Let’s play.

2025.01.24 06:30 Princess_Tay1901 Let’s play.

I seen a domme say she had a therapy session w/ her sub. I want to do that ! I listen (I’m a great listening), you pay (your an amazing boy toy). I’ll make it fun 🤭
submitted by Princess_Tay1901 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 TheTainuiaKid Emoticons on posts, do they provide measures/metrics of how we are best manipulated?

submitted by TheTainuiaKid to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 Existing-Sink-1462 List of offices and little offices.

My first list: https://www.reddit.com/Catholicism/comments/1gnf0dy/an_enormous_list_of_offices_and_little_offices/
¶: important information or instructions
¶ Most of these are not in English but in Freanch, Latin and German.
A beautiful prayer books containing little offices at the end: ¶Latin. - Little office of the Blessed Virgin Mary(including event version) - little office of the Holy Trinity - little office of the Holy Spirit - little office of the Holy Angels - little office of All Saints - little office of the Holy Eucharist - little office of the Holy Cross - little office of the Immaculate Conception - little office of the Blessed Virgin in times of death - little office of St Anne - little office of St Joseph (different than the modern one) - little office of St Mary Magdalene - little office of St Barbara - office of the Dead - Gradual &Penitential Psalms : https://www.digitale-sammlungen.de/en/view/bsb10261382?page=906
Little office of the Holy Tear shed by Jesus for Lazarus ¶ French: https://wellcomecollection.org/works/yvauumxu/items?canvas=37 Translated : https://www.reddit.com/Catholicism/comments/1hhgyla/little_office_of_the_holy_tear/
Little office of eternal Wisdom(with paraphrased Psalms): - ¶French(p.459) : https://books.google.fbooks/about/La_v%C3%A9ritable_spiritualit%C3%A9_du_christian.html?id=oypGf-XOZn4C&redir_esc=y - ¶Dutch: search "Getijden van eeuwige wijsheid pdf"
Offices of the Life of our Lord Jesus Christ for each day of the week:¶French ¶all of these contain only Matins, Lauds, Vespers and Compline. ¶The Psalms in here are paraphrased - little office of the Institution of the Eucharist(Thursday) - little office of the Passion and Death of our Savior(Friday) - little office of the Burying of Jesus(Saturday) - little office of the Resurrection of Our Lord(Sunday) - little office of the Ascension of Jesus(Monday) - little office of the Descent of the Holy Ghost(Tuesday) - little office of the Mystery of the Cross(Wednesday) - little office of the Blessed Sacrement - little office of All Saints of Jesus: https://books.google.fbooks/about/Le_z%C3%A9l%C3%A9_serviteur_de_J%C3%A9sus_Christ_ou.html?id=umqZuC97VrAC&redir_esc=y
Offices of the Life of our Mother Mary for each day of the week:¶French ¶all of these contain only Matins, Lauds, Vespers and Compline. ¶The Psalms in here are paraphrased: - little office of the Immaculate Conception(Sunday) - little office of the Nativity of Mary(Monday) - little office of the Annunciation to Mary (Tuesday) - little office of the Birth of Jesus(Wednesday) - little office of the Purification of Mary(Thursday) - little office of the Compassion of Mary(Friday) - little office of the Assumption of Mary(Saturday) - little office of the Virgin: only available for people who have a Samsung so Google play books. It's free, just search "Le vrai serviteur de Marie zélé pour ses louanges ou Bréviaire nouveau"
Little office of Divine Love ¶Latin: https://books.google.fbooks/about/Officium_Parvum_Divini_Amoris.html?id=ChpkAAAAcAAJ&redir_esc=y
Office of St Mary Magdalene ¶with Psalms ¶French ¶book also includes a mystical bead by bead rosary in her honor ⚠︎ She is also considered to be the same as Mary of Bethany, sister of Martha and Lazarus and the sinful woman in this book: https://books.google.fbooks/about/L_office_de_saincte_Marie_Magdaleine_Aue.html?id=yVDCXX6dk0YC&redir_esc=y
Little office of the Holy Innocents ¶English: http://littleinnocents.org/little-office-of-the-holy-innocents/
I might make more liste of yall are interested.
submitted by Existing-Sink-1462 to divineoffice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 Former_Tangerine_603 What the fjck

I left my printbed at 100 degrees overnight to dry my filament and I wake up to this shit. The little sliver magnet things on the printbed are now stuck on the buildplate and it's fucking impossible to take it off.
The printer keeps cycling temperatures from 113-170 and when I tell it to go down to like 60 degrees it just deletes my command.
submitted by Former_Tangerine_603 to BambuLabA1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 MrKevinchokky19 When everything comes your way

When everything comes your way This might be the best star alignement that I’ve had in a long time lol
submitted by MrKevinchokky19 to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 OrganicHalfwit Influx of Intellectualism and New Ideas?

