it’s giving meat twine

But we know the truth about our God! We have the opportunity to set the record straight and thus bring him glory. Psalm 96 focuses on giving glory to Jehovah. As we discuss some of the inspired words in this psalm, think about ways in which you might give Jehovah the glory he so rightly deserves. The giver of gifts may have many companions, but his giving cannot ensure lasting friendship. —Pr 19:6. The Christian Greek Scriptures strongly censure certain practices in connection with the giving of gifts. Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees for overstepping the commandment to honor father and mother. Jesus taught that giving makes you happy (Acts 20:35). Giving is a nice way of saying ‘I love you.’ Let’s see how you can be happy like Caleb by doing things for others. Giving Makes You Happy: Music and Lyrics Jehovah Created the Animals! Memorize John 3:16 Make Caleb’s Car Memorize Psalm 83:18 What Should You Do? Memorize Psalm 133:1 Bookmarks to Keep! Find the Differences: Convention Activity If we are giving him our very best, we should be happy. (Matt. 22:36-38) Second, we should avoid comparing ourselves with others. Whatever our health, training, or natural ability enables us to accomplish, we should be grateful to Jehovah. After all, we have received everything we have from him. Generous giving even improves the health of some who suffer from chronic health problems, such as multiple sclerosis or HIV. It has also been shown that recovering alcoholics who help others become significantly less depressed and can improve their odds of avoiding a relapse. As Jesus stated, giving makes both the giver and the receiver happy. In pursuit of that happiness, many view gift-giving as one of the most important features of Christmas. Even during last year’s economic crisis, one survey found, for example, that in Ireland, each household expected to spend over 500 euros (about $660 U.S.) on Christmas gifts. 3 The Scriptures assure us that giving brings happiness, so it is little wonder that the Bible describes Jehovah as “the happy God.” (1 Tim. 1:11) He is the original and greatest Giver. Because of him, “we have life and move and exist,” as the apostle Paul stated. Giving is beneficial when it is done voluntarily. “Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart,” says the Bible, “not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” —2 Corinthians 9:7, footnote. Heartfelt giving is part of “the form By giving his work priority in our life. After all, Jesus died “so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up.” (2 Cor. 5:15) We certainly do not want to miss the purpose of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness. —Read 2 Corinthians 6:1. 14.

2025.01.23 17:24 Due_Grab_1905 it’s giving meat twine

it’s giving meat twine she said she got an extra small…. now why would u do that knowing u’re a big back
submitted by Due_Grab_1905 to rhegan777snark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 Life_Bullfrog_3308 How do I feel better?

