GUYS, is it worth it?

Furthermore if, when one hears the phrase, one often thinks of the words which tend immediately to follow it: 'Master of none', it is worth remembering the saying in fullest version: 'Jack of all trades, Master of none; though oftentimes better than master of one'. Bursars truly are practitioners of many parts. … which means that it was judged to be worth $5000. He was a valued member of the team … which means that he was a useful member whose value to the team is appreciated by others. Typical uses of valuable are: It was a valuable item, being valued at $5000. … "valuable" here meaning worth a lot of money. He was a valuable member of the team. "It is worth noting that" simply means "here's something, which you should remember:" or "here's something you should pay attention to:" or "here's something that is worth reading and remembering:" It's that simple. Regarding (1), there is no connection at all to "apropos" or "besides..." Those have totally different, completely unrelated meanings. The first example, "it is worth mentioning that", is acceptable. The second, "it is worth to mention that", is incorrect. One might correct it by saying: It is worth it to mention that... Though this is a very awkward construction. A better version might be: It is worthwhile to mention that... for all or for what it's worth; for whatever it's worth: Even though it may not be important or valuable. For example, Here's my opinion, for what it's worth, or For whatever it's worth I've decided to take the train. [Late 1800s] To me, an assessment is concrete: the gold is .999 fine, the car is worth $4500, the patient is dead. (It's connected with an assay or an appraisal.) An evaluation is much more subjective: this plan is risky but worthwhile, the chili is bland, that chick is hot. The specific phrase that "my two cents" seems to have arisen from is "[one's] two cents worth," an expression implying that the proffered opinion is not worth much as a marketable commodity. Although Ammer says that expressions of the form "put in [one's] two cents" go back to the late 1800s, the earliest such example I could find was from 1911. All three variations of the sentence you give are grammatically correct, and are virtually (but not completely) equivalent. There are a few points worth noting in particular. It is far more conventional to say "let me know when you are busy" than "let me know when you are not busy". The negative is considered redundant, and they are understood ... "Worth" is classified as an Adjective and used as one. (Although it also acts differently from all of the Adjectives.) In your particular example, "worth" is used as an Adjective but acts as a Preposition. That's why it's normally followed by a Noun, a Pronoun or a Gerund. Ex. It's worth a try. It's worth it. It's worth trying. Also worth noting that, since the word "this" can only apply to a singular, "this year's" is the only possible punctuation of this phrase in any context [barring occasions where the two words happen to be together by coincidence, for instance "If only I'd known this years ago"].

2025.01.24 14:49 Conscious-Opinion873 GUYS, is it worth it?

GUYS, is it worth it? okay so, basically i’ve run out of quests to do! i’m left with this one particular one though in sweet apple acres! with my 500 gems, is it worth splurging on a pony that required for this quest? OR should i avoid it? personally, i dont want to spend all my gems but at the same time, if i did and completed the quest, i would want more activities to do. 🤷🏻‍♀️ let me know!
submitted by Conscious-Opinion873 to MLPIOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Careful-Respect-5967 I wonder what my pal Chrissy is up to...

I wonder what my pal Chrissy is up to... submitted by Careful-Respect-5967 to Sopranosduckposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 chefandatable Need some help

Looking for some insight. Trying to install a turbo inlet. I swear this has been worked on before I owned the car because the bottom bolt is so damn tight, I can't even get it to budge. Bought a set of low profile right angle torx wrenches, and it broke the wrench (yes I was going in the right direction). Long story short, the face of the torx bolt is starting to round out. Would it be easier to remove the front end, to remove the throttle cross over pipe that sits in front of the turbo or to remove the turbo and have the ability to remove the inlet in a work bench. If any there's any other ideas, input would would be appreciated.
Also tried using a 1/4 inch wrench and socket. Ratcheting wrench with a torx bit, and a 1/4 with a long extension to fit between the crossover throttle pipe and inlet. All deemed unsuccessful.
submitted by chefandatable to AudiS4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Used-Perspective6683 Man that were 5'9 at 16 how tall are you rn?

submitted by Used-Perspective6683 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Least-Car-1481 Who is really GlitchTrap?

I mean, GlitchTrap is an entity, so is he possesed? Or no? Because, I don't know if entities can be possesed, but it is speculated that William is the possesor or the entity due to him being a trap, but I don't see any evidence. if someone can help me out, that would be great, any evidence I did not see, please inform.
submitted by Least-Car-1481 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 entertainmentlord The worst horror movie i've seen. A*P*E

submitted by entertainmentlord to RealofMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 ExcellentPreference8 Is therapy worth it even for the good days?

