Amateur hour: just replaced my filters!

2025.01.23 21:10 heroofsestos Amateur hour: just replaced my filters!

Amateur hour: just replaced my filters! Just doing a little shimmy as I changed my cabin and air filters. It was wildly easy, and I paid $11 for both filters as opposed to the $162 the dealership offered to charge. It’s such a small thing, but as someone who has her first car, I thought I’d share!
submitted by heroofsestos to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Quawnaime Speed Draw Box

submitted by Quawnaime to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Kickrocks626 Strong 8k reseller panel

Is there a place to purchase a strong 8k reseller panel. I’ve only seen one on z2u but it’s a bit out of price range at the moment (300$ usd) as I’m somewhat just starting getting into the whole reselling business. Plus it offers 10 years of service. Not even sure I can get rid of the entire thing lol.
submitted by Kickrocks626 to IPTVGroupBuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 InTheMiniMall3226 Seeing IMAX tonight!

hey! i’ve been a huge fan of this movie for a number of years and i’m now finally getting the chance to see it on the IMAX screen, I could not be more excited! I can’t wait, I hope anybody wanting to see it is able to catch it as well!
submitted by InTheMiniMall3226 to interstellar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 AgustinCastor H: 2 Leaders per W: Tesla Science 9 Magazines

H: 2 Leaders per W: Tesla Science 9 Magazines Looking to buy T9 magazines at 2 leaders per. Using them as raid fuel
submitted by AgustinCastor to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 GuiMayer Idk why but I'm very pround of this run and want to share with you guys

Idk why but I'm very pround of this run and want to share with you guys It's not very strong but it is very satisfying. How could I improve it?
submitted by GuiMayer to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 bippingsleasel Lost Mine of Phandelver!! Great starter campaign!!

submitted by bippingsleasel to roll20LFG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Snoo22769 Water hammer from water heater?

Hello so tldr
Water hammer in pipes mostly hot watter pipes when toliet is flushed and sink is turned on, when the cold water valve is opened on the shower. Sometimes when the washer turns on.
Pressure tested sitting at 50 psi. When i turn the sink on hot or cold psi drops to around 18psi. Same with toliet flushed and bathtube is opened up.
Had the city check their box to the house and they were nice and even replaced my water meter as it had 2 million gallons flown through it.
Did more testing still had the same issue.
Finally tested by turning on the bathtube cold water to create the water hammer and went downstairs and turned off the hot water supply from the water heater off. No more water hammer. Looked up the serial number the tank is 23 years old. Tried to drain it and of course no luck.
So far i'm thinking its sediment issue from the water heater causing air locks in the lines. What does everyone else think?
Might replace the water heater anyways since its so old.
submitted by Snoo22769 to fixit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 creek55 Why is this conductor facing forward?

Praise to the Man <---It's a Mormon choir video in one of their general conferences. Is the conductor facing forward because the boys already know the song? Or maybe more presentable? Because it has to be a bit awkward when you have your back turned to everybody. Or maybe on some occasions conductors indeed face forward? Or maybe they always do??
submitted by creek55 to Choir [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 ZlagathaChristie Utterly vile woman

submitted by ZlagathaChristie to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 STEVENSON_YOHAN My Take on AC EVO

I have been playing ACE for some time tbh it's so far so good as an EA game. But I have some issues with it and hopefully things will be fixed in the coming updates 1. The cars feel a lot more bouncy, especially if you take the replay driving around Bathurst you will see what I mean. Even the road cars bounces like a rubber ball if the car is in air.

  1. The crash physics is crap. Cars feel like it suddenly looses all of its weight when it crashes
  2. Too much DOF in replays. It kinda looks unrealistic
  3. The lights, as in the older model's light could have some improvement. Like refraction and implementation of the filament bulb. I mean gran tourismo has that, modded AC has that even though it's not perfect.
5 wipers doesn't have this much speed IRL
But overall I am liking the game, I am somehow liking the physics like it's kinda easy to control an overseer if you do it properly. The weight transfer is very much evident when driving, especially Bathurst with a front engined car. Even when you see the replay how the cars grips, shift it's weight and everything is way much better than any game out there. I believe GT has that realism but no other games has that. Hopefully things will get better in the coming months
submitted by STEVENSON_YOHAN to assettocorsaevo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Italllooksfine What did you do to help an addict get better?

submitted by Italllooksfine to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Sirnando138 Wife and I went to the 2Tone Village/museum in Coventry while visiting England today.

