I Know Literally Nothing About GPUs and I Need Some Help.

2025.01.24 09:41 NotSoAsian86 I Know Literally Nothing About GPUs and I Need Some Help.

So, I started machine learning and need a GPU. So far, I was using Kaggle but now I need my own GPU for some application development. At first, I was thinking of saving some money and buying 3060. But now because of a project I urgently need a GPU. I decided to buy 1060 only to see some posts on this sub that Nvidia GPUs are not providing that much value for their cost. You can buy better AMD GPU for the same cost instead of Nvidia. But the thing is those posts were talking in light of gaming.
So, my main question is, are AMD GPU good for deep learning training models? Considering that Nvidia has a complete ecosystem for DL such as CUDA, cuDNN. I couldn't find any such thing for AMD. Should I buy the equivalent of 1060 or just stick with Nvidia?
submitted by NotSoAsian86 to PakistaniTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Bujo88 Ecoboost 1.0T (uk)

Hey all, I'm currently looking at a 2015 ford focus titanium with the 1.0T engine. Are the ecoboosts really that bad or have they ironed out the coolant leak issues by 2015?
submitted by Bujo88 to FordFocus [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 ResponsibleStudio558 "Saufen" im Medizinstudium

Hi zusammen, Studieninteressierter hier mit einer vielleicht etwas ungewöhnlichen Frage. Wie ist/war eurer Verhältnis zum Alkohol während des Medizinstudiums? Mir hat ein befreundeter Medizinstudent (aus Göttingen, falls relevant) erzählt, dass in dem Studiengang das socializen vor allem über Partys läuft, auf denen exzessiv Alkohol getrunken wird.
Ich habe für mich das Kapitel Feiern mit Saufen allerdings mittlerweile komplett abgeschlossen (bin Mitte 20 und hab einfach kein Bock mehr auf den Kater am nächsten Tag, vertrags halt auch einfach nicht so gut). Wie sind da eure Erfahrungen? Kann man sich auch ein gutes Netzwerk zu Kommilitonen aufbauen, ohne sich regelmäßig achtarmig einen reinzuorgeln? :)
submitted by ResponsibleStudio558 to Medizinstudium [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 sagar9175 Sharvari Wagh

Sharvari Wagh submitted by sagar9175 to SharvariWagh_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Hidden_Genius1 Does this look like Light Sussex chicken?

Does this look like Light Sussex chicken? I posted here few days ago about finding new homes for my young Light Sussex roosters around 3.5 month old. I advertised this one and a few people have reached out to say these are not Light Sussex, or are some kind of cross-breed. Someone claimed its actually Fayoumi!...
They are 3.5 months so obviously not that large (i have six of this line of chicken.) The person I bought it from said he had been told they were heritage. I have two other Light Sussex chicks of a similar age I bought from someone else and they are much bigger and rounder then these ones. Should a Light Sussex chick be much bigger at this age? Or will these get much bigger in a month?
submitted by Hidden_Genius1 to chickens [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 AshHulls Livy

Livy submitted by AshHulls to IndonesianGirlsOnly [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Upstairs-Anteater727 How to find art courses in São Paulo? Recommendations needed!

Hi everyone!
I'm a Dutch female traveler visiting São Paulo from February 18th to March 24th. I'm staying with a friend for Carnaval but will be spending most of my time exploring the city on my own. I’m also planning to travel around Brazil, but I’m still figuring out when and where, so I’d love to make the most of my time in São Paulo!
One thing I’d really love to do while I’m there is take some art courses. I’m particularly into live drawing, riso printing, silkscreening, and painting. I work as a graphic designer, so staying creative during my trip is important to me—and I’d love to incorporate some Brazilian influences into my work.
Do you know of any studios, workshops, or art schools that offer short-term classes or drop-in sessions? Even weekly draw clubs or casual art meetups would be amazing! I’m looking for in-person activities so I can meet local artists and connect with the creative community.
If you have any recommendations for websites, Instagram pages, or cultural hubs where I could find this kind of info, I’d be super grateful!
Thanks so much for your help 😊
submitted by Upstairs-Anteater727 to Brazil [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 KillerSir Any experiences with Kundal skincare products?

Has anyone used Kundal skincare products? I’ve been hearing some great things about their products lately, and I’m really considering giving them a try. I’d love to hear your thoughts or experiences!
submitted by KillerSir to koreanskincare [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 jackoftheredheart Kim Ji Eun

Kim Ji Eun submitted by jackoftheredheart to kactress [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Own-Cauliflower7341 Need help with outfit

Need help with outfit I'm going to cas gurgaon today and ik you're supposed to wear all black but I don't having that looks good that way so would this work ? Any changes you guys could recommend?
submitted by Own-Cauliflower7341 to CigarettesAfterSex [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 neptun123 Barnabas Kiplimo Wins Marathon Wearing Sandals

Barnabas Kiplimo Wins Marathon Wearing Sandals submitted by neptun123 to RunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 MistressQueanie Wake me up to a fat pay check. You know you want to.

