Why c moneko considered special instead of super rare like other crazeds (comparing the crazed moneko and crazed cat) [discussion]

2025.01.24 08:20 DetectedFallout Why c moneko considered special instead of super rare like other crazeds (comparing the crazed moneko and crazed cat) [discussion]

I just got crazed moneko yesterday and that made me think why is crazed moneko is special instead of super rare like other crazed varies
submitted by DetectedFallout to battlecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 AquariumBuilders Sharing my experience... This tank is 5 meter (16.4 ft ) long, 1.5m (4.92 ft) tall and 1m (3.28 ft) wide acrylic reef aquarium.

Sharing my experience... This tank is 5 meter (16.4 ft ) long, 1.5m (4.92 ft) tall and 1m (3.28 ft) wide acrylic reef aquarium. submitted by AquariumBuilders to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 VespidX Is this wildman usable?

Hey folks. I.m on my another Lone wolf Ironman run. It's day 20 or so.
What can be done with this guy ? It's a tank obviously. How to utilize his huge health?
submitted by VespidX to BattleBrothers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Fefe444Z Searching an ethical hacker

Hi! I am looking for an Ethical and reliable Hacker, I am a clothing salesman trying to open a store, I have always had a concept in mind and when I tried to create my instagram account that name was already chosen, I did not give it importance but one day out of curiosity I found that same name on an account that seems to be abandoned, no posts and almost no one follows or follows him. I wonder if anyone has a way to change the name, with a number at the end, so I can have it myself, I know it sounds bad but it's a project I've been thinking for years and months of work, I don't want to do any harm but if it's an abandoned account I would love to have that name, I read you! ❤️😮‍💨
submitted by Fefe444Z to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Popular_Drawing_5087 She’s honestly stunning 🤩

She’s honestly stunning 🤩 submitted by Popular_Drawing_5087 to ASMRGlowPhotos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 8ackwardsReddit My ancient collection after two years

submitted by 8ackwardsReddit to AncientCoins [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 hostofthemost My hobby shop that could have been. What's your input?

I'm making this post after a failed hobby shop venture and a dream I recently had.
About 7 years ago my dad and I talked and we had decided to open a hobby shop. He was originally the master behind the idea. I was on board as I thought it could have been an amazing opportunity. However, he could not get a loan as his credit was terrible. Mine however, was close to 700.
After negotiating with the banks, I was able to secure a 10k loan. Not a lot, but we wanted to try it out. Our landlord for the building rent gave us 3 months of free rent. It all seemed so surreal.
Our first of many mistakes was we ordered a full inventory of old outdated stuff. (My dad was still living in the 80s of slot car racing, which isn't bad! But when technology has evolved so much in this hobby, it was) We ordered around 30 starter kits from Parma. But that included a RTR setup with a controller and everything. They weren't a bad deal, or a bad price and we sold all of them. But once the "serious racers" started showing up they all quickly switched the new racers to the newest chassis and controllers.
Our next problem was, spending so much on these older cars and ordering the wrong inventory. Most customers wanted 1/32 axles and parts instead of 1/64 parts. And our inventory was very low. I had constantly told my parents we needed to order more inventory, and a variety of parts, as well as other hobbies. (They argued that we couldn't spend money) our location was fairly good, but our rent was $1500 with a $450 loan payment.
We had 1 track with hopes of running a 2nd carerra, or HO track. We just didn't carry anything in stock regarding those. I tried a few times to buy random things people brought in including a case of HO slot cars for $50. My stepmother was very mad i was spending money. But we ended up reselling those same HO cars for $200. So we made a good bit!
Overall we ran for about 2 years before we had to sell the business. I just think back to all of the "what ifs". I wish we would have had other hobbies, like RC cars, a selection of HO, Carrera, scalextric, trains, maybe even pokemon, and some other things like dungeons and dragons etc (stuff that isn't related to slot cars but maybe to draw a bigger crowd)
One other big set back that may have helped us is online sales. I would post a good bit of our inventory online and we were selling it. But I was told it was taking away from customer sales. But man, if we ordered chassis, or controllers, rc cars or slot cars etc and listed them online during our slow periods, we probably could have sold a lot! Right?
I'm just wondering for shop owners, is their a recipe for success? We were previously looking at a building that was $800 for rent vs $1500 but it wasn't around the main town. It was about 5 miles out of town. Ultimately that would have been $700 to play with. Maybe use that for expenses and advertising and more inventory!
Sorry for this long post, I just had another dream of the hobby shop. One day I really would love to reopen it myself.
My ultimate vision is to have a bigger slot car track, not one to difficult for new learners, but not boring for the experienced racer, I'd love to have a full inventory of RTR cars, controllers and other devices (we didn't even have a 1/24 car for sale in our sales case after these starter cars were sold. We just had a few chassis) id love to have a 2nd 4 or 6 lane scalextric track (maybe a 2 lane digital track) and a smaller HO track. As well as have rc cars and parts, a selection of trains, maybe some HO train.and.slot car kits. I also would love to have a small section of racing simulators linked together for some fun local online racing. (There's a racing game similar to iracing where you can link up multiple computers and race against eachother, and it's so realistic and fun!)
I always think about what if. What if I did this differently. And in my mind, it works out but of course that could be different in real life. Thank you all for reading.
submitted by hostofthemost to slotcars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 PauseEast3154 List of safe bets what’s I research since yesterday! What’s your thoughts?

