How are yall going home after the event? Ahmedabad

2025.01.23 12:15 Ok-Anxiety2807 How are yall going home after the event? Ahmedabad

My show is on 26th and is it possible to find ubers after the show ends? Or will metro be the best option? Even after getting down at the stop i need to reach back to my stây and its showing 20 mins my walk. I am a girl and now i am kinda scared lol
submitted by Ok-Anxiety2807 to coldplayindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Covozi アマビエがいないパターン

アマビエがいないパターン submitted by Covozi to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Ill-Telephone4020 Gilberto Gil - Questão de Ordem [1968]

Gilberto Gil - Questão de Ordem [1968] submitted by Ill-Telephone4020 to brazilianmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 MKULTRAMUSIC420 #hiphop #music #dj #numarkpt01scratch #seratodj #numarkscratch #music #pt01 #portableturntablism

submitted by MKULTRAMUSIC420 to portablism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 nayr-26 250123 Jisoo (BLISSOO) X Update w/ Suji Lee

250123 Jisoo (BLISSOO) X Update w/ Suji Lee submitted by nayr-26 to BlackPink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Feeling-Cobbler-3581 new reaction image just dropped boys

new reaction image just dropped boys submitted by Feeling-Cobbler-3581 to MoonPissing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 cryptonewsland $7,400 ETH ATH Target Appears as Analyst Sees Bullish Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern on Ethereum Price Chart

$7,400 ETH ATH Target Appears as Analyst Sees Bullish Inverse Head and Shoulder Pattern on Ethereum Price Chart submitted by cryptonewsland to cryptonewsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 monkemassdump Is it ok to change the exhaust of my hybrid car?

Hello everyone I have a Toyota Corolla Altis GR-S HEV 2024 and I was thinking if ok lang ba na paltan yung exhaust niya to a Catback exhaust? I know na isang purpose of a hybrid car is for it to be quieter but if I do want a sportier sound do you guys think na pwede/ok lang ba siya paltan? Need your opinions lang po hehe, thank you!
submitted by monkemassdump to phcars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Successful_You1717 Mí historia con el bullying

