Mark Pingle Econ 103

In French, a punctuation mark closing a sentence comes before or after the closing guillemet depending on whether it modifies the quoted text or the whole sentence (e.g., Il lui a demandé : « Veux-tu que je t'aide ? » mais c'était à contre-cœur, but, Il a dit : « Je vais t'aider », mais finalement il n'a rien fait). As I understand it, unless marked otherwise, the default accent in Spanish is on the penultimate syllable. Why, then, is it common practice to include accent marks on the penultimate syllables of surnames such as Sánchez, Pérez, Martínez, Gómez, Hernández, López, etc? You SEND an email. Could you also POST an email? Is the use AN email correct? When sending an email to A, would you MARK a copy to B or POST or SEND a copy to B? Thank you for your help. Hi all, I was wondering to myself which of these is correct (final mark vs final grade vs graduation marks) to mean the final mark of Degree in Materials Science, to put in my CV. Example : Degree in Materials Science at Chemical Sciences and Technologies - University of Padua with a final mark of xx/110. Please check this sentence: Historians have long been puzzled by dots, lines and symbols which have been engraved on walls, bones, and the ivory tusks of mammoths. The nomads who made these marks/markings lived by hunting and fishing during the last Ice Age which began about 35,000 B.C. and... No difference, except that one form is more common (and maybe more correct) than the other. I think technically this should be spelled "mark-up", with a hyphen. But some people often leave out the hyphen in English, even when it is necessary to explain the correct meaning! In Spanish, I see people add accent marks where they don't belong, especially when they are writing somehing "official" and don't want to accidentally leave an accent mark out. The most common one is writing ó insead of just o. (There is a rule for the accented version, but 99.9% of the time it does not apply.) 网络术语mark是什么意思? 马克是网络用语一般用于贴吧论坛的回复,mark的中文含义就是记号,标记。 因马克为英文mark的音译,而mark又有记号、标记的含义,因此在论坛跟帖中经常有人出此一词,马克,马克一下,表示占 It's used for a better readability. It is better to write Cyril ! than Cyril! because in the latter example the exclamation mark is too close to the 'l' which is as high as the mark and hence could be confused with a letter belonging to the word Cyril… Anyway, you may want to have a look at the forum resources here. 唛头,音译名词,即“mark”头。1.商标的意思,2.进出口货物的包装上所做的标记,取自英文“mark”。可简单理解为标签。 外贸中的“唛头”是为了便于识别货物,防止发错货,通常由型号,图形或收货单位简称,目的港,件数或批号等组成。

2025.01.23 23:10 Nevada-Sagebrushers Mark Pingle Econ 103

Hey y’all, I’m a junior who switched majors this year, and I was wondering what Mark Pingle’s class structure is like for Econ 103. I heard he’s kind of old-school, a strict grader, and makes you do all the homework on paper.
Also, what are pairs like? Do you have to do projects or assignments with them?
submitted by Nevada-Sagebrushers to unr [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Ok-Improvement-8399 Thoughts?

Thoughts? Hey everyone,
I've been on the hunt for a good-looking Karambit Slaughter to pair with my Bronze Morph gloves, but finding one that looks just right has been impossible.
I thought about the Karambit Gamma Doppler (Phase 2), but in my opinion, it feels a bit dull. The Emerald is amazing, but sadly, it's out of my budget.
What do you guys think about the Karambit Black Laminate? I know there are gloves that might match it better, but I like the Bronze Morphs , and I want a Karambit. I kind of like the way it looks , but I'm not sure .
I would like to hear your thoughts!
submitted by Ok-Improvement-8399 to ohnePixel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 mau5Ram Explain in classy terms

Explain in classy terms submitted by mau5Ram to nbacirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 DakotaLillith666 lick them clean foot slut

lick them clean foot slut submitted by DakotaLillith666 to FootSlaveMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 isinichi apelar ingreso universidad

holaa, me ha surgido una duda, una vez escuché que uno puede apelar al ingreso de las universidades en un caso especial
mi caso es que me equivoqué al momento de ordenar mis postulaciones y no quedé en la universidad que me acomoda, el puntaje de corte lo superé y no sé si exista una manera de que la universidad pueda hacer un cupo por una vía fuera de la regular, quizas de lista de espera u otra admisión
o el sistema es muy cuadrado? quisiera saber si esto es posible, muchas gracias
submitted by isinichi to EducacionChile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Leeevy [USA-VA] [H] PayPal [W] 4080 Super, 9800x3d, DDR5 Ram

Looking to buy some components. Figured it’s time to upgrade the 1070 Ti rig.
submitted by Leeevy to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 GreatestStarOfAll sucking Tit and Kok

sucking Tit and Kok submitted by GreatestStarOfAll to TrixieAndKatya [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Youngjojo Genuine question do you guys time your sonic sways?

