26 [m4f] lets chat?

英文1号到31号日期缩写1日:first(1st)、2日:second(2nd)、3日:third(3rd)、4日:fourth(4th)、5日:fifth(5th)、6日:sixth(6th)、7日:seventh(7th)、8日:eighth(8th)、9日:ninth(9th)、10 行李箱的尺寸有16寸、18寸、20寸、22寸、24寸、26寸、28寸和32寸,他们的尺寸是通过测量箱体外轮廓长宽高三边的直线计算的,一般说行李箱的尺寸是指行李箱的长边的尺寸,常见的尺寸是20寸,它的长宽高三边之和加起来一般是115cm,可以登机,如果超过115cm就需要办理托运手续,但是不同品牌的 ... 26寸显示器对角线长度=66.04厘米。 27寸显示器对角线长度=68.58厘米。 显示器屏幕的英寸不是根据显示器的宽度或长度命名的,而是根据屏幕的对角线长度命名的。 1英寸=2.54厘米(所有液晶均以英寸为单位测量)。 扩展资料: 电脑屏幕尺寸: 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... Jan、Mar、Feb、Apr、May、Jun是什么意思Jan、Feb、Mar、Apr、May、Jun 是一些缩写的月份名称,分别对应一年中的1月、2月、3月、4月、5月和6月。 风蛇,等级:25—26,地区:贫瘠之地、千针石林。 哈卡的后代,等级:49,地区:阿塔哈卡神庙。 哈卡莱霜翼飞蛇,等级:49—50,地区:阿塔哈卡神庙。 哈卡莱挖掘者,等级:48—49,地区:阿塔哈卡神庙。 哈卡之子,等级:60,地区:祖尔格拉布。 每个省份简称如下: 北京市(京)、天津市(津)、河北省(冀)、山西省(晋)、内蒙古自治区(内蒙古)、辽宁省(辽)、吉林省(吉)、黑龙江省(黑)、上海市(沪)、江苏省(苏)、浙江省(浙)、安徽省(皖)、福建省(闽)、江西省(赣)、山东省(鲁)、台湾省(台)。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 例如:e+26 =10^26,1e+1=10。 把一个数表示成a与10的n次幂相乘的形式(1≤a<10,n为整数),这种记数法叫做科学记数法。例如:19971400000000=1.99714×10^13。 计算器或电脑表达10的幂是一般是用E或e,也就是1.99714E13=19971400000000。 如何评价12月26首飞的新战机? 今天在四川成都某地首飞了一款比歼20还大,由歼20伴飞的新飞机太科幻了,太强了,我感觉我的想象力已经跟不上祖国的军工发展了。

2025.01.23 18:49 sneakysneekysnake 26 [m4f] lets chat?

submitted by sneakysneekysnake to snapchat [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Gosopepi_17 Limbo pre relazionale

Ciao m25, scrivo perché sto ancora cercando di capire il perchè resto in un limbo che mi evita ti poter entrare in una relazione.
Mi spiego meglio, non ho mai avuto una relazione, ma nonostante ciò ho una grande capacità di comunicazione, anche essendo abbastanza introverso riesco comunque a divertire i miei interlocutori e quindi riesco a fare amicizia e conoscere gente in maniera abbastanza facile, non ho difficoltà a parlare con donne anzi cerco attivamente la conversazione e spesso trascorrono volentieri tempo con me.
Il problema viene quando vorrei andare oltre la semplice chiacchiera in amicizia o "frecciatina" romantica, sostanzialmente mi blocco e non riesco a chiedere magari di uscire, bere una cosa insieme, trascorrere del tempo da soli ecc.
Per esempio ora è capitato che nel mio gruppo di amici si sia aggiunta una vecchia conoscenza, non ci vedevamo da 4 anni, che comunque tutti mi hanno detto "perchè non ci provi? è una bella ragazza secondo me ci starebbe", e anche lei in qualche discussione ha detto "mi piacerebbe trovare qualcuno". Quindi sì, non so veramente da dove cominciare e chiedo un po' di consigli su come magari superare questo blocco e su come provarci per fare qualcosa ecco.
submitted by Gosopepi_17 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Real_Vegetable3106 10 million dollars, but you eat your own shit everyday for the rest of your life.

