Kuues Tartu Redditi üritus reedel (31.01) kell 19:00 @ Irish Embassy (Raekoja plats 10) -- r/Eesti, r/Tartu, r/memeesti, r/naistejutud kasutajad ja kõik teised ka on oodatud :)

2025.01.24 00:30 qUxUp Kuues Tartu Redditi üritus reedel (31.01) kell 19:00 @ Irish Embassy (Raekoja plats 10) -- r/Eesti, r/Tartu, r/memeesti, r/naistejutud kasutajad ja kõik teised ka on oodatud :)

Aeg on käes! :)
Kohtume pubis Irish Embassy, meile on bronnitud piisavalt laudu. Minu tunned ära tumedate juuste, valge särgi järgi, nimeks Jaak.
Tahad sajandi pidu, aga tegelikult ei taha sajandi pidu? Siis oled õiges kohas! Tartu Redditi üritus on mugavas asukohas chill kokkusaamine. Kava pole. :D Osalejad on sõbralikud, söövad, joovad, teevad nalja ja ajavad juttu. Joo ananassimahla, mohiitot või vett -- valikuid on lõputult! Osalema on oodatud kõik, ka need, kes elavad väljaspool Tartut!
* Jooke/sööke saab ka ette tellida. Menüü leiad pubi kodulehelt.
* Oodatud täisealised.
* Võid enne üritust mõelda, millisesse alamredditise oled kõige rohkem postitanud ja miks just sinna. See on säärane hea lihtne ja jabur jututeema. :)
* EDIT: Aitüma vaprale tartlasele u/Ok_Cicada8053, kes avastas pealkirjast kirjavea. Tegin postituse uuesti, sest eelmise pealkirjas oli kaks kuud vale kuupäev. :)

Küsimus Vastus
Kas kokkusaamisel peab oma kkontonime avaldama? Ei pea midagi avaldama, mida ei soovi. :)
Ma pole tartlane ja mu sõber pole Redditi kasutaja, kas tohime tulla? Kõik on oodatud. Osalemiseks ei pea olema Eesti või Tartu kasutaja ning su sissekirjutus ei pea olema Tartus.
Palju inimesi käis eelmistel üritustel? Igal üritusel on õhtu jooksul olnud 13 - 20 inimest. Osalejate arvu pole võimalik ette teada. :)
Mis oli keskmine esimese/teise üritusel osaleja vanus? 27 a.
Kas üritus ikka toimub? Üritus toimub alati. Välja arvatud juhul, kui siin samas teemas on öeldud "ÜRITUS EI TOIMU." :)
Taevast sajab midagi, kas jääda koju? Ei!
Kas üritusel on plaanitud ka mingid tegevused? Peamine tegevus on meeldiva seltskonnaga aja veetmine & sotsiaalne söömine/joomine. Organiseerin taas ühise kunstiprojekti, mis ei pane kedagi ebamugavasse olukorda ja ei nõua osalejatelt ettevalmistamist ega eriteadmisi. Vahel on toimunud valikvastustega viktoriin (läbi huumori).
Kas ma võin ise üritusel korraldada mingi tegevuse või lauamängu kaasa võtta? Muidugi. See on äge & tehtav (lepi minuga eelnevalt kokku)!
Miks sa neid üritusi korraldad? Inimesed on ägedad, hindan head seltskonda -- lisaks mulle tohutult meeldivad tartlased ja Tartu linn. :)
Eesti Tartu naistejutud memeesti reddit tudeng üritus event pubi pub baar bar Tartu Tartu Ülikool UT University of Tartu Tartu University
submitted by qUxUp to Tartu [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Cutestbro [Repost] [Academic] Research Study: Cybercrime and Psychological Well-Being (Canadian Residents 18+)

[Repost] [Academic] Research Study: Cybercrime and Psychological Well-Being (Canadian Residents 18+) Seeking participants for cybercrime research.
We are seeking research participants for a study regarding the impact of cybercrime experiences on psychological well-being. Cybercrime refers to any type of crime that occurs online or through the use of a computer, such as fraud, hacking, or harassment.
We are seeking participants to complete an online survey (approximately 25 minutes). Questions will collect demographic information, details relating to your cybercrime experience, and information related to psychological well-being.
This survey is completely anonymous and voluntary. Your participation would be deeply appreciated and will contribute to a deeper understanding of the thoughts and experiences of Canadians who have encountered cybercrime.
Participant Requirements: Must be 18+, currently living in Canada, and have experienced any form of cybercrime.
To learn more about this study or to participate, please visit the following website: https://www.surveymonkey.com/XDRVMDG
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected]
submitted by Cutestbro to ThunderBay [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Immediate-Occasion56 «Lafidji»?

