If you’re on an IBR plan and you expect your income to increase, can you certify your income a month or two before your certification date?

2025.01.23 17:04 motiontosleep If you’re on an IBR plan and you expect your income to increase, can you certify your income a month or two before your certification date?

This way, you make payments on your income and not the higher income.
submitted by motiontosleep to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 JDSttark [Store] Crownfall Collector's Cache I & II, Diretide 2022, 2020, 2019

My Steam Profile | ID Dota: 183050114
Add me to start the 30 day gift cooldown, please leave a comment in my profile when you add me.
*I never sent steam friend request, be aware of impersonators.
I accept Paypal, TF2 keys, Steam Gift Cards, Crypto, or Skins(CSGO, Dota).
Buyer goes first always.
Why you trust me?. I've been trading for years, I have a lot of sets to sell and I won't risk my steam account or my reputation here.
2024 Collector's Cache II

Hero Set Buyout(usd/keys) Stock
Rubick - Secondhand Sorcery $60 1
Spirit Breaker - Crystal Colossus $25 2
Undying - Undying Love $10 2
Invoker - Magus Mimicry $10 1
Crystal Maiden - Canis Crystallum $8 2
Doom - Igneous Infernal $3 3
Huskar - Bleeding Edge $3 2
Warlock - Seam Ripper Snuggle Time $3 2
Slark - Angler in the Abyss $3 3
Abaddon - Phantom Balladeer $3 3
Axe - Bootblack Brawler $3 3
Dazzle - Needlepoint Necromancer $3 2
Clockwerk - Hare of the cog $3 2
Zeus - Thundervolt $3 2
Lion - Caprine Chimera $3 2
Ancient Apparition - Unchained Entropy $3 2
2024 Collector's Cache I
Hero Set Buyout(usd/keys) Stock
Pudge (Aberrant Observer) Ultra Rare $60 1
Juggernaut (Ancient Exile) Very Rare $25 1
Luna (Bloodmoon Stalker) Rare $12 2
Phantom Assassin (Phantom's Facade) $10 1
Anti-Mage (Proselyte of the Sakura Clan) $10 1
Snapfire (Ardalan Arms Race) $3 2
Queen of Pain (Exquisite Agonies) $3 2
Muerta (Blackwing Bandolera) $3 2
Tiny (Colossal Terrorpin) $3 2
Nyx (Mecha Nyx) $3 2
Grimstroke (Elegy of the Reaper) $3 2
Naga (Martyrdom of the Brineborn) $3 2
Meepo (Lotus of the Mountain Bear Clan) $3 2
Templar (Darkblade Adept) $3 2
Marci (Faithful Fortune) $3 3
NIght Stalker (Dread of Night) $3 2
2022 Diretide Collector's Cache I
Hero Set Buyout Stock
Invoker (Angel of Vex) - Persona $20 1
Ursa ( Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt ) $7 1
Phoenix ( Crimson Dawn ) $8 1
Clockwerk ( Seadog's Stash ) $7 1
Terrorblade ( Forgotten Station ) $7 1
Spectre ( Spoils of the Shadowveil ) $8 -
Faceless Void ( Chines of the Inquisitor ) $8 -
Witch Doctor ( Deathstitch Shaman ) $7 1
Monkey King ( Champion of the Fire Lotus ) $7 1
Undying ( Dirge Amplifier ) $5 sold
Chen ( Hounds of Obsession ) $5 Sold
Snapfire ( Whippersnapper ) $5 sold
Marci ( Blue Horizons ) $15 sold
Dawnbreaker ( Starlorn Adjudicator ) $5 sold
hoodwink ( Shadowleaf Insurgent ) $5 sold
Riki ( Scarlet Subversion ) $5 Sold
TI 10 2020 Collector's Cache II
HERO SET Buyout Stock
Keeper of the Light (The King Of Thieves) $7 1
Chaos Knight (Talons of the Endless Storm) $12 1
Rubick (Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade) $8 2
Sniper (Blacksail Cannoneer) $9 1
Skywrath Mage (Secrets of the Celestial) $12 1
TI 10 2020 Collector's Cache I
HERO SET Buyout Stock
Disruptor (Fury of the Righteous Storm) $10 1
Ancient Apparition (Apocalypse Unbound) $8 3
TI 9 2019 CC II
Hero Set Buyout Stock
Necrophos (Fowl Omen) $20 0
Drow Ranger (Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful) $15 1
Warlock (Tribal Pathways) $8 3
Clockwerk (Directive of the Sunbound) $8 2
Broodmother (Automaton Antiquity) $8 3
Tusk (Distinguished Expeditionary) $10 3
Venomancer (Verdant Predator) $8 3
Batrider (Prized Acquisitions) $8 2
submitted by JDSttark to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 chapmaanz New Collector