You'll suffer no health consequences or upset stomach. You're just a shit eating motherfucker now. Regardless of your age, you will live at least 25 more years. Suicide is not an option - a deal is a deal.
I know some of you don't eat right and only shit once a week - that's fine.
Your excrement will be accompanied with a side salad, fruit punch Kool Aid, a small cup of mandarin oranges, a dinner roll, and an complementary Andes dinner mint.
The plate will be garnished with random things everyday like parsley and the like. We eat with our eyes, too :)
Oh, and of course, you get salt and pepper.
submitted by Real_Vegetable3106 to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Lotus532 Amazon to close Quebec facilities, insists it's not because of new union | CBC News

Amazon to close Quebec facilities, insists it's not because of new union | CBC News submitted by Lotus532 to Syndicalism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Nahel_laden Seeking Advice for E-commerce Project Targeting African Markets

Hello, Reddit,
My name is Nahel, and I am working on an exciting project called Emporia. Emporia is trying to solve one of the biggest challenges of African e-commerce: making online shopping reliable for and accessible to anyone.
The Problem We’re Solving
Online shopping in many African countries faces numerous barriers that make people not fully trust the process. Despite the increasing demand for global products through platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba, and Shein, three key challenges stand in the way: 1. Product Quality & Authenticity: • Many customers are afraid of receiving counterfeit or low-quality goods. 2.Delivery Reliability: • Shipping services could be expensive and unreliable, in addition to long waits. 3.Limited Payment Options: •A large portion of consumers lack access to international payment methods, making it difficult to shop from global platforms.
Emporia's Solution to These Challenges
At Emporia, we are committed to making online shopping stress-free and reliable for African consumers through the following: • Authentic Products: Items are sourced and supplied directly available on authentic Amazon and Sheins. • Transparent & Reliable Delivery: We focus on timely and cost-effective delivery while keeping customer satisfaction as the top priority. • Customer Support: Our dedicated team is there to help and make sure that the customer feels confident while buying.
What We Are Looking For
As we scale Emporia, I would like to seek advice from this community on the following critical aspects: 1. Building trust: • What are the best practices to establish trust as soon as possible with customers who might be wary of buying online? 2. Cross-border shipping logistics: •How can we efficiently manage logistics, considering we do not have a presence in countries like the US or France? 3. E-Commerce Web Development: • I know the basics of HTML and CSS, so I would like to create a website that showcases our services and allows transactions to take place. •Any recommendations for: • What are the best platforms/tools that a beginner can use to develop an e-commerce website? •Best practices for creating a smooth user experience and ensuring security? • Resources that might help me along the way to get better at coding?
Overview of Website for Emporia
The website will act as a bridge between African consumers and international e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Alibaba, and Shein. We are focused on offering a seamless shopping experience where customers can place orders without having to go through the headache of paying for the product and then waiting for its delivery.
How It Works: 1. Product Link to Copy & Paste: •Customers will visit platforms like Amazon or Shein and find the products they want. • They then copy the product link and paste it in our website. 2. Instant Price Quote: • The system will automatically calculate the total cost of the product, shipping, and customs duties. • The customer will see the breakdown cost before confirming the order. 3.SECURE PAYMENT OPTIONS: • We accept various payment methods, such as mobile money, bank transfers, and international cards, to make it easier for African customers to pay. 4. Order Processing & Delivery: • Once payment is confirmed, everything is taken care of-from making the purchase to shipping to the customer's doorstep. • Customers can track their orders directly through our website.
Key Features of the Website include: • Easy to use, simple interface: • A clean, intuitive design allows users to easily paste links to products and place orders in just a few clicks. • Step-by-step guidance for smooth ordering. • Real-time tracking of orders: • Customers can track their orders with real-time updates on shipping progress and estimated delivery times. • Transparent Pricing: •A detailed cost breakdown, ensuring no hidden fees or unexpected charges.
• Trust-Building Elements: • Testimonials and success stories from customers will reinforce reliability.
• A clear refund and return policy to instill confidence.
•Dedicated Customer Support: • Live chat and support options to help customers with queries or order updates. Our Challenges with Shipping
Challenges in Shipping Logistical challenges are the biggest we are facing right now. Since we do not have a local presence in key countries like the US or France, we are exploring solutions to make shipping to Africa seamless and cost-effective. Any suggestions, resources, or advice you might have that could help us move forward would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much for taking the time and for your insight!
submitted by Nahel_laden to Entrepreneurs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 ricekwispytreat A recognizable face (art by Turkey)

A recognizable face (art by Turkey) submitted by ricekwispytreat to UmaMusume [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Burly-Nerd Collings, please force the boys to watch Robert Eggers Nosferatu and talk about it. Do whatever you have to do. We will forgive your means for the ends.

