2025.01.24 09:41 WaffleQueenBekka Stalkers and content stealers after retirement
I've been out of the game for a year now. Ever since about 9 months ago, I keep getting friended and forwarded to accounts that are pretending to be me. I'm so sick and tired of it. I've already deleted my tiktok, my Twitter, X whatever you wanna it now, and now I'm getting added on snap when I NEVER advertised my snap for any of this kinda stuff. I rarely ever use since I made the account and yet this person pretending to be me has a snap score of about 111k! Mines barely even 15k. I'm so sick of this. I've paid for content removal sites, I've done everything I can think of. Now I'm getting told to cashapp money or they won't remove it. I don't know if this is the same person or multiple people bit I'm starting to get scared. I have a freaking kid! As a mother I'm terrified I'm being stalked. 😭😭😭 Someone give me some damn advice right now because I'm about to lose my shit since the local authorities don't give a damn either. submitted by WaffleQueenBekka to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Pitiful-Fan-1799 AITA for cutting off one of my best friends of 5 years?
I 26F and my friend 26F, I'll refer to as "H", have been close friends for about 5 years. To preface the story, a couple months ago me and my long term boyfriend cut things off.
Recently me and H were texting about a random guy I talk to on and off but haven't met in person yet and I sent her a photo of him saying "Not ugly but not my type" to which she responds "Yeah he's not bad". Then randomly follows up with "I just stalked your ex on instagram and looked at who he recently followed and accidentally liked the pic 😭” to which I responded "What he does while we're both single has nothing to do with me 😭 out of my control lol" and she said "I know l'm just nosy".
About 24 hours later I reply to her last text and say "Ngl I thought that was weird, especially bc we weren't talking about him." She replies "You said that guy you sent a photo of wasn't ugly but not your type so l looked up your ex bc I couldn't remember what he looked like to see “your type"
I haven't talked to her since because I thought it was odd of her. She has never met my ex boyfriend in person or talked to him but she has seen photos of him before. Also why are you on recent girls he follows pages, that's not just “seeing what he looks like”. It just seems off.
submitted by Pitiful-Fan-1799 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://apnews.com/article/myanmar-ceasefire-china-84fe105c209be4fc482a04628733e4c5
submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Buzzee24 Live and Learn
Made a trade, after sending the first two they declined my request for the trade. Just hoping to save someone else from dealing with this person. Unfortunately I don’t have their link just IGN:MonoB You can see there’s still that annoying option to send a welcome but they’ve already unfriended me. submitted by Buzzee24 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Jane_Austen11 Do you have any tips how to stay consistent with journaling?
I always struggle with that. I can be consistent for a couple of weeks and then I struggle with it.
submitted by Jane_Austen11 to Journaling [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 That-Idiot-Alex I saw a post like this and was like "why not?"
Also I added some quirks I have that I noticed. submitted by That-Idiot-Alex to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cpqln2gwvxlo
submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 CR29-22-2805 BotBouncer account check. Reason: Zombie and recent CQS check
submitted by CR29-22-2805 to BotBouncer [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Skyhun1912 Vefat eden kişinin borçları hakkında.
Kardeşim 4 ay önce vefat etti, hastane, defin işleri vs. derken 3 aylık süreci geçtiğimiz için evimize mirasçıları gerekçesiyle icra kağıdı göndermişler, reddi miras için avukata mı başvurmalıyız? Süreç ne şekilde ilerler, ne kadar sürer ne şekilde sonuçlanır?
Borçların hiçbirisinde herhangi bir dahlimiz yok yani bizim harcadığımız para değil. Bunun bir geçerliliği veya kanıtı olmaz elbette ama tam olarak ne yapmalıyız?
submitted by Skyhun1912 to hukuk [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2025/01/24/donald-trump-says-he-likes-china-president-xi-jinping-very-much-.html
submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Massive_Moment_5169 Piyasanın ikiyüzlülüğü
Ulan 8 yaşında rap dinlemeye sagoyla başladım 20 yaşına geldim hala bıkmadım severek dinlerim taş gibi söz yazar en iyi beatleri yapar ama piyasadaki rapçilerin büyük çoğunluğu bu adamı dışladılar arabeskçi bile dediler hiç bi yerde barındırmadılar şimdi son senelerde değere bindi sanki geçmişte hiçbişey yapmamışlar gibi hepsi sagocu oldular bu rapciler ağır ikiyüzlü samimiyetsiz herifler submitted by Massive_Moment_5169 to hiphoptr [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Senior-Raccoon-7453 Harry raised by Wolfstar/ficrec?