From what I have read on the matter, the Chinese education system pushes its students to extreme lengths. This is strenuous on the students in the short term, but in the long term, I imagine, it would lead to a nation of wide perspective and deeper critical thinkers. .
That assumption led me to the question "Has China experienced an influx of intellectuals and new ideas into their culture?". . . More specifically, "Has there been a divergence in thinking surrounding the way of living and is that showing through the pop culture / general population's media diet?"
submitted by OrganicHalfwit to AskChina [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 Interesting-Bit-865 BUILDER LUX 36 x 32 Tempered Glass Frameless LED Bathroom Mirror with Front and Backlight ,Stepless Dimmable Wall Mirrors with Anti-fog,3 Colors,LED Vanity Mirror(Horizontal/Vertical)

BUILDER LUX 36 x 32 Tempered Glass Frameless LED Bathroom Mirror with Front and Backlight ,Stepless Dimmable Wall Mirrors with Anti-fog,3 Colors,LED Vanity Mirror(Horizontal/Vertical) submitted by Interesting-Bit-865 to Mirrorsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 martian_glitter I don’t know how to “rest” and no advice has helped thus far.

Hello all, hope you’re doing as well as humanly possible. I guess this sounds ridiculous but I’m legitimately losing my mind. So I was diagnosed very early 20s, ~10 yrs ago, and the fatigue is just absolutely brutal. I have a job now where I’m very active so I don’t want to hear bs about exercise. I’ve tried it all. I’m still tired down to my core constantly. My last neuro put me on Nuvigil for fatigue but it plummeted me into the worst depression of my life with 0 cause besides the new meds. I was just sobbing uncontrollably and I refuse to try that shit again. I guess the root of my issue goes back to my childhood… doesn’t it all? 🤦🏻‍♀️ My mom was, and I say this still loving her, a bitch. She absolutely had some undiagnosed or at least undisclosed mental issues. I’m an only child so I was the target if dad wasn’t around. I was always tired. The older I got, the worse it got. High school? Being out on very days would knock me out. My mom would berate me constantly that I was just lazy, lazy and going nowhere. She told everyone she could how lazy and essentially useless I was. It made me want to over perform to prove myself. I knew I wasn’t lazy because I didn’t even have energy to do things I enjoyed, forget homework… but I began gaslighting myself. By my late teens right before symptoms started popping up I was working 2 jobs and barely had a social life. And she’d still call me lazy and tell me I’d go nowhere because I could never finish what I started. Idk where that second bit came from. Now my psycho mom is deep into Alzheimer’s. And I mean, deep. She lives w my dad (primary caregiver) in the apartment below me (secondary caregiver) and my partner (my main source of support lol). After decades of being told I was just lazy and not trying hard enough, it became embedded in my psyche. On days off of work I’ll say I’m gonna rest but I never can. I’m always getting distracted by things I need to do around the house. Even now, I’m off tomorrow, worked a closing shift today, and I have no obligations for the night, yet here I am on my couch sitting up right, constantly reminding myself to loosen my muscles (they just tense right back up the second I get distracted) and for the fucking life of me, literally, I can’t just power down. Mom also made me take care of my grandma who had Alzheimer’s, and I adored her, she was really like my mom honestly, so I accepted it and did my best even though I was freaking 11/12 when that saga began. So being called lazy hurt. Especially when she was out having affairs while I cared for her mom. But that’s the past. Now I’m an adult and I cannot fucking relax. I don’t know how. I don’t know how to put others needs out of my head and just freaking rest. I feel like my partner relying on me to be on top of bs like ordering dinner (honestly every freaking meal, he just asks me, never does it or offers now that I think of it, has only ordered food when it’s just him and his friends here am hanging out and I’m not home), keeping up with general household needs (literally everything our dog needs I buy, I keep stock and track of our cleaning supplies, appointments for the dog and especially myself, I’m the only one who does the dishes, plus I have to maintain my parents supplies for mom’s care and their apartment’s cleanliness)
I feel like the second I hear my parents moving downstairs or him waking up, I’m on alert. Like oh good, what did I do wrong now… and that’s all stemming from my freaking mom. I think that’s why I allow it. I’m working on boundaries finally but like… how do I begin to absolve myself of this needless guilt? How do I rest and not care about anyone else but myself for a spell? I genuinely don’t know how. My entire life has been caregiving. I’m still working out my own identity because of this. And with MS I need my rest because if I don’t rest, I can’t do anything, and if I lose the job I finally love I’ll be a complete wreck.
Does anyone have advice? How to shut up the nagging “you’re lazy… you didn’t get your boyfriend coffee… you woke up late make sure the dog is fed… dad has an apps ointment I have to go down and watch mom today… etc” I can’t relax. I’m prescribed anxiety meds and they still do not help this. My therapist doesn’t have much useful advice. My psych is insightful but nearly impossible to reach when I need him.
I just want to rest. Are there things I can say to people in my life that ideally shouldn’t cause drama to reiterate how bad this illness’s fatigue is? How much I need to just be left alone and not nagged about bullshit? More importantly, does anyone have advice about how to at least care more about my need to rest and recuperate more than what everyone else needs all of the damn time?
I feel so stupid for this. I feel like I let things happen. But I’m a fucking people pleaser and I’m trying to get better.
I’m open to all insight. I just want to be able to go “hey I actually took care of myself today”.
Sorry if this is stupid. I know the issue with my partner is partially my fault. He’s so understanding til he isn’t. I’m also naturally hyperactive (adhd) so sitting still makes me hate myself. I lay and ruminate instead of actually resting. But I need the rest. God I can’t believe I just aired all that out but it’s become so brutal on me. I can’t even do the things I want to do… Thank you if you even read all of this. I’m just really at a loss at this point.
submitted by martian_glitter to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 Starship-Scribe What makes ISFP artistic?

