im too lazy to take screenshots

2025.01.23 09:41 nitro-cuda im too lazy to take screenshots

im too lazy to take screenshots submitted by nitro-cuda to screenshotsarehard [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 robinho112 New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019 Introductory - PDF

New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 and Office 2019 Introductory - PDF Details
Authors: Patrick Carey, Katherine Pinard, Ann Shaffer, Mark Shellman, Sasha Vodnik
Format: PDF
Length: 1032 Pages
Publisher: ‎Cengage; 1st edition
Publication: 1, 2019
ISBN-10: 0357025741, 0357119967
ISBN-13: 9780357025741, 9780357119969
Available for download, pls email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by robinho112 to pdftextbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 Acrobatic_Most_8077 Гърция: Мицкоски да спре с провокациите, македонският въпрос е категорично решен

submitted by Acrobatic_Most_8077 to BGNES [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 Best-Ad-5053 SUI To POLYGON USDT

SUI To POLYGON USDT submitted by Best-Ad-5053 to CryptoPetra [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 noonesaidityet Can anyone ID this figure?

Can anyone ID this figure? Sure looks like Blade to me, but it's not the version from the Classics line. I've done a Google image search, but it wasn't much help. Is there another figure besides the original 87 movie and the Classics? Custom, maybe?
submitted by noonesaidityet to MastersOfTheUniverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 cpt_yarrrr New duo units are cooked really well, so here's my dedication to my favourite pirate

New duo units are cooked really well, so here's my dedication to my favourite pirate submitted by cpt_yarrrr to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AfternoonOne1479 Smiling Critters Oc

Smiling Critters Oc btw im new here!
submitted by AfternoonOne1479 to SmilingCritter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 djo_oy 名家の男の娘令嬢「雄嬢様」が集う学園を舞台にした怪作ノベルゲーム『女装百合畑』がNintendo Switchに降臨。腹黒清楚な雄嬢様から縦ロールゴージャス雄嬢様まで、人生観を揺るがす雄嬢様が勢ぞろい

submitted by djo_oy to nintendo_jp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 Accurate-Midnight-43 Est ce que je peux me passer de l'agence immobilière?

Bonjour Reddit,
Je viens de trouver un bien immobilier (maison individuelle) sur LBC et connaissant très bien le lieu, j'ai facilement trouvé l'adresse malgré les efforts de l'agent immobilier. Je l'ai contacté pour demander le DPE avant une éventuelle visite (conso énergétique assez haute) et n'ayant aucune réponse, j'ai relancé l'agent en indiquant que j'allais sonner directement chez le vendeur pour obtenir au moins le DPE et éventuellement visiter la maison.
Et en réponse instantanée, l'agence immobilière m'interdit d'aller sonner à la maison car mandat exclusif mais sans m'envoyer le DPE
Est ce que l'agence peut "m'interdire" de prendre contact directement et comment peut-elle le faire?
De mon coté, est ce que je peux obtenir le DPE sans visite?
En cas d'offre et si le bien est encore sous mandat, je compte passer par l'agence mais je ne suis pas pressé.
Merci pour vos réponses,
submitted by Accurate-Midnight-43 to immobilier [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 guest18_my Malaysian cosplayer files a police report for nude AI-generated images

submitted by guest18_my to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Share of U.S. companies in China looking to relocate hits a record high, survey finds | NBC

[Business] - Share of U.S. companies in China looking to relocate hits a record high, survey finds | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 cheetocat2021 Is elsenor a popular username for steam and online games?

I take it to mean "The senior" or "the mister" senor in english. Then again, who said that online nicknames have to make sense. But they are undeniably Spanish words.
submitted by cheetocat2021 to Spanish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 No_Offer_4711 Feeling guilty and confused

I’m struggling with a situation and could really use some advice to make sense of it all.
There’s this guy I used to talk to (let’s call him Boy A). I was so in love with him like, I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. We weren’t officially together; it was an unlabeled thing, but we both knew there was something between us.
Over the summer, we stopped talking because of some issues, and after that, I started flirting with someone else (let’s call him Boy B). I tried to talk to Boy B in the same way I talked to Boy A. But honestly, I’ve known Boy B for a long time, and I never had feelings for him before.
While I was talking to Boy B, I did something I really regret, I started badmouthing Boy A to him. I told him I hated him, ranted about stuff he did, and just kept going on about how bad things were.
Now, I feel horrible about the whole thing. I feel so guilty about talking about Boy A like that, and I don’t even want to reach out to him anymore.
I don’t understand why I acted the way I did, and it’s really eating me up. How could I say those things about him if I really did loved him? And how could I even talk to another guy like that?
submitted by No_Offer_4711 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Share of U.S. companies in China looking to relocate hits a record high, survey finds | NBC