Hello! Recently I’ve come across a word and I’ve been completely stumped as to what it means.
There’s a Zachary Richard song called «Assimilation» which mixes elements of Kouri Vini seemingly and Cajun French. In it he says the following:
Tchoupoule était ein Lafidji, vivant dans grand bayou Li couraillait, li galopait dans la boue
This left me in a journey trying to find out what a tchoupoule and lafidji were, and the only references I can find to them are in obscure Creole poetry and a Cajun bilingual newspaper. Neither of them really shed light on what a lafidji is other than it probably has a derogatory meaning? Seemingly not mentioned in any dictionary of either Kouri Vini or Cajun French that I could find online. Hoping someone here knows lol
(Posting here since the only other reference to «Lafidji» I can find online is from poetry which is specifically using Creole/Kouri Vini words.)
submitted by Immediate-Occasion56 to KouriVini [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 B-e-a-n-zz Allergic to New Cat

As a child I was allergic to cats but I grew out of it as I got older (or so I thought). Been around cats a lot, my sister in law has one at her place and I stay overnight there frequently with no issues. My friend has been going through a housing emergency and lost her home, and needed someone to take her cat in ASAP (until she finds a stable place). I reached out because I know she’s already going through a tough time, and want to do as much as I can to help and obviously thought my allergies have depleted lmao.
I love the cat, he’s amazing and a sweetheart. Spoiled him with a bunch of new things already, but I’m so goddamn allergic to him to the point where allergy medications barely help & I feel terrible because I wanted to help her out but I feel as if I’ll be putting more stress on her if I break it to her. Not sure what I should do, should I tell her the truth and help her find a new place for him? Or thug it out lol.
TLDR: Helped out a friend by taking her cat temporarily, turns out I’m very allergic. Wondering if I should ask her to find a new home, or if that makes me a huge asshole.
submitted by B-e-a-n-zz to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 ansigtet Gorka stalker for zona alfa. 0.4 layer height.

Gorka stalker for zona alfa. 0.4 layer height. submitted by ansigtet to FDMminiatures [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Ok_Volume5774 I have very little sex drive help

Im 21 and have been with my partner for 5 years I have no sex drive. It honestly is so hard because Im mentally in the game but my body isn't. My partner is supportive but it's not hard to see it can be draining on him. Do any of you struggle im told my pcos is a big factor but what do I do ? It is honestly hiking up my anxiety.
submitted by Ok_Volume5774 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Nykanoi Realistically possible to get 445 Gingerbread Bears within the next 36 days of Beesmas?

Hey guys, I haven't touched BSS since tidepopper came out, and I was wondering if I could manage to grind my way to 445 GB's by the end of beesmas to get the 50 Super Smoothie Pack? I have 50 bees and am a Blue hive, I can grind, but nothing too crazy like Gummy Bear or BBM's quest line. Macroing is also fine for me. Anyone mind telling me the methods?
submitted by Nykanoi to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Hot_Equipment4744 Hi! Is there a way to make the window borders thicker and change their color?

submitted by Hot_Equipment4744 to desktops [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 sovit-123 [Deep Learning Article] DINOv2 for Image Classification: Fine-Tuning vs Transfer Learning

DINOv2 for Image Classification: Fine-Tuning vs Transfer Learning
DINOv2 is one of the most well-known self-supervised vision models. Its pretrained backbone can be used for several downstream tasks. These include image classification, image embedding search, semantic segmentation, depth estimation, and object detection. In this article, we will cover the image classification task using DINOv2. This is one of the most of the most fundamental topics in deep learning based computer vision where essentially all downstream tasks begin. Furthermore, we will also compare the results between fine-tuning the entire model and transfer learning.
submitted by sovit-123 to deeplearning [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 SavannahSavii Doesn’t make sense

Doesn’t make sense If you don’t want to leave tips just don’t say or leave any message, 😑.
submitted by SavannahSavii to grubhubdrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Parking_Load7764 So is maintenance treatment for life?

And if so are you okay with this fact? I have a consultation scheduled and just wanted to know why some of you don’t mind getting maintenance treatments for life? Won’t the side effects get progressively worse?
submitted by Parking_Load7764 to ect [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 RadishPerson745 Least messy Spanish civil war aftermath

Least messy Spanish civil war aftermath Notice all the different countries that have troops in Spain.
submitted by RadishPerson745 to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Rhotoz Sell or Upkeep?

