Steamulation Flex

2025.01.23 18:50 albocake17 Steamulation Flex

Steamulation Flex Big shout out to stelth2k1
submitted by albocake17 to hookah [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 underwaterhp93 After the new star-craft update, my diamond cards are missing

I lost some diamond cards in the Fall of Ulduar Golden Mini-Set, Delve into Deepholm Golden Mini-Set, and Festival of Legends Golden Mini-Set. I am 100% sure that I did not disenchant
submitted by underwaterhp93 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 HashuGP Thread: Hot Deals:: [Boardlandia] Dent & Ding Live Sale Jan-23-2025 19:30 EST

Thread: Hot Deals:: [Boardlandia] Dent & Ding Live Sale Jan-23-2025 19:30 EST submitted by HashuGP to hashugp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Mental-Examination-7 CD of "Bride of the Devil" availability

Has anyone heard about any issues with "Bride of the Devil" availability on CD? I am a collector of physical media and would like to pick up a copy. Bandcamp reports the CD will be back in stock by Nov. 30. .I had been following this since last summer and that didn't happen.
Most other Electric Six cds are available through Metropolis Records I would prefer avoiding the secondary market to put some coin back in the artist's pocket. I did purchase the digital album in the meantime.
submitted by Mental-Examination-7 to electricsix [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Desperate_Arm_4518 Looking for a new laptop for college and GIS system, any recommendations appreciated! (Can't find flair option?)

Hi laptop experts. I am a college student in need of a laptop upgrade, and know nothing about tech/computers. I've tried to do my own research but am making myself more confused the longer I look. I'd like to buy a new laptop ASAP as mine is creeping closer to death by the minute. Thank you in advance. The form is below:

Thank you so much!
submitted by Desperate_Arm_4518 to SuggestALaptop [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Yurii_S_Kh What is Sin, or Why is Christ the Savior? Experiences in communicating the essence of sin to listeners

