My [19F] boyfriend [21M] wants to take me home with him for the holidays. I don't want to go because of my weight

2025.01.23 12:24 chemprofdave My [19F] boyfriend [21M] wants to take me home with him for the holidays. I don't want to go because of my weight

submitted by chemprofdave to bestofpositiveupdates [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 MundaneMango7012 1:1 trades in sets 1-7

1:1 trades in sets 1-7 1:1 trade for missing stickers. Include set numbers in your offers please.
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: Ign KoiStory
submitted by MundaneMango7012 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 last_astronaut Any recomended Pubs around San Siro?

Ciao fellow Interista's... Long time fan, finally found time to come and watch Nerazzurri at San Siro. Any recommendend pubs around the stadium before the game? The only one I found on google map was ALL BEER, which seems good enough but was wondering if there are alternatives just in case... Grazie, Forza Inter.
submitted by last_astronaut to FCInterMilan [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Extension-Taro4864 Failed my BST and BPT. The march sitting will be the fourth attempt for BPT.

submitted by Extension-Taro4864 to ICAEW [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 North-Ant7716 Season 2 Exited

Season 2 Exited Can’t wait till season 2. Just saw this video on YouTube. A lot of good stuff coming, exited to see Red getting new perks. Was just saying yesterday it’s lacking interesting perks compared to other two.
Scavenger and bankroll main two for me until this. I might use FLy swagger on at least one load out.
What you guys think about the Season 2 reveals and updates?
submitted by North-Ant7716 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Artistic_Exercise_70 Hvordan skal jeg finde mit første studiejob?

Hej fellow udviklere, jeg har lige afsluttet min 3. Semester og føler at jeg er nu klar at få mig et job hvor jeg kan benytte det som jeg har lært. Jeg har et par fine projekter på mit github og elsker at programmer ikke kun fordi jeg har valgt denne uddannelse. Jeg vil høre hvordan i som stod i denne situation på et tidspunkt tacklede jobsøgning, for eksempel hvad er de vigtigste ting der skal stå på mit cv? Hvad er den bedste måde at finde de rigtige virksomheder på? Hvad er den bedste måde at kontakte dem på? Hvad fungerede bedst for jer?
Jeg glæder mig til at høre jeres indsats 🌝
submitted by Artistic_Exercise_70 to dkudvikler [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 motorionline I modelli Opel si sono aggiudicati numerosi premi nel 2024

I modelli Opel si sono aggiudicati numerosi premi nel 2024 submitted by motorionline to Motorionline [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Regular_Bake7679 anyone have an ivvys drumkit they can dm me?

submitted by Regular_Bake7679 to UndergroundDrumKits [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 djangoxxZ The Rog ally is too powerful!!

The Rog ally is too powerful!! Purchased during the BBD sales and the Ally is a beast !! From my testing I found it to perform similar to a 1650 laptop gpu. GTA V, Witcher 3, Forza and such are easily playable at high settings.
Must purchase if you love gaming !!
submitted by djangoxxZ to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 v0id_walk3r Meopta Magnifax 4 + Color 3 anti newton ring insert

Hello there,
I have had a problem with the aforementioned setup and color (only color) printing. The issue at hand was, that even though I have anti-newton ring glass, there were still newton rings present and for a long time I could not figure out why. The problem was that the color negative film seem to have gotten cleashiny on both sides of the film, while the glass inserts into the enlarger expected only the top to be shiny/non matte and as a result the bottom glass was simple, resulting in newton rings on the print.
To remedy this I have created a 3d printable model that can be used instead of the bottom glass insert that I have not tested yet. Used OpenSCAD for this, see bellow. The "hole" part should be the one to adjust.
I would like to know how big the 120 images usually are (as they are not 60mmx60mm) so I can print an insert for 6x6, 6x7 and 6x9 as I use all of those formats, but I don't have all the cameras yet, so I would like to make it as universal as possible :)

a = 160; b = 77; c = 2; Offset = 1.5; CubePoints = [ [ 0, 0, 0 ], //0 [ b, 0, 0 ], //1 [ b, a, 0 ], //2 [ 0, a, 0 ], //3 [ Offset, 0, c ], //4 [ b-Offset, 0, c ], //5 [ b-Offset, a, c ], //6 [ Offset , a, c ] //7 ]; CubeFaces = [ [0,1,2,3], // bottom [4,5,1,0], // front [7,6,5,4], // top [5,6,2,1], // right [6,7,3,2], // back [7,4,0,3] ]; // left holeA = 35.5; holeB = 24.5; holeC = 2; holeOffset = 2; HolePoints = [ [ 0-holeOffset, 0-holeOffset, 0 ], //0 [ holeB+holeOffset, 0-holeOffset, 0 ], //1 [ holeB+holeOffset, holeA+holeOffset, 0 ], //2 [ 0-holeOffset, holeA+holeOffset, 0 ], //3 [ 0, 0, holeC ], //4 [ holeB, 0, holeC ], //5 [ holeB, holeA, holeC ], //6 [ 0, holeA, holeC ] //7 ]; HoleFaces= [ [0,1,2,3], // bottom [4,5,1,0], // front [7,6,5,4], // top [5,6,2,1], // right [6,7,3,2], // back [7,4,0,3] ]; // left difference(){ polyhedron( CubePoints, CubeFaces ); translate([b/2-holeB/2,a/2-holeA/2,0]) polyhedron( HolePoints, HoleFaces ); } 
submitted by v0id_walk3r to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 jvc72 Buy Signal Illuvium USD - 23 Jan 2025 @ 07:22 -> USD32.28

