Link to 1st gen firebird manual

2025.01.24 11:32 Key_One_4392 Link to 1st gen firebird manual

Would anyone have a link to a first gen firebird repair manual? Particulay a 68. Thanks fellas
submitted by Key_One_4392 to PontiacFirebird [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Medium-Flan4717 (Wb!!) Dialga starting ASAP 0694 5527 7438

submitted by Medium-Flan4717 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 TiredAFOfThisShit Average AoT character's military career

Average AoT character's military career submitted by TiredAFOfThisShit to okbuddyreiner [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 kyrasota131 HELP! red spots on my skin

HELP! red spots on my skin I have been getting these red spots around my armpits (not on!) and other places which you can see on the photos.At first i tought they were pimples but then there was a lot more of them than usual..
They aren't ichy, they vary in sizes but most are around 2 mm big, they stand out just a little bit, but not as much as birth marks usually do. I scratched one accidentally and its surface came off (quite easily) and left a dark red wound/scab.
I don't know what these are and if i should be worried...
submitted by kyrasota131 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 2Chiang Redux's fourth system has an S-class fleet combat unit.

Redux's fourth system has an S-class fleet combat unit. submitted by 2Chiang to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 FullfillmentWay " Neutral " sound speakers

Hey there.
I have a JBL Flip 4. I listen to a lot of white noise and podcasts with it and I feel it's really to bassy if that makes sense. I don't have too much knowledge about BT speakers and I would like something that fits more especially when it's spoken voices.
Do you have any idea ? Max budget would be 120 euros but I would appreciate to spend less if possible.
submitted by FullfillmentWay to Bluetooth_Speakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Happy-Storage-2137 Bihaćki sarkofag: Misteriozni spomenik prošlosti

Bihaćki sarkofag: Misteriozni spomenik prošlosti U srcu Bihaća, grada bogate historije i kulturnog naslijeđa, nalazi se jedan od najzagonetnijih spomenika Bosne i Hercegovine – Bihaćki sarkofag. Ovaj drevni kameni grob, smješten u Gradskom parku, intrigira stručnjake i posjetitelje svojom nepoznatom prošlošću i jedinstvenim dizajnom. Sarkofag je simbol koji svjedoči o vremenu, običajima i životima onih koji su ovdje živjeli prije mnogo stoljeća.
Bihaćki sarkofag je pronađen u 19. stoljeću, tokom arheoloških istraživanja na području starog dijela grada. Njegovo otkriće izazvalo je veliko interesovanje arheologa, historičara i ljubitelja starina. Smatra se da potiče iz kasnog rimskog perioda, mada tačan datum njegove izrade i dalje ostaje nepoznanica. Sam sarkofag je izrađen od masivnog kamena, ukrašen reljefima i motivima koji otkrivaju tragove starorimske umjetnosti. Zbog svojih dimenzija i težine, jasno je da je pripadao nekome od značaja, možda nekoj uglednoj rimskoj porodici ili lokalnom poglavaru. Iako ne postoje precizni podaci o tome kome je sarkofag pripadao, njegova prisutnost u Bihaću svjedoči o važnosti ovog područja u antičkom periodu.
Sarkofag je izuzetno dobro očuvan, što ga čini jednim od rijetkih primjera rimske funerarne arhitekture u Bosni i Hercegovini. Izrađen je od jednog komada kamena, s jasno urezanim reljefima koji prikazuju razne scene i simbole. Na jednoj strani sarkofaga nalaze se motivi biljaka i životinja, dok su na drugoj prikazane geometrijske forme i stilizovani ornamenti. Iako su ovi motivi djelomično oštećeni usljed vremenskih utjecaja, jasno je da su imali važan simbolički značaj za one koji su ga izradili. Oblik i ukrasi sarkofaga ukazuju na utjecaj rimskog stila, ali i na prisustvo lokalnih umjetničkih tradicija. Upravo taj spoj različitih kulturnih utjecaja čini ovaj spomenik tako posebnim i vrijednim pažnje.
Bihaćki sarkofag je oduvijek bio obavijen velom misterije. Brojne legende vezane su za ovaj drevni grob, a jedna od najpoznatijih govori o izgubljenom rimskom blagu. Prema legendi, sarkofag je pripadao bogatom rimskom vojskovođi koji je na samrti dao zakopati svoje blago u blizini grobnice. Mnogi avanturisti i istraživači su dolazili u Bihać u potrazi za tim blagom, ali do danas ništa nije pronađeno. Još jedna priča govori o duhovima čuvara sarkofaga, koji se navodno pojavljuju tokom noći. Prema kazivanjima starijih stanovnika Bihaća, noću se ponekad mogu čuti tihi koraci i šapat u blizini sarkofaga, kao da neko još uvijek bdije nad drevnim grobom. Ove priče, iako neprovjerene, dodatno povećavaju misteriju koja okružuje ovaj spomenik.
Danas, Bihaćki sarkofag je nezaobilazna turistička atrakcija za sve one koji posjete ovaj grad. Smješten u Gradskom parku, lako je dostupan i privlači pažnju posjetilaca koji žele saznati više o bogatoj historiji Bihaća. Lokalni vodiči često organizuju ture koje uključuju posjetu sarkofagu, nudeći zanimljive priče i anegdote o njegovom otkriću i značaju. Osim što predstavlja vrijedan arheološki artefakt, sarkofag je i simbol kulturne baštine Bihaća. On je jedan od rijetkih fizičkih dokaza o prisustvu Rimljana na ovom prostoru, te pruža uvid u njihov način života, religiju i običaje. Svaki posjetilac koji zastane pred ovim drevnim spomenikom ne može ostati ravnodušan prema njegovom značaju i ljepoti.
submitted by Happy-Storage-2137 to bihstorija [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 lobernowe Blue&Cream Promo Code for January 2025