Hey guys! I’ve decided to rekindle my childhood dreams and dabble in some packs, hoping one day I could pull an almighty chase.
I’ve had no such luck so far (shock).
However I have managed to pull Tapu Koko ex SIR 247/182, vespiquen ex UR 212/197 and Kofu UR 165/142.
I’m super interested in getting my own slab, are any of these worth grading, or a waste of time and money?
submitted by chapmaanz to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 i_am_Misha Server Consolidation and Free Transfers

General 1/23/25
In order to normalize player distribution across our current servers and provide you with a stable and refreshed experience, we are making the following adjustments to our servers over 3 phases. The auction house will be consolidated on February 6 PT, followed by an open transfer period from February 13 PT until February 27 PT, and the server consolidation on February 27 PT. Look forward to additional buffs, daily login rewards, and more throughout the open transfer window.
We will publish a follow up article at the end of next week outlining each server’s consolidation plan and grouping. Here’s an overview of what to expect throughout each phase of the consolidation. 1) Auction House Consolidation
Following maintenance on February 6 PT, regional auctions houses will be consolidated for early access and full launch servers. Players within each region will use a single combined auction house to list and purchase items. Please note this does not apply to PlayStation 5-only servers. Platform specific servers will continue to have a separate auction house. Please note maintenance downtime will be longer than usual.

Item information registered in Favorites as well as Historical item prices on all servers will also be reset. 
2) Open Transfer Period
Following maintenance on February 13 PT, all characters will be able to purchase one free server transfer per character from the in-game shop. Transfer cool-downs will be reset for all characters and temporarily reduced to 72 hours. Players may choose to transfer to any eligible server during this period. We’ll also remove early access tags from servers.
At the end of the free-transfer period on February 27 PT, all characters remaining on consolidation servers will be transferred automatically to the new server. No manual action is required. Character transfer cool-downs will also be reverted back to the standard 30 days. All-day buff support
All characters on all servers will receive the following buffs for the duration of the open transfer period from February 13 PT until February 27 PT.
Sollant Buff: Gain 20% more Sollant from hunting monsters. Mastery Buff: Gain 50% more Mastery experience from all sources. 
Daily login rewards
Log in each day from February 13 PT until February 27 PT to get everything from consumables to Epic weapons! Different Check-In rewards will be available daily, including the memorable Title: Star-traveler and Brawler Captain Dentwerp Amitoi.
Note: Check-In will reset every day at 6:00AM local server time. 
submitted by i_am_Misha to throneandliberty [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 yuukakazamis my nye party look!!

my nye party look!! i hosted a new years eve party and put together an ott gal look! i normally only wear agejo but this had himegyaru influence~
submitted by yuukakazamis to actualgyaru [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 Expert-Yoghurt5702 Castorice just vibin

Castorice just vibin https://preview.redd.it/88sls4h0zree1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=74c9c898d66bb6a76ff0411943fc0866e3acdd0f
submitted by Expert-Yoghurt5702 to okbuddytrailblazer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 GhastlyGuy123 "First Pressing" of a digital file

submitted by GhastlyGuy123 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 plainwhitebeess No your not

No your not Since last night I got one win.
submitted by plainwhitebeess to CODWarzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 spookeyvibez Update!