Clinging on to my last ounces of will to live, I’ve been feeling rather suicidal lately. I’m not sure how to feel better but i’m really just so drained of my life circumstances. I know it’s time to reach out and seek help when i started researching painless ways to die again. So for context:
I’m very unhappy with my life as of late, I feel like a failure, used, worthless and stupid. The last straw was when my first relationship ended few months back. Well, it was my first and I thought at the age of 20, I’d know how to love and handle a rs but man I was so wrong, the rs left me feeling even more inadequate and questioning my self worth. To an extent, whatever my ex has said and done to me but also I feel worthless now bc I’ve given so much of myself that I feel unclean and worthless now like I don’t deserve love anymore too. Adding on to that, I’ve already had a history of depression and anxiety, I thought I had healed from it when I entered this rs but it only intensified it. I’m not doing well in school and not in a “prestigious uni” when all my life I’ve spent studying and chasing academics, so to turn out like this makes me feel like a failure. Coupled with whatever my family has been saying to me abt my failed rs and this shitty uni plus not even being able to afford my uni fees (taking up a loan), I really feel worthless and helpless.
I’ve also had quite a rough childhood, had a police case of my ex tutor molesting me, that fucked up my ability to study as I spent two years fighting that case out. He eventually went to jail but the damage was done. I’ve seen a psychologist and a psychiatrist for my depression, anxiety and PTSD. Well my recent rs proved that I’m over the PTSD but depression seems like an illness that never really gets healed. And truthfully, I really worked on myself before getting into this rs, made sure I worked hard at trying to not be so emotionally volatile or trauma dump on my ex but all I got was instead him making me feel like I was never enough and with a somewhat poor self esteem already, that fucked me up even more. I’ve had history of OD twice but in light of recent events, it seems like it’s all crashing down again and I find peace in knowing I could just end it all and leave this world. I don’t see a will to live or hope for the future. I really don’t see anything to live for either. I guess the only thing stopping me is I’m scared that I even fuck up my attempt and instead of dying I get paralysed or brain dead or the pain of jumping down from heights. Also was raised a catholic and am taught that suicide is a sin which lands u in hell. Prob fear of that too. I’ve given up hope on antidepressants (stopped taking them as I didnt wanna be reliant plus they didnt rly help). Going to therapy doesn’t really work either as it’s too expensive and my family thinks I’m wasting money (they’re financially struggling too). I’ve tried journalling and talking to my friends about it but nothing even makes me feel better than knowing I could just leave this world behind.
I’ve tried showing myself love too by not being too hard on myself, trying to do things i love and finding a hobby but these thoughts consume my mind. And I’m so so drained to even fight with anyone or defend myself. I wish things could get better but it’s just one after another falling like a domino. Don’t really know what to do with my life other than end it yet I’m afraid. What do i do.
submitted by Life_Bullfrog_3308 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 g4m3f33d Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Get The Gold Key In Vatican City

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle: How To Get The Gold Key In Vatican City submitted by g4m3f33d to GameFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 AcowNamedDaisy Crisis Nursery - 90’s program?

Hi! In the early '90s, my parents were part of a “crisis nursery” program here in KC. essentially what it did was offer a safe space for women and their kids for up to 72 hours out of their home. Does anyone know what this program was called or know of any similar programs or organizations offering this kind of service?
I know there are a few safe havens here for mothers and children, I have reached out to them but curious if anyone has details on something similar to the above.
I am feeling fortunate to have a roof over my head and to feel safe in my home. I want to provide this to anyone I can. I don’t have a ton of money to donate but I do have my time.
submitted by AcowNamedDaisy to kansascity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 PinsAndBeetles Has anyone used estradiol on skin successfully without a melasma flare up?

I’ve managed, with much patience and persistence, to clear my melasma to nearly unnoticeable with a combination of Moxi/BBL, HQ, Arazlo and Azalic acid and literal gallons of sunblock. I’m happy with the results and I don’t want to backslide, but I am tempted to try estradiol just around my under eye area. I would avoid my forehead and cheeks where my melasma is. Anyone able to share if they’ve tried this and if it worked for them?
submitted by PinsAndBeetles to Melasmaskincare [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 Yurii_S_Kh On Developing Proper Reason. A Homily for the Feast of St. Theophan the Recluse

