Una mujer reportó a los hombres de mi trabajo por calificar la apariencia de las chicas

2025.01.23 19:40 Federal-Birthday-665 Una mujer reportó a los hombres de mi trabajo por calificar la apariencia de las chicas

Teníamos un grupo de Teams donde calificábamos si las mujeres eran lindas o no. Era una tontería. Una mujer entrometida lo vio y fue a quejarse con el departamento de Personal. Todos tendremos que tomar un curso de “reeducación” al estilo estalinista y nos quitarán el 10% de nuestro bono mensual hasta que no aprobemos el curso. Lo peor es que a mí no me gustan las mismas mujeres que a mis compañeros (prefiero a las ídols), solo entré al grupo para hacer montón.
submitted by Federal-Birthday-665 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 BreqsCousin Am I going mad or do Windrush trains change order?

I swear this has happened more than once waiting at Whitechapel, I look at the board and my southbound train is the third train in six minutes.
A train comes and goes. My southbound train is still the third train, and now it is in seven minutes.
Did another train overtake it?
(maybe I should take a carbon monoxide monitor down there)
submitted by BreqsCousin to LondonUnderground [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 InsideSea4852 Creditul pentru amenajări, sau cum să renovezi cu o rată mică

Cum să-ți renovezi casa fără să te îngrijorezi de o rată prea mare – Soluția creditului pentru amenajări
Dacă te gândești să îți renovezi casa, dar te sperie ideea unei rate mari la un credit de nevoi personale pe 5 ani, am o veste bună: există o alternativă dedicată pentru astfel de situații – creditul pentru amenajări/ renovări/ modernizare locuință.
Această soluție este ideală pentru cei care își doresc să îmbunătățească locuința, fără să simtă o presiune financiară semnificativă lună de lună. Iată tot ce trebuie să știi:
Ce este creditul pentru amenajări?
Creditul pentru amenajări este un tip de împrumut dedicat modernizării sau renovării locuinței. Spre deosebire de un credit de nevoi personale, acesta are condiții mai flexibile și poate fi contractat pe o perioadă mult mai lungă, de până la 30 de ani.
De ce este mai avantajos decât un credit de nevoi personale?
Perioada mai lungă de rambursare: La un credit de nevoi personale, perioada maximă de rambursare este de obicei de 5 ani, ceea ce duce la rate mai mari. În schimb, creditul pentru amenajări îți permite să extinzi termenul până la 30 de ani, astfel încât să ai o rată lunară mult mai accesibilă.
Sume mari fără documente justificative: Dacă suma de care ai nevoie este de până la 35.000 EUR, nu ți se vor solicita documente justificative pentru cheltuieli. Acest lucru înseamnă că ai libertatea să folosești banii exact așa cum ai nevoie, fără să fie necesar să prezinți facturi sau devize.
Dobânzi mai mici: Creditul pentru amenajări beneficiază de obicei de dobânzi mai mici decât cele ale unui credit de nevoi personale, fiind mai prietenos pe termen lung.
Cum funcționează creditul pentru amenajări?
Acest tip de credit este foarte similar unui credit ipotecar. Iată pașii principali:
Garanție ipotecară: Locuința ta va fi utilizată ca garanție, ceea ce permite accesarea unor sume mai mari cu costuri mai mici. Valoarea maximă a creditului: Poți accesa până la 85% din valoarea evaluată a locuinței, în funcție de bancă. Documente necesare: Deși documentația implică câțiva pași în plus față de un credit de nevoi personale, procedura este simplificată, mai ales pentru sume sub 35.000 EUR. Ce avantaje îți aduce?
Flexibilitate în utilizare: Poți renova casa exact cum îți dorești, fără limitări stricte. Planificare financiară ușoară: O rată mică pe o perioadă mai lungă îți permite să îți gestionezi bugetul mai bine. Posibilitatea de a accesa sume mai mari: Spre deosebire de un credit de nevoi personale, aici plafonul este mai generos. Pentru cine este potrivit acest credit?
Creditul pentru amenajări este ideal pentru:
Cei care vor să renoveze sau să modernizeze o locuință. Persoanele care nu vor să fie constrânse de o rată mare. Cei care își doresc flexibilitate și acces la sume mai mari, fără a justifica fiecare cheltuială. Cum te pot ajuta?
Ca broker de credite, pot să îți simplific tot procesul:
Aleg banca potrivită pentru nevoile tale. Mă ocup de documentație și evaluarea locuinței. Negociez cele mai bune condiții, astfel încât să te bucuri de o rată cât mai avantajoasă. Dacă visezi la o locuință renovată, dar te îngrijorează costurile, acest tip de credit poate fi soluția ideală pentru tine.
Contactează-mă și hai să găsim împreună cea mai bună soluție pentru casa ta!
Dau credit viselor tale, GRATUIT!
submitted by InsideSea4852 to credit_ipotecar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Disney's 'X-Men 97' Creator Accuses Marvel Studios of Racism

submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 t1izzy_brizzy do pakistanis enjoy living in pakistan.

