I need your knowledge, recommend me an amp please!

2025.01.23 04:07 shart_attak I need your knowledge, recommend me an amp please!

I've always wanted a Marshall tube amp, I just don't know which one. Here's what I'm looking for:
- Combo, tube driven amp between 20 and 50 watts
- I'm chasing mostly Jimi's and John Frusciante's tones (especially their clean tones). Something with the most "Marshally" Marshall sound. I already have the Stratocaster
- Power soak and emulated line out for home recording. I live with roommates so I don't want to use a mic
- FX loop
- 2 channel would be nice, but a 1 channel isn't a deal-breaker provided it fits all the other criteria
- Totally willing to buy used
I ordered an Origin 50c and I've had it for a few days. It fits most of these criteria, but it just doesn't have a lot of gain on tap. Even dimed, it's pretty tame. The clean and slightly crunchy tones are pretty nice, though. There's still time to return it for something else.
Thanks dudes!
submitted by shart_attak to MarshallAmps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Independent_Let8198 Can I vent to someone right now?

I could really use it really right now and Triton2Triton embarrasses me…
submitted by Independent_Let8198 to UCSD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 steampunk377 "Ohayo, Rudeus!" 😭💢

submitted by steampunk377 to JoblessReincarnation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 FoffieS2 Estou confusa e não sei qual decisão tomar.

Bem, há alguns meses eu terminei meu relacionamento. Eram diversas brigas e ele sumia em algumas dela, por exemplo: Teve uma vez que discutimos...eu não lembro o porquê, mas após essa discussão fizemos as pazes e derrepente lá estava eu andando nas pontas dos pés com dedos atrofiados e com falta de ar, meu corpo todo formigava e minha família quando me viu se desesperou. Enfim, fiz muitos exames mas a causa foi psicologica mesmo. Depois disso seguimos o relacionar normalmente e novamente muitas brigas, eu estava passando por um momento delicado na minha vida acadêmica e no geral também e meu rendimento caiu muito. Inicialmente, ele me apoiou, mas após saírem as notas da segunda unidade ele me esculachou e disse que eu não estava dando tudo de mim. Eu ficava o dia inteiro na faculdade, não comia e apenas estudava. Como eu não estava dando tudo de mim? Eu me esforcei muito e ouvir aquilo num momento delicado me deixou muito triste e eu acabei terminando o relacionamento. Após 8-9 meses nós voltamos a conversar. E nessas conversas eu falava algumas coisas que me incomodaram ao longo do relacionamento, como: Teve uma vez no mês de dezembro em algum ano por aí que ele ficou extremamente ocupado no trabalho e eu compreendi. Só queria um pouco mais de atenção, conversar, assistir algo juntos enfim coisa de casal e toda vez que eu pedia por isso ele brigava e brigamos juntos. Não sei como isso atrapalharia ele, na minha opinião ia até ajudar ele. Os fins de semana eram dele e ele passava com a família sem mim. Então não custava nada ceder 1 hora para fazermos algo juntos durante a semana. Enfim, após isso uns dias antes da festa da empresa dele brigamos feio. Eu perguntei se ele queria abrir o relacionamento para curtir a festa melhor e ele disse que não, mas alguns após o meu aniversário ele me contou que flertou com alguém na festa. E fora isso no início do ano quando estava me inscrevendo em algo importante e ansiosa querendo a companhia dele para amenizar a ansiedade ele disse que tava irritado comigo e que pensou em ter algo com a colega de trabalho dele, porém só foram pensamentos.
Eu relatei tudo isso a ele decida a não continuar com ele, mas ele desmentiu tudo e disse que essas coisas nunca aconteceram e que era algo da minha mente. E ele me deu um prazo até sábado para eu me decidir e que ele não correrá mais atrás de mim. A minha família está me pressionando a ficar com ele e a família dele também. Ele é um bom homem, ele me trata muito bem fora essas coisas e é um cavalheiro estilo coreano de Dorama. Não sei o que eu faço, fora que parece que há um buraco na minha memória. Eu sei que aconteceu, tanto que no carnaval ele terminou comigo e foi viajar com a família dele e eu morria de ligar para tentarmos resolver a situação porque eu pedi para ele parar de seguir ela no Instagram e ele disse que não podia, porque isso era anti profissional e que não queria pesar o clima no trabalho. Aí eu disse ou é ela sou eu e ele ia escolher ela se não fosse por mim pressionando ele deixar de seguir ela. Não sou doida ciumenta, ele vai a festas, ele sai para o happyhour com as amigas do trabalho (mais velhas) e realmente não me importo, só digo a ele que se ele sentir desejo por outra pessoa pode me contar que lidariamos com a situação juntos. Tanto que ele me disse sobre, mas ele afirmar atualmente que isso não aconteceu é loucura. Eu sei que sim, isso só tá me deixando MUITO confusa. Eu não quero tomar uma decisão pressionanda por tantas pessoas assim. É o meu futuro e só eu e ele sabemos o que vivemos no relacionamento. No início do relacionamento eu já errei muito com ele!!! Muito MESMO! E ele sempre vem com esses erros para justificar os dele.
Eu tô confusa. Talvez eu mereça, ou é algo totalmente desproporcional aos meus erros. Ou não é assim que um relacionamento tem que ser. Eu verdadeiramente não sei o que fazer.
submitted by FoffieS2 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Old_Cod_4966 Trade? 💫

