
2025.01.23 19:40 BowlerIA52402 Regrets

Regrets Took a 4.33. Stupid me. Opened truck ahead threw her suitcase in my back. That’s red flag one, second she starts yelling at me for not picking her up when she needed to be at the rideshare at the airport. I politely told her that the airport is very strict when it comes to the fact that Ubers can only pickup at a specific spot. Then she puts it in the gps where she is going. Like sorry I already have where you’re going princess.
Sorry princess that you had to walk an extra 20 feet
submitted by BowlerIA52402 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 sanaploosh Y’all staying at [Spoiler] Hotel?

submitted by sanaploosh to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 VQ7K_ We posting billboards?

submitted by VQ7K_ to SaltLakeCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 LiteratureProud4424 Message Phoenix_Poker_Club on Telegram for more information!

Message Phoenix_Poker_Club on Telegram for more information! submitted by LiteratureProud4424 to ClubGG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 realxxz A game mode where your character is random

Let's say there's a game mode where you can't pick your character. It's randomized. And every few minutes your character changes.
Example: You load in and start of as venom, you play and then after 2 minutes you turn into mantis. This will happen to every player. After some time past everyone's character switches. This would make the game more chaotic and force players to use different characters.
Reminder this is just a game mode, the normal version should still stay.
submitted by realxxz to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Electrical_Quote3653 Broomfield flag policy

Hi. So next Tuesday the city council is discussing or voting on a new city flag policy. The policy basically says that the city can fly government flags, like US, Colorado, Broomfield, and some military things like POW's, and also the rainbow LGBT flag. The rainbow flag is the only minority group flag that gets special city recognition, as far as I can tell. Does that sound fair?
submitted by Electrical_Quote3653 to Broomfield [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Pale_Insurance_2139 The Okada Manila

The Okada Manila submitted by Pale_Insurance_2139 to skyscrapers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Parasitepaladin Ninja Gaiden 4 Reveal - Easy Allies Reactions

Ninja Gaiden 4 Reveal - Easy Allies Reactions submitted by Parasitepaladin to UnofficialAlliance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Trump Says He Will 'Demand' Rate Cuts, Aligning His Views With Federal Reserve

Trump Says He Will 'Demand' Rate Cuts, Aligning His Views With Federal Reserve submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Salty_Oil_1282 Wish I had more time playing

So this game is coming to an end, and I am busy working with no time to play. I wish time could stop and let me rebuild Springfield
submitted by Salty_Oil_1282 to tappedout [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 OBJ-990 UXThemPatcher

Do any of you know if UXThemePatcher works on ARM devices? I am running a Surface Pro 11 right now, and am trying to use the macOS theme properly.
submitted by OBJ-990 to VinStar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Radiant_Yak9566 (Selling) Smile 2 4K

Smile 2 -4K- $8
Redeemable Fandango
submitted by Radiant_Yak9566 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 CortexThrill Kreće veliki projekt u Lučkom: Trajat će nekoliko godina, radit će se na više lokacija

