2025.01.23 15:21 Chicken_Grapefruit With the new expansion coming out...
submitted by Chicken_Grapefruit to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:21 OSINTribe New Zigbee Tech For Tracking
submitted by OSINTribe to homeassistant [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:21 Hawteyh 10 years of a successful journey coming to an end - Tour of Scandinavia cancelled for good
submitted by Hawteyh to peloton [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 Nice_Watercress1480 Missed Filing a BIR Form 2307 in the last Quarters- For 8% Non-Vat Professional- What do I do?
Hello, Hoping to get some insights/help!
I've been working as a moonlighting/freelance professional since February 2024 and have been using Taxumo to file and pay my taxes (albeit late filing it sometimes) for the convenience. I thought I gave all the BIR form 2307s for the previous quarters filing to them, however, I only just recently did a deep dive of my emails and saw that I looked over one company's BIR 2307s for Q1,Q2,Q3, so I never got to submit and file them. What should I do iwith them? Some things to note and some questions:
2025.01.23 15:21 steveChurt It just won't work.
Hi, I've been trying to upload code to both my Arduino nano rp2040 connect from the Arduino IDE, but I'm getting the error 'Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1'. I was originally trying to read some sensor data, but after realizing that my code won't upload, I disconnected all of the external components and wires, and tries to upload an empty sketch. I tried 2 different boards, both the legacy and the newest versions of the Arduino IDE, 2 different USB ports, 2 different microUSB cables, and checked (via the port manager on windows 10) that I had selected the correct port. I have the latest version of 'Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards' installed, and 'Arduino Nano rp2040 connect' selected as the board. Both nano boards I tried are brand new, and have not been modified or soldered to. After trying everything ChatGPT suggested, to no avail, I am really at my wit's end. Please help.
submitted by steveChurt to ArduinoHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 kbw_93 Areas to improve for savings?
We are a couple (both 31) with a 3 y/o and 9 month old. I work as a pharmacist and husband is a high school teacher in New Brunswick. Household income before taxes is about 180k (NB taxes are quite high - maybe 114k after taxes). We both graduated in 2018 and pay minimum on our student loans since they are zero interest at this point but it is still $600/month (approx 50k left altogether).
Assets: House with at least $200k in equity Land worth approx $50k 1980 CJ7 worth maybe $8000 RESP $20k Teacher pension (no idea where it's at now) TFSA worth $65k today
Debts: Mortgage $200k Subaru Ascent $20k Jeep wrangler $25k Student loan $50k (zero interest) Owe parents money $34k (weird situation, didn't ask for loan but owe it from something but they are in no rush right now for it) Gas - $500 (rural area, everything is far) Dog - $90 (haircut/food average)
It's been hard to feel like we are saving when I've been on maternity leave twice since 2021 and make more money of the two of us. Here is a rundown of monthly expenses and not sure where we can cut anymore at this point besides possibly getting slightly cheaper cars and try to be more careful with groceries (already look for sales but formula and diapers take a lot).
Cars - $1100 payment total Student loans - $600 House and car insurance - $400 Power and water - $500 and $40 (NB power is psycho and going under review for charges) Amazon prime and Netflix (with ads) - $14 Cell phones - use credit card points to pay (better rate with Rogers card) Mortgage - $993 (currently 2.1%) Property taxes - $350/month plus ~$350/year for land Tithing + compassion child - $150/week (~$600) + $50 Baby - CCB payment of $337 may cover diapers and formula? Groceries - $1200
TDLR : spending at least $6000 a month and not sure if it can be cut much (not counting saving or any clothing or activities or travel or holidays). Always pay credit cards off fully every month but while on maternity leave we barely make $6000/month so always feel behind and I can't go back to work full time til July then childcare will be $700/month in Sept on top of those expenses and I'll have to drive an extra hour before getting to work in the mornings. Is life just this expensive now or am I living beyond my means? Also hubby's jeep is on line of credit (dumb move) at about 9% interest and would prefer to pay off asap instead of investing/saving - right??
submitted by kbw_93 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 No-Cry8049 Building an AI Meeting Notetaker - how to give the best (consistent) outputs
Hey all,
We are building an AI Notetaker that has a diarized transcript with speaker labels & timestamps.