What is Sin, or Why is Christ the Savior? Experiences in communicating the essence of sin to listeners Agapius (Golub), Hieromonk of the Assumption Zhirovich Monastery (Belarus)
Annotation. The article is a recording of a talk from the cycle “Fundamentals of Spiritual Development”, which Hieromonk Agapii (Golub) conducted in the drug rehabilitation center “Anastasis”, and now - in the first year of the theological and pedagogical faculty of Minsk Theological Seminary. The article develops the idea that sin is not reduced to a violation of morality, but is an ontological corruption of man, an irrational beginning acting in him, destroying his spiritual and psychophysical constitution. And not only people individually are affected, but the whole world as such. Passion is the transformation of our God-given abilities and talents into “cancer cells” under the influence of sin. It is sin that underlies neuroses, as well as intra-family and interpersonal conflicts. Since the mind and will are also affected by sin, man is unable to overcome sin on his own. Out of the understanding of his condition comes the acceptance of Christ not only as Teacher and not only as Son of God, but precisely as Savior.
In the Sunday queue for confession one will almost always meet a certain percentage of people who are unfamiliar with Christianity and who have a very blurred idea of the essence of sin. And they come to confession because “tomorrow is the wedding/baptism/christening; the child is sick; taking advantage of the visit to the monastery for an excursion; because I have a spoilage; to feel better at heart. The following statements are used to justify their condition: “God is in my soul”; “the main thing is to believe in my soul”; “I do not violate God's commandments” (as a rule, without knowing them).
But for many church-going people sin is reduced to some emotional states and moralism: “I sin by irritation, idle talk, I had an argument with my neighbor...” And a “properly constructed” confession should give the impression of moral well-being. As a result, there is a risk of formalizing the religious experience. This condition is as difficult to “break through” as the condition of people who are unchurched. A person can recount his or her errors in detail without feeling sinful.
With such an inner sense of one's religious and moral well-being, one loses the understanding of why Christ is not just a teacher and philosopher of antiquity. Not just a Redeemer. And not “just” the Son of God. But precisely the Savior. “And what am I to be saved from? I didn't rob, I didn't kill, and if I quarreled with my colleague, it was on business. And at confession I will receive absolution for this sin...” Such an idea of one's own spirituality reminds one of a person who was brought up on Dan Brown movies and various TV shows and yet considers himself a part of the treasury of world culture. And no culturologist will be able to show this person his real cultural level until something awakens in the person himself. But it doesn't mean that culturologists should keep silent at all. Always among three or four dozen pairs of eyes there will be at least one look in which a response will shine. And before this person will open a new exciting world of classics, which will encourage him to work on himself in order to educate and develop a healthy taste for art.
It is important to convey this different perception of the world, a new “system of coordinates” to those who are able to respond to God's call. Because only through a radical rethinking of the basics of life is it possible to come to an understanding of sin and, accordingly, to repentance.
Unfortunately, most of the literature available in church kiosks is not suitable for this purpose. After all, they are mostly various manuals for preparation for confession, the task of which does not include the disclosure of the fundamental foundations of the Christian worldview. Or books like the Law of God, which contain biblical history and catechetical minimum, sometimes with a somewhat outdated style of presentation.
That is why when I took up a position at the Spiritual Education Center of our monastery, where I deal with people of various levels of churching and education, I myself had to search for words that could be used to express the experience of living the tragedy of sin and that would resonate with the listeners - from the rehabilitants of the local drug addiction center “Anastasis” to the students of the theological and pedagogical faculty at the local theological seminary.
This publication was born out of the experience of the conversations.
The Ontological Essence of Sin
Sin is not simply an offense against God's law. God is not a prosecutor, just as the priest in confession is not an investigator. Sin is an irrational beginning that tears man away from God and drowns out his thirst for Him. Sin has become ingrained in us, has become second nature, like nicotine for a smoker. “Committed in the depths of the human spirit, sin excites the passions, disorganizes the will, takes emotions and imagination out of the control of consciousness"[1].
Sin is always division, discord, inability to hear God, each other, and even ourselves. This leads to an inner emptiness, drowned out by alcohol, drugs, work, soap operas, gossip. As well as family and other conflicts. Neuroses, which afflicted modern civilization, and is a consequence of the action of sin in us.
But sin begins with the choice of a false goal and, consequently, a false path.
What is the true purpose that stood before our forebears and stands before each of us? What was the false choice and how exactly did it affect us?
There is such a concept - the constitution of an organism. It is a set of initial parameters, laws, functions, within which the organism lives and develops. It cannot go beyond the constitution. By force of will you cannot change black hair color to brown, you cannot become choleric from phlegmatic. Attempts to go beyond the limits of one's psychophysical constitution threaten destruction. Sin is an attempt to go beyond the basic constitution that God gave us at creation.
According to the Bible, God created man in His image and likeness. The image of God in man is his “constitution”. Likeness is a vector, a direction, an opportunity to resemble God. On the way to this goal the harmony and integrity of human nature is achieved.
What is the image of God in man?
God is freedom, therefore man, as His image, has inner moral freedom.
God is Love, therefore man is capable of giving and receiving love.
God is a self-conscious Person - and so are we.
God is the Creator, therefore we too have the gift of creativity.
God is infinite - and man has an undying desire to go beyond boundaries, pushing his horizons further and further.
God is eternal - and we have a thirst for immortality.
God is the Fullness of Life - therefore we also have a thirst for that fullness which is commonly called happiness.
Freedom, love, self-consciousness, self-awareness, creativity, communion with eternity - all of these are the image of God in man.
And in the act of thanksgiving and praise, working on his spiritual growth, man returned everything to God, growing, developing his abilities and talents, transforming the whole world into a comprehensive sacrament of meeting with God. Becoming a god - by grace, by gift - for the created world.
But people wanted to become gods without God. They decided to manage their own lives, to possess the world only for themselves, turning it into an independent goal, to become self-sufficient[2]. And as a result they only disfigured their own spiritual and psychophysical nature. The spirit detached from God - and began to atrophy. The soul became dependent not on the spirit, but on the body. The body, unable to sustain life on its own, became entirely dependent on the world. The world, too, was cut off from God by man and therefore doomed to mortality. Thus, being dependent on the mortal world, man also became mortal. Thirst for immortality remained (however, often successfully put to sleep), but it became impossible to quench it. Any attempts to circumvent the law of death, to achieve immortality by “self-possessed hand” - through magic or technical achievements - are doomed to failure. Being powerless to heal itself, humanity became in need of salvation.