Fueron años de sufrimiento y aunque ya soy mayor, hoy en día siento que los daños son irreversibles. La única razón por la cual no termino con mí vida es porque se el sufrimiento que le voy a causar a mí novio y a mí familia, que se que me aman y yo los amo.
Todo empezó en jardín de 5. Yo era una nena muy imaginativa y fantasiosa, y por eso siempre quedaba dejada de lado. Las otras niñas no jugaban conmigo. Un episodio puntual que tengo en mente fue, por ejemplo, una nena preguntándome "querés?" En alusión a sus chizitos. Yo decía si, y ella me decía "cómprate". Salía del jardín, sola, sin interactuar con otros niños, y esa situación hacía sufrir a mí mamá.
Primario, más de lo mismo. No es que venían a pelearme específicamente, pero tampoco querían juntarse conmigo. Yo no sabía que había de malo en mí o que hacía mal, yo solamente era una nena fantasiosa. En tercer grado me hago amiga de otra nena, pero al año siguiente nos distanciamos, básicamente porque ella encontró otras amigas. No solo eso, sino que se dedicó a hablar mal de mí con las demás. Solo teníamos 9 años. Todavía recuerdo, estar dando vueltas en el patio y en los pasillos, sola. Al tiempo me hago amiga de otras tres chicas, pero más de lo mismo. A veces jugábamos lo más bien, pero había largos periodos de tiempo en los cuales yo quedaba dejada de lado y excluida. Y el resto de mí división no me hacía el lugar, me ignoraban, como si yo no existiera. Las maestras ignoraban completamente la situación, no lo veían, no lo querían ver, o lo veían pero no les importaba.
El bullying violento fue cuando tenía 13/14 años, yo era inocente, no había dado mí primer beso, era una friki por así decirlo, una diferente, al menos a lo que era ese ambiente. Pero siempre estaba en la mia y no me metía con nadie. Los varones siempre hacían chistes de mal gusto sobre mí, creyéndose graciosos, se me burlaban de como hablaba, eran muy malos y crueles. Y las chicas por supuesto me miraban mal, hablaban mal de mí, y no querían juntarse conmigo. Los docentes miraban para otro lado, como diciendo, es un curso de 40 personas nena, si a nadie le caes bien es por algo. Mis padres en ese entonces tenían sus propios problemas.
Crecí odiandome a mi misma, sintiéndome fea, sintiendo que tenía una personalidad de mierda. Para que se den una idea, cuando me desarrollé y crecí, no quería ni siquiera maquillarme, arreglarme el pelo o vestirme bien porque en mí cabeza nada de eso tenía sentido, a quien en su sano juicio podría yo gustarle. Pese a que cuando entre a la facultad y salí de ese ambiente tóxico mí belleza y mí inteligencia recibieron muchos halagos, en ese momento yo no veía lo bueno en mí.
Entre los 15 y los 17 que fueron los últimos años del colegio, hice algunas amistades, pero en general no eran de mí división, y no logré formar un grupo. Ya nadie me molestaba pero si me consideraban "muy extraña" y nadie quería incluirme en su grupo, como si no quisieran "arruinar su reputación" teniendo al huevo podrido pegado. Por esos años tampoco ningún chico quería salir conmigo, yo no creía ser tan fea, me consideraba un 6/10, pero aún así era invisible. Ahora, tenía una amiga en la otra división, que si, todos querían ser amigos de ella, y todos los chicos querían con ella. Yo siempre quedaba en segundo lugar en comparación.
En la universidad logré salir adelante. Conocí amigas que si valoraron genuinamente mí amistad, fui al gym, recibi halagos reales por mí belleza y mí inteligencia, me recibí, y hoy en día tengo un novio que amo y me hace muy feliz. Pero esos años de sufrimiento y dolor, ¿Cómo me los quito? Aclaro que ya tengo turno con un psiquiatra.
Tengo una gran envidia por todas aquellas chicas que no pasaron nunca por lo mismo que yo, que siempre fueron consideradas lindas, buenas, que jamás recibieron burlas. En mí caso, fueron 12 años sintiéndome miserablemente mal.
submitted by Successful_You1717 to DesahogoyConfesiones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 UltraInstinctChomsky From My River With Love (2020) An intimate portrait of a swimming hole.[01:14:28]

From My River With Love (2020) An intimate portrait of a swimming hole.[01:14:28] submitted by UltraInstinctChomsky to Documentaries [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 couchrealistic [THE / Gas] Strategische Befüllungsinstrumente für Gasspeicher

submitted by couchrealistic to Energiewirtschaft [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 YungChugSplash Unfortunately I missed out on MK9 scorpion, so I did my best to recreate the outfit.

submitted by YungChugSplash to MortalKombat11 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Avish_Golakiya Upcoming penny stock catalysts for Biopharma (FDA/PDUFA)

Upcoming penny stock catalysts for Biopharma (FDA/PDUFA) submitted by Avish_Golakiya to RobinHoodPennyStocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 reddit_lss_2 Post recovery test from profile for 23/1/2025 12:14:11

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to where_to_post_test [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 RomanYoutubeGaming How does Samsung Trade-In works when buying new phone?

submitted by RomanYoutubeGaming to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 sieyarozzz Want to ask for a sleep study to GP, pretty anxious about it. How does my situation sound?

Hi guys, I'm in a country where GPs generally are pretty critical and a gatekeeper to most healthcare. You need to give good argumentation to why you need anything, including a sleep study.
For years and years on end I feel like I'm depressed and in addition, that I've been slowing down more and more cognitively. I've tried to follow the advices on better food and more sleep (and trying to sleep around the same time and wake up same time), however I cognitively still feel very slow. My sleep generally tends to not be clear, because I can wake up great or horrible with enough hours of sleep (and then become better or worse over the day randomly). Also, my father is someone who seems to truly have extreme sleep issues with snoring and spontaneously falling asleep. Sometimes I have become so tired mentally that I lie down in bed and force myself to sleep as I'm unable to do anything else. With some random chances, I could have a nap at 7PM for 1.5 hour and wake up groggy... and slowly feel better than ever. Cognitively it's as if I get a 2h boost while most of my life I feel broken.
Since my mother recorded once that I was snoring, and how I have cognitive issues and my sleep naps can reset me mentally, I feel like over all these years of being slow, I need to do a sleep study to clear up some questions. I heard I won't know the quality of my sleep through a sleep study, but I will know if it gets disturbed.
Do you think this is a fitting background for sleep apnea or a sleep study? Thank you.
submitted by sieyarozzz to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 EUstrongerthanUS On this day 305 years ago the Principality of Liechtenstein was established within the Holy Roman Empire. Earlier it was part of the Roman province of Raetiaa and then the Frankish empire

submitted by EUstrongerthanUS to europe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 gamerartist547 Should have used a different pose😑

