Home Listening - 1920s

Roaring Twenties, colloquial term for the 1920s, especially within the United States and other Western countries where the decade was characterized by economic prosperity, rapid social and cultural change, and a mood of exuberant optimism. The 1920s saw the rise of radical political movements, with the Red Army triumphing against White movement forces in the Russian Civil War, and the emergence of far-right political movements in Europe. More specifically, the 1920s represented economic and political uplift for Black Americans that threatened the social hierarchy of Jim Crow oppression. Early Civil Rights Activism The 1920s, known as the “Roaring Twenties,” was a period of exuberant economic and social growth. However, the era came to a dramatic and abrupt end in October 1929 when the stock market crashed, paving the way for the Great Depression of the 1930s. The 1920s or the Roaring Twenties was the decade of boom and bust, of flappers and playboys, jazz and the Charleston, Bertie Wooster and the Great Gatsby, the General Strike and Wall Street Crash. The 1920s saw the rise of radical political movements, with the Red Army triumphing against White movement forces in the Russian Civil War, and the emergence of far-right political movements in Europe. Booze, bootleggers, flappers and flights marked the 1920s until October of the last year of the decade when it all came to a screeching halt. The Roaring Twenties, sometimes stylized as Roaring '20s, refers to the 1920s decade in music and fashion, as it happened in Western society and Western culture. It was a period of economic prosperity with a distinctive cultural edge in the United States and Europe, ... The 1920s (often called the "Roaring Twenties") were a period of economic growth and social change. Read about flappers, Prohibition, the Harlem Renaissance and more. The 1920s were defined by the explosion of jazz music, the emergence of the flapper culture, and changing social norms, all of which represented a significant transformation in American society and culture.

2025.01.24 01:41 drb-Arkiv Home Listening - 1920s

submitted by drb-Arkiv to VintageRadios [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Shadowboyanimates Sans theory

ok, I haven't been part of the Undertale community for years but due to the new Chara stronger than you remake video coming out (which you should totally watch) I just wanna talk about this theory of mine. what if Sans was once a human who utilized the save and reset mechanic and that's why he has knowledge of it (and if he is being brought to the universes frisk goes when she dies and retries her lives).
ok so the way i like to think the save and reset thing works is pretty much the same as the time gun thing in Rick and Morty, where you can press the save button and do anything you want and be able to restart at that save point. but it doesn't actually bend time as rick says when Morty resets, he is just being brought to another universe where he didn't make the decision he made before the reset. so, the way i see it is that when frisk dies and retries, she is sent to a universe where she didn't die at that point and leaves behind the one where she died. Now, what does sans have to do with this? Well, what if the way the save reset works is that any previous users are brought along with the reset (unwillingly but knowingly) and dropped at the universe that frisk was dropped at. that would explain San's knowledge of the save reset and how many times frisk has used it.
To make it simpler: sans used save reset before (as a human but later gave it up and died and came back to life as a skeleton for some unknown reason), so he is now linked, so now when frisk uses it, he is forced to come with her in the reset. pretty interesting, I think. but hey, it's just a theory.
submitted by Shadowboyanimates to Undertale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Higgsy420 Direct Deposit Tithe?

Does anyone know if the church has an account where I can setup direct deposit? I know they offer in-kind donations which might be a practical altnernative but I'm trying to figure out an easy solution.
submitted by Higgsy420 to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 maccycheese_ i think something is wrong with my momo...

i think something is wrong with my momo... submitted by maccycheese_ to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Thinkdan Warning- I ate my oriole and robin!

I was cooking meat at the fire and selected “game bird”. Turns out that means the ones I was collecting for the hunting challenge “wildlife art exhibition” are broken down and cooked! Glad I could rewind my save file. Wow.
submitted by Thinkdan to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 CrazyFantasticGirl What's a movie or TV show you could watch over again and again?

submitted by CrazyFantasticGirl to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 ZoomyRamen First time I've punched the air after a victory

First time I've punched the air after a victory submitted by ZoomyRamen to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 SardineTimeMachine Swiss Passport cards have RFID

Swiss Passport cards have RFID I set up an Arduino with an RFID reader to test an RFID blocking wallet I bought. Then I went looking for other stuff that might have RFID embedded. It turns out the Swiss Passport cards (like the one I got at Bodega 245) had RFID data to dump!
Also this Disney World Magic Band has RFID data (obviously). I also tested other things to block the signal, like copper and brass sheet. Even heavy duty Reynolds aluminum foil worked to block the signal, though it is widely acknowledged that this RC522 RFID reader is not very strong, so take that with a grain of salt.
submitted by SardineTimeMachine to tomsachs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 hisfuckingloss Labret lip ring issues

Whenever I try to wear a ring instead of a post, my lip gets super irritated. I got this piercing so I can wear a ring!!! Maybe the clicker just isn’t seamless enough? How do you guys with rings in their labrets do it? Where do you get your jewelry?
submitted by hisfuckingloss to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 GumbyTTL Someone asked about Subliminal Verses Tour, bottom left. I worked the show as a local stagehand. These are all show passes from tours that I worked, mostly 04/05.

