Please help me identify the ph

2025.01.23 05:06 Alarming-Dance8564 Please help me identify the ph

Please help me identify the ph submitted by Alarming-Dance8564 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 TheStartupChime Tech Takes the Pareto Principle Too Far

Tech Takes the Pareto Principle Too Far submitted by TheStartupChime to hypeurls [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 No-Elderberry-358 Flushing your weed down the toilet is wasteful

I found some old weed. So old it had turned yellow. I flushed it down the toilet like a champ. I felt like in the movies when the cops are at their door and they're trying to get rid of their drugs as fast as possible.
Do. Not. Do. This.
Weed is sticky. It got glued to the inside of my toilet and was very annoying to clean. It's not like in the movies, at all.
And it's so wasteful! Instead, you can throw it in the compost bin, and turn it into food. Much better approach. We only have one planet!
submitted by No-Elderberry-358 to leaves [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Lovellly_Q What are your most favourite nicknames for characters??

Like the 7:3 hairstyle sorcerer (nanami), Patchface(mahito) and like punk (what sukuna calls yuji),
mine is sea urchin head(megumi)
submitted by Lovellly_Q to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Brambleclaw2 Lol

Lol No tip for 14 mile drive loll good luck
submitted by Brambleclaw2 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 CholecalciferPaal Chaos and Lethal - A Bitch Post

Why is it just so terribly unfun?
Chaos on lethal is akin to sitting hemorrhoid filled ass first on a thick girthy chili powder sprinkled cactus. No, that's mild. It's like getting fucked by that cactus by an angry rhinocerous.
I can play through the tyrannid missions over and over and not get bored whatsoever, but trying to face the clusterfuck that is chaos... i'm just straight up not having a good time.
I feel like I can't even use melee on anything. If I'm not blasting away with some kind of gun, I die. Thousand sons marines kick you, shoot you, flame you, missile you, and you can't melee them back effectively. Maybe 1 hit, but then I have to keep firing and dodging. Even running the overpowered relic melta I feel like isn't enough. If you stay still for longer than a split second to melee someone, you get hit by 7,000 shots. Oh, and all this while they teleport across the map. At least the tyrannid warriors stay relatively still except when dodging.
The Tzaangors are cancer. The enlightned tzaangors are fucking cancer. Way too many shots to bring down, and way too much damage potential. I can't even melee the regular tzaangors like I can gaunts, because they all bumrush you with swords.
Even the cultists, who are one shot, do a fuck ton of damage and their sniper shots always come at the worst time. Seriously, it's gonna take THAT much damage from me? A fully armored Astartes clad in ceramite power armor?
It just feels so wildly unbalanced. All over the place.
I have max weapons and perks. Running with other players with max weapons and perks, and it feels like pissing into the wind.
Specifically, Reliquary is the single most difficult mission on lethal. Way harder than anything else. Felt like I breezed through the tyrannid missions, struggled a little with Atreus but completed it the first go. I've failed Reliquary 4 times now on lethal. The only mission I failed more than once was decapitation, and that was in the second phase of the tyrant fight.
Just needed to bitch.
I want to complete it on lethal to get my helmet. It's the last mission, but damn am I having to work for it. If I can't get it, I will switch to obelisk, which is not any fun, but at least you don't have to sprint-roll across that damn bridge.
OKAY, bitch post over. I am fully aware I sound like a nonce. Thank you for your time, brothers.
submitted by CholecalciferPaal to Spacemarine [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Icy-Gap-6952 audiobook request

does anyone have audiobook of Dante by Sadie Kincade
submitted by Icy-Gap-6952 to MsFreeBooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 WF-5000- Here’s a desktop wallpaper if anyone wants it

Here’s a desktop wallpaper if anyone wants it submitted by WF-5000- to ScaryAnimatronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Accomplished-Walk514 Car suggestions under 100,000 AED in UAE please?

So we are a family of two looking to buy a car (used or new mostly SUVs but sedans are also fine) with the following preferences,

Sorry if I sound stupid but I am new to this and dont know much
submitted by Accomplished-Walk514 to WhatCarShouldIBuyGULF [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 colinsbored2001 23m just got cheated on after 6 years and need to get out of this head space..

