Disconnected from the servers

2025.01.23 09:36 Hot-Ebb326 Disconnected from the servers

Hi. Two friends and I were trying to make the ZnS Easter egg on Xbox. We tried 3 times, and got disconnected mid-game thrice. We didn’t have any kind of connectivity issue previously, and there were no problems with our internet connections.
Does anyone know if there is/was some kind of issue with the servers?
Thank you!
submitted by Hot-Ebb326 to blackops3zombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 AlternativeMiddle827 Aliexpress.com behaving weirdly

I've been having some issues with the website. Whenever I search for something the page loads and the moment I scroll - it freezes. If I'm navigating through an item lets say - same thing. I tried with Chrome - works fine. Any tips why that might be happening?
submitted by AlternativeMiddle827 to brave_browser [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 PotentialSpaceman Can someone more knowledgeable about WWII please fact check me?

Hi all
I don't want to get into a discussion of current politics, but I must admit this question is, of course, influenced by recent events
I have heard it claimed many times in the last few days that Adolf Hitler frequently emphasised during speeches or announcements a phrase which when translated conveys something akin to "my heart beats for you" or "I give my heart to you"
I tried to research this myself to see if it was true, but due to aforementioned recent events every single result which came up related to things not directly connected to my enquiry
Can anyone potentially verify this claim for me? And if so potentially provide a source where I can learn more about this?
I'm desperately trying to gather information from verifiable sources here and not just take internet comment sections at face value, but it's proving quite difficult right now
submitted by PotentialSpaceman to AskHistorians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Outrageous_Smoke_734 What’s up with these prices ? 🤷

What’s up with these prices ? 🤷 Do you think these hoodies are authentic ?
submitted by Outrageous_Smoke_734 to stockx [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Gloomy_Pomegranate72 HERE'S KORONE! (art by tomato)

HERE'S KORONE! (art by tomato) submitted by Gloomy_Pomegranate72 to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Marty1989 First Pauper EDH Deck

Looking for some help with my first puaper EDH Deck, decided to go with [Dwynen , Gilt-Leaf Daen]. I tried to keep it a primarily elves with a couple extra spicy pieces. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Mainly struggling on how to get card draw. https://moxfield.com/decks/1oesptGPT06y1t7yZ_v3Xw
submitted by Marty1989 to Pauper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Global_Peak_8970 Improving Multi-Class Classification With Stacking Ensembles And Feature Engineering: Need Insights

Hi everyone,
I am working on a machine learning task involving a multi-class classification problem with tabular, imbalanced data (no time series or categorical variables).
The goal is to predict class probabilities for a test set (150,000 rows x 9 classes) using models trained on the provided training data. To achieve lower log loss scores, I am exploring a multi-layered approach with stacking ensembles.
The first layer generates meta-features from diverse models (e.g., Random Forest, Extra Trees, KNN, etc.), while the second layer combines these predictions using techniques like LightGBM, SVM, or neural networks.
I am also experimenting with feature engineering (e.g., clustering, distance metrics, and embedding-based methods like UMAP and t-SNE), and advanced optimization techniques like Bayesian search for hyperparameters. Given the data imbalance, I am considering sampling techniques or class-weight adjustments.
Any suggestions or insights to refine this pipeline and improve model performance would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Global_Peak_8970 to MLQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 sirmrguyman Bait and switch?

