Logistics Guarantee Reroll Question

確保する guarantee, secure 時間通りに到着することを確保できますか? Can you guarantee you will be there on time? ローンは確保されると言われました。 I was told the loan would be secured. 今夜のレストランの予約を確保してください。 Please secure our restaurant reservations for tonight. warranty period 和 guarantee period 的区别实际上很微妙和难以捉摸,而且和法律定义有关。 一般英语为母语者常把这两单词互换,其最简单的区别是 Warranty period = 保修期(意味保证者承担修理的责任)而 -Guarantee(保证):保证的期限可以是一段时间,也可以是产品的整个使用寿命。保证期限可以由卖家或服务提供商自行决定。 总的来说,保修更侧重于产品质量方面的承诺和服务,而保证更着重于产品性能、功能和质量的无条件承诺。 「保証する」は英語で「guarantee」「protect」や「secure」たくさん言い方があります。 今回の「政府は人々の生活を最低限保証すべきだ」の場合に「protect」と「secure」を使って表現するほうが正しいです。 Warranty' と 'Guarantee' は非常によく似ています。 'Guarantee' は何かを保証することをいいます。約束に似ています、果たさなくてはならない約束です。'Guarantee' は普通「言うもの」で、「書くもの」ではありません。 海运中Letter of Guarantee和Letter of Indemnity都是保函的意思,而letter of indemnity中文为保函,也叫保证书,主要是指在国际贸易活动中银行、运输部门、进出口公司或其他机构或个人为满足某项业务需要向一方当事人担保某种责任或履行某种行为的书面保证。 ensure,insure 和guarantee 的区别ensure: 侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。guarantee: 指对事物的品质或人的行为及履行义务、义务等承担责任的保证。insurevt. 保证; 确保; 为…保险; 投保;使采取预 Guarantee一项债务的人,assure债主一定获得付款。 【Promise】像assure一样,往往是指设法令人觉得稳当可靠,但是并不guarantee结果必如所期。 Promise是应承的意思,只表示自己的意向,而非负起义务,连小孩子都知道并不是一切诺言都受人遵守。 guarantee の後は that-節になることが多いでしょう。 Please note は事務的な表現ですが、メールなのでここは大丈夫です。 「確約する」は、commit だと恐らく強すぎるので、Omoriさんのように 私も guarantee をおすすめします。 所以guarantee通常用于谁谁谁向你guarantee,或者什么机制guarantee了什么结果;而warranty一般是法律或者规则定义了某种保证制度,强调的是某一方的责任和义务,并没有说如何才能达成这种保障。 当你想强调原理时,使用guarantee;想强调规则和义务时,使用warranty。

2025.01.24 00:42 DatabaseCautious3902 Logistics Guarantee Reroll Question

Both times I've rerolled with the guarantee for attack its been 7%. Is that how its gonna be every time, like you just get a middle value or did I just get unlucky?
submitted by DatabaseCautious3902 to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Content_Floor_8006 got some weird missprinted cards, the texture is misaligned,got a third one but thats for later lol

got some weird missprinted cards, the texture is misaligned,got a third one but thats for later lol submitted by Content_Floor_8006 to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 butterbean8686 A group takes a road trip together, stopping along the way for pie

submitted by butterbean8686 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 demon_in_hell666 Cannot find this book.

I'm not even sure if it was even on Wattpad but I'm gonna try my luck anyway. I don't remember the book title, and I vaguely remember what it was about so I'll try my best.
I believe it was a bxb story, and while I don't remember much about one of the main characters (like if he was a werewolf, or a human etc. I just remember it was a male, at least I think so.) But the other main character was a man, or essentially 2 men, as a witch had cursed the brothers into 1 body, and I think their mother was the moon goddess or something and their father was Satan...or something.....but this main character had his "employees" the 7 deadly sins, Wrath (who was in love with an angel, but that angel died at some point so Wrath made a deal with Death to bring back the angel, in exchange for their first born son) Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth, and Lust. Lust kinda messes with the main character a bit and so the other main character (the combined brothers) kill lust and is replaced. Or maybe that was a different sin, I don't remember.
Can anyone tell me if they know this book? And if it's even on Wattpad? Please help!! I really hope it wasn't removed, it was really good.
submitted by demon_in_hell666 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Mello_Sno (M25) If you are a fan of in depth scouting, a side by side NCAA Ecosystem, and custom made draft classes made up of 450 REAL college prospects every season, then TSL is the league for you.

(M25) If you are a fan of in depth scouting, a side by side NCAA Ecosystem, and custom made draft classes made up of 450 REAL college prospects every season, then TSL is the league for you. TSL is the most in-depth league you will find. Each year, a custom Draft Class with 450 real players is made, and this goes 5-6 seasons deep. Additionally the league has an extremely active chat, and other stuff such as podcasts and mock drafts.
This is a very serious, but tight knit league. We have sim rules, but the average skill level is extremely high. We’ve had multiple high profile NFL and Collegiate football players, and they all can attest that this is the best league they’ve been apart of. If you’re serious about CFMs both on and off the field, this is the league for you.
Hope to see you hop in for Madden 25. Good Luck!
https://discord.gg/J8Sy83dH https://youtu.be/id4ciNAFyEE
submitted by Mello_Sno to MaddenCFM [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Captain_Noot Found a piece of Mikeys history 💀💀💀

Found a piece of Mikeys history 💀💀💀 submitted by Captain_Noot to InternetCity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 cecilyya if i wear a mini skirt will i be iconic or a slut ...

i bought one for summer..it jas bows.
submitted by cecilyya to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 SafeBumblebee4375 Titan’s identity

I just rewatched 2 Speedrunners vs Titan, and the Titan’s voice reminds me of a certain content creator. Now, I’m not sure if the voice changer completely altered it ,but if it is who I think it is (not gonna say who), that would be hilarious, especially since the creator is pretty close to a certain British child
submitted by SafeBumblebee4375 to DreamWasTaken2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Scopeburger Does anyone wish Wesley killed his real father in Lineage?