This may be a ramble, but I am curious what other people think.
I have been struggling with stress and anxiety for a while now, but it has definitely gotten worse the past year. Now, I did start some meds that can cause anxiety, but I also just went through a ton of medical, personal and work changes, so it could also not be from the meds.
I was struggling earlier this week and finally decided to seek help. They said they would get back to me with an intake packet end of this week. Said great, and called it a day. Today, they sent me the intake packet, and now I am struggling if I really need it. I am in a relatively good mood today and am able to manage my anxiety pretty well. So it feels like I am just taking this spot from someone else and it almost feels like I am an imposter. But my fiance who has been with me for 12 years (anniversary is actually today) has been pushing me to see someone for a while now because he thinks its not normal.
I am going to go regardless, but is therapy beneficial even for the good days? Does anyone else feel like an imposter and that they dont deserve therapy (or others think you dont need it)?
submitted by ExcellentPreference8 to therapy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Proud-Anything2970 Planning My Wedding and Already Dealing with Family Drama Help with petty revenge against them.

This is a long one I'm so sorry in advance. English is my fourth language so I'm sorry of spelling mistakes.
I (17F) (you can call me Emily) is getting married to Mark (20M) in November on the 15th surprisingly this drama is not about marks family it's about mine. So for some context I am part Senegalese and part Chinese and mark is Chinese. Mark's family is rich and so is mine, this is an arranged marriage. Mark was supposed to get married to my cousin (18F let's call her dummy) but he hated her personality and then we met and now we are getting married. My cousin is a whole other story which I already talk about in my other post, Mark's family are so nice and supportive and I love them BUT my family their a little crazy. My mom said that I needed to invite her friends and business partners (I don't know them) and my father wants to have my grandma there I don't want her there because she mentally and sexually abused me so yea. So dummy is mad that I'm marrying (Her Maaan) and I'm doing this to hurt her. Like no I just met and fell in love not my fault you have a shity personality. She said she is going to were white to my Senegalese weeding (I'm have two the other one is Chinese) which I don't care if she does because I'm not wearing white but she got mad and said that I'm a bridzilla like no you're just a bitch any way my uncle said that he is bringing alcohol like no you're are not there no alcohol allowed and then my aunt is saying that I'm a whore like narr bitch you just single. Dummy tried to ruin my engagement by telling mark that I'm not a virgin but mark said he doesn't give a shit so I'm okay with that and mark has been going to bat for like I love this man. He told my mom that I should choose who should be at my wedding and told my dad that if he sees my grandmother at my wedding he will make sure that my family regrets it and so yea and for my aunt and uncle he said he'll deal with them. There are some many another problems and this is the tip of the iceberg but I'm here to ask for help in petty revenge against them so what should I do.
submitted by Proud-Anything2970 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 MissYeezy Binge watchingfor the first time!

It's a first watch for me! I am currently on season 8. Just a few things;

-Landon. I'm glad she's gone, hate her. Nothing else.
That being said, I wish the show continued with the theme of the earlier seasons; that of which is rich old money families and their dumpster fire lives. It shows that money, truly can't make you better than us working class. Just my thoughts.
submitted by MissYeezy to Southerncharm [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 lilypad21108 Wanna the the crash out of the century? **warning, slurs**

Wanna the the crash out of the century? **warning, slurs** Everyone point and laugh. What is up with this dude serious? No need to be a jackass lmao
submitted by lilypad21108 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 asl052 Like when I discovered the school's Xerox code. One, four, seven. Just saying it makes my butt feel warm again.

Like when I discovered the school's Xerox code. One, four, seven. Just saying it makes my butt feel warm again. submitted by asl052 to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 CivilizationMatter Untuk Tuhan 😂 ✋ giggles giggles giggles Alexandre the gigolo

submitted by CivilizationMatter to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 This-Towel-2968 AMC is ready to take off! ELAB may hit $100!!

submitted by This-Towel-2968 to AMCsAList [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Bogidi127 Technically true (my friends drawing)

submitted by Bogidi127 to bomberman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Some_Confusion5221 Tengo una opinión polémica.

Cuando alguien está acomplejado por el tamaño, muchas personas, especialmente mujeres, tienden a señalar que el problema está en él, que todo está en su cabeza y que son los hombres quienes tienen una obsesión con este tema. Sin embargo, por otro lado, existe un grupo de mujeres que prefieren penes grandes, y, aunque son mayoría, estas mujeres no son señaladas como causantes de esta inseguridad. Esto me parece hipócrita, porque, si ocurriera al revés y las mujeres tuvieran una inseguridad similar, a los hombres se les tacharía de ser los causantes de esa inseguridad.
Muy pocas mujeres confrontan a otras sobre este tema, pero cuando lo hacen, terminan siendo silenciadas.
Me gustaría que las mujeres entendieran que, si señalan a los hombres por obsesionarse con este tema y afirman que a ellas no les importa, también deberían señalar a aquellas mujeres que prefieren un pene grande o que aseguran que les da mayor satisfacción. Si existen hombres acomplejados, es porque estas mujeres también contribuyen a reforzar ese complejo.
submitted by Some_Confusion5221 to VivimosEnUnaSociedad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Individual_Stop_6990 suffocate you with these plastics

suffocate you with these plastics submitted by Individual_Stop_6990 to plasticface [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Ok_Recipe7031 Any comments on the ABA + OBM masters program ?

submitted by Ok_Recipe7031 to floridatech [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 lineoffruity Can my essay get flagged for AI when I haven't used AI?

