2025.01.23 07:00 wildyam Drump’s speedrun is on track so far…
submitted by wildyam to houstonwade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 Urmind We made a quick stop in Moab on our way back from Utah.
submitted by Urmind to BeamNGRP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 SnooCats395 PLC Vs NROTC
My recruiter wants me to enlist and do the 90 day reserve program with a 6 year contract and do the Platoon Leaders course while at college. He says once I go to OCS and commission my enlisted contract will be replaced with the latter. I applied for the NROTC scholarship but i’m not very hopeful I already got a huge scholarship from a school I’m interested in and waiting to hear back from others. My uncle was an O-5 and recommends that I go through with the NROTC marine option and avoid the enlisted side all together. I have my pilots license and want to fly but I don’t know what option would help me more in that regard. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by SnooCats395 to USMCocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 Slyme-wizard Now that I’ve finally beaten the game, Super Paper Mario chapters ranked.
Watching yt videos of this game was a big part of my childhood so it was so gratifying to finally emula-I mean buy the game legally and play on the wii I definitely own. submitted by Slyme-wizard to Mario [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 yuriii_69 Available 🌸 Watashiwa Yurie Deska 🌸
submitted by yuriii_69 to OasisSpaLounge [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 No-Introduction6937 WTB Kobe 6 Yeezy Pack size 9.5 [CANADA]
mainly looking for the red octobers and the cheetah colourway
submitted by No-Introduction6937 to KobeReps [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 josylad Hiring: Vangen søker etter butikkmedarbeider deltid 20 % helg at KIWI
KIWI is hiring a Vangen søker etter butikkmedarbeider deltid 20 % helg
Location: N46, Norway
Stillingsbeskrivelse Bli en del av det grønne vinnerlaget!
I KIWI er det kunden som er sjefen, og for å gjøre sjefen fornøyd trenger vi Norges blideste og hyggeligste medarbeidere. Er det deg? Har du også en god porsjon konkurranseinstinkt og «stå-på-vilje»? Da må du lese videre.
Gjennom årene har KIWI vært den soleklare vekstvinneren i det norske dagligvaremarkedet. Nå søker vi deg som vil være med på det grønne vinnerlaget, og bidra til å ta oss videre.
Hver eneste medarbeider er viktig i KIWI og gjennom å gjøre hverandre bedre skal vi vinne kundene. Som butikkmedarbeider vil du være KIWIs ansikt utad og et viktig bindeledd mellom kunden og kjeden. Ditt bidrag vil være med på å påvirke opplevelsen kundene våre har av KIWI.
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/vangen-s%C3%B8ker-etter-butikkmedarbeider-deltid-20-helg-58695/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 1cute_cure 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 𝟐 Album Debuts at #16 on Circle Chart!
Just as the title says, Love 2 (the album) debuted at #16 on this week's album Circle Chart with 5k albums sold! 🥳 To compare, OMT (the album) peaked at #22 on the same chart back in 2023 when it was released so this is already a step up! Only thing I'm curious about is why is it exactly 5k...why not 5,101 or 5,002...seems like a fixed number. I hope GLG ain't doing the same thing WMK did by only manufacturing a set number of albums because they weren't sure about the girls popularity and if they are, I hope this shows them the demand is there and they need to restock and make the album available where stocks are low. But here is the link: https://circlechart.kpage_chart/album.circle?nationGbn=T&targetTime=03&hitYear=2025&termGbn=week&yearTime=3 submitted by 1cute_cure to bravegirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 Imaginary_Camera_298 blades performance in this video honestly doesn't look too bad, maybe tribbie will be his saviour?
submitted by Imaginary_Camera_298 to BladeMains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 Sea-Programmer2204 Need some good amount of karama
submitted by Sea-Programmer2204 to freekarama4you [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 derek9967 Ball lightning
Am I missing something it did they change grav aspect? And is ball lightning only through the unique now?
submitted by derek9967 to D4Sorceress [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 nitternat Towing Boat
Got a 21 V6 4x4 long box crew cab. Rated for about 6,400lbs towing. Looking to tow a 19' aluminum boat. Boat will be about 4,500lbs with fuel and trailer (has trailer brakes). Whats your thoughts?
submitted by nitternat to Tacomaworld [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 D15c0untMD Wie kurzfristig ein Motorrad entsorgen?
