Bonehunter - Prototype playable on!

2025.01.24 09:31 sbtalbain Bonehunter - Prototype playable on!

This project, inspired by my band's lyrics and mascot's lore, has been sitting dormant on my hard drive for a few years. Back in June 2021, I took a break from developing it while waiting for GB Studio to be updated with the features I needed. GB Studio was updated but I never got around continuing the project, because it seems like it would have been easier to start from scratch instead of adapting the project to work on the updated version. Now, as I'm studying game design, I've realized there are many things I would approach differently. I’ve decided to fix a few bugs, wrap up this version, and use it as the foundation for a new project in the future.
submitted by sbtalbain to gbstudio [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 jvc72 Buy Signal Jito USD - 24 Jan 2025 @ 04:29 -> USD2.93

Ticker: JTOUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 04:29
Price: USD2.93
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 jvc72 Buy Signal Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA - 24 jan 2025 @ 10:13 -> NOK91.35

Ticker: WAWI.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 24 jan 2025 @ 10:13
Price: NOK91.35
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Significant_Pin7126 iPhone 12 Pro Max available

iPhone 12 Pro Max available What’s the current market going right now with similar condition and specs?
submitted by Significant_Pin7126 to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Ronooney Found this cute little dogs on top of the wall, guess they wanna be guard dogs too. lol

Found this cute little dogs on top of the wall, guess they wanna be guard dogs too. lol submitted by Ronooney to Cutedogsreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Admiral_Hard_Chord Roosevelt Graves and Brother - Woke Up This Morning (With My Mind On Jesus) [1936]

Roosevelt Graves and Brother - Woke Up This Morning (With My Mind On Jesus) [1936] submitted by Admiral_Hard_Chord to connectasong [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 alle15minuten Gerade ist es January 24, 2025 at 10:31AM

Gerade ist es January 24, 2025 at 10:31AM
submitted by alle15minuten to alle15minuten [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 DeviousDeevo How do you have basic social interaction skills ?

submitted by DeviousDeevo to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 XxSilverSearcherxX When I evolved the new outfits the OG sets disappeared?

When I evolved the new outfits the OG sets disappeared? Is this a bug?
submitted by XxSilverSearcherxX to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Natural_Assignment95 5 weeks out and abdominal pain

Hi, anyone else had stomach pain few weeks after surgery? I’d also struggled to go to toilet for last 3 days, however today I have been, but still have the pain there. It’s only in my lower left abdomen. And it doesn’t hurt to touch or anything, just when I move certain positions I can feel it, it’s not like it restricts me, but I know it’s something. Anyone have any opinions? Is this normal?
submitted by Natural_Assignment95 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 CaterpillarMission46 Meet Samson. A true lady killer.

Meet Samson. A true lady killer. I visited my sister-in-law out of state and was met at the door by this little guy. He still has my heart.
submitted by CaterpillarMission46 to dogpictures [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 clemmit_ Ma salle de sport peut-elle m'obliger à utiliser une application ?

Je suis à une salle de sport où il y a des cours collectifs.
Nous devons reserver 2 3 jours à l'avance quand on va à ces cours car les places sont limitées. Je faisais ça par téléphonne l'année dernière mais recemment la salle en question nous force à passer par une application.
Je fais dos rond en acceptant ça mais légalement ont-ils le droit de me forcer à l'utiliser ? Et comment auraient-ils fait si je n'avais pas eu de smartphone ?
Merci à tous !
submitted by clemmit_ to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 ReasonableCharge1404 Tagli capelli ricci alla moda

I nuovi tagli ricci più belli e ala moda
submitted by ReasonableCharge1404 to Beautydea [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Dear_Razzmatazz1614 3rd attempt doing my own gel nails!!

3rd attempt doing my own gel nails!! Tried to do a valentine's vibe but with purple since I don't have a pink cateye gel :)
submitted by Dear_Razzmatazz1614 to Nails [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Fair-Ambition1962 I have a gaming laptop from 2019 and it's overheating

I have a gaming laptop from 2019 and it's overheating Acer Nitro V i7-9750H and Gtx 1650. The CPU is thermal throttling I guess. I just changed the thermal paste but still the CPU clock speed is all over the place. I am also using throttlestop too. TDP from 45 to 35, and -140.6 mv to core and cache. Help Me 😭.
submitted by Fair-Ambition1962 to laptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 SirGLeon BMW M135i o 120D

come da titolo chiedo consiglio su quale modello acquistare:
M135i Xdrive 2014 145'000 km
120D Xdrive 2016 125000 km
Entrambe le auto sono state collaudate a fine 2024.
Il mio cuore dice M135, e voi?
Grazie buona giornata!
submitted by SirGLeon to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 angelslayer4231 Guy gets replaced at his job. His girl is also smitten with the new guy. He causes an accident with the new guy over jealousy, and is accused of murder/attempted murder, after the new guy turns up missing.

submitted by angelslayer4231 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 ExtremeKitteh It’s gonna be a good one!