My girlfriend and I were together for 6 years and she said she felt pushed away and unloved by me because I was so stressed with work and other issues. She decided to talk to an old friend and start hanging out for hours at a time past 2 am and I was always questioning what she was doing but she always told me I never needed to worry. As time went on I just got more and more upset because it happened so often eventually she said we needed a break and now I’m just constantly sitting here with my thoughts. So if anyone is up for a chat I’d really appreciate it!
submitted by colinsbored2001 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Babelogue99 Pukemokemoke - pram friendly?

Anyone know if Pukemokemoke has pram friendly tracks? Obviously I won't be going up the lookout climb but any other nice shaded tracks?
submitted by Babelogue99 to thetron [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Wild_Sell5292 Red knockout request tsareena 35.31918, -80.953026

Red knockout request tsareena 35.31918, -80.953026
submitted by Wild_Sell5292 to PoGoSpooferOpenCorner [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 madmaximoff1007 Rizal Memorial Parking Scam

Rizal Memorial Parking Scam There have been reports of a parking scam in this area. Here are some tips:
  1. When looking for a parking slot in Rizal Memorial, there are people pretending to "help" you park. They may suggest a spot and then approach your window pretending to be the ticket collector (you may give them money for "helping" if you want).
  2. Ticket guy will always give you a printed parking ticket before you leave your car. Do not hand over money to anyone unless they provide the official ticket.
  3. Scammers may tell you, "Sa amin na lang daw SiMa'am. Kami na po magbibigay [sa ticket guy]." Do not trust this. Always insist on speaking directly to the ticket guy.
  4. Official ticket collectors usually stay in the shade, wearing white top and a belt bag. The parking fee is also a flat rate of ₱50. Even if you park for more than 3 hours, do not pay more unless stated on the official ticket.
  5. Sometimes the scammers and ticket collectors work together. Stay alert and always ask for the official ticket to avoid being charged twice.
submitted by madmaximoff1007 to dlsu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Tw0XXs Loss of steering wheel features with aftermarket stereo upgrade

Hi All,
I have a 2019 Subaru Forester Sport with stock 8" HU.
I'm looking to upgrade to an aftermarket HU (Pioneer or Sony) but concerned about the features I'd lose.
I know I'd lose the multimedia buttons (left side of steering wheel). But are the other buttons (left side) for lane assist impacted at all?
What about the backup camera. Has anyone had success with keeping or replacing the backup camera?
I will buy an adapter to retain the MM buttons functional. Just not sure if I'd lose any other features.
submitted by Tw0XXs to SubaruForester [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 LlenitadeDudas When can I change my nostril piercing to a regular labret stud?

I had both my nostrils done September 14 of last year, both with a D ring and so far they feel great and I've taken care of them daily just fine but I really want to change one of them to a spike labret stud but I've read many different numbers of months from 3 months to 8 months be recommended to change pieces.
I've lowkey tried to take one of them off and it feels ok (a bit funny and uncomfy tho, like when you pull a nose hair) but I end up chickening out because I keep thinking it will be hard to put the new piece in or that it will mess up with the healing if they happen to not be quite well healed yet. Any advice?
submitted by LlenitadeDudas to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 froglady4200 "haiku"

made on a game on steam called "will the man get frog" that gives you random words to make a haiku and i just had to
submitted by froglady4200 to HouseMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Oranana69 I’d take being cheated on over being forced to live as Benzino’s kid any day of the week

I’d take being cheated on over being forced to live as Benzino’s kid any day of the week What I think happened:
I think her boyfriend met her dad
Then after a while he started to see her dad’s face whenever he looked at her
He tried to ignore it but just kept seeing Benzino’s face whenever they’d make love
Those frog eyes haunted his dreams
Nightmares about his baby running around with Benzino’s head and no neck drove him mad
He couldn’t take it anymore so he cheated
submitted by Oranana69 to Eminem [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Indiangoku01 Java book with DSA recommendation

I am planning to buy a book to solidify my java concepts as I planned to go in depth of java and built a career as a backend developer. Can any body recommend me a java book with data structure and algorithm if possible. I already know basics of Java and how to code, so I don't think head first java will work.
If possible it should contain detail concepts on JVM, garbage collection, collection framework, stream api and it also introduce java 17 to 21 concept.
Recommend me some DSA book with easy to understand algorithm (not hard maths) in Java.
Also tell me is there any other career option other than backend dev and app dev in java. Since AI mostly used by python.
submitted by Indiangoku01 to learnjava [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Regular-Parsnip3433 El día que descubrí que era el villano en la vida de mi mejor amigo... Y al final perdí.