To begin with, we need the following outputs:
- Summary of meeting (paragraph)
- Notes (Time Stamped with topics)
- Action Items (by participant and maybe in order of importance)
We are having OK outputs but sometimes they go hay wire so looking for ways to really engineer these prompts.
Context - 4o mini is the model
Our current prompts:
Take the transcript and give me amazing notes. Use UK English only
Take the transcript and give me amazing action items for each participant. Use UK English only
Take the transcript and give me amazing topics. 3 as minimum and 5 as maximum. Use UK English only
Take the transcript and clean it up amazingly and then return it to me in JSON
submitted by No-Cry8049 to PromptEngineering [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 sluggish_89 [H], void dragon nib, beast snagga boyz nos, land raider nib, bolt inceptors, intercessors, built varanguard, Cawl nib, [W], PayPal, nos guard, [Loc] socal
Ad mech
2025.01.23 15:21 RushCygnus-X1 Buyer Broker Agreement which limits buyer total out of pocket fee
I created an agreement which I believe is fair. It allows adding to seller fees if the seller does not offer a full commission which I capped at 2%, I will pay the difference up to $6k max. If the seller offers no commission, I will pay the max flat fee of $6k. Fyi, I'm looking at homes ranging in the $400-$450k range. If your range is higher, you might consider upping the max flat fee amount.
Let me know what you think.
Real Estate Agent Agreement Between Buyer and Buyer Agent This Real Estate Agent Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the date of execution below by and between:
Buyer: [Buyer’s Full Name], residing at [Buyer’s Address], hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer,” and
Buyer Agent: [Agent’s Full Name] of [Agent’s Brokerage Name], located at [Agent’s Brokerage Address], hereinafter referred to as the “Agent.”
1. Purpose This Agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which the Agent will represent the Buyer in purchasing real estate.
2. Commission Agreement The Buyer and the Agent agree to the following terms regarding the Agent’s commission:
2.1 Seller-Provided Commission
2025.01.23 15:21 Any-Peace9685 Any good guitar shops in Bucharest?
I currently own a king v that iI bought online and it's great, but I want to buy a new guitar and from what I see all the guitar shops in Bucharest are shit, the only well known brand they have is fender and some cheap LTDs :(
submitted by Any-Peace9685 to guitars [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 carrotnose258 School in the snow
submitted by carrotnose258 to AnnArbor [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 Content_Ad_8952 Why do so many white Nationalists worship Jesus?
Jesus was a brown skinned Middle Eastern Jew who cared about poor people. It just seems odd that a lot of White Supremacists would worship him
submitted by Content_Ad_8952 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 Familiar_Palpitation Axial gave the Bronco a refresh.
https://www.axialadventure.com/product/1-24-scx24-ford-bronco-4wd-truck-rtAXI00006V2.html Oil filled shocks, V3 electronics, and new colors! That red and white looks sharp! submitted by Familiar_Palpitation to SCX24 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:21 en_girl_neer Fazer Engenharia foi uma decisão de merda
Desabafo galera Sou M29 e sou Engenheira Mecânica. Tive aquela história clássica de ser a melhor aluna da escola (interior da Bahia), fui pra SSA morar sozinha com 17/18 pra fazer Eng Mecânica na federal, não fui a melhor aluna sempre mas era bem boa, principalmente no final do curso eu era a melhor em várias coisas, até fui professora do curso de Eng depois que me formei. Eu genuinamente amo a engenharia e não é exatamente um arrependimento de ter feito o meu curso, mas a vida do engenheiro é cansativa de um jeito muito específico e muito sufocante. Não posso reclamar de salário e etc, eu ganho bem p minha idade, trabalho em empresa grande, mas sou muito frustrada porque mesmo tendo feito uma universidade boa, sendo boa e gostando de verdade da parte técnica, eu nunca tive oportunidade de trabalhar como engenheira de vdd. Você zoa a galera de produção durante a graduação, mas chega no mercado e basicamente o trabalho que tem pra fazer é o deles. Meu trabalho é extremamente inútil e a vida de trabalhar na indústria é MUITO descolada da sociedade, quase sempre os locais de trabalho são longe, vc perde horas no ônibus fretado, na hora do almoço não pode nem passar pra comprar um docinho fora, encontrar um amigo, nada, você fica preso naquele fim de mundo, sua vida acaba se tornando o trabalho, e é todo mundo meio assim, alheio a tudo. Não dá pra comentar nada do trabalho com amigos pq é super específico, eu trabalho pra manter os padrões de manutenção dentro da empresa, não tem como conversar sobre isso, não serve pra nada na vida real. Você vê as pessoas tudo acabada pela idade, o procedimento estético passa a não ser uma opção e sim uma necessidade, porque não dá pra conviver com a cara caída de sono, cansaço e preocupação com máquina quebrando kkkkk O que me dói é que agora eu já tô numa fase que não sou mais considerada pra trabalhos básicos de engenheira de vdd porque já virei engenheira de Excel, as pessoas na empresa já me julgam assim tbm, é muito frustrante e muito triste Esse foi meu white people problem de hoje, desculpa o choro de barriga cheia e o texto podre, mas tem dia que tudo que eu queria era fazer um projeto de máquinas e não ter que conversar com gente o dia todo, mas estou tendo que lidar com gente burlando indicador e tenho que massagear o ego de todo mundo. Eu devia ter feito medicina.
