2025.01.24 06:36 CorpsePartyPew Anyone having issues with Phantom Liberty after 2.21 update?
I updated the game to 2.21 and it works fine with Phantom Liberty by itself. When I try to use mods, the game says I do not have Phantom Liberty downloaded, but when I try to download it in the menu or redownload the full game and DLC through Steam the game crashes when I am prompted to download it. It says Phantom Liberty and the base game are not the same version. I've verified the files and have done an uninstall multiple times trying to track down all of the files I can including in the Steam folder. Any help is appreciated.
submitted by CorpsePartyPew to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 Femyoz The Depravity of Destiny
Now I understand why everyone hates him lol
submitted by Femyoz to Shark3ozero [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 SolutionRedefined Acne Status
I have got multiple treatments at Oliva Clinic (Bangalore, India) done and this is my current state (see image) Overall, had: 4 Peel Reviving 1 Subcission 6 MNRF 7 Laser Toning (LT is Qs-Nd-Yag) I have still below for the entire treatment 2 LT 4 Erbium YAG Laser 6 GFC remaining Could you please provide me insight where am I in the acne scar journey? And if the next are treatments are in the right direction? Spent already a lot ! submitted by SolutionRedefined to AcneScars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 orinmerryhelm C suite dunning Kruger
Just a rant.
Executives are fucking morons. Sales executives doubly so
submitted by orinmerryhelm to cscareers [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 RockGirl14 Rant Santé Mentale/Assurances Job
Salut tout le monde,
Pour vous résumer ça court, les 14 derniers mois ont été un enfer pour moi. Entre une rupture, un combat au TAL pour éviter une rénoviction, ma mère est tombée gravement malade a un tel point qu’elle n’a plus l’usage de ses membres.
Après des mois à tougher ça en travaillant 40h/semaine, en étudiant à la TELUQ à distance et en me déplaçant à des rendez-vous médicaux pour ma mère, j’ai crasher big time et je me suis ramassée en arrêt de travail pis la TELUQ m’a sorti du programme 2 ans car je pouvais à peine compléter un cours sur les 4 où j’étais inscrite. J’avais perdu le goût de vivre et fonctionner en général mais j’ai toujours eu de la difficulté à le verbaliser. Il y a eu des jours où j’avais même pas envie de prendre ma douche.
Anyway, où je veux en venir c’est que que j’ai écoulé mes prestation d’assurance-emploi et je suis « sensée » être sur l’invalidité longue durée qui est un service offert par mes assurances collectives (Manuvie). Je suis éligible depuis deux mois mais, mon médecin est tombée en arrêt de travail pendant quelques semaines. Ma dernière prestation de chômage était le 17 décembre.
Finalement, j’ai reçu le formulaire mercredi matin. Je l’ai fait parvenir à mon employeur et j’attends qu’une décision soit prise concernant ma réclamation d’invalidité longue durée. J’ai tenté à plusieurs reprises de contacter les service à la clientèle de Manuvie pour avoir des réponses à mes nombreuses questions. Personne peut me répondre car je n’ai pas de « gestionnaire » d’assigné yet.
Selon ce que j’ai compris, j’étais éligible à mon ILD 4 mois après donc j’ai eu 2 mois de chômage de plus car ma compagnie d’assurance ne m’a pas téléphoné du tout pour me dire qu’ils avaient reçu mon dossier par mon employeur. J’ai eu une personne qui m’a appelé en septembre du secteur courte durée qui m’a mentionné que j’allais recevoir un appel début octobre et je n’ai jamais eu le dit appel. Contacter Manuvie c’est comme chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin car si tu n’as pas de # de poste pour rejoindre ton gestionnaire, tu tombes toujours sur quelqu’un du service à la clientèle qui peut plus ou moins t’aider.
Bref, j’ai pas une calvaire de cenne depuis décembre et ça trigger mon anxiété encore plus. Je dors environ 3/4h par jour et je fais 2-3 crises de panique par jour. Ma mère a une maladie fucking rare, on sait pas si elle va retrouver l’usage de ses jambes et je me tape environ 800-900/semaine pour des rendez-vous médicaux avec elle et des traitements à l’extérieur de mon secteur. Le seul revenu qui rentre est basically les revenus de retraite de ma mère + ses rentes. J’ai dépensé mes économies que j’avais de côté pour un éventuel déménagement à la fin de mes études en gaz, en parking d’hôpital, en réparation de char.
Je n’ai aucune idée si les paiements que je n’ai pas reçus seront rétroactifs, si ma réclamation sera acceptée et le fonctionnement overall. Je suis une personne crissement anxieuse de base, déjà diagnostiquée avec TDAH en 2015 et anxiété en 2020 et avec l’année 2024 que j’ai eu et mes dernières semaines, j’ai la tête pleine et je vois plus clair.
Est-ce qu’il y a des gens sur ce sub qui pourraient me dire un peu comment se passe le processus d’une ILD et est-ce que c’est normal que ce soit aussi long avant d’avoir un appel? Je prends n’importe quel conseil honnêtement, je suis un fucking au bout du rouleau. Je sais pas si le post est cousu, ça va vraiment so-so cette nuit.
Désolé pour le rant. x
PS: Pour ceux et celles qui pourraient me poser la question:
2025.01.24 06:36 DontIgnoreMeOrElse Best maximums?
Just wondering what the best maximum is
submitted by DontIgnoreMeOrElse to JujutsuInfinite [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 r1chardharrow 17L vs 22L leather backpack for personal item on planes, help?