Hi I would like to read some(drarry) fics where Harry was raised by Sirius and Remus. Do y'all have any recommendations? It can be one-shot too but I prefer longer fics, thanks !!
drarry #wolfstar #ao3 submitted by Senior-Raccoon-7453 to drarry [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2025/jan/24/rolls-royce-mod-nuclear-submarine-contract
submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 SaseCaiFrumosi Alegeri în Țara Minunilor!
``` Era odată un fermier în Țara Minunilor care muncea din greu la o fermă de vaci. În fiecare zi, el mulgea vacile și strângea banii din laptele vândut, visând ca într-o zi să aibă propria sa fermă de vaci.
După câțiva ani de economii, fermierul nostru muncitor adună suficienți bani pentru a cumpăra prima sa vacă.
Dar, pe măsură ce strângea mai mult, șeful său a început să mărească prețul laptelui și al vacilor. Fermierul nostru a trebuit să muncească și mai mult pentru a ține pasul cu noile prețuri. Așa a fost cu a doua vacă, și cu a treia...
Într-o zi, obosit și frustrat, fermierul îl întreabă pe șeful său: - Șefule, de ce mărești mereu prețurile la lapte și la vaci? La care șeful, zâmbind, îi răspunde: - Ca să-ți păstrez motivația și să nu te lași niciodată de muncă...
=>La toate astea se adaugă și faptul că salariul fermierului era din ce în ce mai tare mâncat de inflație și programul de lucru era tot mai lung și munca tot mai grea.
=>Din banii fermierului se plătesc taxe pentru învățământ, pentru sănătate și ca să se facă drumuri iar de toate acestea se folosește șeful său, el își dă copiii la cele mai bune școli în timp ce fermierul nu are nici copii că nu-și permite, nu are nici femeie fiindcă are salariul mic și nu este atractiv pentru sexul opus, la spital dacă are nevoie i se spune să aștepte că nu sunt locuri iar pe drumurile făcut din banii lui se plimbă șeful lui cu o mașină scumpă că el nici nu are mașină.
=>La toate acestea adăugăm și că șeful fermierului face evaziune fiscală, dar și "optimizare fiscală" și își ascunde banii prin conturi off-shore prin alte țări ca să nu contribuie cu nimic și să-l lase doar pe fermier să plătească taxe și impozite și el să beneficieze și astfel avem tabloul complet. ``` Continuarea acestei anecdote cu tâlc:
Într-o zi, în Țara Minunilor, se fac alegeri și, cum nimeni nu se aștepta, iese pe primul loc un candidat necunoscut de către fermier dar pe care se pare că ceilalți fermieri l-au votat. Se anulează alegerile că nu sunt bune și se fac din nou.
Între timp, toți șefii le spun fermierilor lor să aibă grijă cu cine vor vota că altfel o să fie rău, o să curgă sânge.
Toți fermierii din Țara Minunilor își pun însă următoarele întrebări:
2025.01.24 09:41 CarelessTrifle5242 Superstar Balayya babu with his new video song - dabidi
Original song : https://youtu.be/ARGbxFY9McA?si=vs6cgGKX4-AVCXgr
Meme fest : https://youtu.be/ix1jPl7Ksg4?si=eFROG2yGKNVr8-Lb
Just posting here for roast
submitted by CarelessTrifle5242 to IndianCinema [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 SPD__emergency Feedback required building budget pc for gaming
CPU: ryzen 7600x Gpu: rtx 3060 Ram: ripjaws 8gbx2 Ssd: 1tB Samsung 980nmve Mb: b550m pro vdh WiFi Case : Ant esport 411 air Cooler: lt240 Arab liquid cooler PSU: corsair rm850e 80 plus gold
All feedbacks appreciated.
submitted by SPD__emergency to buildmeapc [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 GermanTraveler20 Yosemite travel in August 2025 - help with itinery
We plan to do a west coast road trip this year and are really excited. on this trip we want to visit Yosemite NP and I need some help with our itinery. I read a lot about traffic and planning and have worked out two options and like to get your thoughts on that:
We are a family of 5 (kids 12,16,17), come from Sequoia NP and stay overnight in Fresno. So we are not interested in visiting Mariposa Grove and don't have time for the whole area around Tioga Road. We arrive on a Friday mid August, stay overnight in Curry Village, leave on a Saturday and want to make our way till Manteca area.