[Top Stories] - Share of U.S. companies in China looking to relocate hits a record high, survey finds | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - NATO chief 'very happy' with Trump's sanctions threat to Russia | NBC

[World] - NATO chief 'very happy' with Trump's sanctions threat to Russia | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 jamesonkhamo What should i do?

What should i do? i was first in my 10 man comp, and had won 7 of my first 9 games. i now have 11 wins and 10 losses, and have been struggling recently.
i Am sat in 3rd and have to vs the top 2 teams in the next two fixtures.
What waivers should i bring in, or any specific players i should look to upgrade immediately in my team.
submitted by jamesonkhamo to DraftEPL [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - NATO chief 'very happy' with Trump's sanctions threat to Russia | NBC

[Top Stories] - NATO chief 'very happy' with Trump's sanctions threat to Russia | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - South Korea investigators ask prosecutors to indict President Yoon for insurrection and abuse of power | NBC

[Top Stories] - South Korea investigators ask prosecutors to indict President Yoon for insurrection and abuse of power | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 Nettspendballsack made a brainrot iceberg bc i was bored, lmk if u fw it

made a brainrot iceberg bc i was bored, lmk if u fw it submitted by Nettspendballsack to GenAlpha [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Germany's finance minister slams UniCredit's 'very aggressive' bid for Commerzbank | NBC

[World] - Germany's finance minister slams UniCredit's 'very aggressive' bid for Commerzbank | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 meggie_cleary Rechtshutz und Haushaltversicherung hilfe?

Ich bin gerade hierher gezogen und ich habe gehört, dass viele Leute Rechtsschutz und Haushaltssicherung haben.
Ich wollte es von der Sparkasse bekommen. Jetzt ist die Frage, brauche ich es?
Wir leben in einer gemieteten Wohnung, haben reguläre Jobs (keine Selbstständigkeit) und können im Grunde nichts erben haha und wir besitzen kein Land. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es wichtig ist, das zu beachten.
Ich habe jedoch gehört, dass Leute einige lustige Zahlen haben, nachdem ein Jahr für ihre Ausgaben für Wasser, Wärme usw. berechnet wurde...
Gibt es auch Paketoptionen in der Bank?
Welches empfehlen Sie, wenn überhaupt?
Jeder Input ist willkommen.
Danke 😊
submitted by meggie_cleary to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Germany's finance minister slams UniCredit's 'very aggressive' bid for Commerzbank | NBC

[Top Stories] - Germany's finance minister slams UniCredit's 'very aggressive' bid for Commerzbank | NBC submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 JonDeJeghan2 Spiderman damage

So I want to ask the good spiderman players about how much damage they deal in a game. I've been playing spiderman a lot and I do good with him messing up the backline, killing annoying dps in the enemy team, getting tanks out of position and so on. but at the end of the match even if I have the most kills my damage is still low compared to other dps or even our tanks am I doing somthing wrong?and if so then how can I deal more damage?
submitted by JonDeJeghan2 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 Shortking2002 Salty players

Why are the beginner bronze players so salty? My teammate chewed me out for bumping into him a couple of times but then couldn’t make shots on the other teams unprotected net after I had perfectly set him up. Like he didn’t even move to attack. I ended up being the only point that game. In my mind we’re bronze, we all kinda suck at bronze. That’s why we are bronze. You’re bronze till you get good enough not to be bronze. Right?
submitted by Shortking2002 to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:41 AstralTroy Getting married in April.

Looking for a 3-piece suit that I want to buy to use and also use later on for functions. Trying to keep my budget under $500. The slimmer fit the better cause I'm only 5'6" 140lbs.
I was looking at Express with some of their suits but there isn't one close for me to go try on.
submitted by AstralTroy to mensfashion [link] [comments]