XNTJ here working on my lower functions. With respect to functions (Fi, Se) what makes your type so artistic?
I believe Se plays a strong role in artistic talent, but if that’s the case, why do you think ISFP is seen as the artistic type when Se is secondary?
As an ISFP, are you stereotypically artistic? Does the artistic medium make a difference to you? Are you creative in other areas?
How do you use your functions when creating? How developed are your Ni, Te and what role do they play (if any)?
submitted by Starship-Scribe to isfp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 queenmuffing 29 [F4M] #SoCal - Cosplayer Looking to LARP your Waifu

Hey gang, as the pangs of physical loneliness hit once more, I am reminded of the one thing that can sate my lusts. I have a particular proclivity towards using my acting chops to do my best to physically embody someone’s favorite anime character in real life and play out a romantic (or more kinky) situation with them. Please only be local as I will block anyone who is not! Below is a list of all fandoms I have cosplayed from so take a peek if you so dare! In your message include your ASL, favorite waifu from the list below, and why you like them so much!
-Steven Universe
-Madoka Magica
submitted by queenmuffing to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 archo1998 Prior Enlisted Pat

I’m currently an active duty E4 with less than 4 years of service, if I get selected for OTS will I receive 2nd Lt pay with 3 years TIS or will I restart my TIS as an officer since I don’t have more than 4 years of prior E service?
submitted by archo1998 to airforceots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 KriwareSecurityFeed Investigating an "evil" RJ45 dongle

This post dives into the analysis of a compromised RJ45 dongle, detailing its functionality, hidden threats, and potential cybersecurity risks.
#hardware #reversing
submitted by KriwareSecurityFeed to Kriware [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 WACHECHEIRO Does this game have cloud saves or is it just local?

Last year I had all the chests, I reinstalled the game and I'm at 0.., is this normal?
submitted by WACHECHEIRO to DakartheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 a_e_i Grand Kartal Otel'deki yangından sağ olarak dışarı çıkan üniversite öğrencisi Yiğit Gençbay ve Alp Mercan, mahsur kalanları kurtarabilmek için geri döndü ama sağ çıkamadılar.

