Vs Aston Villa

2025.01.23 17:22 Lord_Creamy Vs Aston Villa

Heading down to Birmingham with my dad on March day. Anyone know where folk are gathering? I know there is a fanzone but not sure if that will be decent.
submitted by Lord_Creamy to CelticFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 GremlynRugs Some mushroom rugs I've made

Some mushroom rugs I've made submitted by GremlynRugs to somethingimade [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 bailey17268 New floor ideas?

Big rejection at 0.02 it seems. I’m thinking new floor will be around 0.017 ish?
submitted by bailey17268 to XCN [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 EfficiencyMassive300 Harmala freebase isolate 99% dosage?

submitted by EfficiencyMassive300 to harmalas [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 holmesriley Involving Hendry at Wrestlemania

-Joe Hendry is a surprise in the Rumble. He has a moment with Cena. Cena eventually throws him out late. Cena WINS the rumble. -Next night, Cena is talking about who he’s gonna face. He alludes to Joe Hendry “Say his name…” blah blah
Hendry comes out and talks about how Cena is his hero and if he wants to face a champ that embodies all he stands for etc… Pick me. TNA Title.
Gunther comes out and plays up the minor leagues etc. Set up Gunther vs Hendry at EC.
Cody comes out and plays the respect card, fighting champ etc. and sets up Cody vs Hendry at EC
-At EC, someone interferes and attacks Joe Hendry! It’s AJ Styles!

You have an excuse for one more Cena vs AJ match.
You can run so many tags. Even Get the Hardys involved with the OC.
Promos can be run on TNA and Raw.
submitted by holmesriley to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 ArtzLab Create Empty Cosmetic Product Mockups for Your Business with AI

Create Empty Cosmetic Product Mockups for Your Business with AI Create Stunning Promotional Images Effortlessly with Ideogram AI A round moisturizer jar mockup with a glossy finish by AI Artz
Suppose you’re a small business owner, social media marketer, or entrepreneur in the beauty industry. In that case, you know the importance of visually appealing product mockups for marketing, advertisements, and social media posts.
However, creating high-quality mockups can be costly and time-consuming.
AI-powered tools like Ideogram AI and Midjourney, make it easy to generate realistic and customizable cosmetic product empty mockup images that you can use to showcase your designs with minimal effort.
Here we will explore how AI can help you create 3D cosmetic mockups, box packaging mockups, and bottle mockups in just a few steps. You’ll also find 30+ Ideogram AI prompts categorized by product type, making it easy to create professional-grade images that suit your branding needs.
Why Use AI for Cosmetic Product Mockups? AI tools like allow you to generate realistic, high-quality product mockup images without logos, typography, or branding. These mockups are perfect for businesses looking to overlay their designs using tools like Photoshop.
So here’s why you should consider using AI-powered tools like Ideogram AI:
  • Cost-Effective: Traditional mockup creation involves hiring professional photographers, renting studio space, and purchasing props. AI eliminates these costs by enabling you to generate studio-quality images at a fraction of the price, making it ideal for small businesses or startups on a tight budget.
  • Customizable: Unlike pre-designed templates, AI allows you to tailor every detail of your mockup - colors, textures, lighting, and props. Once the mockup is generated, you can effortlessly add your branding, logos, or designs using tools like Photoshop, ensuring they align perfectly with your vision.
  • Time-Saving: Forget days of organizing photoshoots. With AI, you can create realistic product mockups in minutes.
  • Versatile: AI can generate mockups for a wide range of products, from lipstick and serums to shampoo and perfumes, ensuring every category of your cosmetic line is visually represented.
Read full article↗️ submitted by ArtzLab to AI_Artz [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Historical-Clue9444 GCSE REPORT + LSE DREAM

GCSE REPORT + LSE DREAM I’m currently in year 11 and looking to study economics or finance at LSE which as of right now isn’t so realistic. Im planning on taking MATHS, DESIGN , ECONOMICS +epq for A levels. I’m looking for work experience in finance sector that i can get in on from an early age, does anyone have any recommendations for experience, and can someone tell me what types of things I can do to get closer to my goals.
submitted by Historical-Clue9444 to LSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 bronk3310 Advice for PACT Act Sinusitis: Supplemental Claim

I was denied sinusitis, even though I qualify for PACT act conditions. They didn't give a reason for denial, just: Your Benefit Information Service connection for chronic sinusitis is denied.
I went ahead and filed a supplemental claim. One of the options was purely to have it reviewed as a PACT Act claim. So I chose that on November 13. It was literally just choose that option and submit claim.
I haven't heard anything back still, but did I do it correctly? I have a VERA appt February 3 to talk about it. I put in a FOIA request for the C&P results and whatever other information on Nov 26, but haven't received that either.
submitted by bronk3310 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Trapqueem 3° no terreiro.

