2025.01.24 09:41 Obvious_Week1292 LF Take Cover
submitted by Obvious_Week1292 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Free_Rigo Donald Trump friss rendelkezéseit bírálja az amerikai katolikus egyház
Amikor Trump - Orbán után szabadon - elkezdett imareggelizni, úgy véltem, a kereszténykedés gusztustalan, ámde felettébb hatásos propagandáját folytatja. Mondhatni a magyar kormány jól bevált módszerét alkalmazza kicsit módosítva. Az USA-beli népség meglehetősen hipokrita, álszent, képesek voltak Clintonból is mártírt csinálni az ovális szoba után. És ez csak a jéghegy csúcsa. A sok európai vallási fanatikus sem használt az ottani erkölcsöknek.
Bennfentes információkkal egyáltalán nem rendelkezem, de abból, ami hozzám eljut, úgy vélem, hogy az egyházi vezetőket irritálja Trump személye. Mivel az egyházi vezetők zöme a saját anyját eladná kicsivel több pénzért, hatalomért, pláne megfelelő összegű Júdás-pénzért, az én zsigeri reakcióm az, hogy aki a klerikális latrok hatalmát veszélyezteti, használ a szekuláris állam erősödésének.
Klerikális vezető a hatalomban pokolot hoz a földre. Mindig. Trump klerikális érdekeltségeiről ki többet tud, kérem, ossza meg velünk. Katolikus latrok helyett más vallású latrok hatalma sem lenne jobb.
submitted by Free_Rigo to hungary [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 RevolutionaryForm684 Should I report my teacher?
I 19(M) am in my sophomore year of college now but I was harassed by a male teacher all of high school. Let me explain when I was in high school me and my 2 bestfriend and baseball teammates got a new math teacher from Britian. He was cool and talked with us and joked like all the other teachers but then my Jr. Year thinks took a turn. Since learning the three of us where on the baseball team he began to attend every game home and away and said it was because we didn't have enough school staff supporting the team which was true but he started driving hours to watch which we all thought was off but we let it go. He then started buying us lunch and bringing us Gatorade at school especially on game days and said we where the sons he never had. Then our senior year he starts buying us food everyday and says not to tell anyone because we won't get food anymore. Shortly after this he begins telling us he loves us (as sons he says). A month before graduation he pulls us from class to come to his room and gifts us each a graduation present Me- a $700 new laptop for college. Friend 1 - a $200 gold chain iPhone 11 and air pod pro maxes Friend 2 - 500 cash We then sat and talked and ate before he got our phone numbers (in case we ever needed anything he said). This is when the harassment really started he began calling and texting us all day and night telling us he loved us and how special we were. He began to make most calls between 1-5 in the morning. Me and friend 2 blocked his number after 4 months of this. Friend one however finally told us over these 4 months he sent him pictures in exchange for cash. He received 5,000 on cash app for his numerous nudes. Friend one then blocked him as well. We swore we'd take this information to our grave becuase we thought if we reported it we would get labeled as gay/werid/groomed kids. We found out he left our high school after we blocked him and moved states away to teach somewhere else. After further digging we found he has moved to over 15 states in the past, Canada, UK, and Spain. We fear we may not be his last victims if that's even what we are. Any advice? Also if your wondering where his money came from his dad past away and left him a load and he sold weed gummies on the side.
submitted by RevolutionaryForm684 to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 After-Lawfulness9794 My Minimal Oled Ubuntu
submitted by After-Lawfulness9794 to LinuxPorn [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Left_Requirement55 Hidden camera? Please help
Originally a video but not able to post it on this subreddit however video is on my page along with the story. Please help im a female living in her first apartment and pretty frightened. Am I being irrational?
submitted by Left_Requirement55 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Upbeat_Fly_5316 Feature suggest… smooth brain or brain rot?
So I may of mentioned before that I love this game through and thorough, I think it’s like my 4th play through. But there is one thing, and one thing only that bugs me about this game, and that’s how the market works. There seems to be a slot machine system, which is basically (some random stuff in market at market typically related to the faction or across all factions) A when mods are included there is more variation thus less chance of finding specific modules. B in just vanilla there is just a randomly generated market with random modules and ships, and finding specific modules can sometimes take hours as you go through all the core worlds trying to find phased lancers and HDVs and maulers for example. Or an Oddessy on the pirate markets… anyway the point is can we insert some form of low expensive form of order service. It would be expensive and you would have to wait a few months for the module. Like 90 days and pay 3 times the usual price. Same applies for ships. If you want an 800k oddessy it would cost 2.4 mill and you would wait 3 Months for its delivery. Something like this. This way I don’t have to ship and station spin for hours to the point of me wanting to jump off a cliff while I want to go exploring and go after bounties in the early game.