Trade? 💫 4 trades left
submitted by Old_Cod_4966 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 IndicationFar7975 Mommy mandy

submitted by IndicationFar7975 to MandyRoseSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 JaQ-o-Lantern only title in nfl history

only body text in nfl history
|| || |only|table| |in |nfl history|
only link in nfl history
submitted by JaQ-o-Lantern to buffalobills [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Quirky-Emu9536 The First Ever Gang In Chicago

The First Ever Gang In Chicago Terry Druggan and Frankie Lake
The Valley Gang was an Irish-American street gang in Chicago, Illinois, formed in the 1890s in the Bloody Maxwell neighborhood. Initially involved in pickpocketing and armed robbery, the gang grew into a major criminal force by 1900, engaging in activities like labor slugging and murder for hire. Led by Paddy "The Bear" Ryan during the mid-1910s, the gang controlled much of Bloody Maxwell, operating out of Ryan's pub on South Halstead Street. After Ryan's murder by rival Walter "Runt" Quinlan in 1920, the gang transitioned into organized crime and eventually became an extension of the Chicago Outfit under Al Capone during Prohibition.
After Walter Quinlan was killed by Paddy "The Fox" Ryan, Jr., the leadership of the gang passed to Frankie Lake and Terry Druggan. Under their direction, the group shifted focus to bootlegging, rebranding themselves as the "Druggan-Lake Gang." With the help of their partner Joseph Stenson, they quickly became successful alcohol distributors. By the early 1920s, they owned multiple breweries, using their newfound wealth to secure political influence and police protection.
In 1924, both Lake and Druggan were sentenced to one year in Cook County Jail. However, their time behind bars was far from ordinary. Thanks to bribes totaling $20,000 and support from powerful allies like 20th Ward Alderman Morris Eller, the two were regularly allowed to leave the prison. Sheriff Peter Hoffman and prison Warden Wesley Westbrook were instrumental in this arrangement, but the scheme was eventually exposed by a report in the Chicago American. As a result, Hoffman was fined $2,500 and sentenced to one month in jail, while Westbrook received a four-month sentence.
Al Capone
The scandal surrounding their jail privileges brought the gang to the attention of Al Capone. Upon their release in 1925, during the height of the bootleg wars, an alliance was forged between the Druggan-Lake Gang and the Chicago Outfit. As part of the agreement, the gang paid Capone 40% of their earnings in exchange for protection against rivals, including members of Ragen’s Colts such as Danny Stanton, William “Gunner” McPadden, Hughey “Stubby” McGovern, Raymond Cassidy, and Frank “Dutch” Carpenter. Many of these rival gangsters, however, were killed during the violent bootleg wars.
By 1932, both Terry Druggan and Frankie Lake were convicted of tax evasion, marking the decline of their independent operations. By the end of Prohibition, the gang had been fully absorbed into the Chicago Outfit. Many former gang members, including Druggan, transitioned into roles as enforcers for the syndicate. Having amassed significant wealth during their years in organized crime, several of them, Druggan included, retired as wealthy men.
submitted by Quirky-Emu9536 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Due-Drawing2525 Very slow progressing labor/prodromal?

i’m currently 37 weeks and 3 days pregnant with my second baby. 4-5 days ago i noticed a small gush from my water, then my water was leaking a little here and there. the next day my contractions started feeling stronger my midwife checked me and i was at 2 but contractions stopped. the next day i lost part of my mucus plug and had light cramps and it got stronger at night. the next day had my bloody show & again contractions pick up & die down. my midwife came to check me and i was at 3, during these days i was really fighting to have contractions and they would come then die down. I get super exhausted from doing the smallest things and i feel so tired from everything taking its sweet time. plus baby is super low so it’s UNCOMFORTABLE. my water hasn’t leaked anymore, so midwife isn’t concerned because i have no fever and baby is moving fine. but i cant figure out if this is prodromal labor or if im actually laboring but super slowly. i tried castor oil had chiro come and work me a few days ago as well and it didn’t kick active labor in jw has anyone else experienced something like this?
submitted by Due-Drawing2525 to homebirth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 chaseabagmolz Dumb last week of semester dump ☹️ (shitpost)

