[USA-NC] [H] PayPal or Local Cash [W] Steam deck LCD but open to OLED

2025.01.24 14:42 jayfray88 [USA-NC] [H] PayPal or Local Cash [W] Steam deck LCD but open to OLED

Looking for a steam deck lcd but open to a oled too. Would want a 256gb or 512gb ideally. Would be great if had a tv dock for it too but don't need to have that.
submitted by jayfray88 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Significant-Flan-646 Will this Ash emote be back?

Will this Ash emote be back? Guys do u know is there any chance this emote will be back in store?
submitted by Significant-Flan-646 to AshMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 YodasChick-O-Stick Still getting inbox notifications for upvotes after fix

Yesterday I started getting notification after notification in my inbox telling me how many upvotes my posts and comments are getting. I've always had it turned off, but there was a bug yesterday where everyone seemed to get them. I discovered they'd been enabled on the mobile desktop site, so I disabled them. But today I'm still getting upvote notifications.
I'm on an old version of the app but I'm still getting upvote notifications on the mobile desktop site.
submitted by YodasChick-O-Stick to help [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Useful-Basket-9972 Cd5 PDG spike…anyone know why?!

Cd5 PDG spike…anyone know why?! I’ve never seen this before and this is my fourth cycle with Inito. Why would my PDG spike like this so early?!
submitted by Useful-Basket-9972 to Inito [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ASTR47-TRAVELER Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47)

submitted by ASTR47-TRAVELER to beatmakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 EthanCranberry This guy is a JOKE! How do we get him back ??

This guy is a JOKE! How do we get him back ?? submitted by EthanCranberry to Plutus_Uncensored [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Lilithe_PST Reminder when shopping DD

If you're placing an order this morning, remember to redeem your free tools or any rewards you might want. 🫶🏻
submitted by Lilithe_PST to mooncatpolish [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 No-Reputation-34 OPM referenced house report on Feds not at work from 1/15/25

I was reading the new OPM memo on telework and this “report” was reference (5), where some house staffer drove by a government building at 4:44pm on Friday in December to show the parking lot is empty and lights are off. The fakeness of it all really gets me upset.
submitted by No-Reputation-34 to fednews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 897

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 mryoung2121 『Break out of your bubble』- Little Glee Monster 10th Anniversary Christmas Special Live(2024.12.24)

『Break out of your bubble』- Little Glee Monster 10th Anniversary Christmas Special Live(2024.12.24) submitted by mryoung2121 to jpop [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Prome939 Steuern auf KFB (Kurzfristige Beschäftigung)

Hallo zusammen, Kurz zu mir, bin 31 Jahre Beamter bei einer Berufsfeuerwehr und arbeite im 24 Stundendienst/ Tagdienst. Durch den 24 Stundendienst hab ich ziemlich oft 2-3 Tage unter der Woche frei was es mir ermöglicht 2 neben Jobs zu machen. Ich arbeite als Elektriker auf Minijob Basis (556€) und seit 2023 als KFB (kurzfristige beschäftigung) im Rettungsdienst.
Ich weis das man als KFBler in der Lohnsteuerklasse 6 eingestuft wird und man ca. 25% von seinem Gehalt im Monat/ Jahr an Steuer zahlen muss. Der Verdienst monatlich ist immer unterschiedlich, je nach dem wie viele Schicht ich halt machen um so mehr bekomme ich. Ich hab 2023 10.482,33 brutto verdient und davon wurden mir schon 1.343,30 € an Lohnsteuer abgezogen. Meine Steuerberaterin hat meine Lohnsteuer für 2023 gemacht und gemeint, dass ich nochmal 1.800€ nachzahlen muss und ich jetzt im Quartal 400-500€ vor zahlen muss. Sie meinte auch das ich ungefähr rechnen kann das zwischen 30-35% von dem was ich im Monat verdiene versteuern muss. Hat damit vielleicht noch jemand Erfahrungen? Weil ich versteh nur nicht warum dann überall steht das die KFB beschäftigt mit 25% versteuert wird.
Danke schon mal im Voraus
submitted by Prome939 to Steuern [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ASTR47-TRAVELER Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47)

submitted by ASTR47-TRAVELER to mymusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ImprovementObvious22 SM is her life

SM is her life submitted by ImprovementObvious22 to mariakang [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 hippopalace Shouldn’t disabling “record replays“ help performance? Didn’t in my case.

