buffalo deserves the ring submitted by abuchewbacca1995 to AFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Kronodeus Is it worth it to go beyond senior staff?

I'm a senior staff engineer at a Fortune 500 enterprise software conpany, and have been for a couple years now. I'm enjoying the work a lot. I have a lot of freedom to write code but also have influence over multiple projects across several teams. To me it's the perfect balance in terms of the actual work involved.
However, though this may come as a shock, I want more money. The next level at my company (principal engineer) is a fairly significant difference in terms of the responsibilities. I'd have a lot less time to write code and would need to spend a lot more time playing quarterback, sitting in meetings, putting together presentations, etc.
I can definitely handle the responsibilities, but not sure I'll enjoy it as much. My boss (and his boss) has hinted that the promotion is mine if I shift my focuses a bit, but I'm nervous to pursue it. I love implementing and I enjoy solving the hardest problems. I'm worried I won't get to solve problems myself anymore and I'll have to direct other people to do so instead.
For those who have been in my shoes and made this transition: is it worth it?
submitted by Kronodeus to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Dak6969696969 Is there a player in the basketball Hall of Fame right now that’s worse than Draymond Green at basketball?

Is there a player in the basketball Hall of Fame right now that’s worse than Draymond Green at basketball? If so, who is it?
submitted by Dak6969696969 to NBATalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 JuicyJT23 Your newest addiction! Let momma drain you!🥰

Your newest addiction! Let momma drain you!🥰 submitted by JuicyJT23 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Ok-Entrepreneur-862 AYUDA! Mi entrenador y mi rutina es CUALQUIERA?

Hola a todos. Voy a intentar resumir, hace no mucho empecé el gimnasio. Claramente no tengo mucha idea así que empecé con uno de los entrenadores que tiene el gym.
Lo que me pasa es que la rutina que me hace hacer, va cambiando todas las semanas, y no siento que sea algo pensado conscientemente para mí caso específico. Además, mi entrenador no muestra un minimo de interés en mostrar la técnica correcta (antes de que me digan nada, se que no es un entrenador personal, pero no pido que se quede a corregirme, sino simplemente mostrar correctamente el ejercicio).
Me pasó más de una vez de preguntar cómo se hace un ejercicio (porque me decía que haga ejercicios que nunca me mostró) y que el entrenador me descanse o me boludee por no saber los ejercicios, además de que en ocasiones no está dispuesto a que le preguntes porque está ocupado hablando con otra gente (boludeando).Me gusta ir al gimnasio, pero no me gusta tener que estar cada semana bancándome al pibe este.
Mi rutina se estructura de Lunes (Core, Cuadriceps, Abductores), Martes (Pecho, Hombro, Triceps), Jueves (Femoral y Glúteos) y Viernes (Espalda, Biceps).
Lo que no me queda claro es porqué cada semana hago ejercicios diferentes, no sé si está mal o debería ser así. Por otro lado, les quería consultar si consideran que existe una rutina más efectiva de hipertrofia que me pueda ayudar. Con el entrenador, ¿que hago? ¿No voy más con el?.
Me enoja muchísimo porque de verdad tengo interés en progresar, pero con esta experiencia así se me dificulta mucho. Los leo, si estoy equivocado en algo diganme sin bardear, estoy aprendiendo asi que puede ser que yo nomás esté equivocado. Gracias por la ayuda.
submitted by Ok-Entrepreneur-862 to FitnessArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 peachxkiki That's a beautiful family. She's gonna be so loved😍

That's a beautiful family. She's gonna be so loved😍 submitted by peachxkiki to theviralthings [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 pint-o-gas Kit asked an eight bound

Kitbashed an eightbound with a chaos marine mutated arm
submitted by pint-o-gas to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:12 Ill_Job4835 Looking for players

Looking for people to build a clan with I want 8+ I’m on 5 days out of the week usually pm pst hit me up if you’re down to clown
submitted by Ill_Job4835 to RustPc [link] [comments]