Ich musste gestern frühzeitig wegen umzug aus meiner alten garage raus in der ich (u.a.) mein altes Motorrad stehen hatte. Das ding war nur eine bastelarbeit und ist nie wieder fahrtüchtig geworden. Ich hab eigentlich schon seit lsngem mit einem entsorger vereinbart dass es gestern geholt wird, aber der ghosted mich jetzt. Jetzt steht der rostende scheiss draußen (ohne gültiges Pickerl natürlich) und ich finde niemanden der es mir mitnimmt. Ich bin mitten im siedeln und muss eigentlich heute Mittag weg aus ibk. Kennt wer eine Möglichkeit das schnellstmöglich zu erledigen?
submitted by D15c0untMD to Innsbruck [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 Valkaryia Little Christmas gift for the doge
It snowed here in the south and Blair absolutely loved it. Tried to eat as much snow as possible. Crazy little dog. submitted by Valkaryia to shiba [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 piechuck Gävle-politiker stängdes in i unikt SVT-projekt – forskarens analys: ”Släpp sargen”
submitted by piechuck to sweden [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 cocainagrif Linux compatible offline live spectrometer
I have been watching Zhea's lessons and I like the pitch spectrometer she uses to show the upper and lower registers, the movement of the resonance, and separating that from pitch. I want to have that as a tool to see how I'm doing visually, and live as well so I can see how it changes while I do it.
I have no reliable fast cheap Internet, so offline is important.
also, because I'm very stereotypical, i_use_Arch_btw. I need Linux compatible software.
anyone have a recommendation?
submitted by cocainagrif to transvoice [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 Loopdeeswoop Anki decks for Mexican Spanish?
Ive been trying to find an anki deck for Mexican spainsh but all the ones ive found seem to be Spain spanish. Does anyone know any good Mexican anki decks?
submitted by Loopdeeswoop to Spanish [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 koppy150 1 MONTH CLEAN
started in december 2024 and yesterday i hit 1 month clean off 🍃. i went cold turkey and surprisingly it didn’t affect me that much nor i feel any cravings for doing it again. i also feel so much better without it too, ill be like this for the rest of my life and probably never going back. i encourage yall to do it, its possible if u put your mind to it.
submitted by koppy150 to leaves [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 DelhiSeHuBc_69 School is so hard:(
Alright, this post might sound a lil childish but here's what happened today, so i took a off from school today since i spent the last night till like 12:30am (SKETCHING FOR A GROUP PROJECT AND THEN MAKING A SCRIPT PLUS STUDYING) yeah and then i completely forgot that i had to practice for my upcoming play and mind you here practice means just reading of the script and speaking lines SO MY TEACHER CALLED AND SHE WAS LEGIT SPEAKING IN A VERY BAD TONE AND said like if you will not come tomorrow i'll remove you and shit in spite of me telling her that yes i'll come, like it's so hard managing school + studying for exams and when you take a off you get yelled at instead of working so hard now i'm worried that if i go tommorow she'll obv scold me and by now she might have found a replacement as well:( i jst hate coming to school
submitted by DelhiSeHuBc_69 to school [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 JoeDATSME Feeling stoned… anyone else have fun with stone cards?
Got Marble Joker, Stone Joker, and Hologram all pretty early on and they all played really well together. Got blueprints later in the run too. What a fun run and what a fun game! submitted by JoeDATSME to balatro [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 Simchang-E TEKKEN 8 Reina Fanart 2
submitted by Simchang-E to fanart [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 Mobile_Poet_9329 Need help in speaking and reading section
Can anyone be able to help me with some resources, I have exhausted almost all the YouTube and tstprep resources. Where do I find new contents to practice? Any access codes etc.
submitted by Mobile_Poet_9329 to ToeflSpeaking [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 07:00 MikeHillEngineer Apparently Sean Williams, the officer who shot and killed John Crawford III in the Beavercreek Walmart is on his way to become a supervisor
From Nextdoor: https://preview.redd.it/bdj0nix7zoee1.png?width=1180&format=png&auto=webp&s=e03c95f9278ae9b568ba8fd061816b9bb5b92903 submitted by MikeHillEngineer to dayton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 apeloverage [indie / alternative] God Lay Dying - I Gotta Guy
submitted by apeloverage to ratemysong [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 07:00 Logical_Pound_4765 Paladin help
Is it true that spells can be interrupted during the precast phase? I thought precast was used exclusively for fast cast gear swaps.
I've been trying to tank during segment farms but I keep getting interrupted.
My midcast sets have all of the SIRD.
Will i fix this by combining SIRD and FC into the precast, and then maybe all emnity in the midcast?
Does midcast even need SIRD - or, again, are both SIRD and FC that calculated in precast?
submitted by Logical_Pound_4765 to ffxi [link] [comments]