Yes I know I could just build a colony and build this stuff, but maybe I just don’t want to deal with the admin until mid game.
submitted by Upbeat_Fly_5316 to starsector [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Unlikely_Clue_7491 advice for feb lsat
So as we all know feb lsat is quickly approaching. I am at/above my goal score when taking untimed pts. But when taking them timed i score about 5 points lower. With little time left, do you guys recommend I take more untimed pts and simply drill questions for accuracy. or should i take just timed pts, and practice more on being faster at selecting right answers.
submitted by Unlikely_Clue_7491 to LSAT [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 thiboldecereales which one should i hatch first ?
submitted by thiboldecereales to MonsterLegends [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Emlvs00 security breach
is there a save spot after turning all the generators in the daycare on??
submitted by Emlvs00 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Psygnal The Headless Horseman (Folklore)
When people think "Headless Horseman", most of them will think of America and the Washington Irving's "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" story from 1820 (Or various movies and TV series and books based on the tale) Many will be surprised to learn that the tales of headless horsemen are not just a US phenomenon.Headless Horseman The US Version Sleepy Hollow's tale is about a Hessian soldier (Hessians being German soldiers hired by the British forces in the late 1700s) who was killed during The Battle of the White Plains in 1776. Legend has it that his head was 'removed' by an American cannonball, and his headless body was buried in the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow... from which his rather unpleasant ghost arises periodically to go in search of his head. I was genuinely surprised to learn that Sleepy Hollow is a real place. Turns out it is not only real, but is parked right next to the moderately bustling New York City. Perhaps not so sleepy anymore... though back in pre-Independence America, it most likely was quite parochial. The Irish Version In Ireland, the horseman is the dulachán, or dark man. He actually sounds a bit nastier than the US version, because he wields a whip made from the spine of a murdered man. He either rides a black horse, with his head under his arm, or drives a black carriage, with his head on the seat beside him. When he stops riding, and calls out a name, the person who's name he calls immediately dies. In some versions of the story, he can be repelled by gold... so if you happen to be carrying a large gold object, you can place it in his path, and he will run away. I guess I could hurl my wedding ring at him... but the wrath of my wife might be worse than the wrath of the dark man. The Scottish Version On the sparse Isle of Mull of the Inner Hebrides, the tales tell of a man called Ewen, who was once a contender for chief of the local clan. He was beheaded in battle - as was his horse - and now he and his headless horse haunt the island. ... though if I'm honest, I'm not sure how he steers it. Gawain and the Green Knight In this Arthurian era tale, the knight Sir Gawain is challenged to a game of sorts by a mysterious green knight who appears in King Arthur's court upon a mighty green horse. This involves the knight challenging Gawain to hit him with an axe, on the promise that the blow will be returned a year and a day later. Gawain snicks the knight's head off with the axe, and everyone assumes that will be the end of it. However, the now headless green knight picks up his head, climbs up on his green horse, and - with it under his arm - demands that Gawain meet him a year hence for the blow to be returned. It's an interesting - if unusual tale, and perhaps worthy of a proper telling - but does not result in a haunting, so much as a lesson to Gawain. submitted by Psygnal to VillainyGroup [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 KaiserBeau Anyone who can feed our queen and goddess Revathi, I will cam for you! You can tease and deny me! Connect with me on Discord
Anyone who can feed our queen and goddess Revathi, I will cam for you! You can tease and deny me! Connect with me on Discord
submitted by KaiserBeau to RevathiPillaiNSFW [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 kdbleeep Wow! What a size
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 CrazyCycler1209 What are MotoGP Opinions that Leave you in This Situation?
submitted by CrazyCycler1209 to motogp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Any-Reputation8118 Anyone got DLSS 4 upscaling running in SkyrimVR?
So, after DLSS 4 has dropped in Cyberpunk update, we are now able to swap the dll files and presets to get it working. I tried it already in No Man's Sky VR and the difference in image quality is amazing. However, after swapping the dll files for SkyrimVR upscaler mod, everything is shaking. Anyone has been able to fix it?
submitted by Any-Reputation8118 to skyrimvr [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 raxor30 Any ideas/recommendations to get an accurate body weight with fluctuating lymphadema?
So I've had secondary lymphadema after an emergency surgery for almost six years now. I'm very grateful though that it drains itself. Anyway I've been living a healthier lifestyle for a year and I've lost 50 pounds in a year.
Unfortunately, I can never get an accurate weight and I am weighed every month. Seeing the numbers go up even tho I know it's not my true weight still takes a heavy toll on me.
I'll just provide a recent example:
Currently on a 1,000 caloric deficit so on average I lose around eight pounds a month.
I suffered an over-exertion injury at the beginning of November and was bed ridden for a month. My leg was huge at the time. However when it is that big I drain every 30 minutes for about 32 hours. In two days, I drain at least ten pounds. Anyway, I had a doctors appointment at the beginning of December.