Someone asked about Subliminal Verses Tour, bottom left. I worked the show as a local stagehand. These are all show passes from tours that I worked, mostly 04/05. submitted by GumbyTTL to Slipknot [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 idealselff Best translation

Japanese to ↓
English , French , Italian , Greek , Arabic , Danish , Swedish , German , Chinese ◎
submitted by idealselff to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Dr_Driv3r BMW M4 CS '25, Time Micro

BMW M4 CS '25, Time Micro submitted by Dr_Driv3r to diecastcarcameraclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Equivalent-Ad8645 Colorado supremes unanimously nix elephant personhood

submitted by Equivalent-Ad8645 to Conservative [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 LycanFerret Allergies can cause tooth and gum pain I just found out

I went to the dentist for what I thought was a cavity or abscess, turns out my bone and gums look fine. Perfect as my dentist said. They recommended I go to an ENT and I found out I have dust, pollen, smoke, and dog dander allergies. We have a dog and my dad smokes and we have a woodstove. Those were causing so much inflammation that it was bothering my teeth and gums. I'm on antihistamines now and it's fine.
submitted by LycanFerret to Teeth [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 nigelwhistlenose Love the colors on the 1969 Sadaharu Oh playing card - the first Japanese card in my collection!

Love the colors on the 1969 Sadaharu Oh playing card - the first Japanese card in my collection! submitted by nigelwhistlenose to baseballcards_vintage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Pitiful-Eggplant-738 Maybe y’all should pay attention!

The attitude got me flabbergasted! God damn!!! I did pay attention. Did you??!!
submitted by Pitiful-Eggplant-738 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Alphafluffy101 Where is your happy place?

Me personally it’s the beach the crashing of the waves, seagulls and a beautiful sunset always calming. A solid 10/10.
submitted by Alphafluffy101 to ask [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Erciii_ "SUNNY... Everything is okay now, isn't it?" (Art by my friend: @sigt121 💜)

submitted by Erciii_ to OMORI [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 MysticMarauder765 20 [F4M] up for kinky sexting

submitted by MysticMarauder765 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Dull_Owl9153 Caixões com rodas