Wife and I went to the 2Tone Village/museum in Coventry while visiting England today. This is a must for any die hard fan. So much music history in Coventry and Birmingham. We met lots of amazing folks that have been involved in the scene since the beginning. And that is the actual car used in the Ghost Town video! 11/10 experience.
submitted by Sirnando138 to Ska [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 ItsRobinn_ Are the new sonatas good?

Are the new sonatas good? After the refresh they’ve caught my interest but I don’t wanna go just off looks. Does anyone have problems so far?
submitted by ItsRobinn_ to Hyundai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 pyrot Deoxys defense need 1 more 359121096187

submitted by pyrot to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Professional-Cut8609 Height and Weight standards

I feel I need to lead by saying- I am not obese. Something within the height and weight standards needs to change. How is it that I can measure at 70 inches, weigh 187, and still need to be taped? With my 31 inch waist, I equal out to 12% BMI. I’m apparently severely underweight, and yet I still have to face the embarrassment of the dreaded tape. Why is this the standard? I have a large frame. There has never been any point in which I’ve been in the army where I have not had to be taped. What are your solutions? Because me being at 12% BMI and still needing taped is an OBVIOUS sign that something needs to change.
I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one large soda.
submitted by Professional-Cut8609 to army [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 elizluvsbunnyz art of the twins by me <3

art of the twins by me <3 i really like this one and i yhink they turned out super cutee
submitted by elizluvsbunnyz to blacklagoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Glittering-Celery122 Cheater and ToS Violator stuartbrazell
These are the violations that are obvious:

submitted by Glittering-Celery122 to Amazon_Influencer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 alex_2812 Mara in season 3

So I have talked a lot about how complicated my feelings about Mara are but I have thought about it and I have decided that season 3 is a really good season for her! Like yeah she’s bullying Jerome the whole time but he deserves it!!!
And I think my main reason for changing my mind is that (besides the fact that she’s no longer really annoying and is back to how she was in s1) she really does care about her friends….
I just really appreciate that she doesn’t forgive Jerome because he deserves it,,, but rather for the sake of Joy… like that’s just so sweet idk
submitted by alex_2812 to anubisnick [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 justshortofconfusion HELP finding a questionnaire for research

I am doing a research study on Neuroticism, Perfectionism and Academic Burnout. Can someone suggest where i can find the pdf for the Big Five Inventory by John, Donahue and Kentle (1991)? It is the 44 item version.
submitted by justshortofconfusion to research [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Freeloader_ No, we do not need a loot filter.

and I am wiling to die on this hill
loot filter is a band aid, not a solution
solution is to give us LESS but more quality loot.
Loot is in a bad state because firstly we get A LOT of it and secondly because the items youre looking for are simply not rare enough. Thirdly I dont know why Blizzard is sticking with this guaranteed loot tables consiting of 4-5 items.
Basically you go kill a boss and you know for sure you will get item you want if you kill him atleast 5 times. That is ridiculously easy and not fun. You will never ever enjoy those drops because you EXPECT them.
You need to be able to farm multiple zones and have a decent chance of dropping what you want but at the same time it should be rare enough. Will it drop today? maybe tomorrow? Maybe next week? dont know but it will, for sure. The more I farm the higher the chances, the faster I am the bigger the chances. And when it finally drops, thats where you trully feel the high. And once you feel it, thats what keeps you going, because you want more godly items, more loot and you want to feel REWARDED again.
Dropping a targeted unique basically instantly is super boring and not rewarding. Guaranteed loot tables needs to die. If not, the loot will never feel rewarding.
instead we get a dude who works 16 hours a day lecturing is about loot and how in fact its great. to be completely honest, that guy has zero clue what Diablo game should look like or looked like in the past.
if I am too busy I simply dont play games and if I insist on playing something, I will choose a game that doesnt require a lot of time. and MMOARPG is the last thing you want to play if you are a busy guy. There are tons of single player games and these guys act like the games should be balanced around dudes who works their asses off for 16 hours a day. Give me a fuc*ing break.
submitted by Freeloader_ to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 SourceConsistent6234 Real Madrid Jerseys (40 Colours) - $10

Real Madrid Jerseys (40 Colours) - $10 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 Better_call_N Help identifying a song

It has the line “yes I’m gonna be star” and then “over and over…” Please help
submitted by Better_call_N to SteelyDan [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 That_Animal8064 KPN, wat een vreselijk bedrijf!