Body shop quoted me $3000. Both insurance company & body shop advised that to get the ball rolling on repairs..I should reach out to the other party and ask if they will pay my $1000 deductible. Then my insurance will sue her for the rest. Any ideas on how to APPROPRIATELY approach them about it? Asking for some guidance because..I can’t think of kind words to say. 🤣 ——————————————
Someone please enlighten me…am I going to get anything out of this?
I had the unfortunate pleasure of being sideswiped in the Walmart parking lot by a negligent uninsured 18 year old.
I happened to be in the store at the time. However, my dad was sitting in a parking spot in my car and this girl was screwing around trying to put her stupid steering wheel cover. Instead of straightening out her wheels..like an experienced driver would do before backing out. She just backed out without a care in the world and her front end swiped the side of my car.
I called the police and they arrived and took my insurance information. All they took from her was her drivers license and gave her a ticket for no insurance. I have all the proper coverage for these instances (however, due to her negligence I do not want my own insurance to go up by using my uninsured accident coverage) and the cop told me that my insurance company will sue her and will retrieve video footage from Walmart.
submitted by spookeyvibez to caraccidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 Then_Nefariousness94 Negatieve gedachtepatronen wanneer ik iemand leuk vind

Ik wilde even mijn gedachten ordenen met deze post, ben erg benieuwd of mensen zich hierin herkennen of tips hebben. Ik (M, 26) heb vaak nadat ik de eerste keer met iemand geslapen heb en ik iemand een beetje leuk vind, ik mezelf een beetje kan verliezen. Ik denk dan alleen maar aan diegene en wil zo snel mogelijk iemand weer zien, haar naar binnen trekken eigenlijk. Misschien is het een intense hunkering naar liefde, maar ik voel me er erg gewillig of 'needy' door worden. Als mijn date dan een keer niet kan afspreken of even wat anders reageert op app merk ik dat ik mij allemaal nare scenario's in mijn hoofd ga halen en ik paniekerig ga denken. Ik ga dan twijfelen aan mezelf, of ik iets verkeerds heb gedaan of gezegd, of ze me wel leuk vind of dat ik haar kwijtraak. Deze angst en angstgedachten zijn denk ik voelbaar voor de ander, en ik weet dat ik hiermee mogelijk iemand verder weg duw. Ik heb nog geen goede manier gevonden om hiermee om te gaan. Ik merk dat als het proces dan even anders loopt dan ik in mijn gedachten heb, ik dus erg in mijn hoofd ga zitten en dat ik het moeilijk vindt om een stapje terug te doen. Mijn vraag is dan ook, denken jullie dat een bepaalde mate van onzekerheid in dit proces goed is? En of dit gelijk voelbaar is voor de ander als ik zo erg aan het piekeren ben? Ook vraag ik me af of mensen zich in mijn verhaal herkennen en tips hebben hoe hiermee om te gaan, zodat ik degene die ik leuk vind niet wegduw. Hoor het graag!!
submitted by Then_Nefariousness94 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 Prestigious_Eye_5542 Becoming an instructor - what does it entail and is it worth it?

I am seriously considering becoming a Solid Core instructor as I've always wanted to teach some kind of fitness classes. I have no background in teaching/personal training, though I am an avid fitness junky and think I'd love it. I love SC but I'm having a hard time deciding if becoming a SC coach is the right direction. I work full time and need it to be relatively flexible and stay fun. I know it is a good amount of time to get trained so I wouldn't want to go down this route and then wish I had just gotten a more general personal training certificate or pilates instructor training or something. Anyone with experience have thoughts?
submitted by Prestigious_Eye_5542 to SolidCore [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 TenTimesAwesome New Taylormade tp5 TRK-R (RCT?) radar balls

submitted by TenTimesAwesome to Golfsimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 DTG_Bot [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2025-01-23]