 No final de 2000, ou início de 2001, resignei-me a comprar um automóvel (coisa que eu sempre detestei). De outra forma, a minha sobrevivência económica, fazendo o que gosto e tenho competência, tornava-se inviável. Por então, eu vivia na Serra da Estrela. Por indicação dum colega, fui parar numa garagem isolada para as bandas da Serra da Lousã. Sem entender patavina sobre o assunto, comprei às cegas uma máquina velha e maquilhada (e passei os anos seguintes a pagar caro por esse erro). Cheguei tarde à garagem e a transação foi apressada, pois estava prestes a anoitecer e, entretanto, o céu desabou com um temporal medonho! 
Viajando sozinho, com escassa experiência ao volante e sem um mapa disponível (pois, ainda não havia telemóveis com GPS e aplicativos que nos ajudam na estrada) logo me vi perdido numa estrada serrana muito sinuosa e estreita. Os faróis pouco conseguiam fazer para penetrar a invisibilidade provocada pelo negrume da noite em conluio com um espesso manto de água que se abatia sobre mim. Chovia com tal intensidade diluviana, e numa área de acentuado declive, que as escorrências se tornaram torrenciais num ápice. E conduzia através dum mar de eucaliptos jovens. Isso significa que nas encostas estava ausente o sub-bosque que seria capaz de conter a impetuosidade das água. Eu perguntava-me se não teria sido melhor a compra duma arca cheia de bicharada para me fazer companhia... Como se isso fosse pouco, peguei no carro com o tanque vazio e tardava a encontrar um posto para abastecer. Chegando ao fundo dos vales, encontrei pontes submersas! Numa delas alguém providenciou uma retroescavadora para auxiliar os automobilistas a atravessar os riachos que galgaram as margens, fazendo desaparecer a via de rodagem. Com os faróis debaixo d´água, assim me aventurei a cruzar a entumecida fúria de caudais ! Num ponto indeterminado, a seguir a uma curva apertada (que é o que mais tem por ali), reparei que o asfalto apresentava uma fratura em meia lua que abrangia uns 10 metros duma margem à outra da estrada; e essa seção estava um pouco abatida. Ou seja, poderia aluir a qualquer momento! Parei, hesitante em atravessar aquela armadinha potencialmente letal. A queda não seria pequena! Ali não conseguiria inverter a marcha. A perspectiva de parar o carro e pernoitar nesse ponto, bloqueando o trânsito, estava fora de cogitação, até porque à minha volta eucaliptos caiam sobre a estrada - tive que me desviar de vários que por pouco me acertavam! Acima de tudo, estava farto daquele pesadelo. Avancei cautelosamente. Deu certo. Numa subida encontrei uma casa com as luzes acesas. Parei (sem desligar o motor) e bati à porta. Quem me atendeu, deu-me preciosas indicações de como encontrar a estrada principal e um posto de gasolina próximo (que alcancei já com o carro aos soluços de abstinência). Daqui a pouco chegava a Coimbra – cujo trânsito estava mais caótico do que o costume, com intermináveis filas de carros; os pára-choques se tocando, enquanto cortavam as águas sujas da cidade inundada. Percebendo que não conseguiria alcançar a saída que desejava, e estando com os bolsos vazios para pagar um hotel, procurei refúgio na casa dum amigo, fingindo desconhecer o facto de que a sua esposa me detestava (mas soubemos nos comportar com cordialidade emergencial). A filha deles (que deveria ter 3 anos) encantou-se comigo, para irritação da mãe. E à hora de se deitar ainda fez uma pequena birra, recusando-se a parar de brincar comigo. Levada à força, ainda insistiu com abundantes lágrimas que eu dormisse no seu quarto (o que não aconteceu, claro). Era uma bebé muito extrovertida, sociável e querida. No dia seguinte, fui com o meu anfitrião ver como estava a saída que eu precisava tomar. As partes baixas da cidade continuavam inundadas. E havia informações contraditórias sobre a estrada estar interditada em alguns pontos do trajeto que eu tinha em mente para regressar a casa. Então, mudei de planos, resolvendo seguir noutra direção, a fim de visitar a minha mãe no Ribatejo. Antes de voltar para a casa dele, pude passar num hipermercado e fazer algumas compras para compensar as minhas despesas como visita inesperada e indesejada. Enquanto compartilhávamos a última refeição que fiz com eles, assistimos a um telejornal (ele só desligavam a televisão para dormir) que cobria notícias regionais. E nesse momento mostravam imagens exatamente do local onde, na noite anterior, eu identificara a estrada num estado periclitante, prestes a desabar, ponderando se deveria ou não arriscar seguir viagem. Pouco depois outro automobilista tomou a mesma decisão, com menos sorte. A estrada acabou por aluir e o carro cambalhotou pela ribanceira, matando os seus dois ocupantes! Transcorridos uns meses (e provavelmente ainda no mesmo ano), como cereja no topo do bolo, para finalizar um curso de fotografia de natureza que eu tinha organizado e era o principal instrutor, desfrutámos duma saída de campo ao Douro Internacional, passando por Castelo de Paiva. A C.M. da Guarda disponibilizou o autocarro para os formandos. O nosso grupo soube apreciar o passeio, como seria de esperar a todos os que visitam aquela belíssima biorregião. À hora do jantar eu já estava no meu recôndito espojeiro. Como não tinha televisão (nunca tive, desde que saí da casa materna), nem Internet, nem telemóvel, nem escutei rádio naquela noite, fui deitar-me sem saber da tragédia que comoveu o país ocorrida naquele dia. Na manhã seguinte, alguém que participara do referido passeio fotográfico contou-me que na véspera a ponte Hintze Ribeiro /Entre-os-rios tinha desmoronado, levando para o fundo do rio um autocarro e 3 automóveis, o que causou a morte a 59 pessoas! E acrescentou que o nosso autocarro tinha atravessado aquela mesma ponte poucas horas antes do colossal acidente!
submitted by Dull_Owl9153 to HQMC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 malvyopal My whole collection 🥰

I created these frames before I even knew it's more ideal to use cork to display pins, so I just have a dense foam with crushed velvet material over the top.
submitted by malvyopal to EnamelPins [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 WnCCompanions Just Launched Mothman Plush!

Hey All!
I just launched my second plush design, Monty Mothman, on BackerKit today and we are nearly halfway funded already!
In short, I started designing plushies with magnets in their mouths and hands at the end of 2023. The magnets are so that they can hold fun props in addition to wearing fun outfits. They're known as Plushpanions, and they're made with 100% Global Recycled Standard fabrics and industrially compostable stuffing. 💚
My first design was Kidd Krampus and those backers voted for Mothman next, so here we are!
If you're interested in a huggable and interactive plush, check him out! If we fully fund Mothman, there are more moth plushies to unlock, like the Luna Moth, Death's-Head, and more.
Also if you back him within the first 48 hours, you get a free Mothman pin!
Thanks! :)
submitted by WnCCompanions to Mothman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 AcrobaticLook8037 Why does this sub pander so far to the left with identify politics and misinformation?

submitted by AcrobaticLook8037 to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 Icy_Pollution4974 iPhone 16 Pro Max - note app formatting

Any time I copy and paste it formats like this and I can’t read it, any ideas on how to fix it.. my 13 never did this.
submitted by Icy_Pollution4974 to iphone [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 01:41 webbybelle It wouldn't take much to smother you.

It wouldn't take much to smother you. You'd relish at the opportunity to get lost under my skirt, suffocating. You'll think about it for weeks, maybe months. Porn is unnecessary when you have me.
submitted by webbybelle to findommes [link] [comments]