submitted by PauseEast3154 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 UltraTimeWaster3000 [Serious] Are Tyler and Josh politically right-leaning?

I would post this on the main sub, but I already know it's gonna get deleted within minutes of being posted.
I'm a pretty left-leaning person, I believe in human rights and dislike the orange dude. But I've always been a Twenty One Pilots fan, and growing up in a religious conservative upbringing similar to Tyler's, I never really questioned their views until now. It's getting to a point where it's hard to just ignore the things going on in the world, and the band has been somewhat silent about it. That's not necessarily a bad thing as they don't make political music, but with the amount of celebrities that have come out in support of you-know-who, I'm a little worried they might be part of that.
Recently, I've seen some speculation online that Tyler and Josh (specifically Tyler) are republicans. I've even seen some comments from people claiming to know Tyler's family saying that he's right-leaning. I remember some time ago seeing people claiming that Tyler voted for "that dude", and I kinda just ignored it because I don't want it to be true.
I'm writing this post to hopefully spark discussion and maybe someone can ease my worries. I know he's posted pro LGBTQ+ and BLM posts on Twitter, but so have a lot of people that turned out to be T supporters.
With how the world is going, this isn't something I can just ignore and separate the art from the artist. People, specifically POC and LGBTQ+, are suffering right now, and I really hope that Tyler and Josh aren't contributing to that. Their music has helped me through some dark times and I would be devastated, and I know a lot of people would feel betrayed.
submitted by UltraTimeWaster3000 to TwennyWunPilots [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Curious-Abies-8702 WatchTowers

WatchTowers submitted by Curious-Abies-8702 to ImaginaryMindscapes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 lem0n-sour sorry not sorry

sorry not sorry submitted by lem0n-sour to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 MashedSphincter “Get over here already” Floyd clue help

Has anyone gotten this clue? Floyd said this was my next one. And if so what did you do? I’ve done what the thiny’s sheet says and nothing has happened. I’ve done scorpion/scorpion kameo mirror with double flawless only spear and did both fatalities, the animality and even kameo fatality and nothing has happened yet
submitted by MashedSphincter to Mortalkombatleaks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Mashaaaaaaaaa How do I beat Fishron?

I'm currently in post-Golem expert mode and want to kill Fishron to get Tsunami to round out my ranger build, but I always get blown out in phase 3 while he remains at like 5000 HP. I dodge every attack before phase 3 easily and enter phase 3 at the full 500 HP, but in phase 3 I just can't dodge him so he kills me quickly.
My weapon is a stake launcher, my armour is the shroomite set. I use a witch's broom and a rod of discord for mobility.
My accessories are a worm scarf, a brain of confusion, a sniper scope, a molten quiver, a celestial shell, and an ankh shield, all set to warding.
Any advice?
submitted by Mashaaaaaaaaa to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 RayPoker Looking For 1 vs 1 Games On PC

I am looking for competitive 1 vs 1 games on the pc with a ranking system. Almost any genre is allowed to be suggested as I am not sure what I really want and look for.
Games/Genres that I DO NOT want to play:
- Card games - Chess - Rocket League
submitted by RayPoker to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Cubelock Why do people 'dodge' heals?

Something I've noticed as a healer is how other players constantly seem to 'dodge' heals.
When they are low health, then often run towards you and then move frantically, making it hard to heal them, or 'hit' them with heals. Spider-Man players might be the worst offender here, who are always bouncing around like they had too much sugar. Just stand still for 2 seconds my dudes.
Also, when I play Loki and I place 3 huge green healing circles on the ground, people still manage to run around it or away from it, even at low health. This is basically almost an instant full heal that they ignore, which is really frustrating.
And of course, people run around objects, walls, chariots, etc.. moving and dying out of sight and then they ask where the heals are.
My tip for players in general: you get more heals if you have better situational awareness!
submitted by Cubelock to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Top-Advice-9890 Connor Price Collab Bracket Round 1; Vote 14

