2025.01.23 17:37 Rabash North Korean soldier refuses to drop sausage during capture in Kursk
submitted by Rabash to worldnews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 ohshieetwaddup_lol SNS sajt hakovan
submitted by ohshieetwaddup_lol to serbia [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 pe4b0dy are there any free online resources that will help me get a hang of basic finger-picking?
i'm relatively new to playing the guitar (i can play basic chords and follow strumming patterns). i haven't played in a while now, and taught myself the basics during the pandemic. i'm a trained keyboardist, so i have some musical knowledge. i wanna up my guitar skills and get more comfortable with the instrument in general.
any tips/advice/suggestions would be great! thank you! :)
submitted by pe4b0dy to guitarlessons [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 Original-Space-3534 Trading 212 rate of return seems excessive
Started trading here 2 months ago. Been euro cost averaging into 3 pies every day.
My rate of return is showing 45%.
But each Pie is only up 1-2%.
Can someone please explain how there is such a difference, this may be a stupid question, please enlighten me?
submitted by Original-Space-3534 to trading212 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 Greedy-Welcome8918 r/fuckfuck is banned
submitted by Greedy-Welcome8918 to BannedSubs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 Vell29 Scaredy-Dragon
submitted by Vell29 to dragons [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 devinchancexxx ISO good starter guitar (I’m Dentist)
Just wrapped up my first week of Demtist, need to find a guitar that is suitable for me too play Kings of Leon & part of a Greta Van Fleet song on. This one seems nice, fairly reasonable price & wow , just look at how cool all of that crazy wood is! Really want to pull the trigger on this before John Bohnermussi swoops in on it… submitted by devinchancexxx to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 awesomeivan101 Episode recommendations for Patreon
Hello po! Bagong patreon po here. Baka meron pong co-patreon na may recommended episodes na may juicy/goodly bad jokes
submitted by awesomeivan101 to KoolPals [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 msotwantedx44 NPTK Story Theory
I want to propose a very important idea that I’ve been analyzing and validating for the past few days.
NPTK plays during the Loveless play, but has various verse’s and lyrics omitted from it.
Initially I just thought this was for the sake of time and shortening down the song (it could be still).
But once you look at the verse’s and lyrics removed and start to line it up with the story at that point and time, some of them seem like they might not make sense given our Aerith’s knowledge of event at that point time. (Mainly cause she lost her memories of the future)
However, if you look at the context of those Lyrics being from OG/Omni-Aerith it starts to make sense, and the full version of NPTK only plays once during this entire game, during the final shot when Aerith says goodbye.
My idea is that the end of the game promotes that OG Aerith and Remake Aerith have become one within the Lifestream after her death, and that the full version of NPTK plays because the song is expanded given the context of the events OG Aerith knows.
One particular line that struck me is about how she says
If only I'd never known All the burdens I was born to bear “LIVED” a life without a care in the world save for you But that won't do.
This Line seems as if it is from an Aerith who knows of future and past events and directly acts in ways often going against what she personally wants in order to help the party. Examples:
Remake: Aerith telling cloud you can’t fall in love with me. (Even though she wants to him too)
Chapter 14 date:
1) Thing is cloud, I really like you, but like can mean a lot of different things.
2) Whatever Happens, don’t blame yourself.
3) He has to be stopped by a cetra, and I’m the last.
1) OG Aerith is vague here because she knows what’s going to happen. So even though she wants to tell him genuinely how she feels, she backtracks herself knowing what is going to happen.
2) accepting that she’s going to die, even though she wants to be by his side, in order to protect him.
3) she looks away from cloud sad when she says this line, implying she doesn’t want to go, but she’s the only one left who can, so she sacrifices what she wants, to help cloud and the party.
In conclusion, all these line of dialogue from OG Aerith line up with the Lyrics that are omitted from the Loveless plays version of NPTK, but are only included during the final shot while Aerith says goodbye.
If you’ve read this far I really appreciate it, it’ my first post so I wanted to really explain the best I could!
I’ve left all of the omitted Lyrics from GS below.