Hi all, I have a 17L leather backpack but I am considering swapping it for the larger version which is identical except it's 22L size. Do you think that would be too big to be convenient for bringing on planes (like putting it under the seat in front of you, etc?...). I'm guessing I could make either one work but I'm wondering if 22 is just too big for that or if it won't make a difference. Thanks!
submitted by r1chardharrow to backpacks [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 No-Cauliflower-3341 What is your favourite car accessory?
submitted by No-Cauliflower-3341 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 wompratts What is Links shirt ?
So Link has worn a shirt, seemingly a few times now that is a Bad Brains logo with Bob Wills as the subject. I’m a fan of Bad brains, I know Bob Wills from a music history class but I’m missing the, no pun intended, Link. What’s going on here?
submitted by wompratts to goodmythicalmorning [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 PurpleTiger26 Well, after 6 years of playing, I finally reached the A+ rank.
submitted by PurpleTiger26 to MarioTennis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 KratosGOS78 SRER12 👉 nur noch Platz für 2 Freunde also schnell zugreifen und 3 GB extra bekommen. 🤩
submitted by KratosGOS78 to fraenkfriends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 flightfuldragonfruit ID of the second plant?
Hi all, this was sold to me as a philodendron Birkin about 4 years ago. As it’s grown it’s become obvious that the second stem that was in the plant is a different variety. Any idea who the darker plant is? submitted by flightfuldragonfruit to philodendron [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 cjbrannigan Not a snail… but I thought this sub would appreciate the clip.
submitted by cjbrannigan to parasnailing [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 BriannaJai69 Japanese-Spanish Song
submitted by BriannaJai69 to jpop [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 Dreadheart09 Welp careful of this dude
Tried scamming me for my unusual sentinel submitted by Dreadheart09 to AUniversalTime [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 buzzardbreadhead Click & collect order site ?
Hi bagel friends,
I’ve managed to secure a location to do pre-order click and collect pop up in my local town every other Friday.
E.G order by Weds for collection on Fri.
When I first launched I did something similar for a short period. I used Jotform then and which had Square payment integrated. It was ok for small volume but a little clunky and didn’t collate orders for me.
Does anyone have any recommendations or experience of using shopper sites for click and collects?
Also any advise on listing items? I’m thinking to only do varied packs of 4/6 to avoid small orders but also don’t want to put anyone off.
I’m going to be selling bagels (plain, everything, sesame, sea salt and a guest flavour each week) plus pots of cream cheese.
submitted by buzzardbreadhead to Bagels [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 donutloop 50 Prominente rufen zur Wahl der FDP auf
submitted by donutloop to berlin_public [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 Mediocre_Shelter_750 Help please
My nana bought this iBuyPower gaming PC for me about 3-4 years ago for school. Around 800 big bucks, today I wanted to upgrade the ram on it, so I bought Corsair vengeance LPX ddr4 2x8 GB to replace this Neo Forza 8gb ram that came with the pre built. I shut off my pc, Took off the glass, and took out the old and put in the new. I turn it on and now I get no display and some lights with BOOT and VGA start blinking red, so I did some digging and thought it might be something with the CMOS so I clear it and find a ASRock B550M-C is my motherboard and take out the MSI GeoForce GTX gpu to access this thing, I unplug it wait 10 mins, plug it back in, I put back in the gpu. Now when I turn it on still no display no more red lights, Great? NO, now when I turn it on all the fans not connected to the gpu or cpu stuff like that start somewhat fast and the GPU FANS DONT TURN ON, after a few seconds it slows down those that were fast to sacrifice their speed for the gpu, but now I have a fan that is super slow barley keeping up before it stops moving. Im not wizz with this stuff, im just a guy who wants to doo school and play games again, Im thinking power supply needs more, but again, Im not a genius, so can any of you wonderfull people can please help me.
submitted by Mediocre_Shelter_750 to iBUYPOWER [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 Specialist_War9145 Anybody tried this Rosin?
submitted by Specialist_War9145 to FLMedicalTrees [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 Rocazanova I forgot the character sheets and it turned out to be the most fun session I’ve mastered.
So, as the title says, I forgot the damn sheets. It was supposed to be a traveling session, so I said “what the hell!”, and I took out the Jenga tower.
They had a combat encounter so I made the players take turns at attacking my bandits with my bandits turns in between. On every hit we had to roll a dice and on evens we had to take two pieces from the tower and on odds just one.
Every time they used a creative way to attack they had advantage and, if the casters used a spell slot, they could roll two dice for damage. So yeah, I lost obviously but all the time they were laughing, making plans and engaged with the game. No one played with their phones, so that’s a win for me.
I honestly plan on taking the Jenga tower out from time to time for non plot relevant encounters.
submitted by Rocazanova to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 shawnepintel How would you describe the coldest you have ever been?
submitted by shawnepintel to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 SenseiBonsai Hear me out samsung, s26ultra mini next year
Please make a ultra mini next year, i have the s23u and its to big, but the other models are shit compared to the ultra.
submitted by SenseiBonsai to samsung [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 06:36 w32unix In love with 680
submitted by w32unix to inlovewithfantasy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 Roman1anGuy I hate the youtube shorts meta: have this!
submitted by Roman1anGuy to antimeme [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 06:36 makingthatmoney56 Requesting a targeted $700 PNC bank personal checking promo code.
Hi All, if anyone has a targeted $700 PNC offer code that they received in the mail (that expires 3/3/25) and if you are not eligible to use it, could you please be so kind and provide me your PNC code. I would be so grateful and appreciative. Send me a DM, TIA! Here is the DOC website comments link that talks about the targeted PNC 200/400 personal checking promo. "https://www.doctorofcredit.com/pnc-up-to-250-400-checking-bonus/#comments"
submitted by makingthatmoney56 to Referrallinks [link] [comments]