For anyone unaware Lex Bratcher features of Receipts and Thrillin and Killa features of Violet, Globe Cypher and AMG.
View Poll
submitted by Top-Advice-9890 to connor_price [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 Right_Mix1503 How to deal with long distance partner getting in trouble

Me and my girlfriend live in two different cities and see other every 1-2 months , yesterday she called me cause a group of guys were cat calling her she kept ignoring them and this was late at night all by herself she told me she was so afraid holding in tears just hoping to reach her destination but that didn't make them stop they kept following her calling her names making comments about her body and appearance she eventually got to safety near a crowded place , the whole time she was talking I was just on the phone completely silent just in blinding rage and almost a sense of sadness like a child like helpless sadness , how does a man deal with this? How does he process this ofcurse I can't wait to my next trip and go there with her and tell her to id everyone so I can beat them , and it's not the first time she had more minor instances but nothing like the story that happened yesterday I felt she was in danger and I'm 9 hours away completely clueless
submitted by Right_Mix1503 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 UsefulCartographer20 [Online][Other][MST][Ones-Shot][Beginner Friendly] The Accursed Tomb - Dungeon World Game

The Accursed Tomb (One-shot) Dark Fantasy but humorous.
System: Dungeon World (A Powered by the Apocalypse dungeon crawler).
Number of seats: 5.
VTT: Roll20.
Means of communicating: Voice over discord.
There will be a session 0 on 27th of February at 8PM MST and the Oneshot taking place the week after at the same time..
Life in the town of Barring was once peaceful and quiet. And then a terrible power awoke in the nearby cemetery. The dead walk and a malignant force festers in the surrounding area and stretches out engulfing all in its wake. But now a brave group of heroes have come to vanquish this evil.
Questions for players to ponder: What motivates your character to brave this quest? Do you have a connection to the town of Barring? What is the nature of the evil that infects the crypt? How do you feel about the undead?
Those interested send me a PM on discord: avi7908.
submitted by UsefulCartographer20 to lfgmisc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 BPB_iAmLars Who could have seen this coming

Who could have seen this coming submitted by BPB_iAmLars to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 diamondsong VAMPIRE WILL BE REVEALED

Time to put in your final guesses! Who do you think Vampire is?
submitted by diamondsong to CustomTheMaskedSinger [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 wetwetcherry New accessories in Padro's shop?

New accessories in Padro's shop? Are those new or have I never seen them?
submitted by wetwetcherry to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 jajajajaj- 🤬

🤬 submitted by jajajajaj- to GTWMPodcast [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 MFF_zews So what are Executive Orders?

OK, I take a hands off approach to politics for the most part because I know that no matter who sits in the ellipsoidal executive establishment, life moves on and that includes Politicians. No matter how amazing or terrible one a Politician is, I am sure they will say the same thing about the next one with all the sincerity of an crocodile.
With that being said, I was kinda curious about what all the hubbub about Executive Orders was because I never really looked into it. Here's what I learned today! Disclaimer, not looking to get into an argument over Trump or Biden or any specific president, I just want to share what I learned about EOs.
Trump has signed 32 new executive orders while in office for his second term. Biden signed 162 EOs while in office, in Trumps first term he signed 220 EOs, Obama signed 276 EOs across his 2 terms, and George Bush signed 291 EOs across his 2 terms. At the moment, Trump is on track to surpass all 3 of his predecessors in terms of how many EOs he has signed.
An Executive Order is a directive issued from the President to mange the operations of the Executive branch of the government. They do not need to be approved by congress and apply to the different departments of the Executive branch such as the Dept. Defense, Homeland Security, Education, Housing and Urban Dev., Justice, Energy, Commerce, State, Labor, Veterans Affairs, and MANY MANY MAAAANY MORE. With the signing of these orders, ANY President can change the direction of a large portion of the federal government because he controls the agencies that regulate things. This has lead to some good uses of Executive Orders like the Emancipation Proclamation, and also to some bad Executive Orders, like the pardoning of Richard Nixon.
The way congress fits into all of this is that it is their job to oversee the executive branch. They can pass legislation to override an EO, but that can easily be shot down by a Presidential Veto unless congress gets a 2/3 Majority to overrule the Veto. Congress or the Legislative branch is the only branch of government that can make new laws, but the Executive Branch is the one that enforces and implements those laws. Congress is also slow to make decisions while the Executive Branch can act very quickly to make changes.
submitted by MFF_zews to AmericanPolitics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 blobofbluesoda Server error: 43

Server error: 43 submitted by blobofbluesoda to 10dollarproblem [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 08:20 cowboy_rigby He's dumb but he's sweet

He's dumb but he's sweet submitted by cowboy_rigby to OneOrangeBraincell [link] [comments]