[Verse 2]
If only I'd never known All the burdens I was born to bear Lived a life without a care in the world save for you But that won't do
[Chorus 2]
Till the day that we meet again On our street, I want to believe In the chance that we'll share a glance Promises to keep, we won't ever need
[Outro/Final Verse]
Walking city streets with worn cobblestones Struggling against the crowds and finding ourselves all alone Fate and destiny are no guarantee Still I hope someday you'll come and find me Still I know someday you'll come and find me
submitted by msotwantedx44 to cloudxaerith [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 StygZinogre Backlight Bleed/IPS glow, or screen damage?
I've owned this monitor since mid-2020, so nearly 5 years now, it's an Aourus FI-27Q, I've been happy with it since, but just recently in the past couple days I've noticed a white streak appear on the bottom centre-left of the screen. I upgraded my PC nearly 2 weeks ago and think I remember bumping my case into the monitor, but it was pretty gentle, and I only noticed this mark 3 days ago, is it possible it's screen damage from that, or more likely the monitor showing its age? The monitor also experiences image retention sometimes too as an added factor. It almost disappears when looking at it from the right, and is more obvious on a gray screen than a black one (first 3 are a black screen, the 4th is a gray screen and 5th with taskbar, it's visible both in the light and in the dark) I'll keep my eye on it if it worsens but I wanna know if it's damaged in case it gets worse sooner than later so I can be prepared for it. It almost looks like a scratch, but the glass is completely smooth there, which is leading me to think it's panel damage or age affecting it. It also gets very warm near the bottom of the display, which could be another factor. Any insight into what it could be and if it'll potentially worsen would be great, thanks! submitted by StygZinogre to Monitors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 NecessaryOwn8628 What team comp are you guys running on chamber 3 first half for xiao?
Not really knowledgeable on how the cryo wayob works, so I’m here looking for suggestions.
submitted by NecessaryOwn8628 to XiaoMains [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 andreortigao Obrigado, futebol! Obrigado, Botafogo!
A ligação mais forte que tive com meu pai sempre foi o futebol e acima de tudo o Botafogo.
Numa conta rápida, acho que fomos juntos ao estádio entre 300 e 500 vezes, e se somar os jogos que vimos pela TV passa facilmente dos 1500. Algumas vezes pegamos carro para ir até cidades próximas, como Nova Friburgo ou Volta Redonda somente para assistir o Botafogo, conhecer estádios diferentes.
Curiosamente, meu avô era vascaíno, e levou meu pai, então com 5 anos, pela primeira vez ao maracanã num Vasco x Botafogo, em 53. Havia um jovem ponta em seu ano de estreia no adversário. Um tal de Garricha. Meu pai saiu do Maracanã botafoguense.
Minha primeira vez no Maracanã, aos 3 anos, foi no estadual de 89. Não lembro do jogo em si, mas lembro da multidão pulando, enquanto eu estava sentado nos ombros do meu pai. Na época não sabia o que aquilo significava, mas aquele dia o Botafogo encerrou longo jejum e logo em cima do Flamengo.
Em 95, vi ao lado do meu pai o título brasileiro com Túlio Maravilha, eu então com 9 anos, e começando a entender de futebol. Lembro que meu pai me deu uma pasta com recortes de jornal sobre o Botafogo que ele havia juntado durante a vida, com notícias importantes, charges, posteres. Aquele ano, pela primeira vez, colocamos juntos um poster de campeão dentro da pasta.
Veio 99, quando assisti no Maracanã ao lado do meu pai o Botafogo não conseguir furar a defesa do Juventude, ficando com o vice da Copa do Brasil. Foi a primeira grande decepção futebolística, que pelo menos para mim marcou o início da péssima fase do Botafogo.
Depois que me mudei pra Campinas não pudemos mais ir aos jogos juntos com frequência, mas continuamos trocando WhatsApp antes, durante e após os jogos. Ano passado só pude ir ao Rio em março, e estava à bastante tempo sem ver meu pai.
Eis que, numa quinta feira, dia 28 de Novembro, meu pai apareceu de surpresa na minha casa. Combinou em segredo com a minha esposa, só soube quando ele tocou a campainha: "vim ver a final da Libertadores com você".
Há 1 semana, também numa quinta feira, dia 16 de Janeiro, meu pai faleceu por infarto. O 7 sempre esteve atrelado ao Botafogo. Hoje fazem 7 dias que ele se foi. Daqui há 7 dias, ele completaria 77 anos.
Graças ao futebol, pude ver meu pai mais uma vez. Graças ao Botafogo, nosso último encontro foi abraçado comemorando o título da Libertadores.