We have become so accustomed to our fallen state that we have come to regard it as the norm. The rumble of civilization, its constant noise, prevents us from hearing the silent call of Heaven. It is difficult for man to even realize his own emptiness. “The fall of Adam and Eve is committed, continues, always acts, and the place, the locus of this action is civilization. It is the “tempter-serpent”. It opens to man his possibilities (unlimited!) and thus hides from him his ontological limitation, it tells him: “you will be like gods”"[3].
In the depths of the psyche, the longing for the heavenly fatherland, for one's original image, will never completely disappear. But the daily flow of affairs, news feeds, information and noise pollution of the environment allow us to create the appearance of a busy life. This is the alienation from one's own personality that E. Fromm described so vividly. Maybe that is the meaning of the high-speed rhythm of modern urban civilization, the constant “crises”, as well as the creation of problems for ourselves - so that there is no time left for “eternal questions”?
By destroying the image of God in man and condemning him to the emptiness of individualism, sin dehumanizes him. Vivid images of the development of mankind under the laws of sin are shown in such literary works as “1984” by D. Orwell, “Oh Wonderful New World” by O. Huxley, “451 degrees Fahrenheit” and “Concrete Mixer” by R. Bradbury, “Immortality Corporation” by R. Sheckley by R. Sheckley. Many of the plots of these works, alas, are already realities of our days. The voice of Eternity is not heard in the described civilizations. Civilization becomes an end in itself - and perishes ...
The origin of the passions
The next global effect of sin is that the God-given talents, abilities, feelings, no longer dependent on the spirit, were out of touch with each other. Having ceased to serve their intended purpose - to develop in accordance with God's plan for us - they are reborn into passions, just as the cells of the body are reborn into cancer cells.
Freedom under the influence of sin turns into willfulness, which inevitably leads to total unfreedom (I am not sure that this needs to be explained, as it is so obvious - as obvious as the unfreedom of a chauffeur who finds himself and his deformed car in a ditch because of speeding).
Self-awareness degenerates into self-centeredness.
The ability to love - into egoism (narcissism).
Natural attraction to the other sex for the purpose of creating a family and belonging to each other (Creator's commandment: “be fruitful and multiply”; “it is not good for man to be alone”) degenerates into lust and fornication.
The consumption of food (paradise is given to man as a meal of the Lord) instead of maintaining physical and emotional strength and joining the goodness of the Creator turns into a self-valuable process, even to the detriment of health.
The gift of creativity is used in such a way that it threatens the destruction of civilization, both spiritually (degeneration at the level of culture) and physically (man-made disasters).
The desire for spiritual perfection degenerates into magic and occultism.
Thirst for God, with the loss of the True God, leads to the creation of false religions, cults, ideologies, sects.
The enclosed desire for happiness is replaced by the pursuit of pleasure, which, by the way, is so easy to manipulate, and often turns into addiction to drugs, gambling and so on.
The possession of the world commanded by the Creator is perverted into the desire for wealth, luxury, power. And also in despotism (imposing one's will on others - starting from the family and ending with authoritarian rule in entire states).
The joy of developing one's abilities degenerates into pride and vanity.
The list goes on and on....
But that's not all. Each passion can “consider itself” self-sufficient and “compete” for possession of a person and his resources with other passions. It's like in an unhealthy family: the one who is shouting the loudest at the moment is the center of attention. It all depends on which passion is stronger than the others at the moment. It is not I who live, but “I am being lived”. For example, the greedy may perform a charitable act for the sake of vanity. The proud may force himself to “fit in” with his superiors in order to achieve power: “I am ready to humiliate myself just to get a little closer to the sweet goal.” Anticipating the excitement of watching a live soccer broadcast, a person may refuse a tempting offer to go on a kebab. This is fine with the person - like any drug, sin gives euphoria. First of all, the euphoria of “self” ...
Cancer cells, having ceased to fulfill their functions, “believe” that they are the “most important” and develop at the expense of the organism, bringing it to destruction. In the same way, these God-given, but detached from the connection with Him abilities, turning into passions and hypertrophied development at the expense of human resources, lead to destruction.
As for the mind and will, they themselves became a tool for the realization of passionate inclinations. The mind thinks over how to realize the attraction of the defeated passion, the will directs human actions to its realization. Trying to correct themselves by the power of reason and will, which themselves are distorted by sin, is about the same as trying to jagged planer to process the board.
When the passions are satisfied, they only intensify and demand more. Man gets used to “natural” fornication and cultivates a variety of perversions. Food flavors, all new gadgets and designs are invented and intensified. Ever sharper special effects in movies. Ever newer “levers of power.” The search for “freedoms,” reaching absurdity, leads to the totalitarianism of liberalism and “minority rights.” All new “creative” achievements of military technologies. The technologies of industry and mass media parasitize on passions, stimulating their further development. I think it is not wrong to say, for example, that at least 50% of everything sold in the supermarket is not necessary or even harmful. At the same time, somewhere there are people who chronically suffer from lack of food and drinking water ....
The next consequences of sin. Where is the way out?
As a consequence of the action of sin, man ceased to see in himself and in another the image of God, personality. We see the flesh. The body, the skin. “And they saw that they were naked” (Gen. 3:7). And so often even “love” is understood as an elementary consumer attitude to another person - and this is one of the main reasons for divorces and family problems.
As for the likeness of God in man, since the fall into sin, the vector of life has been directed toward anything but the true God. Hundreds of big and small idols are created, which become the meaning of life. Idols of power, work, pop idols, sex, food, science, even religion. Even from one's own children... In sin, man seeks paradise for himself as he wants it to be. When I commit sin, I'm in the business of self-gratification. And for the sake of this “paradise” I can destroy myself and others.....
And sin also has the property of inertia. Again and again it seeks to return even a person who has accepted the gospel to his former state of living in sin. To be freed from it, we need to go through the “withdrawal syndrome”, and more than once. Hence the discipline of fasting, prayer, worship, study of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Father's experience. And the stronger sin's power over us, the greater the feat will be required.
The turn from sin to an authentic life in harmony with one's own “constitution” is not easy to make. We have to break through our own shell of stereotypes, passions, everything that the Internet and television, public opinion and the education system, relatives, neighbors and colleagues at work envelope us with - in the end, through our own laziness and fear of having to re-learn how to live. But this is the only way true Christianity is born. Only in this way can a person become truly Christian and accept the Savior into his life.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Appropriate-Test-930 Black ops 3 editions difference