Even een frustratie uiten-post.
Op vrijdag 10 januari is vroeg in de ochtend mijn glasvezelinternet van KPN ermee gestopt. Direct gebeld, er kwam op maandag 13 januari een monteur.
Hij constateerde direct dat het probleem niet hier bij mij thuis, maar ergens buiten moet liggen. Het zou door een ander team moeten worden opgepakt, en ik zou een noodvoorziening krijgen.
De volgende dag arriveerde er een noodvoorziening. Een dongel met een simkaart, maar die deed het niet. Men had hem niet geactiveerd. Na activatie werkte hij wel op een laptop, maar niet in het modem van KPN. Maar ik had internet op één laptop, dus daar was het voor KPN mee afgedaan.
Eind van de week stopte de dongel er opnieuw mee. Gebeld. Wat bleek? Ik had 100GB te gebruiken. En op=op. En die waren dus op. Einde noodvoorziening.
Maar men meldde toen ook dat op maandag 20 januari mijn aansluiting gemaakt zou worden. Het probleem was gevonden, en het zou dan worden opgelost. Lastig, nog een paar dagen zonder, maar er was zicht op een oplossing.
Toen afgelopen maandag om 17:00 uur mijn internet nog niet werkte maar weer eens gebeld. Ze hadden goed nieuws. Laat in de middag was de monteur gearriveerd en hij was nog ‘ingecheckt’ dus nog aan het werk. Het kwam helemaal goed.
Dinsdag nog geen internet. KPN gebeld. Deze medewerker kon niet zien dat er maandag gewerkt was. Er was wel een monteur ingepland voor vrijdag de 24ste!
Vandaag, donderdag de 23ste meldden zich 2 mannen aan mijn voordeur. In gebrekkig Nederlands meldden zij van een aannemer van KPN te zijn. Of ze in de meterkast mochten kijken. Dit toegelaten hebben ze de aansluiting losgehaald en een apparaatje aangesloten. Ze begonnen in mijn bijzijn druk in hun eigen taal te discussiëren.
Vervolgens hebben ze 100 meter van mijn huis een gat gegraven en weer dichtgemaakt. In zeer gebrekkig Nederlands en met handen en voeten maakte hij duidelijk dat ze het niet konden repareren. Het zou een andere keer worden gerepareerd, waarschijnlijk in de avond(?). Ze hoeven dan niet bij me binnen te zijn.
Ondertussen nog steeds compleet zonder internet maar weer KPN gebeld. Hij kon in het systeem zien dat het op 30 januari wordt opgelost. Hopelijk, want eerder hebben ze ook loze beloftes gedaan.
Totaal straks dus minimaal 3 weken zonder internet, maar het kan ook zomaar langer gaan duren. Het is werkelijk verschrikkelijk hoe men met klanten omgaat.
Ondertussen heb ik zelf maar een andere noodvoorziening getroffen die me ook een hoop geld kost, maar ik heb voor mijn werk nou eenmaal internet nodig.
Ook heb ik besloten maar bij KPN weg te gaan. Maar dan moeten ze wel eerst de aansluiting repareren… en daar heb ik weinig vertrouwen meer in na alle loze beloftes en zelfs keiharde leugens. Want vòòr vandaag is er überhaupt nog niet naar de oorzaak gezocht.
Nou, ik heb het in ieder geval even van me afgeschreven. Hier soortgelijke ervaringen?
submitted by That_Animal8064 to nederlands [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 21:10 WhompTrucker Nate needs done dreadlock maintenance

But he's so squiggly when I try to brush or twist him.
submitted by WhompTrucker to Maltipoo [link] [comments]