My FPS in Fortnite tends to fluctuate between 60 and my 120 cap, depending on the map location and activity level around me. I disabled recording replays earlier this week, and it still dips into the 60s like it did before. I haven’t tried raising the FPS cap to see if it improved my upper end, because I was much more concerned with hitching and freezing, but I presume it did not since it dips down below my cap just as frequently as it did before. Shouldn’t I have immediately seen marked improvement at the lower end? It seems odd that there was no change at all.
submitted by hippopalace to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 LootingTheRoom Power Drop in TWW

Hello, so I leveled an Evoker through DF and felt pretty good about my dps but I recently started TWW campaign and got my ass kicked. I’m level 68 and just have on whatever gear was a better GS during leveling. Do I just suck? Does everyone have this experience?
submitted by LootingTheRoom to wownoob [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Few-Dentist-9849 What do ya all think about my fanmade Bo Noise boss background?

submitted by Few-Dentist-9849 to PizzaTower [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Proud-Ad8992 Nectar premier copper hybrid or boring mattress?

150lb side sleepehorse person (history of injury) & 180lb side sleeper. Looking for a queen size and I prefer a plusher feel but with some support. I’m currently dealing with shoulder issues so any recommendations for mattresses that don’t make one’s shoulder hurt are welcome and appreciated - not dead set on the two brands in the title!
submitted by Proud-Ad8992 to nectarsleep [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 BigVipe72 Miss Motorbike

Miss Motorbike submitted by BigVipe72 to longboyes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 insolentdaisy How should I proceed with this guy

I thought the goal of the apps was to ask a few questions and then meet up somewhere. Right?
He said he was awkward and didn't know what he was doing. He asked me how the dating app thing goes. I told him what I learned from you all and the app itself and then at this point, after a few messages, we should plan to meet in public. I then even said I thought he was cute and I wouldn't mind going out if he wanted to as well. He said he wasn't comfortable yet and wanted to get to know me.
I messaged with this guy back and forth for a few hours, we were basically talking about all the stuff I think gets asked on a first date and even second date typically (according to you guys, I don't know shit about dating firsthand). So we chatted for a good while before I said I was wanting to go to bed. He gave me his phone number and I texted him good night...
Seemed like the most compatible person I've encountered on this app, but I don't want to come off as desperate or clingy. Didn't hear from him yesterday, but I was just wondering if I should message him even though I already made it clear I liked him and was ready to go on a date. Or should I give it another two days or something. I do not want to pressure him and scare him away.
submitted by insolentdaisy to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Icy-adz Itni Shakti humein dena data

Itni Shakti humein dena data submitted by Icy-adz to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Lilith959 How to handle Ritual casting when characters wanna try different things

I run a game and every now and again I run puzzles where the players wanna try all different sorts of things.
But how do I handle it when someone decides to ritual cast let's say comprehend language or detect magic, while the other players have other ideas of their own they wanna try.
How do I deal with the 10+ minutes cast time there in. Natation wise. When the other characters is practically running forth to try things definitely not planning to sit and watch someone cast a spell for 11 minutes
submitted by Lilith959 to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ASTR47-TRAVELER Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47)

Hikaru ⚝ Star - 「popstar flow!」 (prod. @ASTR47) submitted by ASTR47-TRAVELER to originalmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 SometimesMadison My new favorite sweater ☺️

My new favorite sweater ☺️ submitted by SometimesMadison to crossdressing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 ConspicuousSomething YYZ got shafted by Behind My Camel

One is an instrumental tour-de-force and the other is Behind My Camel. Even two-thirds of The Police hated that track.
Didn’t stop it winning a Grammy ahead of YYZ. I like The Police, but WTF?
submitted by ConspicuousSomething to rush [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:42 Beana113 Kitchen

Kitchen Very proud of her 🥲 definitely has room for improvement, but I’m getting there!
submitted by Beana113 to Coloring [link] [comments]