Follow this link for Blue&Cream Promo Code for January 2025. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by lobernowe to MementoOffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Ok-Chipmunk5188 Horny af . let me fuck you 😛🥵

submitted by Ok-Chipmunk5188 to ImvuSlutted [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Responsible-Bear-582 Are used GMCs worth buying

I am looking to buy and import a GMC sierra into the UK, is it worth buying a used GMC which could be much cheaper and where are the best sites to find them for purchase and import.
submitted by Responsible-Bear-582 to UsedCars [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Keromanya My moms favorite poppy flowers

This is my first time trying watercolor painting. And I’m quite pleased with it. I just wanted to share with the community. For a newbie what do you think
submitted by Keromanya to Watercolor [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 ap3xxpr3dat0r Can I smoke and fly?

Starting flight school next week but im 31 and I been smoking weed every since I was 12, I have a pretty big dependency on it but I think I can stop for school, not looking to go into Commercial, but I will be buying a plane sometime before the year end for Myself and my family? Anyone know out someone going through this or should I just burn it all down and say fuck flying?
submitted by ap3xxpr3dat0r to flying [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 T3RRORSYST3M Please help me find this color I beg!

Please help me find this color I beg! I couldn’t find it anywhere someone said it belongs to year 1 bundle and I bought it but it isn’t there.. I can only find it on bots offline please can somebody tell me where to find it.. thank you..
submitted by T3RRORSYST3M to forhonorknights [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Offres 💥Business first, survival later! 🥂💼🚢😂

💥Business first, survival later! 🥂💼🚢😂 💥Business first, survival later! 🥂💼🚢😂👉 🔥 @
submitted by Offres to NetsloversBlog [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 IvanDerKekliche 70 Fans sprechen mit Trainer Koschinat

Es war mal wieder Hüttenabend im Fanprojekt. Ich konnte dieses Mal leider nicht erscheinen, aber vielleicht einer von euch. Wenn ihr da wart, was waren so eure Eindrücke?
Einen Satz unseres Trainers der in dem Artikel fällt möchte ich aber noch mal gesondert hervorheben, vor dem ersten Heimspiel der Rückrunde:
„Lasst uns alle bitte wieder als Einheit auftreten!“
submitted by IvanDerKekliche to rwe [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 jvc72 Buy Signal ETH 2x Flexible Leverage - 24 Jan 2025 @ 06:29 -> USD20.11

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 06:29
Price: USD20.11
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 jokeables What do you think my coworker’s intentions are?