In november heb ik ontslag genomen bij mijn vorige werkgever. Begin december werd ik gecontacteerd door een recruiter via LinkedIn. Op basis van mijn profiel wilde hij me voorstellen bij een bedrijf. Het betreft een functie als verkoper bij een groot Amerikaans bedrijf. Ik zal gaan vallen onder de Belgische tak (verderop relevant). De week erop kon ik op gesprek. Dit was positief. van beide kanten was er een klik. Men liet er geen gras over groeien en noemde gelijk concrete arbeidsvoorwaarden. Te weten: Salaris, Lease-auto, 13de maand, 20% prestatiebonus, vast contract, 20 vakantiedagen + 12 ADV dagen, jaarlijks 3,5% inflatiecorrectie. Ik was verkocht. Kort daarop volgden een tweede en derde gesprek. Het gevoel bleef goed en voor de kerst kreeg ik de mededeling dat men mij graag een aanbod wil doen. Hier zal echter wat administratief uitzoekwerk (ik zal de eerste NL werknemer worden) en uiteraard de kerst aan vooraf gaan. Toen bereikte mij 8 januari een (deels) aanbod. In dit initiële aanbod omvatte enkel de gegevens salaris en dat het een vast contract betrof. Geen alomvattend overzicht van alle voorwaarden en emolumenten. De weken erop is er mailcontact geweest waarin ik vroeg om verheldering en specificering van het aanbod. Dit kwam mondjesmaat binnen. Pas deze week kreeg ik het volledige aanbod in de vorm van een conceptcontract binnen. Dit viel nogal tegen. Kortgezegd kwamen de arbeidsvoorwaarden in dit voorstel niet overeen met hetgeen wat er besproken is tijdens het eerste sollicitatiegesprek. Nu bood men 25 vakantiedagen (en geen adv) en geen jaarlijkse inflatiecorrectie. Daarnaast was er geen pensioenbijdrage (dit was eerder ook niet besproken). Na het ontvangen van het conceptcontract heb ik telefonisch contact gehad met het bedrijf. In dit gesprek heb ik ze gevraagd waarom de arbeidsvoorwaarden verschillen van hetgeen er eerder genoemd is en te informeren naar de pensioenbijdrage. Als antwoord kreeg ik dat het genoemde aantal vrije dagen en de inflatiecorrectie niet van toepassing waren op NL maar enkel op België. Dit beruste dus op een fout van hun kant. Ze voelden zich hierover rot en ik kreeg excuses. Als alternatief van een pensioenbijdrage boden ze aan 4% meer salaris te betalen zodat ik zelf kon pensioenbeleggen (dit komt bij lange na niet in de buurt van wat ik zou opbouwen onder een gemiddeld NL pensioenfonds). Ik sloot het telefoongesprek af door ze te bedanken voor het aanbod en de energie die ze er tot nu toe in hebben gestoken. Maar ik heb ze ook duidelijk aangegeven dat ik andere verwachtingen had bij het voorstel en het me daarin tegenvalt. Hiervoor kon men begrip opbrengen. Men zal kijken of er ruimte was om het e.e.a. aan te passen in het contract. Een half uur later kreeg ik telefoon. Na een korte overweging was er besloten dat het voorstel zoals het er nu ligt niet aangepast zal worden; er is geen budget en ruimte om aanpassingen door te voeren. De keuze was nu aan mij of ik met de gestelde arbeidsvoorwaarden akkoord ga. Nu zit ik ernstig te dubben. Ik wil de baan heel graag. Men heeft aangegeven ook heel graag met mij verder te willen. Het is een mooie stap in mijn carrière en ik krijg veel vrijheid/verantwoordelijkheid. Toch zit ik in mijn maag met het verloop van het aanbod en de onderhandelingen. Er ontbreken 7 vakantiedagen en er is geen jaarlijkse verhoging. Daarnaast voelt de 4% als een zoethoudertje voor het ontbreken van een gedegen pensioenopbouw. Temeer dit mij pas aangeboden werd toen ik er om vroeg. In het verleden heb ik negatieve ervaringen gehad met werkgevers, contractvoorwaarden en zelfs schendingen daarvan. Daarom ben ik alert op een eerlijkheid en wil ik dat alles 100% duidelijk is voor ik iets teken zodat er geen ruimte is voor misinterpretatie. Na het laatste gesprek waarin de mededeling neerkomt op ‘Take it, or leave it.’ Weet ik niet goed wat ik moet. Als ik hiermee akkoord ga weet ik niet of ik me op den duur over het compromis heen kan zetten. Is dit überhaupt een goede basis voor het opbouwen van een vertrouwensband? Nee, niet echt. Wil ik de baan? Heel graag! Ik heb het bedrijf vertelt dat ik er goed over na moet denken. Mijn statdatum zal a.s. maandag zijn. Ik word verwacht in Frankrijk voor een ‘onboarding’. Er is dus weinig tijd. Ik heb inmiddels ook al een mailtje en appje gehad van het bedrijf of ik er inmiddels uit ben. Hier zal ik natuurlijk op moeten antwoorden. Mijn huidige strategie is ‘hard to get’ spelen, in de hoop dat men bereid is water bij de wijn te doen en na te komen wat er toegezegd is. Nu mijn vragen aan jullie: Wat is jullie algemene kijk op deze situatie? Is dit een klassiek geval van ‘bait and switch’? Is mijn ‘hard to get’ strategie de juiste manier om te krijgen wat ik wil? Wat hebben jullie in vergelijkbare situaties gedaan?
submitted by sirmrguyman to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 smile96uno post questions if u got any :)

post questions if u got any :) submitted by smile96uno to battlestations [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 DoomBirb Can I romance Miyabi as Belle?