i have friends in my college from Pakistan and they talk about wanting to move back to pakistan because homes are larger and they feel more in touch with other Pakistanis, i was wondering if pakistani people actually enjoy living here and if inflation and housing is a major issue their.
submitted by t1izzy_brizzy to pakistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 RiseUpFromCT [WTS] PADS/DS Kicks - Size 10 - $200 & $250 SHIPPED, OG all!

[WTS] PADS/DS Kicks - Size 10 - $200 & $250 SHIPPED, OG all! DS - Size 10 - Roshe Run - “Boxtrolls” - $200 SHIPPED
PADS (laced up but never worn) - Size 10 - Jordan 1 High “J. Balvin” - $250 SHIPPED
Take both for $400 shipped
submitted by RiseUpFromCT to sneakermarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 No-Eye9999 Car questions

I’m coming to Nantucket in May. Thought about flying to Boston and renting a car and then taking the ferry from wherever you take the ferry from. I know it it’s a 2-3 hour drive. Once I get to Nantucket is there a problem having a car on the island? Will there be a problem with parking??
submitted by No-Eye9999 to Nantucket [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 DeadyDeadshot Imagine 2002 Triple H vs Roman reigns, true power drunks in their runs.

Imagine 2002 Triple H vs Roman reigns, true power drunks in their runs. submitted by DeadyDeadshot to WWE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 AfraidKaleidoscope30 Does this mean I won’t be able to finish the series?

Does this mean I won’t be able to finish the series? (Last bullet point). This is a completed series, competed in October 2024.
submitted by AfraidKaleidoscope30 to webtoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 darkninja2992 Trump Birthright Order Blocked

Trump Birthright Order Blocked submitted by darkninja2992 to PoliticalOptimism [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Trump's First Trip, to North Carolina and California: What We Know So Far

Trump's First Trip, to North Carolina and California: What We Know So Far submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Successful-Fig-2531 streaming now!!

streaming now!! Join me live tonight for a few hours exploring eorzea!
submitted by Successful-Fig-2531 to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Odd_Opposite_1495 Why $PYRATE Is Built to Last – Join Us Now Before the Next Wave 🏴‍☠️

If you’re looking for a solid project with a real community and huge potential, let me tell you why $PYRATE should be on your radar—and why this might be the best time to jump in.
We’ve got over 1,500 holders right now, which is more than we had at our all-time high. That says a lot about the strength of this community. Yes, we’ve seen a price dip recently, but here’s the deal: a few big unknown whales decided to cash out.
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And honestly? That’s actually a good thing. - Stronger Hands Mean a Stronger Future Those sellers were likely in it for the quick flip, but now the supply is moving into the hands of people who actually believe in $PYRATE. This makes the project more stable and less vulnerable to sudden dumps. - We’ve Seen This Before—and We Came Back Stronger This isn’t the first time $PYRATE has faced a challenge. We’ve dropped from $2M to $250K in the past because of a big whale sell-off, but we didn’t just recover—we hit a new ATH. That’s what happens when a project has a committed community and a long-term vision. - A Perfect Entry Point Right now, the price is at a level where people with big bags can make a serious move. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to join a project with a real future, this is it.
We’re not standing still, either. The team is kicking off three giveaways on X today and doubling down on community growth. The leadership is doxxed, transparent, and fully committed to making $PYRATE a success. This isn’t a fly-by-night project—it’s something we’re building to last.
If you want to be part of something real and get in before the next big wave, now’s your chance.

