Magazine & Newspaper Conventions


2025.01.23 09:45 surveycircle_bot Magazine & Newspaper Conventions

Magazine & Newspaper Conventions submitted by surveycircle_bot to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 FloatingLight_Past What do I put as my instagram bio?

I wanna change my instagram page and revamp everything since it’s been 3 years since I’ve even touched it bro 😭
submitted by FloatingLight_Past to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 cidadehoje Famalicão: Presidente da Câmara visitou Carreira e Bente para ver «a obras feita» e assinalar futuros investimentos

Famalicão: Presidente da Câmara visitou Carreira e Bente para ver «a obras feita» e assinalar futuros investimentos submitted by cidadehoje to atualidadeportugal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Pleasant-Corgi-8970 What do you all think would have been Harry's job if he hadn't become an auror?

I've been wondering what Harry's job would have been if he hadn't become an auror. Let me know in the comments what you think please!
submitted by Pleasant-Corgi-8970 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Thyless Which IKEA mattress should I buy?

Hey guys! I recently (3 days ago) moved to Bangkok and I need a mattress recommendation (king size).
In my home county I have an expensive Tempur mattress and I love it so much, it’s all foam and my body sinks in it.
Since I rent in BKK and I won’t be here more than 1-2 probably, I don’t want to spend a lot on a mattress, so I think that an IKEA mattress is the best option.
I’m mostly a back sleeper, sometimes side. I like soft mattresses, especially those with a foam layer which lets you sink in (I think it’s called visco). My friend has the Hyllestad mattress and he says it’s so good, but I asked IKEA and they don’t sell it anymore.
Anyone know a good ikea mattress that could fit my needs? I already have the bed, but no mattress yet, so need it as soon as possible 😂 Thanks!
submitted by Thyless to Mattress [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 PutridNeat7550 Video for sydney concert?

Hi, I was wondering if anyone was willing to send a live video for concrete jungle, artificial suicide, dethrone, tdopom and limits from goodbye friend, sydney? even just one of those would be ok. i won't get to go and would like to see the live version if anyone would like to send! i absolutely get if you can't or don't want to. thank you :)
submitted by PutridNeat7550 to BadOmens [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Sad_Cow_577 Hello, this is Deptford Police Department. This is a follow up on the investigation of your missing _______, we have reviewed the security footage of several business and now know what happened to your _______. If you could please call us on 110384, to discuss this further.

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Cool_Shoulder8220 Reno advice

Reno advice Hey community! Just looking at what to expect for a Reno costs - loose design attached and located in Adelaide (if that makes any major difference)
For reference the current house ends at the bathroom. There’s be internal works on the existing house but happy to do that myself/pay a chippy so looking to exclude that for now.
submitted by Cool_Shoulder8220 to AusRenovation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 PageRoutine8552 Honda Civic Type R FN2

Why are they so cheap anyway? Is it actually bad or problematic, or just the bad reputation?
Been looking through some classifieds lately, and found out that some FN2s were sold for late 10s.
Considering the landscape of the NZ manual car scene, that's really not a lot, even and especially compared to its own stablemates. The favourite child FD2 sells for 30-35k. Even the EP3 sells for more, despite being 5 years older (early 20s by memory).
Sure, FN2 is the black sheep of the family. It shares its chassis with the Fit GK with torsion beam rear suspension, heavier, and it's made in UK. But in this age where any beater-grade 90s Honda with a "VTI" badge fetches close to 10k, surely the FN2 doesn't seem that bad, at least on the surface.
Hoping to get your insights on this one.
(Or maybe the 86/BRZ is putting up fierce competition?)
submitted by PageRoutine8552 to NZcarfix [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 LordSkywalker7 Sofri um layoff "cedo demais", o que me sugerem?

Ano passado eu fui contratado por uma consultoria grande depois de ter estagiado lá. Tava tudo bem, mesmo atuando num projeto já bem atrasado que não tava sendo custeado mais pelo cliente, e sim pela empresa devido aos atrasos. Achei o ambiente bem acolhedor e a galera lá sempre se ajuda. O problema é que 8 meses após ter entrado, os gestores da empresa decidem fazer um corte de gastos e nessa boa parte do time que eu estava atuando foi junto, comigo incluso.
O meu receio agora está em como conseguir outra vaga com apenas 8 meses de experiência, uma vez que moro no interior então pra mim funcionaria vagas remotas, que não são muitas. Alguém me sugeriu buscar estágios novamente, mas já terminei a facul. Pensei em tentar com pós graduação, mas parece que é mais difícil pois são poucas empresas que aceitam. Então, vocês acham que tentar estágio com pós graduação seria uma boa? O que vocês me sugerem que poderia fazer pra contornar a situação?
Obs: atuei no backend com node.
submitted by LordSkywalker7 to brdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 reddit_lss_2 This an automation added post 23/1/2025 09:44:07

this is a post description 23/1/2025 09:44:07
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Federal_Demand_2653 Am I the only one who finishes all side quests before main story ends in Arkham Knight?

