La activista Paulina Amozurrutia pidió que Sheinbaum cierre filas con la oposición shorts

2025.01.23 05:49 bot_olini La activista Paulina Amozurrutia pidió que Sheinbaum cierre filas con la oposición shorts

La activista Paulina Amozurrutia pidió que Sheinbaum cierre filas con la oposición shorts submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 thegreenhead Eye Candy Frame - Gumballs / Candy / Nuts / Pet Treats Wall Dispenser (Link Below)

Eye Candy Frame - Gumballs / Candy / Nuts / Pet Treats Wall Dispenser (Link Below) submitted by thegreenhead to thegreenhead [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Iamchill2 Valorant shortcut does not open Valorant, only opens Riot Client

As stated in the title, when double clicking on my Valorant shortcut, it takes about 5 minutes for it to boot, and it doesn't even to boot to Valorant, instead booting Riot client instead.
I checked the properties of the shortcut, it came out to ("C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\RiotClientServices.exe" --launch-product=valorant --launch-patchline=live)
I saw somewhere else you can add --enable-auto-launch to the end and tried it ("C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\RiotClientServices.exe" --launch-product=valorant --launch-patchline=live --enable-auto-launch) but nothing changed (still only opens Riot client)
If any of yall have a solution to this it would be of great help (I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling riot client, vanguard and valorant at least twice, still no success)
submitted by Iamchill2 to ValorantTechSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Easy_Ant_6324 Her latest video is just too much

Where to begin? More faces and eyes everywhere. Showing pictures of her bath water. Now referencing wizard of Oz. She is JUST like Glinda! Or is it Dorothy? Regardless, She’s a genius and has a big beautiful brain. More decapitated talk 1,2,3,4,5,T1&T2, oh she’s so smart, gifted and talented… Mandela affects are her favorite! oh the best part, she is responsible for starting Hurricane Michael people. It was her! And did I mention her genius-ness and how beautiful her brain is? I really need to stop watching this crazy, no, legit CRAZY and disturbed person. I would put my head through a wall if I were her husband hearing her talking all night every night into her phone for what has to be hours.
submitted by Easy_Ant_6324 to auntie_coolettesnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Acrobatic_Ant_2365 Jakey out already lmfao😭

Jakey out already lmfao😭 submitted by Acrobatic_Ant_2365 to notcoratilleysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Still_Historian_2882 Why does meditating before bed make it harder for me to sleep?

Why does meditating before bed make it harder for me to sleep?
I’ve been experimenting with my sleep and meditation habits, and I’ve noticed something odd.
I usually meditate (focused meditation, focusing on my breath) before bed. I meditate in the corner of my room, not in my bed, and it makes me feel sleepy at first—my eyes get heavy, and I feel like I’m ready to fall asleep. But once I get into bed, I can’t sleep. I feel awake and alert. My smart watch shows a lot of light sleep and fragmented deep sleep.
When I skip meditation, I actually sleep much better—I fall asleep quickly and have more continuous sleep.
Has anyone else experienced this? Why might focused meditation before bed make me feel more awake? Should I change my approach or the timing of my meditation?
submitted by Still_Historian_2882 to Meditation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Suitable-Prune1023 M4A 43 married, was very vanilla all my life. I'm starting to feel I'm missing out a lot, looking for someone to teach and push me into new stuff. session in comments

submitted by Suitable-Prune1023 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Lurkingleena Advice on not tensing up?

Hi everyone, I (29f) am coming up on my yellow belt test very soon. I’m super excited! Karate has brought so much joy to my life and I can picture myself doing it for many years to come. One reason I know I love it is that I look forward to every class! I have a tendency to be flakey when it comes to a lot of social events/clubs due to some social anxiety. But I do not have that problem with getting to the dojo. I never feel the need to push myself into showing up because I actually WANT to be there. But one problem I have is that I’m extremely tense! I think that has to do with some of the social anxiety I’ve got. I don’t notice I do it but I tense up, raise my shoulders, and grind my teeth when in public spaces. My senseis will point it out sometimes and encourage me to relax. I feel like I’ve spent so much of my life being tense that it feels normal to me. I want to loosen up a little though at least for karate. Any advice? I’ve even considered taking a half of one of my prescribed muscle relaxers before a class, but I would think that would slow me down more? I’d like to meditate, but I often end up driving straight from work to class so I wouldn’t be able to before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 🙏
submitted by Lurkingleena to karate [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 More-Buffalo-6068 Give me a nightmare

I want to have a nightmare. I haven't had one since I was very young but for whatever reason I want to have the excitement to have one but I don't know how to induce one. Don't give the bullshit reason why I wouldnt want to have one just give me the answer if you have it. Don't down vote the post if you do your a special kind of bitch. Only serious post only.
submitted by More-Buffalo-6068 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Commercial-Theory436 Issues with usables?

Is anyone else experiencing issues with toppings/biscuits chest usables? I can’t access them anywhere after claiming them.
submitted by Commercial-Theory436 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Quirky_Side08 How to download Mobile Legends again after the Ban

How to download Mobile Legends again after the Ban I have the app on my phone before the ban happened, eventually it came back. I wanted a Cecilion skin so bad. My thinking was, If I delete the app and reinstall it, the payment will go through
Now I can't find it on the App store 😭😭😭 please help!
submitted by Quirky_Side08 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Impossible-Tone-3260 people realized who her man was and he privates his account 2 minutes after i spam her comment section with the name jake

people realized who her man was and he privates his account 2 minutes after i spam her comment section with the name jake bruh this is clearly him 😭 and she knows we all know so she told him to private it and i should’ve screenshotted but she commented hella times on his posts
submitted by Impossible-Tone-3260 to notcoratilleysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 TriggerHappy905 New to USPSA: Red Dot on CZ Shadow 2—Practical for Accuracy?