Black ops 3 editions difference Can anyone please help me decide what edition to get for black ops 3 for zombies? Ive recently have been playing a ton of zombies since MWZ dropped and now BO6 and want to go back and see what I was missing, plus I heard the custom maps are great for bo3 as well as zombie chronicles. I don't understand what's included in each of these editions and why there is a $40 difference between them. I do own the "multiplayer starter pack" for BO3 on steam already.
submitted by Appropriate-Test-930 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 weltron6 For the fans that wanted the Dark Energy ending…

I was in the middle of writing one of my normal novel-length replies to someone about the Catalyst when it dawned on me that, while the circumstances are different (dark energy destroying the universe vs AI destroying all organic life) the choices we are presented with are really quite similar.
We know that in Drew Karpyshn’s dark energy narrative it would be presented that Shepard would have the choice of trusting the Reapers and sacrificing humanity for the greater good…or killing the Reapers and leaving it up to chance on whether dark energy can be stopped or not.
It’s incredibly similar to what we got. Trust the Catalyst and merge all organic and synthetic life or take your chances and destroy the Reapers to see if AI will one day destroy organic life.
So in this context…why do the dark energy fans accept that version more than what we got when in the end…they pretty much gave us the same thing?
submitted by weltron6 to masseffect [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Sad-Run5634 queer/not just cis white men skate group?

hey there!!! I just moved here from Burlington vt. I’m 22 yr old non binary skateboarder!! in btv I was a part of dtvtcrew, a group of majority LGBTQIA+ identifying skaters, but beyond that just a group of people who wanted to support one another in their skating and have fun!!! I am wondering if there’s any group like this in Olympia, and if not, if I made one and people would be interested?
submitted by Sad-Run5634 to olympia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 slimemat Projeto Zomboid

submitted by slimemat to andreyoung [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 internxt Drive Desktop v2.3.4 for Windows is now out

Release Drive Desktop v2.3.4 for Windows Fixes:
- Resolved issues with uploading large quantities of files. - The task queue now waits for files to finish copying before starting the upload. - Fixed the bug when freeing up space for very large folders.Additional Updates:
- Added tests to the node-win module for: - File creation. - Status handling. - Drive management. - Status updates.
- Refactored callbacks to align with those used in the app, improving test reliability and consistency.
submitted by internxt to internxt [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 ATV2ATXNEMENT i have 7 s selectors and 40 e cores. what do i use them on?

i have 7 s selectors and 40 e cores. what do i use them on? submitted by ATV2ATXNEMENT to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 gorion88365uk EU family member Schengen Visa for my wife