submitted by DoomBirb to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Ok-Monk-4136 Dose my passport need to be valid 6 months after return date to go to Mexico

I am 14 and I recently had a vacation with my family were we planned to go to the DR and once we got to the airport we were told me and my sister could not go due to the fact that our passport expires a month after our return date and it needs to be valid for 6 months. And so me and my sister and mom are going to go on vacation in a month and I was just hoping for some useful info if anyone know if the 6 month validity after return date is a thing for Mexico and if what airline you are traveling with changes that also if anyone knows other places that don’t have a 6 month validity rule.
submitted by Ok-Monk-4136 to travel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 wargen- İlk Matchbox serim

İlk Matchbox serim submitted by wargen- to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Alex-520 Using APK with Bluetooth on an iOS device

Hello, I’m currently searching for a solution for using my apk that needs Bluetooth access (e-scooter unlocking) on an iOS device. I tried using UTM with an android emulation but it’s not possible to use Bluetooth. Anyone got an idea?
submitted by Alex-520 to jailbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Strict_Environment48 Curios to learn more about how to improve work in the creative fields - your help needed

Curios to learn more about how to improve work in the creative fields - your help needed Hi guys, couple of weeks ago I started a thread and asked you about the biggest struggles of working in the creative fields. It was incredible to hear your stories. Many of you reached out privately--thanks for the discussion it was incredibly insightful.
With a couple of my Italian friends at UNI we came up with an idea for the "product" that tries to address some of the biggest struggles we (creative professionals) experience.
We need 50 participants and would really appreciate if you take 2-3minutes and help us understand the industry better from your geolocation and position--creative field is so broad and has so many different aspects in different locations... Thank you to everyone who will take the time, really appreciate it.
submitted by Strict_Environment48 to Theatre [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Joks1 5-6 ascendancy point

Hi all, Am I the only one struggling to find token which can be used to unlock the 5-6th points in the ascendancy tree? I tried balbala and barya but it seems like they don’t drop it always and probably there is a very little chance if any.
So my question is: Is there an area or a boss where the chance to get the token is bigger and more reliable?
submitted by Joks1 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Substantial-Bed6937 What can I do to my appearance look above average?

What can I do to my appearance look above average? submitted by Substantial-Bed6937 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 IndianByBrain Mai hota to upar gadi chdha deta !!

Mai hota to upar gadi chdha deta !! submitted by IndianByBrain to indiameme [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Apelio38 Deck idea : Owl's Island 🟢🔴