I'm studying a Bsc at a university in the UK. My friend and I are on the same course and she told me she had been using ChatGPT to write her essay, and then she just rearranged the paragraphs. I told her that was a bad idea and that she'd probably get caught doing that. To prove me wrong, she ran her essay through Quillbot, and her AI score was pretty high. Out of curiosity, I decided to do the same to mine, and my score is also high, not as high as hers, but high enough to have me worried. I haven't used any sort of AI or assistance from technology, my references are purely from my own research and textbooks, so I'm not sure how this has happened. Because I've submitted my essay early, there's no way I can go back and change anything or find out what is causing the essay to be flagged, and now I'm worried it could flag to the university. If it does, I'm guessing "but I didn't use AI" probably won't fly with them, and now I'm worried I could be failed for the module. I'm wondering if I should contact my module lead and let him know this has happened, or not mention it and hope I pass through whatever checks the university run the essay through. Any explanation or maybe some advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by lineoffruity to UniUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 InformationActive760 Her little waist 😋btw I hope that’s a toy she play to herself

Her little waist 😋btw I hope that’s a toy she play to herself submitted by InformationActive760 to Avani__Gregg [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 chaos_m8te Got Apocalypse Legend!

Got Apocalypse Legend! submitted by chaos_m8te to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Artisticreativity666 I have been in a depressing rut with music/song writing for years.

When I started making music about 10 years ago I was using a digital 4 track. I made some pretty amateurish pop/rock songs but there was at least that magic of different full 2 minute tracks that you recorded separately, coming together and interacting in a random cool unexpected way. I was able to write some chords and vocal lines and lyrics, full songs.
A couple of years into making music I moved on to a DAW. Because it was still very new to me there was still the magic with recording tracks and have them playing off each other in cool ways. I made some stuff back then that I still find inspiring despite some of it being loops. But I was still clearly inspired lyrically and musically.
Around this time I learned about cutting, copying and pasting audio pieces, essentially I learned to loop guitar, vocals, drums, anything. This was not a problem at the start as I was still very new to song writing, music and music production, so I was still very inspired, it just made my life a bit easier and opened new sonic doors to me.
Then I started experimenting with different genres in the DAW. Sometimes badly incorporating sampling into my indie singer songwriter songs. Sometimes making house music, trap, hip hop, experimental electronic music.
Then I got into this habit of recording some chords or a riff with guitar, looping that and then seeing if I could write a chorus to that. Technically that sounds like it could let you find more possibilities for finding a chorus but in reality it's better to just write the song on the guitar rather than using the daw as a sketch pad.
Eventually this copy and pasting thing led to laziness and uninspiring compositions. When something is not inspiring to me, it's impossible to write lyrics to it. So I'd end up with these guitar songs with a verse and a chorus but no lyrics. This became a frequent thing to happen to me. I'd be able to come up with a verse but no chorus or a shit chorus, but either way, no lyrics.
I started making beats more than I was writing songs. Useless beats that I didn't even really like and were impossible to write lyrics over in my style. 100's of beats.
Somewhere along my musical time line I transformed from a sing songwriter making demo songs, into a producer. I feel like a song writer trapped in a producers body.
I think I got really lost on my musical journey. The only reason I started making music was to emulate singers I looked up to and inspired me. I just wanted to write songs on guitar.
Now I'm just some guy who is trying to find a snare in a folder of 100 break beats. I got way better at producing music but I don't really care about that. I can make a synth out of a kick drum sample but how is that going to help me write a chorus? It isn't. Anyway I'm just ranting.
submitted by Artisticreativity666 to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 z0ott Need a Club?

Need a Club? SURGE IS RECRUITING DM Me if You Want to Apply
Minimum Requirements
  • Damage Requirement: You Must Achieve at Least 80 Billion Damage.
  • Summon Requirement: You Need to Summon a Minimum of 80 Boss Mechs.
submitted by z0ott to TapForce [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Ok_Hearing3804 More ringing after loud voice

Hi everyone,
I’ve been dealing with tinnitus primarily in my left ear for the past three weeks, and just recently, I’ve started noticing it faintly in my right ear as well. Yesterday, I was in an Uber, and the driver was speaking extremely loudly on the phone for about 6–7 minutes before I asked him to lower his voice. My phone’s decibel meter app recorded the noise at around 82 dB.
Since then, the ringing in my right ear seems to have worsened, and I’m worried if this brief exposure might have caused any damage. For context, I’m already on steroids prescribed by my doctor for the tinnitus, but this incident has made me more concerned.
Have any of you experienced tinnitus worsening after brief noise exposure like this? Could this have caused additional harm, or is it more likely just a temporary spike? Any advice or tips to help manage this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Feel free to tweak this further if needed!
submitted by Ok_Hearing3804 to hearing [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 _timmy_turner3 /10??

/10?? submitted by _timmy_turner3 to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:49 Lordwrap Is this normal ?

Is this normal ? The end of volume 21 is full of white pages with nothing on it, it end with tanya sending picture to Lergen, is this the normal end ?
submitted by Lordwrap to YoujoSenki [link] [comments]