Still barely know what Reddit is for tbh 😔 I just use it for spamming photos I want to save incase my phone breaks. 😔 Anyways I'm super sad this semester ended.
submitted by chaseabagmolz to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 taytayvil week 2 on 12.5mg

Week 2 and I’m having the worst nausea i’ve ever had in my life. I can’t keep anything down for breakfast and it follows me all day regardless if I ate or not. I’m barely reaching 500 calories a day some days since I just get full so quick or I’m afraid I’m gonna throw it up. Does it get better? Should I go back to 10mg?
submitted by taytayvil to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Delicious_Agency_402 Fully Jarvis desk - buttons on control panel not working

The desk gets power and it just appears to me that the control panel needs to be replaced. However, Herman Miller says they won’t help because I don’t have an order number. I didn’t purchase it from them. I tried to find this control panel online to purchase again, but I can’t find it. Can anyone help? Please see the pictures. I think if I can find it to order my brother can install it (he’s an engineer).
submitted by Delicious_Agency_402 to StandingDesk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Ok_Growth8908 Barioth was fun and annoying

Ok got into iceborne. And well fought barioth. This guy don't stay in one place at all. Like bro was jumping but it was fun fighting considering I beat it with that fulgur anjanath helping a bit and not beating me unlike in that viper tobi Kadachi. Also how do I get a deco to counter cold cause it's. Problem as a Dual blade main.
submitted by Ok_Growth8908 to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Ginny-Sacks-Mole Gary, Mel Sanders, Zev (((Grissman)))...Mel's Hole, Pahrump, NV 1980. Early show.

Gary, Mel Sanders, Zev (((Grissman)))...Mel's Hole, Pahrump, NV 1980. Early show. submitted by Ginny-Sacks-Mole to deadheadcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Itsmeyourdad First TAG submission results

First TAG submission results submitted by Itsmeyourdad to pokemoncardcollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 zuluyankee Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts (Download)

Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts (Download) Can you get "Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts" as a free download? Nope, but you can get it through a group-buy for a small fee. It's 100% legit. Just check it out.
👉 Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts (Download)
  • Only $15
  • Proof of Product included
What is "Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts"? Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts is an advanced trading course designed for those who already have a basic understanding of trading and want to take their skills to the next level. This course focuses on teaching experienced traders a specialized scalping strategy aimed at flipping small accounts into profitable ventures. If you're looking to grow your trading account with a method that’s fast-paced and requires precision, this course is built for you.
Who Should Take This Course? This course is specifically for experienced traders who are already familiar with basic trading concepts but want to find their unique edge in the market. If you've been trading for a while, perhaps dabbling in forex or stocks, and now want to refine your strategy, Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts will teach you how to profit from smaller account sizes using a systematic scalping method. It’s ideal for those who feel confident in their trading abilities but are struggling to make consistent profits, especially with smaller accounts.
What Will You Learn in the Course? By diving into Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts, you’ll learn:
  • Scalp Trading Techniques: The course provides over 3 hours of in-depth video content that teaches the step-by-step process of scalping in the forex market. This technique is designed to generate quick profits from small price movements, making it perfect for flipping small accounts.
  • Technical Analysis: The course breaks down essential concepts like volume, liquidity, and understanding the forex market's behavior. You'll learn how to read the charts more effectively and spot profitable opportunities.
  • Risk Management: One of the key aspects of trading, especially with small accounts, is managing your risk. The course helps you develop strategies to protect your capital while aiming for high returns.
  • Psychology of Trading: Learn how to control emotions like fear and greed, which can sabotage even the most promising trades. The course dives into the mindset needed for consistent success in trading.
Where Can You Access the Course? Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts is an online course, which means you can access it from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re at home, on the go, or between other tasks, the course is designed to fit around your schedule. You can watch the videos, study the materials, and repeat the process as needed to gain a deeper understanding of the strategies.
When Should You Start? If you're serious about turning a small trading account into something more substantial, now is the time to start! The forex market never sleeps, and every moment you wait is a missed opportunity. Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts gives you the tools to begin immediately. There’s no need to wait for the “perfect time” to start; this course provides actionable knowledge that can be implemented right away.
Why is This Course Different? What sets Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts apart from other trading courses? For one, it’s designed specifically for those who have some trading experience but are struggling to find consistency. Philip Salloum, the course instructor, has built this course based on his own experiences, including his initial struggles and the lessons learned along the way. His personal journey of transforming from losses to consistent profits in the forex market makes him a relatable mentor for anyone facing similar challenges.
How Does This Course Help You? The course’s main focus is on empowering traders to take charge of their journey, particularly when working with small accounts. The knowledge shared in Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts helps you understand how to leverage market conditions, manage your risks, and utilize proven strategies to turn small investments into bigger ones. It’s a hands-on, repeatable method that anyone can follow, especially those who are motivated and ready to put in the work.
In conclusion, if you're an experienced trader looking to improve your scalping strategy and flip small accounts for better returns, Opes Trading Group - Scalp Strategy Flipping Small Accounts is the course for you. With over three hours of expert training, real-world advice, and a focus on actionable strategies, you'll be on the path to boosting your trading success and building wealth with a small initial investment.
submitted by zuluyankee to ThorneStudying [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 preposterous-house74 Does anyone know what this is?