I loved the themes of the episode of how Wesley was reduced to his former self by the presence of his father. And yet he didn’t hesitate for a second when his father threatened Fred. And killed him. I don’t see the point of making him a robot. What plot did that serve?
submitted by Scopeburger to buffy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Minimum_Abroad5721 Boyfriend

Has anyone been able to find her bf? I really want to see what he looks like 😂
submitted by Minimum_Abroad5721 to gwenmcmullened [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Reneecarti Transcripts issues

Okay, so I found out today that my university is not processing transcripts for the remainder of the semester. They even turnt off their requests for a transcript through clearinghouse. I was planning on applying for the 2026 cycle but I would only be able to send in a provisional transcript. Will this possibly ruin my chances of applying since I can’t get an official one at the moment?
submitted by Reneecarti to predental [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Educational_Rush_549 Dazed and out of body after 3 weeks.

I took about 1.5mg of edibles (yes they were from my local dispensary) and ever since have felt incredibly off, my head is still dazed and I feel completely out of body. I have been told that it’s definitely not from the edibles and I agree but overall there was nothing that could have lead to this but the edibles. I am 3 weeks in and it has destroyed my life. I cannot drive, go to work or go to school.
My question is, should I smoke and try to get high so my body can sober up and realize it’s not high and maybe wipe away my current symptoms?
submitted by Educational_Rush_549 to Edibles [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Historical-Weird7591 "oh no Ryu that's a shame he was really nice"

But jokes aside we have Shibuya that contains Nanami's lower half, the Zenin Estate that has Naoya, the rest of the Hei, any other person with a CT, and if allowed by Maki, Mai's body aswell, then we have the culling games with a shit ton of dead awakened/reincarnated sorcerers laying around, Yorozu is in some stadium, Reggie is in a gym, Ryu is on a road somewhere, and weird claw man is probably dead aswell. That's a shit ton of CT'S he could copy. Rika be eating like a queen that day
For all we know there is some poor dude out their with the kill Sukuna CT who died cause his CT was useless outside of killing one specific person, we truly do not know.
submitted by Historical-Weird7591 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Gardelsdaughter Salones vip de aeropuerto

Valen la pena? Si tengo el beneficio de acceso, puedo meterme a comer y después irme? Jajaja
submitted by Gardelsdaughter to chile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 just_a_meat_bag Latest FB Marketplace Purchase

Latest FB Marketplace Purchase submitted by just_a_meat_bag to minibikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 SafeBumblebee4375 Titan’s identity

I just rewatched 2 Speedrunners vs Titan, and the Titan’s voice reminds me of a certain content creator. Now, I’m not sure if the voice changer completely altered it ,but if it is who I think it is (not gonna say who), that would be hilarious, especially since the creator is pretty close to a certain British child
submitted by SafeBumblebee4375 to DreamWasTaken2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 ScroogeMc_Duck Have had some really good mundo games lately. Probs best top laner to solo carry.

Have had some really good mundo games lately. Probs best top laner to solo carry. https://preview.redd.it/bmjt3e8m8uee1.png?width=899&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8c275f43b2843827e7676c2f972a9de12de904d
All the games ive had the most damage and had to carry (except the one with 2/0/1 (they FF'ed at 15min). also the most recent game my Jungler went 1/17 and the shaco on other team was like 7/0 by like 10minutes. We where behind like 8k gold at one point but manage to win.
submitted by ScroogeMc_Duck to DrMundoMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 AromaticApe Anyone else feel fundamentally alone a lot of the time?

I'm very blessed to have a lot of wonderful people in my life, great family, a couple of close friends, and a wonderful girlfriend. Yet I frequently feel fundamentally alone navigating life and holding myself up. I know there are people who are there for me but it feels like their support can only reach so far, and I don't blame them for that. I just miss that feeling I had in childhood of being looked after in some way.
It feels like a constant effort to keep myself upright amongst a multitude of responsibilities and expectations on a never ending treadmill. And the people in my life are there to help, but more often I just see the expectations in their eyes.
submitted by AromaticApe to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 xx_swegshrek_xx He’s underrated

He’s underrated submitted by xx_swegshrek_xx to antimeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 pieofrandompotatoes Testing testing 1212

Testing testing 1212 submitted by pieofrandompotatoes to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 k2_jackal Best Porsche 963 to start the 24 Hours of Daytona from second row

Best Porsche 963 to start the 24 Hours of Daytona from second row submitted by k2_jackal to porscheraces [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 CIci0417 Have you seen this?

I know nothing other than what I just posted. Another way to gain money & sympathy?
submitted by CIci0417 to tayhotrish [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 TorpleSwanson Mini-Gin

Mini-Gin My Gintoki Nendoroid arrived today, so I had to put the boys with their Mini-me's!
submitted by TorpleSwanson to Gintama [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 stillgonee Last 7 days 5x5, any recommendations?

Last 7 days 5x5, any recommendations? submitted by stillgonee to lastfm [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:42 Brief-Conference2738 Setup for a heads-up display?

I’m a newbie hobbyist who’d like to experiment with single-color XY scanners for a heads-up display controlled by computer over an ILDA interface.
This means near-field use, and so safety is a concern, resulting in me focusing on Class III lasers and below. Is this the right approach?
As for scanners, there are simple kits on sale at eBay and Amazon ranging from $100 to $500. Is that where I should start? I have no quality references to rely on what distinguishes kits within that range.
Thanks for any help!
submitted by Brief-Conference2738 to Laserist [link] [comments]