Hi there, hope you are fine. Just had what seems to be an odd but potentially good deck idea about the Owl's Island card. Wanted to share this idea with y'all, discuss, theorybuild and maybe gather some feedback.
For those who don't know the card, Owl's Island is a set 6 Location card that comes with an average 6-Willpower and 1-Cost (no passive Lore). Kinda inclined towards Action cards, since both effects either grant you some ink reduction to play them, or give you a cool 3 Lore bonus when you manage to play a second Action in a given turn.
So my gimmick idea is to pair it with powerful mid- or late game Action cards, such as Bend to my Will (BTMW) and Under the Sea. I also kinda wanna include a Moana package, being both thematic and synergizing with Locations.
Deck skeleton so far (build-around cards) 4x Owl's Island
4x Moana - Self-Taught Sailor : she's a very cool T1 anyway, and a very attractive Shift target for the following cards.
4x Moana - Born Leader : I like her for synergizing with Locations, and being able to sing powerful songs on the turn 3.
4x Moana - Kakamora Leader : AKA the big boss. The plan is to trigger her "Gathering forces" ability, in order to move all my characters onto the Owl's Island and get massive ink discount from here. Both Floodborn Moana also happen to be Captain-typed, so there's some potential synergy.
2-3x Bend to my Will
2-3x Under the Sea : my big Action cards. Under the Sea has the advantage of being singable if things go wrong and I cannot move glimmers to the island.
Good Action cards I consider While BTMW and Under the Sea are the when-stars-align cards, I need good Action cards to gain benefit from Owl's Island throughout the early game. What comes first to mind is (obviously) Song cards, which can be played for free, and thus facilitating the Lore burn from the Island.
3-4x The Islands I pulled from the Sea : quick access to Owl's Island. I'm thinking about playing other Locations like Hidden Cove.
4x Sudden Chill
2-4x You're welcome
4x We don't talk about Bruno : those seem like an auto-include here. Some Ruby Song cards such as King Undisputed and even Go the Distance are also pretty appealing. The deck would feel very passive otherwise.
2-3x Pirate's Life : for that burn + Lore sucking hit. Seems funny and is singable anyway.
If I look at basic Action cards, the first choice is Brawl. Hypnosis is also cool, and I also don't dislike Remember who you are.
Characters ! Now the thing is : I want this deck to be able to handle the opponent from the beginning of the game, and not just wait for big Moana to do her thing. It might be enough most of the time anyway, so I need to build something storng even when she won't come up.
At the very first, I leaned toward Pirate characters, since I love them and was kinda influenced by me playing a Location as the main build-around card. Wendy Darling, Daisy and Donald were my first inclusions, quickly followed by Michael Darling. They are nice, but that's not engouh as a punch as I'd like.
So my second thought is maybe throw in a bunch of T1 characters, including some things like Diablo (for the Shift maybe) and maybe Cursed Merfolks.
Flynn Rider - Frenemy also seems very good, since I already run Moana. Pete - Freebooter and Baloo - Fun-Loving Bear are also appealing depending on my ink curve, since they could provide quick and high Strenght value.
Jim Hawkins and Robin Hood are also top characters when it comes to (respectively) Locations and Actions. Maui Shark too. There's also that Ursula that can sing twice, but I dunno if she's that good.
So what are your thoughts about this one ? I'm not sure the Pirate is the ideal approach. I'll make sur eto edit this post, as far as I'll experiment with the deck. Did a few tests yesterday, and it was not good for now. But I firmly believe that this can go somewhere. Somewhere on the sea, maybe.
I love you all. Take care of yourselves.
submitted by Apelio38 to Lorcana [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 Best-Ad-5053 Kava KAVA To TRC20 USDT

Kava KAVA To TRC20 USDT submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 King_Crow_dabest Yeah, too bad for them

Yeah, too bad for them submitted by King_Crow_dabest to dndwaitingroom [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 miracleofscience CSA box: farmer recomendations please

In the U.S. I got weekly produce from a farm it was super fresh and always kinda a gamble. But it was fun to cook what they had when they had it. Broccoli every day of the week.
Are there any similar offerings like this in Seoul, or Korea?
submitted by miracleofscience to Living_in_Korea [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 woah2jznoshit 35M from Indiana Looking for a Friend to Chat and Connect With!

Hey there! Bare with me, there’s a lot, but I’m looking for someone to connect with, maybe chat daily, and get to know each other better. Here’s a little about me:

I’m pretty terrible at making friends, though. People always seem to ghost after talking for a short time, and I never quite get why. I’m all for deep conversations when they happen, but I also get busy with work and life sometimes, so don’t be mad if I don’t respond immediately. If you’re down to chat and see where things go, hit me up!
submitted by woah2jznoshit to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 TimmieO2 Sharks!!!!

Help I need more shards not sharks. What is the best thing I can do? I already shattered some rare modules but that doesn't do much for my feeling....
And why is it that only rare modules can be shattered??
submitted by TimmieO2 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 ItsFreakCity Selling 2 coldplay Ahmedabad tickets at mrp- 25th jan

Looking to sell 2 tickets at MRP for coldplay 25th jan show at MRP Block H Bay 2
submitted by ItsFreakCity to Coldplaytickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:36 alchrischristal Pre-ordered S25 Ultra 256GB with trade-in.

The price is in New Zealand dollars. Unfortunately, Samsung NZ does not offer freebies; however, I received additional discounts as a member of the Samsung EPP. Then Samsung sent me a $150 voucher after registering for the Galaxy Unpacked event. I also traded in my S23 Ultra (256GB, 8GB RAM) for NZD 880. I paid a total of NZD 670.
I will really miss the S Pen's remote camera shutter, but I can just use my Galaxy Watch for that.
submitted by alchrischristal to GalaxyS25Ultra [link] [comments]