Olá, amigos! Tudo bem? Gostaria de compartilhar algo que aconteceu comigo na terceira vez que fui a um barracão.
Estou estudando sobre a Umbanda e extremamente entusiasmada com esse mundo desconhecido. Também tenho consciência de que preciso ir com calma. Não é a primeira vez que alguém me diz que estou um pouco afobada (risos), mas sei que o começo é sempre assim.
Enfim, fui na gira de caboclo e fui atendida por um caboclo. Assim que segurei a vela e ele começou a fazer alguns sinais na minha testa, nos meus ombros e nos meus pés, comecei a me tremer toda, como se estivesse tomada por uma energia, igual ao que acontece com as pessoas antes de receber uma entidade. Porém, parecia que as pessoas ao meu redor não queriam que eu continuasse com aquilo, pelo menos foi o que senti.
Ao perceber essa situação, respirei fundo, me segurei, olhei para a cara da entidade e continuei respirando fundo. Ele repetiu todo o ritual: colocou os pontos na minha testa, nos ombros, no coração e nos pés. Só então ele conseguiu me dar o passe.
Gostaria de entender o que aconteceu ali. Aquilo era algo ruim? Talvez um espírito obsessor? Ou seria a minha mediunidade aflorando novamente dentro da religião? Já tive algumas experiências mediúnicas na igreja evangélica, como sonhos, falar em línguas e sentir energias, mas me afastei porque não me sentia bem naquela religião. Na Umbanda, sinto que consigo desenvolver essas coisas de forma mais natural.
Gostaria muito de saber se é a minha mediunidade voltando ou se devo me preocupar. Segunda-feira que vem irei na gira de Exu. Até o momento, só participei de giras de pretos-velhos e caboclos, então sei que Exus e Pombas Giras têm uma energia mais densa. Vamos ver como será.
Sei que, caso seja a minha entidade querendo incorporar, ela virá no momento certo. Não estou mais afobada, apenas emocionada com tudo o que está acontecendo. Já entendi que preciso ir com calma, mas continuo admirando profundamente esse caminho.
Por enquanto, quero apenas visitar o terreiro e, quem sabe, acender uma vela. No momento, não tenho condições de pagar uma mensalidade para o desenvolvimento, e nem estou com cabeça para assumir esse compromisso. Quero muito me aprofundar, mas sei que sentirei quando for o momento certo.
Oque vcs acham de eu escutar e aprender alguns pontos para a gira de Exu ?
submitted by Trapqueem to Umbanda [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Rouegantee Quel vélo électrique choisir ?

salut les cyclistes
j'aimerais m'acheter un vélo électrique mais j'ai visé trop haut, mon usage serait d'environ 100 km par semaine pour les courses et emmener les enfants à l'école + quelques sorties
un vendeur de specialized a failli m'avoir avec un como 3 IGH parce que le vélo était super cool et agréable mais...
2800€ + 200€ de panier avant + 150€ de sacs à l'arrière + 150€ de siège bébé + 100€ pour un antivol...on vise les 3500€ pour un vélo et ça fait beaucoup trop...plus des petits travaux dans ma dépendance (garage) pour stocker le vélo en sécurité (j'ai pas encore d'idée et je sais pas bricoler, d'où la courroie d'ailleurs)...
ah j'ai été convaincu par la courroie, le couple moteur de 50nm largement suffisant, la qualité de construction...
un peu moins par le guidon un peu chelou qui se tient bien en main mais sur lequel on a rien l'air de pouvoir mettre...
mais c'est trop trop cher en 2025 je sais pas qui peut se permettre ça en-dehors des passionnés...et c'est un vélo de ville quoi...
je suis prêt à mettre 1500€...voire 2000 tout compris, mais 3500 alors que je rsique de me faire piquer le vélo (mon assurance couvre mais quand même...), ça fait vraiment trop...
vous avez des idées de marques et compromis à faire? Totues les marques connues sont trop chères (Moustache, Riese&Müller, Giant, etc...)...aux usa y'a aventon qui a l'air apprécié mais j'en ai pas vu en europe...
merci pour vos idées!!!
submitted by Rouegantee to pedale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Various-Garage-6075 Something about the old atmosphere makes Beta both relaxing and unsettling

Some thoughts that occurred to me after this mining stream:
Old versions of Minecraft are unsettling beyond "the world is empty and you're alone". I feel like there was intentionally a creepy atmosphere which done fairly well.
If the principle of "what you can't see is scarier than what you can see" is true, old Minecraft perfects this.
Old caves made you feel like you had nowhere to run, and the constant bridging between cave systems made them difficult to explore, secure, defend, etc.
No hunger (and no healing) made each monster encounter mean more once you were low on food. It felt like each monster could do significant damage and end your living streak.
What do you guys think? What makes these old versions masterclasses at making you feel deeply relaxed one moment, then hyper-alert and anxious the next?
Chill Caving / Mining Stream, Old Minecraft (4)
submitted by Various-Garage-6075 to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 jstamper Pasta

Pasta Only 4 ingredients and some elbow grease. 3 Eggs, 2 cups flour, 1/2 tsp salt,1/2 tbls olive oil
submitted by jstamper to povertykitchen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Stock_Titan VNT | New Teletrac Navman Asset Trackers Set Benchmark With One-time Install and Indoor Tracking

VNT | New Teletrac Navman Asset Trackers Set Benchmark With One-time Install and Indoor Tracking submitted by Stock_Titan to StockTitan [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 rubberghost333 wouldn’t it be terrible?

if many teslas at dealerships were totaled due to vandalism? insurance companies would stop insuring them then car dealers would stop selling them. just terrible.
submitted by rubberghost333 to BashTheFash [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 StickyWicky28 Love my 6.5 inch platform pumps, how about you?

