[Mainz] Fachinformatiker*in (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt KI gesucht

2025.01.23 17:03 JobsucheRegional [Mainz] Fachinformatiker*in (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt KI gesucht

[Mainz] Fachinformatiker*in (m/w/d) Schwerpunkt KI gesucht submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsWiesbaden [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 JobsucheRegional [Fürstenzell] Immobilienmakler / - berater (m/w/d) als freie Handelsvertreter gesucht

[Fürstenzell] Immobilienmakler / - berater (m/w/d) als freie Handelsvertreter gesucht submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsPassau [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 netocrat Pair of Ottawa Valley Peavey Mart stores among more than 20 locations set to close

submitted by netocrat to OttawaNewsPulse [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Bulky-Lengthiness364 An amazing short story about a woman's mental illness and patriarchy. *Join the community for more recommendations and discussions*

An amazing short story about a woman's mental illness and patriarchy. *Join the community for more recommendations and discussions* submitted by Bulky-Lengthiness364 to BookwormsSociety [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Pristine_Macaron_820 I am I ps5 user but I want to get a new console for my room it can't be to expensive

I love in England so places like cex would be best
submitted by Pristine_Macaron_820 to playstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 magik_engineer A simple tutorial/overview on the shape rendering process I use in my NervLand webGPU engine

submitted by magik_engineer to GraphicsProgramming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Bigbore_729 I got to make some gifts for John Force!

submitted by Bigbore_729 to Laserengraving [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Key_Resident120 I cant update valorant please help

When i update valorant it stops at about 25% and says that i dont hace enough space left, my valorant is saved in a file called E:
That file has about 500gbs of free space so i dont understand why this isnt working, theres another file called local file C:
THAT file has only 9gbs left, its very full, that might be whats causing the issue here but i have no clue what to do please help
submitted by Key_Resident120 to ValorantTechSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 InternationalSea7622 Tips for in-house HR screening interview

I have a teams meeting tomorrow for an in-house role at an international bank. I’m a debt finance lawyer. The meeting is with the head of HR, so I’m assuming it won’t be anything too technical, but I’ve not experienced one yet.
Any tips would be much appreciated.
submitted by InternationalSea7622 to biglaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Alison814 Sono in crisi e non so più che fare

Sono a metà del secondo anno di fisica a Pisa e ancora non sono riuscita a dare neanche un esame. Diciamo che io ci ho anche provato, algebra ho provato lo scritto tipo 4 volte ma ho sempre fatto schifo e uguale anche ai compitini di tutti gli altri esami... La mia preparazione delle superiori diciamo che non ha aiutato per niente visto che vengo da un linguistico ma comunque mi sto demoralizzando per la mia situazione di adesso e la pressione dai familiari non aiuta nemmeno (nessuno della mia famiglia stretta ha fatto l'università, né hanno avuto pienamente fiducia nelle mie capacità quando ho detto deciso di fare fisica dopo un linguistico nonostante tutti mi abbiano sempre detto che ero più portata per le materie scientifiche dalle medie in poi). Ero molto indecisa quando ho scelto fisica, (la seconda scelta era informatica) ma poi ho deciso questo percorso perché mi ha sempre affascinato il mondo della meteorologia e dell'ambiente (avevo puntato già la magistrale di fisica dell'atmosfera). Ma a questo punto non so più che fare... Stavo rivalutando di nuovo il percorso di informatica umanistica (un misto di materie umanistiche con materie di informatica), informatica (anche se a vedere dagli esami sembra quasi più difficile di fisica, anche se forse sono più progetti, magari di gruppo, quindi più semplici da gestire), e scienze naturali e ambientali (in cui ci sono diverse cose che parlano dell'ambiente che comunque mi interessano, ma ho paura ci sia troppa biologia per i miei gusti)... Solo che con questi altri percorsi non saprei poi dove andare a finire con magistrali varie/mondo del lavoro, e non penso che a quel punto mi sarebbe così tanto accessibile la magistrale di fisica dell'atmosfera... non so se ci sono cose simili... Anche se a questo punto dell'anno penso sarebbe meglio iniziare magari un nuovo percorso dall'inizio e non dal secondo semestre così a metà anno...
submitted by Alison814 to Universitaly [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 zippyhippyWA “When a prison camp opens in your town…when a DREAMer is disappeared from your classroom…when the President destroys what’s left of the Constitution…They will all say they didn’t know this was coming. And I want the American people to know that they did.” - AOC

submitted by zippyhippyWA to AlamogordoNM [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Exact_Doughnut Current thoughts as I wait for the plot to resume

Current thoughts as I wait for the plot to resume submitted by Exact_Doughnut to neopets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Exoticdirt69 A good first car for under $6,000 for a 6'5 guy

Like the title, I'm a tall guy, 6'5 (1.95 m), looking for a car under 6k. I would like it to look a little sporty, but it doesn't have to, and I don't want a big truck or SUV, but if it's my only option, I'll get it. I fit in my dad's Chevy Equinox 2016 pretty well. I don't care if it's and automatic or manual. I live up north, so I would like something that is good all year around.
submitted by Exoticdirt69 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Dear-Progress-241 How to access defroster tabs on single-cab?

