PVY Electric Scooters | Best Coupons & Deals at EU Warehouse

2025.01.23 05:06 couponfordeals PVY Electric Scooters | Best Coupons & Deals at EU Warehouse

PVY Electric Scooters | Best Coupons & Deals at EU Warehouse submitted by couponfordeals to couponsjet [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Bitter-Amoeba-6808 How's the combination going ?

submitted by Bitter-Amoeba-6808 to DesiWomenFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Ember attack warning as bushfire ravages Bull Creek wetlands | Sydney Morning Herald

[AU] - Ember attack warning as bushfire ravages Bull Creek wetlands | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 OogaDaBooga22 New painting set up. Big upgrade from my old TV tray.

New painting set up. Big upgrade from my old TV tray. Got into this hobby about 8 months ago and finally decided to set up a spot for it all,
submitted by OogaDaBooga22 to minipainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 usemeinbed_ I insulted lead actor on set,so he fired from movie.Now I was out of movies and have to apologise.

I insulted lead actor on set,so he fired from movie.Now I was out of movies and have to apologise. submitted by usemeinbed_ to BollyGlamandRP [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - ‘You can’t say it’s not interesting’: America in the age of Trump 2.0 | Sydney Morning Herald

[World] - ‘You can’t say it’s not interesting’: America in the age of Trump 2.0 | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 BlowerBusiness How much worse is the Army quality of life compared to Air Force?

I’ve pretty much made up my mind that I’m going to enlist. I’ve heard a lot of noise made about the Air Force’s quality of life, I’m wondering if that’s a real reflection of the actual conditions or if it’s just a trope people like to repeat. Is the AF really that much nicer than the Army?
Army folks, how was your time in the Army? Would you recommend I join the Air Force?
Air Force folks, how was your time in the Air Force? Would you recommend I join the Army?
submitted by BlowerBusiness to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 MoxieSommers Fridge Detect Me Plz

Fridge Detect Me Plz Just went shopping. Plz make assumptions about my life based on my fridge, freezer, and the pantry! :3
submitted by MoxieSommers to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 JWsWrestlingMem WWF WrestleMania X-7 Program (Event/Venue version with line up sheet & no barcode)

WWF WrestleMania X-7 Program (Event/Venue version with line up sheet & no barcode) submitted by JWsWrestlingMem to wrestlingmemorabilia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 General-Pear-8914 First time trading

First time trading Here's what I have. Does anyone have a match for trade?
submitted by General-Pear-8914 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 ComprehensiveImage62 Ny 2020 ford f150

Ny 2020 ford f150 submitted by ComprehensiveImage62 to f150 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Five takeaways from Trump’s first sit-down interview as president | Sydney Morning Herald

[World] - Five takeaways from Trump’s first sit-down interview as president | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 shikanokono Library folks just blasting music/tiktoks???

Hi, all. After a few panic attacks dealing with the mess of admissions, I’m finally admitted to CSULB. Older returning student. A bit flabbergasted and wanted to ask if something is normal.
I saw quite a few people just listening to music or scrolling TikTok’s on the first floor in the library with no headphones. I understand this isn’t the quiet floor but I am shocked and have never seen this at other schools I’ve attended. Yes, some chatting is expected if it’s not a quiet floor, but making everyone around you have to listen to your music/FYP? Apparently the library staff has no policy on this either—at my prior uni, they’d ask them to put on headphones. Not the case here. Slightly neurodivergent as well so this really distracted me. I don’t mind chatting and other normal sounds but blasting music and/or TikTok’s from a crappy phone speaker is jarring to hear
Will likely be going to the quiet floor in the future so I don’t run into this issue again. Just wanted to ask:
Is this normal? Am I weird and old?
submitted by shikanokono to CSULB [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Background-Home-271 Downregulation of Red Blood Cell Genes in Splenic RNA-Seq data

For context: I am very new to RNA-Seq analysis. I download the processed counts from three splenic RNA-Seq datasets that had similar metadata: all young Mus Musculus mice, all similar age, similar exposure to the treatment, and similar duration of treatment, etc... This data is not my data; rather, its sourced from an open source database. These datasets have a different amount of experimental and control replicates. For example, dataset A has 4 experimental mice and 4 control mice, while dataset B has 11 experimental mice and 11 control mice. Given that I was starting with the processed counts files, I ran DEG via DESEQ2 and GO via GOSeq. I filtered DEGs for pval<0.05 and log2fc>|2.0|. Something I noticed across all the datasets was the downregulation of 7 genes that are involved in the red blood cell cytoskeleton. Dataset A shows the downregulation of all 7 genes, while Dataset B shows the down regulation of 4 out of the 7 genes, and Dataset C shows the downregulation of all 7 genes. Now I have some questions - sorry if they are obvious, I'm new to all of this and self taught. Any researcher paper recommendations for this would also be very much appreciated. Thank you for the advice and guidance Reddit.
1) Is it normal for splenic RNA data to show up/down regulation of genes associated with RBCs? It's given that spleen and RBCs are linked together, but is it possible that blood was also sequenced whilst sequencing the spleen? But then again, all three spleen datasets from different experiments in different years show down regulation of the same RBC related genes, so it may not be contamination?
2) What can we reasonably conclude knowing that these RBC cytoskeleton genes were downregulated when exposed to the treatment in splenic tissue, knowing that erythrocytes don't have a nucleus and only have RNA left produced when it was a reticulocyte? What is the most I can conclude based off just RNA-Seq data? Like can I say that this proves that RBC structure may have been deformed due to the treatment if the genes that make RBC cytoskeleton proteins were not expressed as much?
submitted by Background-Home-271 to bioinformatics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Last-Violinist-9340 Brokarage firm for ETFs