Wake me up to a fat pay check. You know you want to. submitted by MistressQueanie to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Old-Upstairs3566 Swagata Sanyal

Swagata Sanyal submitted by Old-Upstairs3566 to BeautifulIndianWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 AnotherMansCause ‘The petty thieves support Marcus Cerrinius Vatia for the aedileship!’ ‘Elect Vatia as aedile, all the late drinkers support him!’ Local politicians in Pompeii had fake endorsements painted for opponents from undesirable supporters such as criminals, gamblers and prostitutes.

‘The petty thieves support Marcus Cerrinius Vatia for the aedileship!’ ‘Elect Vatia as aedile, all the late drinkers support him!’ Local politicians in Pompeii had fake endorsements painted for opponents from undesirable supporters such as criminals, gamblers and prostitutes. submitted by AnotherMansCause to ancientrome [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Borierwinsmith Unpopular opinion but I like hunkal's aranya gold black and not with milk

Unpopular opinion but I like hunkal's aranya gold black and not with milk I like the nice chocolatey, earthy notes with a decent brightness in black coffee but for my milk drinks I prefer robusta blends or dark roasts.
submitted by Borierwinsmith to IndiaCoffee [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Top_Actuary_6300 Secret Debug world 1.16 and prior

Secret Debug world 1.16 and prior submitted by Top_Actuary_6300 to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 _gjm_ Don't nag about installing a language server (copilot-ls)

Hi all.
I use web-mode to edit Laravel blade templates (.blade.php extension). I don't want to use LSP on these files so I added this snippet to my config.el file to prevent LSP from starting when I edit them:

(pushnew! lsp-language-id-configuration '(web-mode . "")) 
It worked fine until recently.
Now, whenever I open a file in web-mode it asks me to install a language server. It says:
Unable to find installed server supporting this file. The following servers could be installed automatically:
and presents me with a list with only one choice: copilot-ls.
How can I stop this and get the old behavior back?
I'm using Doom Emacs so not really sure if this is something specific for doom or lsp-mode in general.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by _gjm_ to DoomEmacs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Shondave VC009G backpack vac also for standing jobs.

Good morning, I got this vac (finally my first aws vac!) to use with my tools, I am just a eeekend diy warrior as heard on yt! Nothing pro.
For my use the capacity is pretty enough, and I already have other shop vac also cordless (metal inox bin type) but not aws. I need cordless because I have no electricity garage .
Probably the aws is a plus but I hate have a useful function and cannot use it.
I tried the vc009 and is great, the xgt version I suppose solved the weak suction of previous 36v version.
My only disappointment is: The straps are quite good, even too much , they are wonderful for cleaning long time but for short jobs are cumbersome, do you think I will be able to unplug it and be able to use the vac also on the ground sawing with a circ saw or sanding ?
Then I will have to reattach the strap and it is bolted..
Or probably should use the bin vac for standing jobs and this for mobile or ladder uses? Example wall drilling on ladder, sawing inside where bin is too big to carry etc?
I saw the Milwaukee can be separated but is quite bigger than this makita.
Thank for your suggestions!
submitted by Shondave to Makita [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 DeadInside_2584 Arijit Singh's Jaipur Concert Tickets Available (25 Jan,Silver)

I have 2 tickets for Arijit Singh concert on 25(tomorrow) silver category and most probably won't be able to make it, anyone willing to buy it? Price is negotiable and can be discussed in DMs(won't be taking more than the original ticket price)
submitted by DeadInside_2584 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 CornDogMillionaire Windows 11 - PC has become essentially non-functional

Hi there,
As per the title, since updating to Windows 11 (without really meaning to but that's unrelated)
This has caused a few issues, which combine to make it so I can't use the PC at all in any meaningful way:

Before this update the PC had been completely fine without any issues for 2.5-3 years.
Any tips would be appreciated, otherwise I think my PC is boned lol
submitted by CornDogMillionaire to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Narrow-War-5452 Chess& Pool locations (Durban)??

Hey im looking for places me and friend can play pool or chess in Durban.
Only requirment i have is that it shouldnt be in a bar
Please let me know if you guy know anything
submitted by Narrow-War-5452 to askSouthAfrica [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/top-russian-security-official-says-risk-armed-clash-between-nuclear-powers-is-2025-01-24/

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 JuanBertoldo - Quanto sei stupido? -si!

- Quanto sei stupido? -si! submitted by JuanBertoldo to paperearmate [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 smailhero "What's a random piece of knowledge that completely changed how you see the world?

submitted by smailhero to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 09:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/jan/24/albanese-accuses-dutton-of-not-having-the-guts-to-face-media-in-first-major-election-year-speech

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