How to access defroster tabs on single-cab? My rear window defroster does not work. I tried peaking to see if the tabs are connected and I can’t tell, it doesn’t look like it, not sure because I can’t see anything due to the plastic interior lining. How do you remove that? I tried cracking the top corner where the seatbelt is, but that’s all I could get to. Has to be a way to fully take that out right? Not a single strip of wires heats up, so I’m wondering if tabs aren’t connected? Or maybe a bad fuse or relay? I don’t know how to check if those are bad without buying new ones.
submitted by Dear-Progress-241 to Silverado [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 jo_vesx 165 pulls and a Lingyang later

165 pulls and a Lingyang later Saving up was so worth it. I had 225 pulls, lost my 50/50 to S1 Lingyang first but then I got her and her weapon too 😭 glad everything went according to plan! Can’t wait to have fun with Jinhsi 🥹🥹🐉🐉✨✨
submitted by jo_vesx to JinhsiMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Pleasant-Sea-2538 Is there something that needs to be improved in my routine?

I started working out november end. This is the routine i follow as a beginner. I lost around 7-10kgs ever since. I've stopped eating junk or eating out. Just home cooked meals (indian food) with minimal oil. Usually consume 1200-1500 calories.
submitted by Pleasant-Sea-2538 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Decent-Connection296 Weird Satisfaction rate system

Weird Satisfaction rate system This has been my satisfaction rating for about 2 years now and its not moving at all. I find it weird that after all this time it hasn’t moved at all. Are customers and Merchants still allowed to give a thumbs up or down? (BTW The 9 thumbs down weirdly came after a heated convo with tech support)
submitted by Decent-Connection296 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Own_Bandicoot_2943 Music and Soundtracks for TTRPG

Hi everyone!
We’re a small group of music producers who recently started a YouTube channel called Forgotten Realms Radio (link here!). Our goal is to create immersive music for TTRPG and D&D campaigns.
We’re still at the start of this journey, and while the visuals in our videos are simple placeholders for now (we’d love to work with an artist someday!), we’re pouring our passion into the music. If you enjoy what you hear or have feedback, it would mean the world to us to hear from you!
Thanks for checking us out, and may your dice always roll in your favor! 🎲
submitted by Own_Bandicoot_2943 to LancerRPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 Corvette_77 Don’t fall for this. It’s fake.

Don’t fall for this. It’s fake. submitted by Corvette_77 to scambait [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 agnusmei Yuri Knorozov, Soviet linguist and ethnographer who helped decipher Mayan script and Asya his cat

Yuri Knorozov, Soviet linguist and ethnographer who helped decipher Mayan script and Asya his cat submitted by agnusmei to rs_x [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 scarymary88 Ear

What is in my ear? It has hurt since this weekend. It started as a pinching pain but now is just an ache. I'm no stranger to ear infections, even had tube's when I was younger. Is that what this is?
submitted by scarymary88 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 187

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 speedster_wc Need help deciphering

Need help deciphering Recently received this from uber and alot of times if it’s good to be true it is. I read this as an additional $4 per ride, but is this a scam meaning no matter what it will be $4? I’m very competent but I have seen quests on here when you do x amount of rides you will get x amount of dollars. Which means if you don’t hit that dollar amount they will pay the difference.
submitted by speedster_wc to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 RobotDinosaur1986 Warcry 40K

Warcry 40K This worked surprisingly well.
A few of the card stats were modified before the game. For example we played with Titus only being toughness 5 and we reduced the health of the Destroyer to 30 from 32.
submitted by RobotDinosaur1986 to WarCry [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:03 dedezz_to HELP! I'm starting a new career and just discovered https://www.cmtracker.net/ I'm comparing managers, who should I pick? Can you help me out?

HELP! I'm starting a new career and just discovered https://www.cmtracker.net/ I'm comparing managers, who should I pick? Can you help me out? submitted by dedezz_to to FifaCareers [link] [comments]