Sell or Upkeep? 2010 4.6L Tundra 233k miles. I recently got my catalytic converter stolen so l'm wondering if it worth to install a new one plus I also got recommended these services. Other major work that I got done was replacing the head gasket on September 2023 and my oil pan was stripped so l repaired it with a kit of April 2024. Would you sell or fix?
submitted by Rhotoz to ToyotaTundra [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 lss_web_1444 Text post title 569

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 JacksonCalhoon Found this on the floor of an airport parking lot, is it quartz or something else? (3” by 5.25”)

Found this on the floor of an airport parking lot, is it quartz or something else? (3” by 5.25”) submitted by JacksonCalhoon to Crystals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 bagofrice_14 On s02 e02, confused on some of the plot points

I feel like I missed a few scenes or something. What's Theon doing right now? Until this episode I thought he was with the starks, but now has this whole new family. Why did his sister fuck him? Also what's up with the scene with the pirate? I know at this point I'm supposed to know who these people are but there's too many to wrap my head around. How many different parties are going to war against kings landing?
submitted by bagofrice_14 to gameofthrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 HeavyPineapple2563 Two photos from a few weeks ago that I want to post here (These two cars look really good together)

Two photos from a few weeks ago that I want to post here (These two cars look really good together) submitted by HeavyPineapple2563 to legospeedchampions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 dragonwizard72 Luck finally found me!

Luck finally found me! Just had this card shipped to Goldin today. Hope the grading part of this process is good to me. I really hope the auction goes very well also haha.
submitted by dragonwizard72 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 arkansas-girl27 Learning To Cope

In the depths of sorrow, I pen this elegy,
A tale of loss, of pain, and memories.
My grandma, taken by cancer's cruel hand,
Leaving behind a void I can't understand.
I reminisce on childhood, carefree and bright,
Playing make-believe on the playground's delight.
But now, the laughter fades, replaced by tears,
As I grapple with the weight of my fears.
In the shadows of my past, a haunting truth,
Abused and violated by men, so uncouth.
The scars run deep, etched upon my soul,
Leaving me broken, struggling to feel whole.
What lies ahead, I ponder with unease,
Uncertain of the future, longing for peace.
Will happiness find me, or forever elude?
In this labyrinth of life, I'm lost and confused.
Depression's grip tightens, suffocating my days,
A constant battle, a relentless haze.
But through the darkness, a glimmer of light,
A flicker of hope, guiding me through the night.
I once sought solace in a handful of pills,
A desperate attempt to silence my ills.
But life's resilience pulled me from the brink,
A second chance, a reason to think.
Alcohol's allure, a dangerous embrace,
A crutch I leaned on, in this desolate space.
But now I strive for sobriety's embrace,
To break free from this self-destructive chase.
In this elegy, I pour out my pain,
A cathartic release, a healing rain.
Though sadness lingers, I find strength to cope,
To rise above, to find a glimmer of hope.
Though life has dealt its blows, I'll persevere,
With each passing day, I'll conquer my fear.
For in the darkest moments, I'll find my way,
To a brighter tomorrow, where joy holds sway.
submitted by arkansas-girl27 to Original_Poetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 RichPossession6735 Did anyone else get another severe alarm around 12.01 am? red zone

literally crapped it
submitted by RichPossession6735 to UKWeather [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Membreflo Nouvelles cartes présentées le 23 Janvier pour Aethedrift/Deck préconstruits Commander!

submitted by Membreflo to magicfrance [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 fragus_st Planning to move abroad and live off RRSP/TFSA - How Much Tax Will I Pay?

35M, currently owning a primary residence (15 years left on the mortgage), and planning to move abroad in 5 years to live off my RRSP by withdrawing $20,000 yearly. I don’t plan to work. Can anyone help me understand the tax implications of withdrawing from my RRSP? What kind of withholding tax should I expect? Also, any tips on how to prepare for this transition (including potential challenges like tax treaties or other considerations)? I’d love to hear from anyone who’s done something similar!
submitted by fragus_st to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 AppropriateJudge2651 Beard or no beard

Beard or no beard Do I look better with or without beard? Last time I shaved was about 5 days ago.
submitted by AppropriateJudge2651 to BeardAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Normal-Astronomer-83 What do we think chat?

Three pork ribs salad chicken thigh in broth, melon and grapes
submitted by Normal-Astronomer-83 to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 00:30 Gwens-Legacy When do I transition to endgame gear?

I keep buying small equipment improvements but at which point do I just go all out and try to go for the „best in slot“ gear?
For example I want to wear Atziris Disdain Gold Circlet. I bought one which is kinda good but not perfect. When is the point where I buy the best I can get?
submitted by Gwens-Legacy to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