Ticker: ILVUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 07:22
Price: USD32.28
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Interesting-Pack3957 VUSA vs VUAA

Tenho algumas posições VUSA na Degiro. Quando comecei a investir há uns anos não dei importância à diferença entre acumulativo vs distributivo.
Qual a vossa opinião sobre vender estas posições e comprar SXR8 que é acumulativo? Além da desvantagem de ter posições antigas que ainda podem valorizar mais, vale a pena o trabalho de declarar e pagar mais valias?
submitted by Interesting-Pack3957 to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 uJoyster Defence Deoxys from Italy 810518278556

submitted by uJoyster to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Boogerton Pardon loophole

If Trump can't pardon himself, could he, as a ploy, temporarily become unfit for the presidency, thus allowing JD Vance as acting president to pardon him?
submitted by Boogerton to PoliticalScience [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 wensar36 ACQ CLASSICS: Getting Ready for the End Time Harvest by Pastor Apollo C...

ACQ CLASSICS: Getting Ready for the End Time Harvest by Pastor Apollo C... submitted by wensar36 to ACQREELS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 rainingchardonnay What's something that keeps you from losing your shit?

submitted by rainingchardonnay to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 SoldaatjeTim Opzoek naar junior/medior baan technische informatica

Sinds kort ben ik aan het zoeken naar een nieuwe baan, gezien mijn huidige werkgever geen passende projecten heeft liggen. Tijdens mijn carrière als embedded software engineer heb ik ervaring opgedaan met embedded systemen (voornamelijk in C++), robotica, machine vision (Python) en AI (zoals LLM's, RAG etc.). Hierbij merk ik dat er bij mij een knop omgaat als ik mijn software werkend zie op hardware, of bijvoorbeeld machine vision perfect kan laten werken. Het liefst werk ik aan projecten waarbij ik mensen kan helpen in bijvoorbeeld de landbouw sector, health, energie, voertuigen etc.
Ik heb gemerkt dat bedrijven vinden op LinkedIn en Indeed nergens naartoe gaan. Ik zoek een bedrijf in midden-nederland (liefst rondom Utrecht) die zich richt op robotica, machine vision of automatisering.
Heeft iemand de gouden tip hoe ik dit het beste kan aanpakken? Alles is welkom!
submitted by SoldaatjeTim to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 starsplitter77 Kalinda's Husband???

What became of Kalinda's criminal drug dealing husband? Did he just skip town or did Kalinda whack him because of his threats???
submitted by starsplitter77 to thegoodwife [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 4b686f61 What is this tit tat sound in the background of a song called?

I describe them as this high low tapping sound played in quick succession, commonly used in rap music.
Here are some soundtracks that have the sound in question with timestamps.

  1. ミツキヨ (Mitsukiyo) / Candy Dreamy (18 seconds in)
  2. Seycara / Butterfly Bossa (20 seconds in)
  3. Potsu / Bossa Uh (14 seconds in)
submitted by 4b686f61 to askmusicians [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Thefmtblog One UI 7 confirmed to rollout

One UI 7 confirmed to rollout submitted by Thefmtblog to oneui [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 mort7776 Odometer Rollback

Was looking to buy a second hand car and saw a vehicle with a suspiciously low mileage compared to other similar vehicles of its age. So was wondering if the odometer was rolled back.Isnt it illegal to do that here and are there shops that do that?Doesn't vehicle inspection by rop note the odometer reading every year when renewing mulkiya? It doesn't have much company service history so odometer is not noted there
submitted by mort7776 to Oman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Use-Worldly Portrait of Tyler, the Creator

submitted by Use-Worldly to ProCreate [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 ActivityGuilty6841 DISCOVER IT Referral: $100 Intro Bonus + $50 from Me for using my Referral Link US only

I have 4 referrals available for the Discover It Card. If you use my referral link, I’ll send you $50 via Venmo or Zelle once the referral bonus hits my account. This is on top of the $100 intro bonus you’ll get for opening the card.
Here’s a quick overview of the card:
Discover It Card

If you’re interested, comment here or send me a DM, and I’ll share my referral link. Start earning rewards and get $50 on top of your signup bonus! 🎉
submitted by ActivityGuilty6841 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 rivdood Voice Acting Demo Reel - Would love some constructive criticism to see if it's a viable option for me in the future

submitted by rivdood to VoiceActing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 12:24 Mousse_Rich My latest pieces:) what do you think?

My latest pieces:) what do you think? submitted by Mousse_Rich to UnusualArt [link] [comments]