Daily Modifiers Vanguard Ops Dares of Eternity

Onslaught: Playlist Onslaught: Playlist Tomb of Elders Seasonal Expert/Master Lost Sector The Broken Deep: Expert The Broken Deep: Master Pale Heart of the Traveler Overthrow: The Landing The Lucent Hive are laying siege to the Landing to try and wrest control of the Traveler's Light.
Misc Guns & Materials Banshee's Featured Weapons
Name Type Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Masterwork
Brya's Love Energy Scout Rifle Chambered Compensator // Extended Barrel Accurized Rounds // Flared Magwell Keep Away Precision Instrument Ballistics // Tactical // Anti-Flinch // Marksman Optics: Low // Marksman Optics: High // Special Ammo Finder Enhancement // Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement // Synergy // Stunloader
Funnelweb Energy Submachine Gun Corkscrew Rifling // Fluted Barrel Accurized Rounds // Alloy Magazine Auto-Loading Holster Elemental Capacitor Tier 2: Handling
Piece of Mind Kinetic Pulse Rifle Chambered Compensator // Corkscrew Rifling Extended Mag // Armor-Piercing Rounds Overflow Harmony Ballistics // Tactical // Anti-Flinch // CQC Optics: Low // CQC Optics: High // Special Ammo Finder Enhancement // Heavy Ammo Finder Enhancement // Synergy // Stunloader
Hand in Hand Energy Shotgun Smoothbore // Full Choke Appended Mag // Tactical Mag Shot Swap Golden Tricorn Tier 2: Range
Regnant Heavy Grenade Launcher Volatile Launch // Hard Launch High-Explosive Ordnance // Mini Frags Rangefinder Destabilizing Rounds Tactical // Aerodynamics // Anti-Flinch // CQC Optics: Low // CQC Optics: High // Synergy // Stunloader
Note: Fixed perks on weapons are not displayed
Master Rahool's Material Exchange
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Dark Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 10 Phantasmal Fragment)
  • Purchase Glimmer (10000 for 25 Herealways Piece)
  • Purchase Glimmer (2500 for 1 Upgrade Module)
  • Enhancement Prism (1 for 10 Enhancement Core & 10000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Shard (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
  • Ascendant Alloy (1 for 10 Enhancement Prism & 50000 Glimmer)
Bounties Banshee-44, Gunsmith
Name Description Requirement Reward
Hand Cannon Calibration Calibrate Hand Cannons against any target. Earn bonus progress with precision and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Hand Cannon] Hand Cannon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Special Grenade Calibration Calibrate Grenade Launchers that use Special ammo against any target. Opposing Guardians and rapidly defeated targets grant the most efficient progress. 100 [Special Grenade Launcher] Grenade Launcher XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Rocket Launcher Calibration Calibrate Rocket Launchers against any target. Earn bonus progress against opposing Guardians and for additional targets defeated with each shot. 100 [Rocket Launcher] Rocket Launcher XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Solar Calibration Calibrate Solar weapons against any target. Earn bonus progress using Power weapons and against opposing Guardians. 100 [Solar] Solar weapon XP+ & Enhancement Core & Gunsmith Rank Progress
Apothecary Eido, The Last City
Name Description Requirement Reward
Salvation's Savior Rescue captured Eliksni in Onslaught: Salvation. 5 Eliksni rescued XP+ & 1 Apothecary Eido Reputation & 1 Small Tonic Reagent Sack
Natural Scorn Killer Defeat Scorn combatants anywhere in the system. Gain bonus progress for Scorn defeated in Episode: Revenant activities. 30 Scorn XP+ & 1 Apothecary Eido Reputation & 1 Small Tonic Reagent Sack
Breakneck Rapidly defeat combatants anywhere in the system. Gain bonus progress for rapid final blows in Episode: Revenant activities. 30 Defeated in streaks XP+ & 1 Apothecary Eido Reputation & 1 Small Tonic Reagent Sack
Fallen Rise Again Defeat combatants in the Exotic mission "Kell's Fall" with Stasis or Void damage. 15 [Stasis] or [Void] final blows XP+ & 1 Apothecary Eido Reputation & 1 Small Tonic Reagent Sack
Archie wishes you a happy reset and good luck!
Never forget what was lost. While the API protests have concluded, Reddit remains hostile to its users.
submitted by DTG_Bot to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 bearded-redshirt What's an underrated food combination?

submitted by bearded-redshirt to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 Temporary_Lack_1222 Pergunta sobre casamento e divórcio