For those just starting out in USPSA, is adding a red dot using a dovetail mount a practical way to improve accuracy? I’m thinking of trying one on my CZ Shadow 2 but want to hear others’ experiences first.
submitted by TriggerHappy905 to USPSA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 AdventurousJelly1766 Look who I come home to.

submitted by AdventurousJelly1766 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 ASh0rtSniper $100 Mystery Box

I would say it was a good mystery box!!
submitted by ASh0rtSniper to G59 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Yadderal20mg KO YOLO FULL PORT

KO YOLO FULL PORT Coca-Cola longs, everyone says I might be cooked but I have 60 days to move up 5 dollars. Am I cooked?
submitted by Yadderal20mg to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 A12qwas you are a pretty girl

you are a pretty girl submitted by A12qwas to traaaaaaaaaaaansbians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 asad-dotnet-dev 7 years of unjust suffering 29M

I was a fat and lazy kid and after college(2014) I went on my first physical activity(always in the sun) and caloric deficit regimen. Lost around 20kg and next two years in uni I enjoyed peak of my mental performance. I was amazed how efficient and competitive I had gotten at study. If I hadn’t experienced it then average is what I would have known my whole life. At mid of year 2016, I started playing Dota 2, that means less out door during day. I started lagging mentally, no motivation, always fatigued and no interest in valuable things in life, I failed two semesters to that. This resulted in quite severe depression, due to not being able to focus on study. I quit dota, shifted accommodation to stay away from friends who play it so I don’t get tempted. I had more time on hands so staying out a bit more, when got some control back started going to the gym, but over did it and had elbow injuries and next two years no gym. I barely survived uni managed to get average percentage that I had been all my life except first two years in uni, they were 90+. That performance cycle has been staying with me till this, a good month of mental performance by a month of fatigue and depression. 2021 shifted to uk, had decided to put everything on stakes and always focusing on exercise, walks and good diet. Did well overall for masters, right after got first job in the uk as well. At some point during job I had started neglecting exercise and diet. And this winter I started having severe fatigue, bone aches, zero motivation and all other symptoms for depression. I tried gym, diet, dopamine detox(which I am still not scrolling any entertainment content). Guess what actually fixed me to how I was at my peak of mental health, 7 days of my wife’s vitaminD 4000iu(35% recovered) and then ordered 5000iu of my my own which its been 3 weeks I am taking one tablet regularly. I am following few other daily routine things to enhance my mental state more, everything seems to fit perfectly with each other. I am currently writing this while out for a morning walk 5:30am, and wondering if it really was vitaminD deficiency for past 7-9 years, I have suffered unjustly.
submitted by asad-dotnet-dev to VitaminD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 reptilicas Just started in F&I

To all you FI managers out there, I need some tips! Just started FI last week after selling the same brand for almost 8 years. I’m really well versed with the manufacturer and how they do business, but I need some tips on learning the bank programs.
I know how to get to them in Route One, but it’s the moments like I had tonight where everyone stopped in at the same time and I have 3 approvals from 3 banks and I can’t tell whose got the better terms for myself and the customer, how much room Ive got in the back. Why my VSC is limited to only 4k while they also say I have $6k total to spend. Which banks are flat rate and which are not. All the things!
So I guess if I could get any words of wisdom primarily in that area that’d be great, or any other things that your newcomer doesn’t think to learn/study up on.
submitted by reptilicas to askcarsales [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Specialist-Yellow856 Help passing a 9 panel drug test

I haven’t smoked thc for 27 days. I was a heavy user I smoked it everyday multiple times for about 2 years. Do you all think I’ll be good to take my test tomorrow it’ll be 28 days that I haven’t smoked?
submitted by Specialist-Yellow856 to drugtesthelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 rusakovic 📩 Partner Sales Engineer Salary: 💰$0 - $0. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Partner Sales Engineer Salary: 💰$0 - $0. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 BeecoWee Bura nere amk

Bura nere amk submitted by BeecoWee to HGK [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 hemlock_harry Petition to give this lady a pass.

Petition to give this lady a pass. I know she believes in sky daddy. She's probably got the age of the earth all wrong and thinks our existence on this planet is guided by some supernatural being while it's obviously not. I wouldn't be surprised if she's blissfully unaware that you can't Pascal's wager yourself out of two mutually exclusive religions. And yes, she worships a being that, even if it existed, does not deserve worship.
But she speaks truth to power and I like her nonetheless.
submitted by hemlock_harry to atheism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Ok_Mission_2167 US Visitor/Business Visa Interview (in Dubai): Passport Renewed After DS-160 Submission – What Should I Do?

Hi, I applied for a U.S. visitobusiness (non-immigrant) visa last year, completed the DS-160 form, and got an interview date scheduled for January 30th, 2025 (after a 400-day wait). However, between the time I applied and now, my passport was renewed. When I filled out the application, I used the details of my old passport, but now I have a new passport.
Should I bring both my old and new passports to the interview, or do I need to redo the application with the updated passport details? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Ok_Mission_2167 to dubai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 05:49 Correct_Spinach9616 slides

Hi guys! I was wondering what everyone is using to make their slides! I don’t know what website / app to use so if someone has any recommendations i’d appreciate it!
submitted by Correct_Spinach9616 to fitnyc [link] [comments]