Is Poems good brokarage firm in terms of one time costing and annual fee for following investment plan ?

submitted by Last-Violinist-9340 to singaporefi [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Varek03 175564672111 Deoxys Attack

submitted by Varek03 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Responsible_Custard9 Rl quilted QC

Rl quilted QC submitted by Responsible_Custard9 to stockholmreps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 gilfandmilflover6162 Chyler Leigh, 42

Chyler Leigh, 42 submitted by gilfandmilflover6162 to PrettyOlderWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 ChillyCash $20 to $30 🏀 😤

$20 to $30 🏀 😤 submitted by ChillyCash to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Forsaken-Wash157 Se ve que le encanta mostrar la zorra

Se ve que le encanta mostrar la zorra Unas rusas con esas tetas😍
submitted by Forsaken-Wash157 to yerimu_a [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Bright_Department294 How do I cope with my parents divorce

First off, my parents split last year in March, I’m 22 (f), and still live at home. My mom has cheated on my dad before and this last time she left and our family one night to go live with her new partner and hasn’t been back since.. I’m still in contact with her but my 2 brothers have completely cut her off. It’s been almost a year since then and it hasn’t gotten any easier the financial burden that’s been placed on my dad is so heavy and I can see how much stress it causes him. On top of that she now wants a divorce and is asking for his entire 401k and now he won’t be able to retire any time soon, he’s 60 years old and has worked hard his whole life. He also recently lost his job and is really struggling. My mom still tries to have a relationship with me but I can not get over what she has done to our family and my dad and I’m having a really hard time navigating my feelings and trying to process our new reality. She acts as if nothings happened and asks to hangout with me quite frequently, I really have no desire to see her and don’t even see her as a mother anymore, it hurts to say that but this isn’t the person I thought she was. The way she’s treated my dad through this whole scenario and what she’s asking of him knowing how it’s affecting him and the family is incomprehensible. I wish I could do more for my dad, I’m currently in school and working, I don’t make enough money to help more than paying rent and I don’t know how to help him, I hate seeing him so stressed and unhappy. Reddit please offer any advise
submitted by Bright_Department294 to therapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 EfrayimG Should I get back into my old save or start fresh?

I've been away from my pc for about 3 months, and x4 even longer. I have about 60 hours into my first and only save, and I know how much I loved the game.
I'm just curious if anyone's had a similar experience and was able to recall what they were doing/planning and remember all the controls while having been away a while with not much experience.
In terms of what I've accomplished, I've mapped everything more or less, built a mega base using Terran blueprints and selling to them to boost their economy, I have decent research (although I've still never modded a ship), and I have about 4 destroyers and a bunch of trade/worker and s/m fighter ships.
I guess I'm just concerned I'll get overwhelmed if I try to load this save back up, thoughts?
TLDR: Haven't played in about 6 months, should I load old save or start fresh?
submitted by EfrayimG to X4Foundations [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 imamakeyoucry What are you feeding your puppy or what did you feed them?

What are you feeding your puppy or what did you feed them? I have a 3 month old.
submitted by imamakeyoucry to goldenretrievers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 falcor227 Looking for GC advice

Hey squad, I have a dilemma and could use some advice.
I previously had a 16 GC that I loved for 5 years, and then I traded it in for a 22 GC 4xe as I liked the new body style and wanted to save some gas. As you can probably guess… biggest mistake of my life. Nothing but problems in the 5 months that I’ve had it, the battery recall, not being able to use the electric functionality when it’s cold, heat went out, etc. Needless to say I’m looking to get rid of it. This whole experience has soured me on Jeep, so I’ve been looking around at other midsize SUVs. I don’t love any of them except the new 4Runner and possibly the Grand Highlander, which I’m not paying 60k for.
So the question: would you stick with Jeep and buy a 23+ non-4xe GC or go to another brand? If the latter, any recommendations? TIA for any insight.
submitted by falcor227 to Jeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:06 Ok-Speech-1597 16th Metal Company [A3][Recruiting][Starsim][NA][Semi-Serious][New Player Friendly]

16th Metal Company [A3][Recruiting][Starsim][NA][Semi-Serious][New Player Friendly] submitted by Ok-Speech-1597 to FindAUnit [link] [comments]