Dok se gradi na prostoru gdje je bio negdašnji motel Plitvice, krenut će se i u još jedan veći zahvat, a to je izgradnja kanalizacije za stanovnike na tom području. Predsjednik Vijeća Mjesnog odbora Lučko Marko Vranić kaže da od kada postoji Lučko kao naselje pa sve do unazad 25 godina počelo se aktivno pričati i planirati projekt kanalizacije i kada je Lučko postalo dio Gradske četvrti Novi Zagreb zapad.
„Tek u zadnje tri godine za vrijeme ove gradske vlasti aktivno su se počeli rješavati najveći problemi koji su kočili ovaj projekt, a to su imovinsko-pravni odnosi i revizija katastarskih općina odnosno dokazi pravnih interesa za čestice kroz koje djelomično prolazi sustav odvodnje fekalnih voda, kanalizacija po sporednim – nerazvrstanim cestama u Lučkom i Ježdovcu. Prema potvrdi Marina Galijota, direktora tehničkog sektora Vodoopskrbe i odvodnje (ViO) tri građevinske dozvole su završene i u fazi su kontrole od strane Upravnih tijela i gradskog ureda koji izdaje suglasnosti za istu te će iste biti izdane kroz desetak dana nakon čega odmah ide javni natječaj za izvođača radova“, kaže Vranić.
Ovdje se radi o projektu koji pokriva nerazvrstane, sporedne ulice u Ježdovcu i Lučkom. Spojevi kućanstava s Puškarićeve ulice na glavnu kanalizacijsku cijev u Puškarićevoj ulici u Lučkom (državna D1 cesta) nisu dio ovog projekta, već ovise o rješavanju imovinsko-pravnih problema od strane državne tvrtke Hrvatskih cesta i tek slijedi ishođenje lokacijske dozvole, pojašnjava naš sugovornik. No, bez obzira na to spomenute sporedne ceste i priključci će biti realizirani i spojeni na glavni kanalizacijski kanal.
„Svi stanovnici i nekoliko stambenih zgrada cijelo ovo vrijeme imali su septičke jame koje su morale biti pražnjenje (ovisno o veličini, neki svaki dan ili neki mjesečno-dvomjesečno). U svakom slučaju financijski i ekološki je to za građane Lučkog i Ježdovca bio veliki teret. Sve do 1. 5. 2024. kada je trenutni saziv Gradske skupštine donio odluku da se pražnjenje septičkih jama građanima financira grad odnosno ViO“, kaže Vranić.
Dodaje da iako je u početku bilo logističkih problema, odnosno puno poziva građana, a premali broj kamiona i ljudstva ViO, no sada kada su kooperanti preuzeli dio poslova stvari funkcioniraju zadovoljavajuće. U međuvremenu krajem godine 2024. bez obzira na kooperante, kanalizacijski vod u duljini 130 metara za problematičnu zgradu u Unčanskoj ulici s blizu 50 stanova i PP je na teret ViO i uz dozvolu Hrvatskih cesta spojen na glavni kanalizacijski kanal u Puškarićevoj ulici. „Ostale ulice čekaju prethodno spomenutu proceduru. Npr. nitko u Lučkom, osim Doma zdravlja, Osnovne škole i sada spomenute zgrade i okolnih nekoliko kućanstava na početku Unčanske nije legalno spojen na kanalizaciju. Čak i područni vrtić u Lučkom još uvijek ima septičku jamu“
U projektu Lučko-Ježdovec radi se o projektu od tri građevinske dozvole koji bi se trebao izvesti u dvije faze, ukupno 31 kilometara cijevi i 10 pumpnih stanica za sustav fekalne odvodnje, odnosno kanalizacije. Na sustav bi trebalo u narednim godinama biti spojeno oko 1400 kućanstava, Ježdovec s otprilike 500 kućanstava i 1800 stanovnika te Lučko s oko 900 kućanstava i 3000 stanovnika, kaže Vranić.
„Prema planu prioritet je ulica Lučko u duljini oko jedan kilometar cijevi i jednom pumpnom stanicom i naravno priključcima, jer se upravo za potrebe novog odmorišta Zagreb vrše prekopi za novi vodoopskrbni priključak koji će preko Puškarićeve ulice i cijelom duljinom ulice Lučko napajati budući kompleks. Ta ulica je prioritet iz jedinog logičnog razloga, a to je izbjegavanje dugo neuređene ulice radi prethodnih radnji na vodovodu od strane investitora Hrvatskih autocesta za odmorište Zagreb. Rok početka; kraj drugog ili treći kvartal ove godine“
Vranić dodaje da odmah ili paralelno, što ovisi o planu budućeg izvođača, prema navodima iz ViO trebali bi radovi krenuti i u ulicama u kojim još uvijek nema ni javne vodovodne mreže, odnosno veliki dio u Ježdovcu i manji dio u Lučkom te onda dalje. Vranić smatra da će se sigurno raditi na nekoliko lokacija odjednom s obzirom na veličinu i zahtjevnost projekta. „Cijeli projekt u dvije faze trajat će sigurno nekoliko godina, teško mi je to tvrditi dok se ne potpiše Ugovor s budućim izvođačem i ViO, no ne bi trebalo više od tri godine“
„Najavljena je ulica Lučko (koja ide i prva u izgradnju kanalizacije) te za koju već godinama postoji projekt uređenja s nogostupima i novim ugibalištima za autobuse. Ostale ulice prema tehničkoj izvodljivosti i financijskim mogućnostima s nogostupima i odvodnjom trebao bi pratiti grad Zagreb svakako,
submitted by CortexThrill to croatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Kivas_Fajo [GTM] not Dixon Hill...