Does anyone know what this is? I’ve had these red marks on my neck for about a month now and i have no idea why or how to get rid of them. They’re a bit itchy and feel kind of raw. I initially thought it could’ve been a perfume allergy since I started using a new one, but I stopped wearing perfume 2 weeks ago and if anything it’s gotten worse.
submitted by preposterous-house74 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Apprehensive_Bag4923 Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively Video

The ongoing legal confrontation between Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively captures significant media attention and public discourse, reflecting deeper issues within Hollywood regarding workplace conduct and full video. https://iievietnam.org/justin-baldoni-and-blake-lively-video/
submitted by Apprehensive_Bag4923 to Bag4923 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 theprobeast Your signature scent?

Please state Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars
Please List 3 of your favourite perfumes!
submitted by theprobeast to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 LynxTricky8572 Looking for a female to sublease my room

Hi there! I'm looking for a female roommate to take over my lease at The Main on University. It's a spacious 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom apartment, and you'll be renting out my room. Rent: $1,400/month Parking: $60/month Utilities: Approximately $50/month. The lease is from February to July (with the possibility to renew). The apartment comes fully furnished and it is a walk from GMU. If you're interested, feel free to reach out and l'd be happy to give you a tour of the apartment! Let me know if you have any questions.
submitted by LynxTricky8572 to novarent [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Automations-Project Community Project Idea Suggestion: Create a serverless/localhost web app designed to generate n8n installation scripts with custom environments and configurations. Users can utilize the app to build their own n8n installation scripts, including custom nodes, packages, n8n environments, and settings.

Community Project Idea Suggestion: Create a serverless/localhost web app designed to generate n8n installation scripts with custom environments and configurations. Users can utilize the app to build their own n8n installation scripts, including custom nodes, packages, n8n environments, and settings. We are considering this community project, but due to our current workload, we've decided to share the idea with the community and put it on hold for now. However, if no one else completes it, we will take it on in the near future.
This small project aims to assist all n8n users and make it easier for new users to join the n8n community, requiring almost no coding skills.
If you're an n8n creator or benefit from n8n, please consider participating in these community projects. It would help you with social branding, attracting not only more clients but also well-paying contracts companies love the transparent people and showing your support to the community will help you a lot.
Just make sure to make the project code public or severless so the users when fill the data of their databases or secrets will not share anything on any server and everything should be done locally on the users device.
submitted by Automations-Project to n8n [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 ech0_vibe its always "looks dont matter" until they see what i look like...

just say looks matter then
why tf r u lying i dont understand :/
the only thing pissing me off here if that youre fucking lying and saying that looks dont matter when they clearly fucking do
submitted by ech0_vibe to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 AWAISUS Men's Air Force Flight Bomber Leather Jacket

Buy any Jacket & enjoy a $30 discount! Happy New Year Sale! Men's Air Force Flight Bomber Leather Jacket https://www.premiumleatherstore.com/ #Leather #Jackets #ShoppingStar #Sales
submitted by AWAISUS to premiumleatherstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 Obvious_Rope_4829 Why do people love celebrity drama so much?

What’s the psychology behind it?
Trumpp, Elon, Kardashians for example. People watch their lives with a magnifying glass and post about it like crazy.
I’d like a better understanding.
submitted by Obvious_Rope_4829 to stupidquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 04:07 wil24x7 🇺🇸- Video from San Antonio shooting scene where four officers were reportedly shot - Footage from San Antonio captures shots ringing out as cops were attending to a ‘suicide in progress’ call. The suspect is reportedly barricaded in the apartment, the four officer's’ injuries are non-life threat..

🇺🇸- Video from San Antonio shooting scene where four officers were reportedly shot - Footage from San Antonio captures shots ringing out as cops were attending to a ‘suicide in progress’ call. The suspect is reportedly barricaded in the apartment, the four officer's’ injuries are non-life threat.. Article- https://cbsaustin.com/newsletter-daily/four-san-antonio-police-officers-shot-in-stone-oak-shooting
submitted by wil24x7 to world24x7hr [link] [comments]