Ola, Minha esposa é brasileira, mas mora nos Estados Unidos há mais de 10 anos. Ela tem um casamento prévio que não foi registrado no Brasil. Estamos tentando tirar a Certidão de Nascimento dos nossos filhos, mas não estamos entendendo o processo. Precisamos registrar o primeiro casamento, o divorcio para depois registrar o nosso? Será possível fazer tudo isso ao mesmo tempo?Também precisamos viajar de urgência pois a família dela é idosa. Moramos umas 5 horas do consulado brasileiro e gostaríamos de fazer tudo isso no mesmo dia: registro de casamento, registro de nascimento, e passaportes brasileiros pras crianças. Já entramos em contato com o consulado, mas eles só mandaram links pro website deles.
submitted by Temporary_Lack_1222 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 StringCautious6430 I have an esthetician friend that wants to do derma blading on me…… I’m scared👀

Everyone tells me not to worry and that the way a professional derma blades your skin allows the hair to go back the same way, but of course I’m freaking out that that won’t be the case as I have always been prone to thick, stubborn hair. Does anyone else have experience with this? Has it actually helped your skin? I’m wondering if I should just avoid it all together.
submitted by StringCautious6430 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 sirdioz69 My first attempt at a liquid sim

My first attempt at a liquid sim submitted by sirdioz69 to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 whyamiherreanymore IS MY CAT PREGNANT?

IS MY CAT PREGNANT? so this is my outdoor cat (not officially she was a stray but we can’t keep her inside so we feed her every day and pet her)
she gets one bowl of food and 3/4ths a can of wet food every day. i don’t know if she’s just getting fat which is good because she needs the strength, or if she is pregnant because again i didn’t adopt her so i don’t know if she’s spayed. HELP (p.s. last photo was just because she’s a cutie)
i couldn’t capture her roundness on camera that well but she looks rounder in person and if she gonna have kitten then i don’t know what to do, might have to see if a friend could care for her
submitted by whyamiherreanymore to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 ScarletM0ss So fashionable

So fashionable submitted by ScarletM0ss to SolidarityGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 MurphyKuffles I have vitiligo.

One day in 2022, I had an accident. I had scratches and injuries all over my body. A few months later, all my injuries were completely healed, but the skin never gained it's original colour. Ever since then, I have started getting more and more such discolored patches. I went to a doctor in 2024 and it was confirmed that I had non-segmental vitiligo. It is the slow growing type which will gradually increase. There is no treatment available for this. I have been applying creams/ointments regularly to the discolored patches. It helps in slowing down the growth, but in the past few days, I have been seeing a lot more growth of these white patches on my body. Now i know that my fate is sealed. As of now, there are patches on my waist, eyes, knees, feet and arms. Are there any other people like me on this subreddit who have vitiligo? Are there any challenges that you face when trying to socialise with people or any challenges at all?
submitted by MurphyKuffles to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 and867374 (COMMENT⬇️) Abigaiil Morris

(COMMENT⬇️) Abigaiil Morris submitted by and867374 to wearacloth [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 Qiof Možemo li da razgovaramo o ovom gospodinu? Možda da njegovom poslodavcu predočimo šta izjavljulje zaposleni?

Možemo li da razgovaramo o ovom gospodinu? Možda da njegovom poslodavcu predočimo šta izjavljulje zaposleni? Ovo nije u redu, posebno ne na profesionalnoj mreži. Posledice moraju postojati, i smatram da bi svaki poslodavac trebao da zna da postoje posledice za ponašanje zaposlenih u javnosti. Šta vi mislite? I o ovom konkretnom postu i o trendu da ljudi na LinkedIn pričaju o protestima
submitted by Qiof to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 rossgallin Military wristshot with the Roebuck Watch Company Ranger on Camo strap

Military wristshot with the Roebuck Watch Company Ranger on Camo strap submitted by rossgallin to WatchesSavvy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 exskill310 Bait comments are getting exhausting

Bait comments are getting exhausting submitted by exskill310 to TheDonaldTrump2024 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:04 Turbostrider27 Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay - Camp Infiltrating & Combat (AC Shadows Gameplay)

Assassin's Creed Shadows Gameplay - Camp Infiltrating & Combat (AC Shadows Gameplay) submitted by Turbostrider27 to PS5 [link] [comments]