Grand Kartal Otel'deki yangından sağ olarak dışarı çıkan üniversite öğrencisi Yiğit Gençbay ve Alp Mercan, mahsur kalanları kurtarabilmek için geri döndü ama sağ çıkamadılar. Alp Mercan ve Yiğit Gençbay
Kayak hocası, yan otellerden birine girip 'Buradan bizden birisi var mı?' diye sorduğunda, Yiğit, 'Alp'le biz kurtulduk' demiş, oda numaralarını, isimlerini vermiş. Onlar da ellerindeki listeye Alp'le Yiğit'in de sağ kurtulduğunu yazmışlar. Yiğit doktordu, Alp'in ilk yardım eğitimi vardı. Dayanamamışlar, gelen çığlık seslerine, geri otele girmişler. Haber alamadığımızda, ailelerimiz Bolu'ya gitti. Hastaneleri aradılar, çünkü 'sağ çıktılar' denilmişti. Bir türlü bulamadık, yer yarıldı da içine girdiler sandık. Oysa insanları kurtarmak için geri otele girmişler.
submitted by a_e_i to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 whogivesashirtdotca Three Nashville goals in less than three minutes then three fights in less than three seconds

submitted by whogivesashirtdotca to QuirkySportsStats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 peter_j_ [PROPAGANDA] Education for Women and Girls: the Surprising long-term solution to food poverty

Sponsored by the Givernment of Australia
Counterintuitive Hard Truths  

  1. The world is in a population crisis. The population of the world has doubled in one generation, and we are on track to double again within the next 25 years.
  2. The two most effective ways population growth can be curtailed, are Firstly: Global health measures providing access to birth control and contraception on demand, and Secondly: giving education to women and girls.
  3. Women with options for life and work will have fewer babies, be more prosperous, and the world 🌎 will be the one who gains. Dynamic Women are the future of our world - not as baby producers for men, but as doctors, scientists, and business entrepreneurs!
These messages are voiced in advertising by dynamic women from multiple ethnicities, in video and on posters. The messages are also incorporated into television and radio advertising. Everywhere Australian grain goes, these messages come with it. Everywhere Australian charity reaches, people will have jobs in outreach, talking to women and girls about the key messaging, and raising awareness.
submitted by peter_j_ to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 butlyee rate the notes/handwriting

submitted by butlyee to highschool [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 LifeSurvey1052 Made a drawing of a femboy

Made a drawing of a femboy It’s my first attempt at drawing characters so it may not look too good. Also it was made in Microsoft paint so yeah
submitted by LifeSurvey1052 to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 AutoNewspaperAdmin [AU] - Fremantle’s future: What does our port city look like without its port? | Sydney Morning Herald

[AU] - Fremantle’s future: What does our port city look like without its port? | Sydney Morning Herald submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 ClTRONA Selling volcanic accs!

Selling volcanic accs! submitted by ClTRONA to WildHorsesIslandsRbx [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 kevin7205 Which terminal is Frontier using at SFO?

Anyone knows which terminal is Frontier #3440 using at SFO (to Denver)? Frontier web/app/boarding-pass doesn't say which terminal, just gate: B2, which in Terminal 1, but SFO flight status says International Terminal A which was the case a few months ago when I took the same flight (and someone else almost missed his flight because he went to Terminal 1)... Thanks!
submitted by kevin7205 to bayarea [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 Acrobatic-Spend-326 Feng shui advice

Hey, could anybody recommend somebody local who could provide advice on placement of a water feature for a home business, thinking largish fountain outdoors, but I only have one spot free in the garden. Thank you.
submitted by Acrobatic-Spend-326 to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 ajju20042004 The Philosophy of Crime: Understanding Justice and Morality

The Philosophy of Crime: Understanding Justice and Morality submitted by ajju20042004 to CrimeMan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 DetailMammoth3885 27 [M4F] #online - looking for long term online fwb

So yes as the title states im looking for an online fwb. But what does that entail? Basically im looking for someone I can chat with throughout the day about whatever. Small talk, hobbies, work, just whatever we feel like. And then on the other hand lots of flirting, roleplaying, talking about kinks, fantasies, experiences and just having a naughty time together. Just to be clear I'm a single man so there's no baggage attached. We can take it slow and really get to know each other or jump straight into it. Good vibes all around.
Here's a little about me in case you're curious. I'm 6 foot tall, about 207lbs with dark hair and stubble. I'm Caucasian and have tattoos. Sexually I'm straight and enjoy being a dom. Most of your standard dom kinks apply. If you're any level of submissive we will probably match perfectly. Hobbies include gaming, reading, music, movies, anime, manga, hiking, fishing, animals, concerts, bars, and something I'm surely missing.
My only requirements are obviously be over 18. And have either discord, snap, or just good old fashioned texting. I never check reddit and created an account purely for this post.
submitted by DetailMammoth3885 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 06:30 Desperate_Tax810 You guys think I’m lucky??

You guys think I’m lucky?? submitted by Desperate_Tax810 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]