Love my 6.5 inch platform pumps, how about you? submitted by StickyWicky28 to ClassyHeels [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Glum_Combination_350 Need help with an RFID-activated alarm

I have two cats, one of which is obese due to eating the other cat’s (as well as my 2 dogs’) food after finishing his own. I recently purchased two RFID-activated feeders (https://petlibro.com/products/one-rfid-pet-feeder) in an attempt to deny him access to the other cat’s food.
Unfortunately, he’s crafty and very motivated and has figured out how to pry open the lid of the other feeder. I’ve implemented a couple of low tech obstacles to try and prevent him from doing this (put the food on a shelf that had to be jumped onto as he has trouble jumping at his weight, constructed an additional cover for the lid that makes it more difficult for him to open), but he has still found away.
I’d like to add another deterrent and install a simple alarm that is activated by his RFID tag to hopefully scare him off. I.e. I’m thinking a small speaker and reader that plays a loud sound when he gets too close.
I haven’t been able to find anything on the web that really details anything like this, and I’m not well versed in RFID tech to the point that I can assemble all of the necessary components and get it set up without some guidance. Does anyone here have any insight/can help me put something like this together?
submitted by Glum_Combination_350 to RFID [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 giftalfa تحميل كتاب أنت لست دماغك pdf

submitted by giftalfa to moonebook [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 RamblinGamblinWillie I believe that a man should be beholden to his neighbor, not for the reward of heaven nor the fear of hellfire

I believe that a man should be beholden to his neighbor, not for the reward of heaven nor the fear of hellfire submitted by RamblinGamblinWillie to bobdylan [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 ComfortableMedia6 Mortgage under consent-to-let sold to another lender and now being accused of breaching terms?

Back in 2023 we started letting out our property with consent to let. We're still renting it out now, to the same tenant.
Our lender transferred our mortgage to another lender in the summer. We got a letter from them saying the terms of our mortgage won't change.
Fast forward to today, we recieved a letter from the new lender, saying our consent-to-let has expired, despite our consent running with the previous lender until March this year!
I called them up and they're making it sound like I'm in big trouble and have scheduled someone from another department to call me back to 'discuss my options' because we're breaching our contract apparently.
What the hell?! Does this sound right? The person on the phone barely let me speak and when I mentioned that we'd been transferred from another lender, they said something along the lines of 'that contract was with them not us' and just skirted over it. Stressed rn!
submitted by ComfortableMedia6 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 illest427 Deoxys Defense — Lets Get This Shiny! — 832592517365

submitted by illest427 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 FantasticScratch928 Can you please give me advice Pros&Cons for this Unit: 1. PCU 2. Orthopedic/Surgical 3.Neuroscience institute 4.Transplant/Oncology ?

Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by FantasticScratch928 to nursing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Medical_Animator_195 Empty follicles during egg retrieval + Fragile XE Carrier

My husband (39y) and I (35y) have been trying to conceive for over a year with no luck, so we started IVF. We have never been pregnant. Trying to figure out what’s going with my eggs as no one seems to have answers.
Labs: Both of our labs came back normal. Normal ultrasound, good nutrition/vitamin levels, healthy BMI for both of us, and all blood and hormone tests came out great. 2.4AMH for myself.
Lifestyle: I quit smoking 7 years ago and my husband has never smoked. We drink once every 2 months and do all of our own cooking which mostly consists of Japanese food (fermented foods, veggies, rices, fish). I also do yoga daily for movement and stress relief.
Stims/Egg retrieval In the beginning doctor seemed optimistic - saw 10 follicles and I was on 275 Gonal and 150 Menopur.
By the end of the week 7 follicles were large enough.
During egg retrieval they only got 5 eggs because 2 follicles were empty. 4 of those eggs matured.
I haven’t gotten answers as to why my follicle/egg count is low and it’s fustrating as during the whole process they were praising me for “being so healthy”. The only thing I can think of is that through genetic testing I found that I’m a intermediate carrier for Fragile XE syndrome, which could cause low ovarian reserve for the carrier. But my AMH seems normal for my age?
Would love to hear if anyone had similar experiences and how you got answers.
submitted by Medical_Animator_195 to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 android_tests_pac Warning dialog edit comment test for 2025-01-23 17:21:22

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:22 Medical_Cow3683 Your go to category for an everyday watch diver, field/sport, or dress?

Your go to category for an everyday watch diver, field/sport, or dress? Tag Heuer Carrera Twin Time - 2006
submitted by Medical_Cow3683 to tagheuer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:21 NovelPrior801 Cereal milk 🥛 📱

Cereal milk 🥛 📱 submitted by NovelPrior801 to Bud_Porn [link] [comments]