On Developing Proper Reason. A Homily for the Feast of St. Theophan the Recluse Fr. Daniel Sysoev
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
Blessed feast of St. Theophan the Recluse!
St. Theophan lived in Russia in the nineteenth century and was a conductor of ancient Orthodox traditions and teachings, which he translated into Russian. He was also known as a great interpreter of Holy Scripture. St. Theophan went into reclusion to study God’s teachings, to live in them and learn in them. His works are an invaluable gift for us all. Priests usually advise those coming to the Church to read St. Theophan and St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov). St. Theophan had a special gift for revealing the mysteries of the faith in a very simple and profound way. In his writings, he answers any, even very difficult questions, for example, about aliens. St. Theophan wasn’t afraid of questions and could give them comprehensive answers, based on Holy Scripture.
Today, many people say that the dignity of a Christian is to not think and to be stupid. But this is the opposite of what the Lord Himself taught and what the Apostles said. Stupidity is a sign of an atheist, who is stupid by definition. He’s stupid because his logic doesn’t work, his thinking process doesn’t work, and he often just tries to shut his opponent up. A Christian must be wise, he must develop his mind. There are different ways to develop it. There’s the piggy bank method that’s very popular right now—we toss absolutely everything into our mind. We can read a book or watch a film, because everyone’s read the book or watched the film. But just gathering information doesn’t develop the mind. There was a great pagan philosopher Heraclitus, one of the founders of Ionian philosophy in ancient Greece. He said: “Much knowledge doesn’t teach the mind, and if it did, it would have taught Pythagoras.” He really despised Pythagoras because Pythagoras believed in the transmigration of souls, and Heraclitus didn’t consider him worthy of the title of man.
Just formally stuffing your head with information doesn’t increase your intelligence. To be intelligent, you also have to learn to use this information. There’s the concept of a “mental hernia” that, in the worst-case scenario, leads to insanity, and in the best-case scenario, to complete stupefaction. A man clogs his head with all kinds of garbage, and nothing good comes out of it. Even if there’s necessary information, it isn’t systematized, and it becomes impossible to retrieve it. And this is natural, because there’s no culture of reason. The mind has to be developed, and that requires a foundation of reason—certain walls and a roof of reason. Just as a house is uninhabitable without walls and a roof, so it is with reason.
How can we learn to develop our mind in a Christian way?
First of all, we need repentance. Paradoxical though it may seem, it’s namely repentance that is the primary condition for the proper functioning of the mind. What does repentance mean? A change of mind. We have to admit that our viewpoint isn’t the most important, objectively true one. There exists an absolutely objective truth—God’s point of view. This truth is as unshakable as a rock upon which we can build our reason. The cornerstone for our reason should be God and His word. We give up our reason in the name of God in order to build a coherent edifice of thought, of our intellect. Repentance forces a man to sort out the piles of debris in his head and look at everything from a different vantage point—from that of the source of eternal life. The first condition for the proper functioning of the mind is that, “No thought of mine can be correct if it contradicts the revelation of God.”
And no other person’s thought can be correct if it contradicts Divine revelation. This is also very important because many people say that we should respect the opinions of others. But a Christian asks, “Why? From the point of view of common sense, explain to me why I should respect the viewpoint of others. It’s not based on anything. The viewpoint of other people and the people themselves are completely different things. For example, an alcoholic friend comes to see me, and he tries to enter the church but he can’t because he thinks the door is next to where the actual door is. So what, I should respect his point of view? I won’t respect it! First, I’ll help him pull himself together, dumping a bucket of cold water on his head, then I’ll lead him into the church, sit him down, and when he comes to his senses, then we’ll talk. If we don’t respect the viewpoint of others, that doesn’t mean we don’t respect them. A lie isn’t worthy of respect; it doesn’t deserve it, and the man who respects it commits a very grave sin.
God says: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Is. 5:20). It’s truly God’s curse.
The second condition for the proper functioning of the mind is: “Don’t trust the opinion of others if it contradicts that of God.” It doesn’t matter how many of these people there are, even if it’s the whole planet—the quantity of zeroes won’t change the quality. We arrive at the conclusion that we have a foundation—the absolute truth, not dependent upon anything. It’s the revelation of God, understood according to the teaching of the Orthodox Church according to the teaching of the saints who always and everywhere had the same view on all questions. Scripture and Tradition should be realized in the realities of our lives. Then we use the knowledge that we received in school, college, from acquaintances—we must test all of it against the standard of truth.
But knowledge in and of itself isn’t capable of building a house, as the Apostle Paul said: Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth (1 Cor. 8:1). Therefore, a prerequisite for the proper assimilation of knowledge is love for God and neighbor. Without it, our mind can’t be properly ordered. All knowledge should be hierarchical. It’s impossible to develop both the soul and the body at the same time, because there’s a single energy of our being, which is manifested in both spirituality and physicality. If we invest too much in the body, our soul will suffer. Therefore, we have to put everything in its proper place. There’s a place for the body, which works well when submitting to the mind. There’s a place for the soul, and there’s a place for the spirit. According to the Holy Fathers, the mind or spirit should be subject to God, our feelings and will should be subject to the soul, and our body should be subject to the will and senses.
This is the proper order, and we have to properly allocate both our strength and our knowledge. First, we develop spiritual knowledge, second, soul knowledge, and third, bodily knowledge. Spiritual knowledge presupposes a proper relationship with God, the search for a path to Him. Soul knowledge makes it possible to know what’s happening in my soul and in the soul of those around me. We must gather knowledge about the people around us so as not to offend them, to relate to them carefully, to avoid touching their pain points, to help them, to support them—this is a Christian’s direct duty flowing from the second commandment. The third thing we have to develop is bodily knowledge. We should develop science, culture, and art on the condition that they don’t interfere with the soul. This is the correct system for building knowledge.
May God save you!
Fr. Daniel Sysoev Translation by Jesse Dominick
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 fsjescours ANAPEC Offre d’emploi: 50 postes de GUICHETIER