Apesar da saudade, uma memória linda para ser a última.
Obrigado, futebol! Obrigado, Botafogo!
submitted by andreortigao to botafogo [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 Temporary-Ninja153 31M - Bored while WFH, please help
Hey y’all, hope everything’s good. It’s pretty slow right now so I wanted to see if anyone would be interested in talking. Could be a short while, could be a long while, depending on how the conversation flows.
My interests include gaming (PS5, Switch), movies and TV shows (Action, Comedy, Drama, Anime), music (Hip-Hop, Pop, Reggaeton), a bit of hiking, photography, and history.
If this works for you, shoot me a chat, open to talking to whoever :)
submitted by Temporary-Ninja153 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 SittingTonka There's a good chance he obsessively keeps track of what others say about him.
submitted by SittingTonka to WorkersStrikeBack [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 Andreyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Down
Mondays be like submitted by Andreyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to penandink [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 EssYouJAyEn CoWriter AI - Tool for Writing
Pricing: Free + from $20/mo
Category: Writing
Release Date: march
About Tool: CoWriter AI is an AI-driven writing assistance tool designed for individuals and teams across various fields including academic research, content creation, technical writing, business communication, creative writing, marketing, advertising, and legal documentation.
Product Link: Visit CoWriter AI
submitted by EssYouJAyEn to FutureTechFinds [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 BaseballCoach2021 LA ドジャズ佐々木朗希選手のMLBテレビのインタビュー。ロッキーおめでとうございます。ようこそドジャズへ。1st interview of R...
submitted by BaseballCoach2021 to OhtaniShohei [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 Smart-Pomegranate28 Watching Incredible Hulk in PVR
Hi guys, If any hulk/marvel fans wanna watch Incredible Hulk in PVR, do join this show which I am hosting on 21sg Feb in PVR Vega City using screen It option. Price is 150 rupee. I have booked 2 tickets already, total of 9 tickets need to be booked before Feb 15th to accept the screening.
Check out ScreenIT show of The Incredible Hulk (U/A) at PVR Vega City, Bannerghatta Road on 21-Feb-08:00 PM. Book your seats today! https://pvrinox.com/mwsdDi1
submitted by Smart-Pomegranate28 to BangaloreSocial [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 Charming-History7042 Lady ivy or Einstein ? Or both ?
I wanted to make a team with 5 of same faction hero and 1 other . Queen,lady ivy , thinker , runner , toco , and Einstein . My thinker and runner is at transcend and other are also at transcend except for queen . Should I replace Einstein with another like Jane or lady ivy ? I'm confused . Or should I replace runner with spirit derr to form 4+2 combination ?
submitted by Charming-History7042 to XHero [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 Affectionate-Lake733 Can waterproof boots be breathable?
Looking for my first hiking boots. Experience with regular shoes has shown that waterproofness is a desirable property for me.
However, I never feel the need for warm shoes. Up to about -5°C (36°F) I feel comfortable in mesh sneakers and that's all I need. For this reason, I worry that waterproof shoes will be too hot for me
Are there any options that combine waterproof and breathability? Or are these things mutually exclusive?
submitted by Affectionate-Lake733 to hikinggear [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 GreekMongoose Fantasy Book
So the book is about a kid who gets the rank zero tattooed on him and his dad like trained him to be a Swordman in hopes to change his rank, but he ends up having to like flee the city and gets a new tattoo forged by a fish man and I’m pretty sure he rides off with like a half human half feline race at the end I don’t know it. I read it like five years ago and I need help
submitted by GreekMongoose to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 gradpilot requesting r/PhDAdmissions/ - appears to be inactively moderated
submitted by gradpilot to redditrequest [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 Apprehensive-Shop594 i need help in fling things and people
hi everyone. i didnt find any subreddit where i could post this. i could need help in fling things and people. sometimes if i want to fling someone the game doesnt let me go of the person im trying to fling. does anyone know how to fix it? thanks in advance
submitted by Apprehensive-Shop594 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 17:37 janbstories The Last Dawn [1-7] out now
submitted by janbstories to Episode [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 17:37 altmuser Beginner at needlepoint and experimenting with free-handing designs from landscape photos
submitted by altmuser to Needlepoint [link] [comments] |