Option 1: Arrive early on Friday before 8.30am, stop at tunnel view, make a short walk to Bridalveil Fall, park our car at Curry Village (could it be to late for parking if we do the Bridalveil Fall walk before?), take the shuttle bus and walk to Lower Yosemite Falls and then just stay close to Swinging bridge picnic area the whole day. Walk back to Curry Village through the valley. In the next morning take the shuttle bus to Glacier Point, hike down Panorama and Mist Trail and leave the park at around 3pm. Stop at Valley Viewpoint.
Option 2: Arrive later on Friday (3pm or even 4pm), drive to Glacier Point, hike from there to Sentinel Dome and back, drive to the valley, stop at tunnel view and Bridalveil Fall, check in at Curry Village. Next morning hike the Mist Trail/JMT, leave in the afternoon. Walk to Lower Yosemite Fall either on the evening before if it is not to late and I get a parking lot there or the next day on our way out. But with the last option I fear not to get a parking lot there.
Thanks for any thoughts on that!
submitted by GermanTraveler20 to Yosemite [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 LarryMur YCH [Summer photo card] OPEN
submitted by LarryMur to anthro [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 ShoddyRedIsBack98 Charles Freeman
submitted by ShoddyRedIsBack98 to reddeadfashion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Antique-Contest3324 LPT - Need to get out years of slump and addiction
Need to get out of years if slump and addiction
I am a 27 yo F. In 2021 i was diagnosed with clinical depression and symptoms of BPD. It was already too late when i seeked help and was in another country and couldnt meet my therapy expense. I managed to take therapy for 2 years after that, changed 3 therapists but couldnt find someone compatible and then had financial problems to keep trying.
When i was diagnosed i was already in a deep slump. My sleepless had already started and i am still not able to fix it. After many many MANY atrempts i still failed to get back on track. I got into weed addiction in addition to nicotine addiction. Thankfully i got put if weed addiction now but i still smoke ciggies ( i hate them - now another attempt to quit - I AM A NON SMOKER ALREADY!)
But the slump!!
I was a very studious kid and never thought i would end up here. Had multiple toxic relationships but now in a healthy relationship. And everything emotionally and physically is backfiring now. I am a master graduate in civil engineering but have been unemployed for more than a year now. Ma and my partner had to come to home country for his health issue and been here since 6 months. We both dont have a job or a home to go back to. We are planning to go back on FEB anyway.
This is my nth attempt to get back up. A week back i misse dmy period for the very first time in my life and got it checked when doc said i had symptoms of hypothyroidism and PCOD changes in my ovaries. Thats when i realised how true it is when people say THE STRESS AND PAIN YOU FEEL AND OVERTHINK MANIFEST AS PHYSICAL AILMENTS.
Where do i start guys? I am literally posting this at 5:30am . 3 days back i started workout, did for 3 days, but again got into slump for next 3 days.
What do i fix first? What can i do now? How will i fix myself? Start loving myself?
Been in a lot of stress lately and that and my careless lifestyle ( food and smoking) has made my physical health worse,
I have quit smoking now ( like today ) Can someone suggest a realistic way to get out of the slump to better myself? Please consider this a cry for help :)
submitted by Antique-Contest3324 to LifeProTips [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 RevealApart2208 If you were raised by a narcissist
submitted by RevealApart2208 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Itchy_Weight1507 The shadow ability of the katana is beautiful
submitted by Itchy_Weight1507 to ShadowFight3_ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 nycnicoo Had a few sessions of micro needling, what's next
I haven't been seeing too much improvement. I was too scared to try laser so l had a few sessions of microneedling, provider says I'll need much more monthly, which is understandable. Should I try TCA cross, is that suitable for these types of scars? Any laser recommendations? submitted by nycnicoo to AcneScars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 some-kind-of-no-name Best main villain vs best JoBro
submitted by some-kind-of-no-name to PowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Wiskkey Trump signs executive order on developing artificial intelligence 'free from ideological bias'
submitted by Wiskkey to aiwars [link] [comments] |