[GTM] not Dixon Hill... submitted by Kivas_Fajo to GuessTheMovie [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Disastrous-Sweet407 I (13 m) want a gf rly badly nothing dirty just someone to be abe to share experinances with and a friend who loves me

submitted by Disastrous-Sweet407 to Thirteenagersnew [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Odd_Opposite_1495 Why $PYRATE Is Built to Last – Join Us Now Before the Next Wave 🏴‍☠️

If you’re looking for a solid project with a real community and huge potential, let me tell you why $PYRATE should be on your radar—and why this might be the best time to jump in.
We’ve got over 1,500 holders right now, which is more than we had at our all-time high. That says a lot about the strength of this community. Yes, we’ve seen a price dip recently, but here’s the deal: a few big unknown whales decided to cash out.
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And honestly? That’s actually a good thing. - Stronger Hands Mean a Stronger Future Those sellers were likely in it for the quick flip, but now the supply is moving into the hands of people who actually believe in $PYRATE. This makes the project more stable and less vulnerable to sudden dumps. - We’ve Seen This Before—and We Came Back Stronger This isn’t the first time $PYRATE has faced a challenge. We’ve dropped from $2M to $250K in the past because of a big whale sell-off, but we didn’t just recover—we hit a new ATH. That’s what happens when a project has a committed community and a long-term vision. - A Perfect Entry Point Right now, the price is at a level where people with big bags can make a serious move. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to join a project with a real future, this is it.
We’re not standing still, either. The team is kicking off three giveaways on X today and doubling down on community growth. The leadership is doxxed, transparent, and fully committed to making $PYRATE a success. This isn’t a fly-by-night project—it’s something we’re building to last.
If you want to be part of something real and get in before the next big wave, now’s your chance.

Thanks for being part of this journey. Together, we’ll take $PYRATE to new heights.
Much love, Your Cannoneer, QVR.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to PolygonMoonShots [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 wadech [WTB] TLR7 HL-X

Looking to spend ~$110, mildly prefer in black but not a deal breaker.
submitted by wadech to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 CharmingBeuty Millie 🥵

Millie 🥵 submitted by CharmingBeuty to MillieBobbyBrownHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Apprehensive_Fly9352 Monica Barbaro, First-Time Oscar Nominee, Is Plotting a Way to Meet Joan Baez

Monica Barbaro, First-Time Oscar Nominee, Is Plotting a Way to Meet Joan Baez submitted by Apprehensive_Fly9352 to movies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dirtyharrison Illegal Aliens Worried as Trump-Era ICE Raids Loom

Illegal Aliens Worried as Trump-Era ICE Raids Loom submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 hooloovooblues [self] My friend ordered a star with a butt that has anxiety and can sit on a shelf

[self] My friend ordered a star with a butt that has anxiety and can sit on a shelf Nailed it.
DAS air dry.
submitted by hooloovooblues to Sculpture [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 Bugbee22 Laid back Regs League going into year 4

Very chill league with minimal rules (4th down rule, nano blitzing etc) and 48 hour advance. We are in training camp currently. Just did the rookie draft. We don’t hand out devs. Most teams are in tact and actually have solid players from the draft and free agency.
Ravens, chiefs, jets, giants, titans, panthers
Feel free to join the discord below or dm me asking for rosters but like I said all teams got their key guys for sure.
submitted by Bugbee22 to MaddenFranchise [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 dox_r Is there any way i could get exam forms?

So i have bac1 mid-terms in 2 weeks and i could really use some practice exams
submitted by dox_r to lebanon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 oshaboy Sweater Dress

Sweater Dress submitted by oshaboy to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:40 ttuzecan New study reveals how a 'non-industrialized' style diet can reduce risk of chronic disease

New study reveals how a 'non-industrialized' style diet can reduce risk of chronic disease submitted by ttuzecan to NaturalNutrition [link] [comments]