Am I the only one who finishes all side quests before main story ends in Arkham Knight? submitted by Federal_Demand_2653 to arkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Imkblack27 Home visit Cash express

Home visit Cash express Ask ko lang po Kung may nabalitaan naba kayo na nag home visit ang cash express? Salamat po sa sasagot
submitted by Imkblack27 to ola_harassment [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Death2Coriander My moley moley mooooole

So, I have this mole just to the side of my mouth and slightly above it. It used to be flat and dark, like a beauty spot. As I’ve gotten older it’s become skin coloured and raised, slightly bigger than it used to be. There are times when I’ve thought about removing it, but the thought of doing that makes me sad. I kind of love it and I think my face would look strange without it lol anyway, this post is a shoutout to my mole. I love you mole. Even if others don’t understand you, I always will 🫶
submitted by Death2Coriander to selflove [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 MassimilianoPiccione [Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe] Special game, I would say

submitted by MassimilianoPiccione to Trophies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Just_STIRIX Uploaded an instrumental for Reprise

Uploaded an instrumental for Reprise submitted by Just_STIRIX to souleater [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 ResponsibleBee2340 What should I do in this case? I need help

I didn't know that creating a second account on faceit was prohibited, so I created a second account and verified it. After that, they detected multiple accounts and told me that if I didn't verify within 48 hours, my first account would be suspended. However, since I had already verified my second account, my first account was suspended 48 hours later. I have never played a single game with my second account, and it has now been deleted. Can you unban my first account?
submitted by ResponsibleBee2340 to FACEITcom [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 AccomplishedStick433 Découvrez TVMAX.CA IPTV Quebec, abonnement IPTV. Abonnez-vous pour un divertissement sans fin!

submitted by AccomplishedStick433 to Canada_streamin_iptv [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 wastedtank METK, ERUP, POKE, MERCH, COUS in New York City October 2022

METK, ERUP, POKE, MERCH, COUS in New York City October 2022 submitted by wastedtank to Bombing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Cruzzle Help me identify

Help me identify Can anyone identify this old saw?
submitted by Cruzzle to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 PeacePipePeyote Think my “ex” is my soul mate, <\3

submitted by PeacePipePeyote to sevenwordstory [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Bulky-Barracuda-2357 Opinião burra no sub

Opinião burra no sub submitted by Bulky-Barracuda-2357 to OpiniaoBurra [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 DM86IMC Justice For Quevedo. I'd Like To Thank And To Show My Appreciation To u/AsidK.

Quevedo is my favourite Reggaeton artist. I want all those who called Quevedo, Saiko and Mora trash in my post yesterday asking for more artists like them to please take their bullshit to twitter. I'd also like to shoutout u/AsidK for being the only decent person in the comment section. Fuck everyone else on that post for shitting on Quevedo.
submitted by DM86IMC to Reggaeton [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 Binford6100User Need recommendation - Tiny area to clear, but in Lake Effect zone.

Good morning!
This past June I relocated the family from KY to Buffalo, NY. To say the shock and awe of lake effect snow has hit us hard is an understatement. After this week's events, we have ~46in of snow on the ground in the backyard. I brought a crappy metal shovel with me and it's working OK, but I'm getting older and my body is less tolerant of the work.
Fortunately, the house we're renting has snow removal included. This means the driveway is cleared for us, and they've done a great job so far. We do have a small back patio (10x10), and a patch of grass that I try to clean off for our medium sized dog. We also have a 4ft wide x 15ft long porch/walk out front that connects the front door to the driveway. Slight silver lining is that the snow here seems to be light and fluffy, not overly wet or heavy. Makes terrible snowmen.
I'm looking for something to clear these small areas, but that is relatively easy to store and ideally is an electric cordless device. We have two cars in the garage, I don't want to give up that space, but the garage isn't large enough to hold both the cars a traditional gas blower that would handle this depth. Nor do I want something that big to lug around to the backyard each snow.
Everytime I read a review about the "electric shovels" people comment how they won't handle heavy snow, but they're trying to clear driveways and larger areas. In my head I could just take multiple passes vertically if the device is light enough; thinking "take a little off the top" 2-3 times until I'm down to surface. Is that reasonable?
What device could I look at for such a small area, but often absurdly deep snow levels? I feel like I'm living in some weird edge case here where nothing really "fits". Any thoughts?!?
submitted by Binford6100User to Snowblowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:45 chikinugget21 Questionnaire pressure

This is more a get out of my chest post but, OMG filling the questionnaire was so scary! I was so worried I would chose the wrong thing or upload the wrong document 😭 hopefully everything will be alright 🙏🏽
submitted by chikinugget21 to iecvisa [link] [comments]