Hey guys just a small little discussion here nothing serious but when u guys use perception do u try to time your perceptions to get sonic sways or is it a happy accident u get when u use perception on your opponent? 🤔😃
submitted by Youngjojo to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 batsku11z shaking rn LLOK AT THIS ABSOLUTE BEAUTY

shaking rn LLOK AT THIS ABSOLUTE BEAUTY submitted by batsku11z to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Koayb what is brewers job?

hello guys idk if this is a dumb question but i never understood why its called brewstew and like why the channel is named after brewer does he do anything for the videos? because from what i understand tyler does everything.
submitted by Koayb to Brewstew [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Kadelolzz Genuine question to the Samurai community: When did you guys get so negative???

Ever since Cory came back, it feels like every post on this sub is just someone complaining about something ridiculous.
I didn’t want to be one of those people, but now I guess I am.
Almost every other post is filled with negativity—complaining, whining, and unnecessary drama. It’s constant. Every new video, y’all are back at it again, stirring up the same nonsense. I can’t even scroll through my Reddit feed without seeing it everywhere.
Let me ask you this: when did everyone get so negative about everything?
Doesn’t that completely contradict what Cory stands for? He promotes positivity, good vibes, sportsmanship, and kindness. So how can you call yourself a fan of Cory while actively going against everything he stands for and being so toxic?

I am only paraphrasing, but I feel like I've seen a million of these types of posts. Then there are those who think they’re being responsible—like they’re doing what everyone wants by addressing the current state of the Samurai community. But all they end up doing is whining, complaining, and throwing around swear words without actually addressing a single thing. They make these posts just to unload their frustrations, rant, vent, and complain with no real solution or point.
They are apart of the problem.
If you are one of those people, YOU are a part of the problem.
Negativity only feeds more negativity. Toxicity only breeds more toxicity. If you’re unhappy with what’s happening in the community, angrily complaining and swearing like a sailor isn’t going to fix anything. It won’t make the situation better, it won’t improve the community, and it definitely won’t make you feel any better either.
If you don’t like what someone or another group of people is doing within the community, the solution is not to get angry on everyone else’s behalf and lash out with toxicity or cruelty. If you didn’t like the submissions for SSS, you don’t need to make an entire Reddit post about it or harass the person who sent the submission on Twitter. Sometimes, you just don’t like the submissions—and that’s fine.
If you didn’t enjoy the TNTL submissions, that doesn’t mean it’s okay to complain on Reddit, mock, or bully Cory’s new fans. If they don’t understand Cory’s humor yet, that’s alright—they’re new! Let’s be real: when you first became a fan, you didn’t instantly “get” everything about his humor either.
If you don’t like someone on his Steam account, just scroll past and ignore it. It's a public account anyways. While those people certainly do not need to be so obsessed, there’s no need to escalate the situation further by making a whole post filled with mean-spirited comments, especially since the mods have already said they’ll handle these issues.
And if you’re unhappy with how the community is acting, making a rant post full of anger, insults, and endless swearing isn’t going to solve anything. It just adds more negativity.
Do you guys genuinely believe that your behavior is going to solve anything? Cory always teaches us to be kind, to spread positivity—but you’re doing the exact opposite. You’re not helping; you’re just being mean.
I wouldn’t say that I’m religious, and I know some/most of his community might not be, but I know Cory is, so I’ll say this: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Would you want to receive the kind of treatment you’re giving others? Would you be okay if people said the same things about you that you’re saying about them?
Imagine being in their shoes—would you like it? Would you think that kind of treatment is fair or acceptable? And more importantly, do you think Cory would be okay with it?
The solution isn’t to get angry over every little thing. If it’s not something you can directly change, or if there’s nothing you can do to influence the outcome, it’s better to just leave it alone and move on.
If you really want to make a difference, focus on kindness within the community. Make posts that encourage others—uplift them instead of ridiculing, judging, or making fun of them. When you see fellow samurai acting in a way that goes against what Cory believes in, don’t respond with judgment or cruelty. That only adds fuel to the fire.
Instead, take a kinder approach. Show understanding and positivity, and try to encourage them to do better—it’s the only way to truly help the community grow in the right direction.
By responding with kindness, you not only set a better example, but you also help create a space where everyone can feel welcomed and respected. Cory’s community is built on positivity, and it’s up to us to keep that spirit alive. When negativity takes over, it drags everyone down. But if we choose to be kind, patient, and understanding, we create an environment where we can all be happy.
So, the next time you feel frustrated or upset, take a step back and think about how you can contribute to the community without doing it in a negative way. Sometimes, it might just be better to ignore the situation altogether. Instead of lashing out, try to understand where others are coming from. We all make mistakes.
Remember that Cory believes that we are the most GOATED community on Youtube. We can't let the community continue to go down the path that it's been going. We must try our hardest to not let him down.
Let’s honor Cory’s message of positivity and lead by example. The community is what we make of it, so let’s make it one we can all be proud of.
This will most likely be my only post in this sub, so I truly hope my message doesn't go unnoticed and finds its way to those who need it. If it reaches some people, I hope it reaches the right ones.
Thank you for reading all the way through, if you did.
Until next time, my Samurai Brothers and Sisters.
submitted by Kadelolzz to CoryxKenshin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 CollectionFun7145 H: Leaders W: Reflective Tankys Cho Cho Limit Breaking Regenerating

submitted by CollectionFun7145 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Alarming-Rip3100 What do you guys think

What do you guys think submitted by Alarming-Rip3100 to Switch [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 IridescentTigress calorie count?

lifesum said this dish is 730 calories. does that sound right?
submitted by IridescentTigress to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 cheesearmy1_ literally nobody saw my post, why would the mods do this to me

submitted by cheesearmy1_ to lies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Necron_99_ Photography with the Christopher Lee Dracula figure from NECA.