ANAPEC Offre d’emploi: 50 postes de GUICHETIER submitted by fsjescours to estifada [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 g4m3f33d Assassin's Creed Shadows Might Be Able To Do The Impossible And Satisfy All Fans

Assassin's Creed Shadows Might Be Able To Do The Impossible And Satisfy All Fans submitted by g4m3f33d to GameFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 don_kong1969 Trouble with the App - Won't let me add the 10 second deal

I have the app and use it daily for the sip club on my way to and from work (great deal). I used to get the random 10 second deal to add a $1 bagel or $2 dessert and would use them when I felt like a treat. Now when I get those deals it says that it can't add the deal right now and just goes straight to checkout. It's been doing this for months. Any ideas how to fix?
submitted by don_kong1969 to Panera [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 Megadeus512 AITAH for asking my sister for a financial favor.

My cousin, who recently passed away, was rather well to do financially. My sister, who is doing fine financially, and my other cousin again, doing fine financially, are both executor’s of her estate. My financial situation is good but we have one child who will be finishing her degree in the fall (2 years to go) and our other child has some mental issues that make it very hard to keep a job. We are currently paying for his car (the payment and insurance) until he gets done with his school as well. My sister gave us first choice on my cousin’s minivan. Our minivan is not aging very well. Its 17 years old. Mechanically it’s fine but the body is really starting to rust out. Plus there are issues with electrical gremlins, among other things. The cousin’s minivan is slightly newer, being 13 years old but it spent its entire life in Calif. My question is, could I/should I offer my sistecousin $1.00 for this newer van? They both do not NEED the money and it would help us out immensely with our financial situation as well.
submitted by Megadeus512 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 jassssskd I can’t believe her account is almost at 400k followers wtf was the point of unfollowing the other one ugh she’s like a roach 🪳 we can’t get rid of

submitted by jassssskd to inmatehopper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 Puzzled-Holiday2797 Fsp hydro k pro 700w

Is the fsp hydro k pro reliable or should I replace it? I'm quite concerned because some people said it's really unreliable I have a 4060 ti and 7600
submitted by Puzzled-Holiday2797 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 g4m3f33d 7 Of Last Year's Best-Selling Games Didn't Even Come Out In 2024

7 Of Last Year's Best-Selling Games Didn't Even Come Out In 2024 submitted by g4m3f33d to GameFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 BubsyFanboy Europe needs to be armed to 'survive', Polish PM tells EU

Europe needs to be armed to 'survive', Polish PM tells EU submitted by BubsyFanboy to europeanunion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 kimchikidd Help me boost the algorithm on this one by leaving a like or comment!