"Cada cabeza es un mundo", a todos nos escupen esa frase durante nuestra vida, pero uno no se da cuenta de cuan real es hasta que lo golpea directo en la cara.
Mi mejor amigo y yo crecimos juntos, no exagero al decir que en mi mente no hay memoria de haberlo conocido, el siempre ah estado allí, por eso mismo siempre lo eh visto como un hermano. Siempre estuvimos juntos, siempre uña y mugre, siempre un equipo.
Al salir de la secundaria, nuestras vidas se separaron, aunque aun en contacto gracias a que somos vecinos, un día como cualquier otro me invito a una maratón, me pareció bien debido a que siempre nos gusto correr a ambos, incluso nuestra secundaria realizaba maratones anuales y nosotros siempre quedábamos en los primeros lugares. Comencé a prepararme saliendo a trotar a diario, hasta que un día me tope con el, trotamos juntos y al terminar nos sentamos en la banca de un parque para ponernos al día. Fue allí cuando ocurrió...
"Sabes... Quiero que te tomes esto enserio" Escupió de un momento a otro, sin previo aviso. "Esfuérzate lo mas que puedas en intentar vencerme"
No era raro escucharlo decir cosas así, el siempre ah sido el sujeto mas competitivo que conozco, pero aun así había algo raro en esto, esta vez era diferente.
"Es una maratón, no una carrera, relájate." Dije algo así, no lo pensé mucho.
El soltó una risa por lo bajo. "Pues tómatelo como una carrera"
Todo eso me estaba pareciendo extraño, pero antes de poder cortar toda la tensión eh irme de allí, el continuo...
"¿Recuerdas la ultima maratón que hicimos en la secundaria? ¿Recuerdas que me dijiste cuando me ganaste por apenas un par de segundos?... Por poco... Esas fueron tus palabras."
En ese punto tenia mas curiosidad por ver a que quería llegar con todo eso que me parecía un berrinche que intentar recordar aquel momento. "¿Y? ¿Me guardaste rencor por un vez que te gane?" Salió de mi con mas hostilidad de la que quería, pero no pude evitarlo, había algo en el ambiente que me hacia estar a la defensiva.
El guardo silencio por un momento, y después hablo. "¿Cuando fue la ultima vez que te vencí en algo?"
Estuve por contestar, pero no pude, no lo recordaba, incluso ahora mientras escribo esto soy incapaz de recordar alguna vez en la que el me supero en algo.
"Sabes lo que es vivir a la sombra de alguien? Matarme estudiando para sacar un 9 y tu relajado con tu 10, Salir a correr cada mañana solo para poderte seguir el ritmo durante un partido, Tener que practicar mil veces un truco que a ti te salió al segundo intento... "
Esa maratón, no tienes idea de cuanto me prepare para ella, meses practicando la ruta, meses saliendo a correr a diario hasta acabar vomitando por el cansancio... Tenia el tiempo cronometrado, 22 minutos con 30 segundos de media. Ese día reduje mi tiempo por casi un minuto, y aun así me venciste...
Lo que para ti fue "Por poco", para mi era un mundo, me tomo dos meses mas de entrenamiento superar ese tiempo. Así de grande era la distancia que tu denominabas poco...
Genética... Talento... Da igual, la conclusión era la misma, lo único que nos diferenciaba era la suerte, tu me vencías por mero capricho divino, lo único que te volvía superior era la arbitraria decisión de un dios cuya existencia niegas ante la propia ignorancia de tu fortuna."
Sentía como cada palabra que salía de su boca se grababa a fuego en mi memoria, esto estaba lejos de ser un berrinche, no sabia muy bien porque, pero sabia que tenia que recordar esto, es fecha que no pase día en el que no piense en sus palabras.
"Estuve por rendirme, conformarme con el segundo lugar... Pero no pude, me negué a aceptar que mi limite estaba definido desde mi nacimiento... Y entonces lo entendí, no había sufrido lo suficiente para poder vencerte... Si la genética y el talento son el regalo divino que dios te ha dado entonces el de los desgraciados como yo es nuestra propia mediocridad, es en nuestras carencias donde se halla la bendición"
"De que mierda hablas puto loco?" Dije mientras me levantaba dispuesto a irme. Hoy, meses después, soy capaz de ver el peso de sus palabras, pero en ese momento, no pude evitar sentirme atacado.
"Hablo de que en tu perfección se halla tu mediocridad, al igual que una estrella, despuntas en cualquier dirección que te propongas, pero es insuficiente, habremos quienes decidimos sacrificar todo y apostar por una sola punta, tu reluciente y pulcra estrella no volverá a superar a mi lanza nunca mas"
Me reí, aunque me avergüenza admitirlo, no hice mas que reír. "Claro que vas a correr mas rápido que yo, si has estado traumado con eso por años claro que serás mas rápido que yo, Que vas a probar venciendo a alguien que ni siquiera sabia que esto era una competencia?"
"Siempre pondrás esa excusa? planeas vivir tu vida excusándote con eso"
"No todos son unos locos competitivos como tu, el mundo no es una competencia, ¿Sabes?"
"y que pasara cuando ocurra? que pasara el día que te topes con un loco como yo el día que busques trabajo?, el día que te propongas despuntar en algo en tu vida? el día que tu hijo no herede tu impoluta perfección y seas incapaz de darle consejos?"
Me largue, pensé que estaba loco, pero algo había en sus palabras, algo que calaba en mi, en mi orgullo. Minimizar todo lo que había conseguido clasificándolo como "Talento", hablar con esa superioridad, como si yo no supiera lo que era esforzarme por algo... Y lo decidí, iba a ir a esa maratón y le iba a ganar.
Entrene los meses que faltaron como nunca lo había echo, nunca había dejado de trotar así que jamás perdí condición, jamás me había preparado tanto para algo, pero me sentía seguro, ya había echo el recorrido y superaba el récord del año anterior por mas de un minuto.
El día llego, y perdí, di lo mejor que pude, vomite al terminar, y aun así no fue suficiente. Su rostro... el rostro del que por años fue mi mejor amigo al ver como llegue después que el... jamás había visto a alguien tan aliviado por algo.
Necesitaba sacar esto, no se porque, pero así lo sentí.
Fui el villano en la vida de mi mejor amigo, y al final perdí.
submitted by Regular-Parsnip3433 to HistoriasDeReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 RiP_Nd_tear Us there a way to argue that male-only draft is unethical, presupposing that draft is necessary (for the sake of the question)?