I wanna preface this by saying I’m embarrassed for this essay & sorry for all the brackets 😂
So a guy at my work (higher up than me), has been (possibly?) forward with me since I came back from parental leave, I came back on the day of our work party & caught him very obviously looking at me quite a lot.
Then later on my coworker I was sitting with got up to play a game & he got up & sat next to me, the first thing he asked was ‘who did you drop daughters name to? (I had dropped her off before coming & was running late because of that), I told him to her Dad (separated but he doesn’t know this) & he starts asking me questions about her, then asks follow ups to everything I said. Is this how y’all gauge a girls relationship status? Lmao even asked me when my grandpa passed away.
So we get back from our Christmas break a month later, I walk into our room & say hey & he gets up & starts moving things around apologising prefusely for the ‘mess’ then the next thing he asks is ‘how is baby, who’s got her, her Dad?’ then sits back down after a bit of shuffling around the room lol.
Then my coworker comes in & I swear whenever I say anything to her he shoots me a question about what we’re talking about, he’ll respond to anything I do or say even if he’s not involved in the conversation. & it’s always about my personal life.
I had to ask him a question the other day & he fully turns around to face me, leans towards me, & answers me in 100 words instead of yes/no, the whole time not breaking eye contact.
THEN, he emails me yesterday calling me friend, tf is up with him? I’ve been kind of nonchalant but warm towards him, trying to hide my being attracted to him but 🤦🏼‍♀️
YES I’M OVERTHINKING, what is his deal & am I going to have to quit my job if I make a move lmao.
submitted by jokeables to AskMen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Electronic-Menu3225 Is my profile cool?

Is my profile cool? submitted by Electronic-Menu3225 to Kirka [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Mother-Emu9430 3 Wb Dialga on me, starting now, 587267003030

submitted by Mother-Emu9430 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 LJNodder Less than 10 Poster Collections at Game

Less than 10 Poster Collections at Game submitted by LJNodder to PokemonDealsUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 SaltSweet8527 Revolutionizing Digitalization for Small Businesses – Feedback Wanted on a Fresh Idea!

Imagine a service that takes the stress out of digitalization for small and medium-sized businesses. Our idea offers free website development, unlimited content updates, SEO optimization, and ongoing technical support—all wrapped in a simple, affordable subscription plan.
What sets us apart? We focus on performance-driven results, helping businesses boost their online presence without breaking the bank. Think of it as your all-in-one digital team, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition.
We’re exploring this concept and would love to hear your thoughts! Does this solve a real problem for businesses? What would make it even better? Your feedback could shape the future of this idea. Join the conversation!
submitted by SaltSweet8527 to GrowthHacking [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Deuenskae How does The Division 2 perform on the legion go ?

Steam sale 10€ bucks. Tempted to buy for having it on the go.
submitted by Deuenskae to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Zestyclose-Face9829 business and cs joint honors undergrad as an indian student

hey i have received my offer letter for business and cs joint honors. please let me know about the course. and life in dublin as an indian students. ill be joining in sept 2025. looking forward!!
submitted by Zestyclose-Face9829 to TCD [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 Ranni_The_VVVitch [Rolex] Coke

submitted by Ranni_The_VVVitch to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 11:32 giraffe-luvr Why does no one talk about the long lost cranberry flavor? I miss it so much 🥺

Why does no one talk about the long lost cranberry flavor? I miss it so much 🥺 submitted by giraffe-luvr to redbull [link] [comments]