Photography with the Christopher Lee Dracula figure from NECA. submitted by Necron_99_ to hammerhorrormovies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 hagamablabla More configurable version of Auto Consume Potions?

ACP by default chooses raw foods over cooked foods by default, which is reasonable because they're cheaper. However, I would prefer if I could get something that would eat and drink the prepared food first. If the mod is also compatible with CACO's food/potion effects system, which don't stack and don't heal instantly, that would be great as well.
submitted by hagamablabla to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 TheRealKels0 anyone know what this is?

anyone know what this is? had for a few weeks, isn't changing shape just very slightly raised and kinda itchy. Thought maybe folliculitis but not like I've ever seen
submitted by TheRealKels0 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 CrisiwSandwich Conservative distrust of the government

I cannot for the life of me understand the paradox that conservatives live with in their heads.
Most conservatives do not trust the government.
They don't trust them for protecting our health or how they spend taxes. They don't trust politicians. They don't trust how they spend on social benefits. They don't trust them in education.
But they'll trust a government cut down to the bare bones...of military and policing...
Right now the agencies responsible for education, health, social benefits, veterans, and equity are under attack because conservatives don't trust them to do their jobs. We are experiencing hiring freezes of most government jobs outside of military, ICE, and police/FBI
If you don't trust them with a free meal why would you trust them with a gun to your head?
If a government is cut down to just police and military (organizations known for use of force) how can you expect the country to rule or communicate in any manner outside of violence?
submitted by CrisiwSandwich to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 International_Car109 What are your headcanons for the couples/friendships in the show?

Here’s some of mine mine
Demetri takes Yasmine on fancy dinner dates while Yasmine takes Demetri on nerdy play dates like an arcade or video game nights.
Miguel and Robby constantly fake argue in front Johnny and Carmen to scare them.
Sam and Tory protect each other from men trying to hit on them by saying “she’s my girlfriend”
Kenny and Devon dramatically scream when sparring with any of the students, like yelling “HYAAA!” After every regular punch of kick.
Anthony was secretly a fan of Cobra Kai during the All Valley and thought they were cooler than Miyagi-Do.
Miguel and Sam can’t spar with each other without it turning into a tickle fight
Demetri and Eli used to scream anime attacks when playing outside
Kenny still plays dungeon lord and helped Devon set up an account (she rarely plays and only does so when he’s playing)
Tory had a phase where she’d create multiple new gmail accounts to keep getting the free trials for streaming services to watch her favorite movies and shows.
Mr. Miyagi would spoil Sam with any snack she wanted after training and if it was something specific that wasn’t at the nearest store, he would travel around the entire town to find it.
Robby has a habit of talking in a very cheesy and lovey dovey way to Tory and she playfully mocks him even though she finds it sweet.
I just came up with some of these off the top of my head but I find them really cute lol.
submitted by International_Car109 to cobrakai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 grey9802 Rick Stroud: Coen had not spoken to the Bucs since yesterday afternoon. They tried to reach him and have been unable to. Instead of signing his contract, which was a formality, he secretly traveled to Jacksonville to meet with Jags owner Shad Kahn.
“Coen had not spoken to the Bucs since yesterday afternoon. They tried to reach him and have been unable to. Instead of signing his contract, which was a formality, he secretly traveled to Jacksonville to meet with Jags owner Shad Kahn.”
submitted by grey9802 to Jaguars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Optimal-Turnover8187 WFH is the best! 😚

submitted by Optimal-Turnover8187 to PNWcrossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Jasminefirefly Carrie Underwood is yesterday's garbage to me

I'm originally from Oklahoma and always love it when "local girl does good." I was excited that she won American Idol and smiled on her subsequent successes. Perhaps I should have anticipated that an Okie from Muskogee would have been a MAGAt, but it hadn't even occurred to me. But her performing at the inauguration and going to Drumpf's $250,000 donor dinner (which, it gave me some nice schadenfreude to read, was oversold and pissed off a bunch of rich folks whose seating got moved or bumped) and otherwise kissing the ring of the dictator king has killed any good feelings I ever had for her. Carrie, I hope your career crashes and burns. And if not, whatever; I can't stand listening to redneck music anyway.
submitted by Jasminefirefly to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 Justa-Fungi H: 25 leaders each W: 2x pin pointers, 2x stabilizers, 1x fractures, 1x polished

submitted by Justa-Fungi to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 23:10 GoddessEstherxx With a shrimp that small, you better send something huge to make up for it.

With a shrimp that small, you better send something huge to make up for it. submitted by GoddessEstherxx to blackfindomlovers [link] [comments]