Thanks for being part of this journey. Together, we’ll take $PYRATE to new heights.
Much love, Your Cannoneer, QVR.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to ICOcryptos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Durbin: We Should 'Encourage' Government Agencies to Defy Trump DEI Order

Durbin: We Should 'Encourage' Government Agencies to Defy Trump DEI Order submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Realistic-Price-1209 FC Porto perde com Olympiacos e fica em risco na Liga Europa | Flashscore.pt

FC Porto perde com Olympiacos e fica em risco na Liga Europa | Flashscore.pt submitted by Realistic-Price-1209 to PrimeiraLiga [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Upstairs_Bear1414 Dexcom G7 Smartphone App Timing

This is what I found after experimenting with several G7 sensors. The smart phone app displays your glucose level every 5 minutes. E.g 7:02 then 7:07 then 7:12 etc.
But if you want it on top of every minutes like 7:05 then 7:10 then 7:15 etc, this is what you can do:
1) Display your analog clock on the smartphone where you are running your G7 app. You want to watch houminute/seconds on the clock
2) Be ready with everything with the applicator on the arm at desired position. But do not push the applicator button yet!
3) Watch your analog clock. Insert the sensor (push the applicator button) exactly at 7:03 or at 7:08 or at 7:13 or at 7:18 (basically any time on top of any 3 or 8 minutes). Up to a few seconds after this is OK.
3) Once you push the applicator button, follow the other steps that you normally do e.g press the sensor for 10 seconds
4) Go to your smartphone app and pair your sensor with bluetooth
The sensor will enter warm up mode and after approximately 30 minutes you will start receiving your glucose number on top of 5 and 10 minutes of the clock. I find this useful because I do this for every sensor I insert and I know my reading will be displayed on top of 5 and 10 minutes of the clock. If I insert the sensor randomly at any other time, then one sensor display could be at 7:02, 7:07, 7:12 etc and the next sensor could be 7:01, 7:06, 7:11 etc. I like the consistency so I pay attention to the clock when I push that big button!
submitted by Upstairs_Bear1414 to dexcom [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Bone59 Here comes the future.

Here comes the future. submitted by Bone59 to AccidentalRenaissance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 IcySector1667 Help w/ Gabriel Knight 3

Help w/ Gabriel Knight 3 Hi fellow GK enthusiasts. Would anyone be able to help me out with starting the 3rd Game, Blood of the Damned? Last night I installed the game onto my Acer laptop from Steam and I can not figure out how to get it to allow me to play the game. When I receive the menu and launch it, I'm transported to a black screen with a gold message stating 'Please Insert CD 1' ..... I have been tempting to get around but unsure how. Do I have to buy a vintage copy or something? Any advice is appreciated, ty!
submitted by IcySector1667 to GabrielKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 TheBetaUnit Ape: "No one is pumping this stock on Webull." Me: [rolls up sleeves]

Ape: submitted by TheBetaUnit to amczone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Brilliant_Context635 Professional gambler from the US becoming a UK resident for tax purposes

I'm a US citizen and professional gambler.
I'm considering becoming a UK resident to take advantage of 0% taxes on gambling winnings and prizes, which as far as I'm aware, even applies to professionals.
One of the biggest concerns I have is citizenship-based taxation from the US, even on income earned in the UK at 0%.
Having considered this dilemma, I'm now thinking of not only becoming a UK resident, but also opening a UK limited company and pushing all gambling earnings into it.
If I do that, would I incur taxes on the earnings or would I still be able to take benefit of the 0% tax levied on gambling?
submitted by Brilliant_Context635 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Vibe Check: Four Iconic Inauguration Performances Proving Trump Is Winning the Culture War

Vibe Check: Four Iconic Inauguration Performances Proving Trump Is Winning the Culture War submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 squashed-duck My baby musk turtle

My baby musk turtle submitted by squashed-duck to aww [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 CornDoggyLOL I Drew the Houston Texans Each Game This Season. Which is your Favorite? :)

I Drew the Houston Texans Each Game This Season. Which is your Favorite? :) submitted by CornDoggyLOL to Texans [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 NottaLottaOcelot Searching for scrubs and reusable gowns for dental practice

We order team uniforms at our office and I was curious if there were any Canadian manufacturers for scrubs.
The dental hygienists wear gowns due to splatter, and I’d also love to support a Canadian business when buying these too. We prefer reusable to minimize waste, needs to be a Level 2.
submitted by NottaLottaOcelot to BuyCanadian [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Alex Marlow: Democrat ‘Sore Losers’ Are Holding Up Trump Cabinet Confirmations for No Reason

Alex Marlow: Democrat ‘Sore Losers’ Are Holding Up Trump Cabinet Confirmations for No Reason submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]
