Looking for users

2025.01.23 03:57 BubblyStorage285 Looking for users

Looking for users to fill league Phins jags pats and saints (no teams intact) Season 2 wk 10 Sim league need discord Adv every 48 hours Cross play active for next gen users Rules TC approval for trades Any questions about rosters or rules or anything dm me.
submitted by BubblyStorage285 to Madden25 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 plz_do_not_ban_me Line of Qua in the Best Voodew Flavor of all time

submitted by plz_do_not_ban_me to Drank [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 RoastyToasty- does anybody have case ideas for a old 3ds ll

does anybody have case ideas for a old 3ds ll i was looking for food cases but i could only find ones for the new 3ds ll
submitted by RoastyToasty- to 3DS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 CustomDunnyBrush Looking for some advice on a small DC motor controller (by small I mean up to about 100 A)

My dad is trying to make a little cart for a kid and he keeps buying these garbage Chinese motor controllers that just shit themselves within a week. It's always some component burnt out. Usually well before the maximum current is ever drawn.
I just want to buy him something that will work. All it needs is a forward/reverse function and a trimpot connection for speed control.
I notice the guys who make big model tanks use this kind of thing, but what they use is a bit too sophisticated. It's a 24 V motor, but I cannot find what current it is rated for. By the size of it nd considering it is similar to other things I have seen, I would estimate 80 - 100 A is required.
submitted by CustomDunnyBrush to Motors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 SneakNPokeGames 2 grails, and Red Widow!

submitted by SneakNPokeGames to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 etisen027 I wish I knew how the universe actually started, and if there is a real god or not.

submitted by etisen027 to monkeyspaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 AffectionateSell1169 Alguna chica para platicar? H bi 20

submitted by AffectionateSell1169 to Monterreychill [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Powerful-Log7567 There is a new "fee" tacked on to every order.

I noticed that Imperfect has added a new fee of $1.99 to every order. It doesn't show up when you order but it shows up if you look at past orders. On my account it began on Dec 20. This is really slippery they didn't even provide notice. I think it is time to report them to the State Attorney General. What do you think?
submitted by Powerful-Log7567 to imperfectfoods [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 krispisss Vokietijoje imigrantas parke mirtinai subade 2 metų vaiką

Vokietijoje imigrantas parke mirtinai subade 2 metų vaiką .
submitted by krispisss to lietuva [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Popular-Medicine8808 FINALLY THE GRIND IS OVER

FINALLY THE GRIND IS OVER This was so tiring
submitted by Popular-Medicine8808 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Electronic_Being3644 I am the legman...

I am the legman... Am I doing this right?
submitted by Electronic_Being3644 to gunplagonewild [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Ecstatic-External-59 [CO] Needing advice custody battle

So this is a long story, but I share a three-year-old with my ex. I currently have a no contact order with my ex and my three-year-old because my ex showed up drunk and tried to remove our three year-old from the home. He had previously abducted my child the week before and left me with no means to contact him or my son. So when he showed up this night, I was convinced he was going to do the same thing. I tried to prevent him from leaving the room with my son and we ended up grappling over our son trying to grab my him. I ended up calling the police and they arrested me for a domestic violence charge because in Colorado preventing someone from leaving a room is called false and prisonment and it's a DV charge. additionally, because we physically fought over our son I'm being charged with child abuse. My ex is now stating that he is going to file for full custody to keep my son from me. My ex is going through some sort of psychological break. He believes that I posted nudes to Reddit and is stating that I am sexually perverted and I'm not safe for my son because I posted nudes to Reddit. I have never posted nudes to Reddit. I didn't even know there were subs on Reddit devoted to sexual needs. He's stating that he's going to bring these things to court and use them to show that I'm an unfit mother. Additionally, I suffered heavily from postpartum anxiety and was prescribed an anti-anxiety med from my doctor in order to manage this. I was told by my doctor that this medication was safe because I was breast-feeding and that was a huge concern of mine was not passing on any drugs to my son. However, my son's father is stating that I am a drug addict and I poisoned our child by breastfeeding him with this drug in my system and is sayinn he's going to bring it to court to prove that l'm ar v mother. We have a very high conflict relationship. Much of which is categorized by his emotional and mental abuse and my reactivity to that abuse. I'm really concerned that I'm going to lose custody of my son due to the current no contact order and charges against me. Up until this point I was the primary caregiver for our child. I was a stay at home mom for two years and just recently in the last year re-entered the workplace. Everyone in my life in circle will testify that l am a great mom. I have no other convictions of violent offenses. I have one substance abuse related charge from 2009 in which I got a DUl. At this point I just have no faith in the legal system and I don't know how to trust that the courts will see reason. Which to me is that having equal time with me and his dad is what's in my child's best interest. Does anyone have a similar experience or can give me any sort of hope in this situation? 6
submitted by Ecstatic-External-59 to Custody [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Key_Sky_9318 I got comunnity ban for commenting about empire in one steam profile , any WAY to get unbanned?

submitted by Key_Sky_9318 to csgo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 bot_neen Partido Somos México: Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo Entrevista

Partido Somos México: Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo Entrevista submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 tonpager Indoor air doesn't smell fresh

I am in Chicago and heat is on for winter, door windows are closed. Somehow I feel the air quality is not good when heater is on. I have CO detector no alarm yet, just that my nose pick up more "waste air" than summer (of course window open in summer).
Is it something I should watch out for, or maybe ask pro to measure if heater, ductwork all goods?
submitted by tonpager to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Serafiel914 Hermanas de Batalla para un Amigo/ Arte Hecho Por Mi

Hermanas de Batalla para un Amigo/ Arte Hecho Por Mi submitted by Serafiel914 to Warhammer40kEsp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 NicoleMay316 Suffering from success

Suffering from success submitted by NicoleMay316 to CultOfCharlie [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 HoneydewCandid1117 Anyone’s grinder playing up ?

The bloody app is just so annoying keeps telling me that I have no connection anyone’s else having the same problem ?
submitted by HoneydewCandid1117 to brisbanegaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 MG_Manic Playing worst smash bros but with mods

submitted by MG_Manic to YouTubePromo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Impossible_Union_323 Found this Batman statue it says it’s from 1999

Can anyone tell me how much this statue that I found is worth?
submitted by Impossible_Union_323 to batman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 Lucit One ear dropping sometimes at night.

One ear dropping sometimes at night. The vet had us stop taping at 5 months old, sometimes one of her ears will drop for some unexplained reason and only in the middle of the night. Sometimes the right and sometimes the left, but only one at a time. Is she just sleeping on it and bending it? In the morning when she wakes up they are back to being straight. Should I ask the vet to start retaping? It’s so strange.
submitted by Lucit to DobermanPinscher [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 SnooSuggestions8803 Help me cover this up

Help me cover this up Looking for something simple, hunting related. My first thought was a simple deer track, solid black. Dm me with ideas? Thanks!
submitted by SnooSuggestions8803 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 hannesrudolph We Have MOVED

Due to our name change this sub has moved to RooCode
submitted by hannesrudolph to roocline [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 ixxTropicalxx WHO do you hate the most and WHY?

submitted by ixxTropicalxx to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 03:57 dentendrio What do you see when you close your eyes and look at the sun?

submitted by dentendrio to AskReddit [link] [comments]