November 1, 2024: Weight 393 pounds - swell rating 10 December 1, 2024: Weight 376 pounds - swell rating 1.5 January 2, 2025: Weight 384 pounds - swell rating 6.5
No I definitely did not gain eight pounds in a month. I'd have to consume 4,500 cals a day everyday and there is not enough food in the house, it's all lymphadema.
Ty for reading that TED talk.
Now for accurate weight solutions. One is water displacement, but the variables and water needed make it inaccurate, the force of stepping in say a full garbage can of water could add an extra three pounds.
However I did find a solution but it is calculated with a complex mathematical formula that is attached. The medical article is here: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/lrb.2022.0032
So I'm guessing if I can calculate the volume I can get a weight using a cubic cm which is one gram of weight (water would be used for final calculation).
Is there anyone here smart enough to help me calculate the formula? Both legs from below the knee to ankle, every 4cm I would measure the circumference. What I'm thinking is if someone can just give example measurements for both legs and said answer for volume then I imagine I'd be able to figure it out. I would be eternally grateful for anyone who can help.
All that said, does anyone else have any possible solutions to get an accurate weight by canceling out the water weight?
Ty for your time.
submitted by raxor30 to Lymphedema [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 Bubbly_Part5120 Help me legit check this Stussy t shirt
submitted by Bubbly_Part5120 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 InnapropriateHigh704 Butcher shop? In the middle of nowhere? What? 37°08'22"S 12°17'32"W
Whatever kind of butchering they do secluded in the middle of absolutely no where, I want no part of. 🤣 submitted by InnapropriateHigh704 to GoogleEarthFinds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Anchovie_88 Daddy I miss you so much it’s unbearable
I miss you so much. I would give anything in the world to hug you now. I don’t want anything in life but to have you back. I don’t think I ever will. Please come back. Or please wait for me. I’ve never believed in anything after death but I need you to be there I need to see you again I love so much I love you infinitely please.
submitted by Anchovie_88 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 aggressive_spaghetti I would like to build a PC for multiple purposes, but I have no idea where to start
I usually only play indie games, so I don't care about gaming perfomance much. However, I am planning on learning and practicing 3D and 2D animation, video editing and game development in the near future, and once I learn that I would like to do at least 3D proffesionally (yes, I am well aware I am putting too much on my plate). I am already doing 3Ds Max courses now and next year we'll start Blender. My budget for all components total is 5000 Euros max and I would like to have something high performance enough to handle heavy tasks and avoid upgrading for the upcoming years. As far as I am aware, 3D animation and modeling is very tasking on a PC, so I would like to avoid that as much as possible. I am completely new to all this, so I have no idea what is and isn't for my needs
submitted by aggressive_spaghetti to buildapc [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 RedHairyFoxZoroark He’s coming for ya
submitted by RedHairyFoxZoroark to zoroark [link] [comments] |
2025.01.24 09:41 Peace-and-Pistons Can I give my steam logins to a friend to try a game?
So, long story short, my friend wants to try Dayz, but he's not sure if his PC will manage to run it very well. Can I give him my Steam login so he can try the game before buying it on his account?
He will try it once only and then buy via his own account if it works.
There is no trust issue. I've known this guy since we were kids.
submitted by Peace-and-Pistons to Steam [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 MissAnthropy I live in a weird bubble. I'm completely off the radar and I don't like it.
I currently live in a weird realm where I don't have to work all bills paid and I understand this is opposite of many people in my country. I don't feel bad but, I feel weird about it. I'm 54F.
submitted by MissAnthropy to CasualConversation [link] [comments]
2025.01.24 09:41 cokelid Tresorit for Linux: Any good?
Looking to move to Tresorit (from SpiderOak) on my Ubuntu box. I've tried to install it using the Tresorit installer script (as described in the FAQ). I encountered a bunch of hiccups:
2025.01.24 09:41 Lazy_Reception_7056 Bankbürgschaft or Sperrvermerk for Verpflichtungserklärung
Hello everyone, To issue a Verpflichtungserklärung, Nuremberg city would like a bank guarantee/ blocked account of EUR 3378 per adult. Does anyone know where/which bank I can get this done?
Bei der Abgabe einer Verpflichtungserklärung haben Sie eine Bankbürgschaft oder ein Sparbuch mit Sperrvermerk (auch: Sperrkonto) zugunsten der Stadt Nürnberg oder ein Verwahrgeld als Nachweis Ihrer finanziellen Leistungsfähigkeit hinterlegt.Sparkasse and ING offer it only for businesses. Fintiba has one but I cannot trust it enough. Please recommend if you know others. Thanks!
2025.01.24 09:41 Legal_Ad_3469 Hello , any female or girl , married or single need friends in haldwani?
Looking for a female friend in haldwani or nainital
submitted by Legal_Ad_3469 to Haldwani [link] [comments]