Help me boost the algorithm on this one by leaving a like or comment! submitted by kimchikidd to ninimusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 mb357 Good morning little friends

submitted by mb357 to BackYardBirds [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 g4m3f33d One Of The Greatest Games Critics Of All Time Has Died

One Of The Greatest Games Critics Of All Time Has Died submitted by g4m3f33d to GameFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 megaboymatt Nemesis Claw for Kill Team

Nemesis Claw for Kill Team Trying to take more inspiration from the artwork in books than the box art. Trying to keep them semi clean, and combine muted tones with bright pops and details.
submitted by megaboymatt to NightLords [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 lilitali Chia seed recipe help

I had this snack called Mamma Chia from costco and it was sooo good, and I figured I could make it at home easily. I copied almost exactly the ingredients on the back, but I can’t get that perfect gel and flavor. I’ve looked all over the internet and all I can find is chia pudding. So, if anyone has made something like mamma chia at home, please share your secrets!!!
submitted by lilitali to EatCheapAndHealthy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 shytxmato Trading hourglass

Trading hourglass submitted by shytxmato to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 Ice-Tear Am I the only one who is stockpiling Incarnon Adapters? (can we get a new way to get Pathos Clamps DE?)

Am I the only one who is stockpiling Incarnon Adapters? (can we get a new way to get Pathos Clamps DE?) submitted by Ice-Tear to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 oilicreh Quanto cobrar por uma apresentação de slides?

Sou estagiário e meu gestor veio me perguntar quanto eu cobrava para fazer uma apresentação de slides para ele, sendo que nunca tinha feito esse freela e não trabalho com design então não tenho a noção de quanto cobrar. Na primeira vez, fiz 12 slides no canva e cobrei 100 reias. Porém, acredito que foi muito barato porque foi para uma apresentação em grupo e os participantes não são peixe pequenos na empresa(dentre eles estavam a gerente de RH e gerente do jurídico), mas sou novato na empresa e não conhecia os participantes, além disso, ele estava com pressa, eu tive que entregar no mesmo dia, foi umas 5h de trabalho. Então por esse motivos acho que foi barato.
Hoje ele entrou em contato comigo novamente para fazer outra apresentação de slide, acredito que ele gostou da primeira, dessa vez só de informações que ele passou são 45 slides.
Como acho que a primeira vez foi muito barato, mas eu não tinha a noção de quanto cobrar porque nunca tinha feito, quero ajuda para saber o quanto cobrar dessa vez.
submitted by oilicreh to designBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 Brilliant_Dirt7386 My First Expo App: 1 month in

Hi everyone,
I spent a month building my first mobile app using expo. I have never built software before and I am not a software engineer but I really enjoyed the process and I am now looking for guidance and feedback.
One challenge I had was making sure stuff like MapView worked consistently across both Android and iOS. I also struggled with BottomSheet (worked on iOS, not on Android). Has anyone else run into these problems?
My app is now available on both app stores and is completely free.
The Idea: Track your flight and learn about your journey while sitting on the plane! (Flight mode compatible)
PS. I am deploying and publishing via EAS by building the package for each platform separately and then dragging each file to App Store Connect and Google Play Console. Is this a good way of doing things?
submitted by Brilliant_Dirt7386 to expo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 PalpitationUnique296 Waiting for offer letter IC-3 Oracle, how much time it usually takes

Hello Everyone, I gave interviews for Oracle India (BLR) for IC3 role. I got selected and got the verbal offer in first week of december, and got the background verification link after 2-3 days from HireRight, and it got completed in two weeks. And, after that I have been waiting for the official offer letter. But ,I havn't received any update. I had a talk with HR in first week of January, he told it will be done in a week, but didn't received anything. I got in touch with HR, and Manager(who took my interview) for update. They are saying approvals are taking time more than usual. And, they will give update once there will be any movement.
What should I do, should I wait, or switch to other organization. Does similar has happened to your case in past? Is this hiring freeze, will I get offer letter?
submitted by PalpitationUnique296 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:24 wombat_2024 Save big on your new TESLA with my referral

Get up to US$1,000 / 500€ / £500 / CA$1,300 off a new or inventory Tesla with my referral link (worldwide):
👉 👈
Have fun with your new Tesla. Thank you very much!
submitted by wombat_2024 to teslareferralposts [link] [comments]