It’s gonna be a good one! No colour enhancement applied at all.
submitted by ExtremeKitteh to ipswich [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:31 Im_a_sentiant_tank Future funk updated again

Future funk updated again Hahahahahahahahahhhaahha that was 20 minutes of my life
submitted by Im_a_sentiant_tank to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:30 augustyner96 10.000€ ETF-Investment starten

Liebe Finanzen-Community,
im Vorfeld der Hinweis, dass ich das Wiki gelesen habe, allerdings aufgrund der Unsicherheit trotzdem nochmal konkret fragen wollte. Ich habe noch nie in ETF investiert und 25.000€ auf dem Tagesgeldkonto bei der DKB. Jetzt würde ich gerne einen Teil davon (ca. 10.000) in ETF investieren, allerdings ohne Sparplan, da ich momentan noch Stundent bin – zwar eben etwas Rücklagen habe – aber sich mein Einkommen mit meinen Ausgaben deckt. Bei folgenden Fragen würde ich mich über Unterstützung freuen:

Danke für Eure Hilfe, trotz der absoluten Anfängerfragen.
submitted by augustyner96 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:30 Lunaedge Trait: What Could Have Been - Augment Discussion #52

As requested, an alternate timeline:

Vander gains 35 permanent max Health each time Silco casts. Silco gains 8 permanent Ability Power each time Vander dies.
Gain a 2-star Vander, a Silco, and a Spear of Shojin.
I can't believe Silco's boyfriend ends up dying in this one too. At least there's the prospect of Infinite Scaling, which tickles my brain funny.
Link to the table of Augments in case you want to see which ones have already been discussed (and find a link to those threads!). Don't forget to be nice to each other! 🌚
submitted by Lunaedge to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:30 yossarian_jakal Is DEM co-registration the correct approach to my problem

Hi all I currently have 5 rasters all with varying cell sizes ranging from 5000x5000 to 250x250 ove r a very large area. I want to compare all of these rasters to identify vertical spatial uncertainty as I am workjng on a thesis to look at the rile of topography on glacier flows with the hypothesis being simulation using newer datasets with newly resolved topographic features alter timings of glacial retreat. Obviously these sib ice dems are incorrect but maybe the error between them can be minimized to compare them more fairly
So far I have transformed all of the data to the same crs and then resampled all the rasters to be 250x250 mathing the resolution of the smalledlst cells. I have then clipped all the layers to the same extent which is my AOI. I then took all of these layers and made a new raster showing the difference between the min and max for every cell. This is good but I feel like I can do significantly better
I want to go further and provide a further comparison of these layers to more accurately determine the uncertainty in and between the datasets.
I have seen the technique co-registration pop up such as implemebted in the xdem package in python. I take this technique to mean using known accurate points on one raster to then use as a match for the z values of other rasters to essentially renormalise the data and then also algorithms to shift it horizontally? I feel like am missing stuff here though in how this is actually working and haven't fully understood if this is the right technique for this.
Ideally if I could get an answer telling me if i am on the right track before i sink a copious amount of time understanding reading the papers explaining these techniques that would be amazing. Also interested to hear how other people would be approaching this problem
submitted by yossarian_jakal to gis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:30 DrtyDeedsDneDrtCheap Cold extremities after ice bath

I got an ice bath for Christmas and I read to start with about 15°c for 2 minutes and I've been building up time from there upto ten minutes two days ago.
The water had warmed up over a few days sat in the tub to roughly 20° so I went for ten minutes instead. I used it directly after my first gym session this year after a month of rest. After I got out my hands and feet were ice cold and remained that way for over 24hrs until I did my next workout and had a normal bath afterwards.
Is there a medical reason for this? Will this effect reduce the more I use it?
I would like to keep going as usually after a month off, a gym session would leave me aching the following day but I didn't have a single ache after the ice bath which was amazing tbh.
submitted by DrtyDeedsDneDrtCheap to BecomingTheIceman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:30 Old_Worldliness_1712 I Need to beat my Friend's butt

Hiiii, i fight with my friend a lot on pokemonSV, we both kinda have a light idea of competitive Pokémkn, alltought i have a pretty decent winrate, im having a Hard time with his Meowksarada's SuckerPunch, and if he gets one Dragon Dance with his Dragapult i might be in trouble, Just want to ask what can i do with my team, i know its a dumb question but i really really hate that cat (ignore Alolan Raichu, i just really like Alolan Raichu)
submitted by Old_Worldliness_1712 to pokemon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:30 goldupgradeaddict TOTY Star - A different option i havent seen people mention

Probably because he only came out in this totw.
Can have bruiser and antucipate plus, has jocky, intercept and pinged pass silver, 6'2, lengthy. Pretty much only missing block.
If you put him into toty 11 first he also has great passing with 95 reactions and 99 composure...
submitted by goldupgradeaddict to EASportsFC [link] [comments]