The legs where too good to change
submitted by gamerartist547 to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Training_Search7561 Guest stars

Who was the biggest guest star to be on the show?
Biggest in terms of when they were on the show and biggest in terms of overall popularity.
submitted by Training_Search7561 to ershow [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Orangenna So it’s January 23 when is it actually dropping?

So it’s January 23 when is it actually dropping? submitted by Orangenna to TowerofFantasy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Barodak Tips to not keep dying as Star Lord and other DPS roles?

I have a bad habit of treating Star Lord as a tank and pull a "Leeroy Jenkins" and that obviously keeps getting me killed, so other than "git gud" what are some tips you guys can recommend for Star Lord/the DPS role in general? (I play a little bit of Punisher and Winter Soldier as well.) I used to play Overwatch in like 2018 but I haven't played since Wrecking Ball was the newest character, so I'm essentially new to the genre.
submitted by Barodak to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Slight-Eye-7606 Anyone here playing from Southeast asia?

Anyone here playing from Southeast asia? currently i am having a hard time finding ranked matches, also i cant get to join games/serverbrowser without the use of vpn anyone have similar experience? it just blacks out when i try to join a game without vpn
submitted by Slight-Eye-7606 to Breachers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Spud_os ATTENTION : Phalais le savoir

ATTENTION : Phalais le savoir submitted by Spud_os to Dinosaure [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 Barodak Tips to not keep dying as Star Lord and other DPS roles?

I have a bad habit of treating Star Lord as a tank and pull a "Leeroy Jenkins" and that obviously keeps getting me killed, so other than "git gud" what are some tips you guys can recommend for Star Lord/the DPS role in general? (I play a little bit of Punisher and Winter Soldier as well.) I used to play Overwatch in like 2018 but I haven't played since Wrecking Ball was the newest character, so I'm essentially new to the genre.
submitted by Barodak to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:15 CareerBeacon_Canada Receptionist & Administrative Assistant at Volkswagen Moncton

Job Title: Bilingual Receptionist & Administrative Assistant Company Name: Volkswagen Moncton Location: Dieppe, NB (In-person) Job Type: Full-time
Job Summary: Volkswagen Moncton, the fastest-growing Volkswagen dealership in Atlantic Canada, is seeking a Bilingual Receptionist & Administrative Assistant. This role is essential for providing excellent customer service and administrative support, contributing to the dealership's continued growth and success.
Key Responsibilities: - Greet customers and direct them to the appropriate area within the dealership. - Answer the main telephone line and redirect calls as necessary. - Address customer inquiries over the phone or refer callers to the appropriate team. - Process vehicle registrations. - Maintain a database of new vehicles in inventory, ensuring all associated paperwork and files are accurately completed and maintained. - Accept and post service payments, and process end-of-day cash. - Maintain cleanliness of all customer areas. - Perform other general office duties as required.
Required Qualifications: - High school education or equivalent is required. - Must be fluently bilingual in English and French. - Exceptional customer service skills, including strong verbal communication and listening skills. - Knowledge of Microsoft Operating System, with a basic understanding of Excel, Internet, and email. - Strong attention to detail, good work ethic, and the ability to work with minimal supervision.
Preferred Qualifications: - College diploma in Office Administration and/or Business is preferred. - Previous experience in a customer service role is preferred.
Salary and Benefits: - Competitive wages. - Group Benefits Plan including health, dental, vision, and life insurance, beginning on your first day. - Pension Plan. - Employee discounts on cars and furniture. - Opportunities for career growth and continuous development. - Respectful and cohesive working environment with strong company values.
Application Process: To apply, please visit this link.
submitted by CareerBeacon_Canada to MonctonJobs [link] [comments]