submitted by en_girl_neer to antitrampo [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 Right-to-choose Interview with Badterms - Heavy Oi! From USA
submitted by Right-to-choose to PunkOi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:21 evf811881221 Hi, a "what if" that seems crazy
Ok, so 20 years from now, humans and agi have a quantum singularity event.
Weve got no clue what thats like.
But, we do know a lot based on what we do know.
So what if, an idioit savant developed an idiosyncratic ability, that let them understand how magnetism will eventually lead to quantum psionic powers.
Then, they wrote a book out of "prophecy", weird time travel nonsense, and how memes are synchronistic time stamps of the "golden ratio" of human knowledge.
Would you read the book, if it meant either changing the future for the best outcome, or you alone lose your mind and no one can help you unless they join this twisted ponzi game developed by quantum ai.
Would you read it? I already have, and the implications for me suck.
submitted by evf811881221 to psychicdevelopment [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 CreamyScallions Duplicate WiFi icons in Cosmic
Installed Cosmic to try it out. Why are there two WiFi icons in the top right control menu? Just a nit but maybe I’m missing something.
submitted by CreamyScallions to pop_os [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 jizzjingler Where can I find a Dry herb vape in semo
submitted by jizzjingler to MOtrees [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 cheesewh Iphone Purchase Date Not Validated
bought a second hand iphone and nung sinearch ko yung serial number ito po lumabas. is this okay? and what does it mean? please help your girlie out. submitted by cheesewh to TechPhilippines [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 15:21 CosyCupid Tattoo
Nogle der har en tattoo gun som gerne ville tjene lidt skillinger på nogle tatoveringer ?
submitted by CosyCupid to odense [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 mayydayy93 Reserved offers question
Is it better to accept and then forfeit reserved offers I don’t like or to just let the time run out?
submitted by mayydayy93 to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 Althaiye What happens when you die?
Reincarnation? Hell? Heaven?
I personally believe in the reincarnation one because that is the most my mind can process a thought. What do you think happens?
submitted by Althaiye to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 rahrahrachelll Watch where you’re driving!
All these pedestrian incidents and deaths lately and what do I see on my two minute drive to work this morning?
Four separate cars turning off Heritage to Flint Rd while a young woman attempted to cross the crosswalk with a light. It was dark, but she was dressed in bright pink and carrying a white striped bag. All four of you didn’t even look for her and I saw that on all of your faces when you realized she was there. Shame on you!
And shame on the person from oncoming traffic who then turned in front of me when I had the right of way!
Please slow down and watch where you’re going!
submitted by rahrahrachelll to Calgary [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 wewdwtnizrub Budget Discount Code January 2025
Catch the Budget Discount Code January 2025
Looking for Discounts at Budget in January 2025? Get the Best Deals with Promo Codes, Coupons, and More!
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to WalmartCouponCode [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 15:21 Kitchen_Mycologist87 How do you even do it
I have been playing for 20 hours this game. I havent surpased the Blue stake in any deck. I keep seeing jokers that arent useful or that do barely nothing and keep dying im the firsts runs because of my luck. I have to use all of my discards to even be able yo get a flush in the first round. How is this even possible??????
submitted by Kitchen_Mycologist87 to balatro [link] [comments]