I don't want to boil down to "muh equality", but I don't see any other justification for this position.
submitted by RiP_Nd_tear to AskLibertarians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Ginaccc ELI5: why are the Dems banning x links?

I'm in Japan so I miss a lot of stuff that happens in the US because so much changes overnight esp these days.
Are they seriously doing all this because they think Elon made a Nazi salute???
submitted by Ginaccc to Conservative [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 GreedyRacoon00 I am at coex mall in Seoul rn. Where can I find a luggage?

I am at seoul right now Coex mall to be exact. I have a flight tomorrow to japan and I need a new luggage to travel. I can't seem to find it online. I could really use some help. Thanks in advance :)
submitted by GreedyRacoon00 to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Timaelialgaz4 Looking for adult friends I can add on xbox

My gamertag is T3KeyAlgazi8 I play allot of cod and minecraft
submitted by Timaelialgaz4 to XboxGamePass [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 PreferenceOnly2389 what are the lore connotation’s of jenassa having stinky smelly feet?

submitted by PreferenceOnly2389 to TrueSTL [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Unpopular_Outlook Are there any black characters with a black love interest?

I've noticed a real lack of black characters having black Love interest in cartoons. And it started because I was thinking about Gerald from hey Arnold and thought to myself, are there any black child female characters in hey Arnold.
And then I thought about all the interactial couples in cartoon. Which isn't bad BTW, but it seems like there's this pattern where the main black characters love interest tend to be non black.
So What are some noticeable black couples in cartoons
I know the proud family has some.
I think Static had one in static shock, but I don't know if she's meant to be black or not.
There's also Bumblebee in young justice whose boyfriend was black.
I guess you can add Token
But those are the only two that comes to mind
I think John Stewart had one before he went back to hawk girl in justice league
But for the most part, especially recently, black characters tend to have non black love interest.
I'm only speaking about cartoons. And not the parents of the characters. I know some people will add Craig's parents from Craig of the creek, while ignoring that Craig and Bernard don't have black love interest.
submitted by Unpopular_Outlook to cartoons [link] [comments]