Collings, please force the boys to watch Robert Eggers Nosferatu and talk about it. Do whatever you have to do. We will forgive your means for the ends. submitted by Burly-Nerd to weeklyplanetpodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Politics] - California Republicans push back after Speaker Johnson's threat to saddle wildfire aid with conditions | PBS

[Politics] - California Republicans push back after Speaker Johnson's threat to saddle wildfire aid with conditions | PBS submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 cmdan5795 Girls hating virgin boys

Hi,this is 30 y old male from delhi, matched with a girl 27y old on bumble and when talked,she said she don't date virgin guys.is this a common occurance and saw this with our girls,too? Is this is a trend now or am I the anomaly?
submitted by cmdan5795 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 josplosions Buy a 7800 xt right now, or wait for rtx 5070?

as the subject states.
my prediction is the pricing will be pretty close. any opinions would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by josplosions to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 luvx000 dm me!!$

submitted by luvx000 to SugarDaddySpoilMe1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 freaky00069 How's the back and the pose?

How's the back and the pose? submitted by freaky00069 to indianfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Single-Bill-8738 Most portable ThinkPad

Most portable ThinkPad I knew thinkpads were stereotyped to be bully but I'm really surprised by the portability of my new work machine
submitted by Single-Bill-8738 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Dybo37 My gold and purple Aramusha. I think he looks good, but I'm not entirely sure on the paint patterns.

My gold and purple Aramusha. I think he looks good, but I'm not entirely sure on the paint patterns. submitted by Dybo37 to ForFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Saab-900 Finally found one!

Finally found one! After many years i finally found it! Wot energy drink. It cost me 3euros lil overpriched but once in a life time experience.(4 me)
submitted by Saab-900 to WorldOfTanksBlitz [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 efiskaa Depresiflik

İzmir de son yıllarda yanlız başına oturan gençler ( yaşıtlarım) artan inteh4r vakaları Ve buna benzer bir çok şey var son yıllarda bu neden artıştışta ya da bunun önüne nasıl gelebiliriz
submitted by efiskaa to Izmir [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 BlueberrySlushii Baby girl: Syla or Sila?

My grandmother was named Syla, although the spelling and pronunciation was never clear. She was a holocaust survivor as a very young child, orphaned as a result and later immigrated to Israel and then Canada. Her name has undergone so many changes and languages, she never knew how to spell it in written English. She usually went by “Sill-ah”, but sometimes also “sigh-lah”.
We want to honor her if we end up having a girl. She was an extraordinary person. What do you think of the spelling and pronunciation between Syla and Sila? Are there any names that are similar to this one, as an alternative?
submitted by BlueberrySlushii to namenerds [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Eerizedd Online Public Calendar

Does anyone who maintains an online presence (but not necessarily their own website) have an online calendar of events they plan to be at? I have a Linktree in my social media profiles that links to my Etsy, email address, and social media platforms but I'd love to also have all my upcoming events in one place on a calendar. Most of the websites I'm seeing to do this on are for shared calendars or to book appointments, but I just want to display a calendar page with all my markets.
submitted by Eerizedd to CraftFairs [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 DuBChiri LR STR Kaioken Goku and LR Great Ape Vegeta EZA Concepts

LR STR Kaioken Goku and LR Great Ape Vegeta EZA Concepts submitted by DuBChiri to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 WhichFlamingo1377 O que acham do canal do Mateus Teixeira?

Vi um post com a capa de um vídeo com título sensacionalista sobre concursos. Nos comentários, estavam falando sobre canais de concursos. Quero saber a opinião de vocês sobre o canal do Mateus Teixeira, se alguém aqui assiste. Ele vende curso, mas não assinei. Gosto dos vídeos dele no YouTube. É um canal de menor expressão, não sei se vão conhecer.
submitted by WhichFlamingo1377 to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 HallPsychological538 A freezer of tasty treats

A freezer of tasty treats submitted by HallPsychological538 to eatityoufuckingcoward [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Key-Dingo788 Please call these scammers!

These rats call people inquiring about purchasing a home. Funny enough everyone seems to live at 10 trophy lane
submitted by Key-Dingo788 to scammers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Ok-Adhesiveness-4993 I could afford a designer-made bag, so I made one. I'm the designer ;) I made it with various leftover waxed leather strips, hand-dyed, arranged and sewn. It was created in my own 'ecochamber'/studio when I was braiding my hair.. and the idea sort of happened;) Enjoy folks x

I could afford a designer-made bag, so I made one. I'm the designer ;) I made it with various leftover waxed leather strips, hand-dyed, arranged and sewn. It was created in my own 'ecochamber'/studio when I was braiding my hair.. and the idea sort of happened;) Enjoy folks x submitted by Ok-Adhesiveness-4993 to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 prawnready00 Im a new player, what should i spend season tokens on?

can i get a fully transformed card in one season?
submitted by prawnready00 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:49 Mellow-sid Would Jasper be safe to visit this summer?

submitted by Mellow-sid to Banff [link] [comments]