This is our experience. I am Italian, my wife's old visa will expire in April and we live in the UK.
Since we are travelling a lot both for tourism and to visit my family members in Italy I wanted her to have a new visa, ideally starting just after the expiration of the existing one.
On the 28th of November I emailed the Italian Consulate explaining the situation and they replied asking for a preferred date to attend an appointment at the VFS centre. After a couple of days I got the confirmation of the appointment in Manchester for the 13th of January.
We attached my passport, our certificate of marriage and a letter in which I asked for at least a 2-year long visa because of our frequent travels. No plane tickets.
Today we received the envelope with a new 2-year long visa which starts the day after the expiration of the old one.
submitted by gorion88365uk to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Warm_Hotel_3025 From webby to batter?

From webby to batter? I decided to make two starters just in case. I started with whole wheat flour but by day 3 I realized I ran out and added bread flour.
Day 1 no activity (mason jar) day 2 growth, moved it above the fridge (mason jar) Day 3 lots of growth, moved it to plastic containers (picture) Day 4 looks like pancake batter Day 5 fed it twice, but still batter consistency. Lost all of its sticky webbing. Day 6 still batter …
I want to start over. I think it was the gradual change from whole wheat to bread, but I see other ppl using all purpose. The funk reminds me of mustard oil. What do y’all think?
submitted by Warm_Hotel_3025 to SourdoughStarter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Affectionate_Set3836 I this any good. It is my first pc and i want to future proof it I want to upgrade the CPU and GPU to a 7600x and 7800 xt in 2 years or so. Can I? My max budget right now is 950 ish euros
submitted by Affectionate_Set3836 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 NotBobik What do I do with her?

What do I do with her? I got her from a platinum ticket from 8.3 dojo.
submitted by NotBobik to TheBattleCatsReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 FoxIndependent4310 Willy the most tragic character in the Timmverse.

No mother, no abusive father, he had no one to give him affection. When he was locked up in the correctional facility no one came to visit him, except Terry and out of interest. I find it strange that Bruce did not try to help him.
submitted by FoxIndependent4310 to BatmanBeyond [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Imadityatiwary01 Looking to having a chat with a person experienced in cybersecurity

Hi I am looking for a person experienced in the field of cybersecurity and having good command in it. It is regarding discussion on a potential startup idea and the possibility of working together on that project. Those interested kindly dm.
submitted by Imadityatiwary01 to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 ProfileOk9625 Lc please

submitted by ProfileOk9625 to CanadaGoose [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 ItsAFurCoatRonda How about the fact that you love your son?

How about the fact that you love your son? submitted by ItsAFurCoatRonda to TheSopranos_Memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Sy3Zy3Gy3 MrBeast is officially bidding for TikTok

submitted by Sy3Zy3Gy3 to ABoringDystopia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Robones96 comparison?

comparison? Mine cost me over 120 after taxes… i bought two. Even at this prince I felt it being an amazing deal for 20k games.
But i see people posting versions costing as low as 30 dollars lol how is that possible?
This is where i bought mine.
Mine plays Dreamcast, play station n64 etc etc. comes with 1 gig of ram and 1.5 gig processor with 128 gig ssd
submitted by Robones96 to R36S [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 steppin4reddit MMW: The Commanders will win the Super Bowl

MMW: The Commanders will win the Super Bowl submitted by steppin4reddit to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Sorry_Fun5062 Seeking Stranger Things Superfan to Help Bring a Web Project to Life

Hi everyone,
I’ve been working on a personal project that’s very close to my heart, and I need some help to bring it to life. It’s inspired by Stranger Things, and I’ve created a website tied to a series of themed escape rooms I designed. The goal of the site is to lead someone special to the “Upside Down” (a metaphorical and emotional culmination of the journey) where we can finally connect.
This project isn’t paid—unfortunately, I don’t have a budget for it—but I’m hoping to find someone who shares a passion for creativity and a love for Stranger Things. I believe this could be a fun and fulfilling collaboration for someone who enjoys working on unique, heartfelt projects.
Here’s what I’d love help with:

If you’re a fan of Stranger Things and enjoy working on creative passion projects, I’d love to hear from you! I can share more details about the site and my vision. Your expertise and enthusiasm would mean so much to me.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
submitted by Sorry_Fun5062 to webdesign [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 18:50 Dreamland_Nomad Welcome to adulting 🤣

Welcome to adulting 🤣 submitted by Dreamland_Nomad to Adulting [link] [comments]