О нееет... Шпион?

2025.01.24 13:20 CelebrationMoist4306 О нееет... Шпион?

В нашем сабе появился шпион... Он ставит всем даунтвоуты, я конечно заапвоутила всех (стрелка вверх). , но осадочек остался.. Знаю что в реддите многие заботятся о своей карме. Поэтому, если вы решили, что кто-то поставил вам "Диз", то не факт что это ОП или челы с комментов. С чего я это решила? Ну-с если пост или комм не попал в "реки" то на нем 0 апвоутов, а как мы знаем на каждый комм или пост автоматом дают 1апвоут (наш). Раньше такого не было, а сейчас вот так вот ..... Или я медленно схожу с ума и вы все плод моего воображения.
submitted by CelebrationMoist4306 to kakayato_fignya [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 sclrship Korean Youth Summit 2025 (KYS) Cultural Exchange Program in South Korea

Korean Youth Summit 2025 (KYS) Cultural Exchange Program in South Korea submitted by sclrship to ErasmusScholarships [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Effective-Message875 Dialga raid come quick 569040621027 weather boosted

submitted by Effective-Message875 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 INFINITYX96 V with Doll'ss parents

V with Doll'ss parents No offense. I believe it is sad too
submitted by INFINITYX96 to Doll_cult [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Jeepdad1970 Email Test on

Like thousands of other workers at the VA, I received this message from “HR” early this morning. From what I’ve learned, this is OPMs efforts to build an email list where they can send “information” directly to workers instead of it being filtered by management and supervisors. The theory is that managers have been editing or withholding info and guidance from workers as this freeze/telework issue plays out (mostly I believe out of good intentions) and this is OPMs way to directly bypass them. I haven’t clicked the link or replied “yes” until I get more clarification from my department chief, whom I trust.
submitted by Jeepdad1970 to VeteransAffairs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 exfoliato Streak 21: Traurige Erkenntnis

Noch eine ärgerliche Arbeitssitzung ist gestern passiert. Sinnlose Besprechungen, viel zu komplizierte Systeme oder Anforderungen, die weder der Komplexität des Geschäfts noch dem Volumen des Umsatzes entsprechen. Im Sinne, dass der Umsatz sehr gering ist und die "Klugheit" der Produkte stark überschätzt ist. Ich war zur gleichen Zeit wütend und zu Tode gelangweilt. Dann ist etwas Ungewöhnliches passiert.
Zum einen habe ich mehrere typische Teufelskreise durchbrochen, worauf ich wirklich stolz sein sollte. Mir ist gelungen, meine Wut erfolgreich zu bekämpfen.
Zum anderen hat das mir die Möglichkeit gegeben, den echten Grund von meiner Wut zu sehen. Und zwar war das keine Arbeitskleinigkeit oder Dummheit von Kollegen, oder was auch immer dergleichen. Es war durch die Hilflosigkeit und die Unfähigkeit, etwas zu ändern, verursachte Verzweiflung. Und es war Selbstverachtung, dass der Job, den ich habe, der beste Job ist, den ich finden konnte. Das ist traurig. Und vielleicht ist das genau das, was ich verdiene.
submitted by exfoliato to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Independent_Cut7581 This phone is unbearably slow now!

After updating to the latest version, my iphone 12 has become unbearably slow now! My battery health is at 84% which I believe is not that bad and have 10 GB of storage space left.
To those who say their phones do not lag, I do not know how! My sister has the same phone and we both have the same problems:
- Open the camera app and it takes good 3-4 seconds to load. I have to close other apps before I can even think of opening the camera app.
- Reddit scrolling heats up the phone like anything and the phone hangs for 10-12 good seconds. After this, the apps gets restarted.
- I used to use my phone in battery saver mode, and now, even using it in normal mode is slower.
For those who still think that their iphone12 is working great, imo, you are either using it just for very basic tasks, OR you have never used the newer versions or used androids recently.
submitted by Independent_Cut7581 to iPhone12 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Phantom90AG Eva Noblezada and Reeve Carney announce 'LIVE IN LONDON' concert at His Majesty’s Theatre

Eva Noblezada and Reeve Carney announce 'LIVE IN LONDON' concert at His Majesty’s Theatre submitted by Phantom90AG to westend [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 qoerty Lens switching while recording in 4k60?

Anyone know if it's possible? Haven't found any videos showing it
submitted by qoerty to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Fun_Payment7650 Drag queen shows

Where is best to go see a drag show this evening?
submitted by Fun_Payment7650 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 petrichorps not the yoga instructor hitting a vape

not the yoga instructor hitting a vape i know it’s supposed to be a water bottle but it’s so tiny it looks like she’s just hitting a vape lmao💀
submitted by petrichorps to pocketstyler [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Fabulous-Coffee-5500 They are kidding us

They repeated d pack or am i crazy? And is it not like the third time??? At least do something new if they raised the prices…
submitted by Fabulous-Coffee-5500 to MovieStarPlanet [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Outside-Ad-8776 Probability of someone dropping a class today?

I dropped a class last min and now I only have 13 credits. I have notifications on for dhd 201,203,204,205 and psych 231 but idk if someone will drop today.
submitted by Outside-Ad-8776 to uichicago [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 SharpDish Advisor technology - solving a problem that doesn't exist?

I'm getting all of these marketing and spam emails. Seems like there's a new software vendor or technology company pushing their product. Seems good on surface, but are they trying to solve for a problem that doesn't exist? I don't know, seems like there's always a NEW thing, and have the time I have no idea what these companies do. Docupace? Sycamore back office? Riskalayze?
Do you all find value in a specific or niche technology? Software vendor? Maybe something that seemed esoteric on the surface, but once you learn more it's immensely valuable?
submitted by SharpDish to CFP [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 CanadaEh97 Free Talk Friday

submitted by CanadaEh97 to Wetshaving [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Brettolson19 opinion on Buspars?

So i went to doctor finally to try some meds for anxiousness and my fast heart rate. Doc put me on 5mg Buspar 2 times a day anyone else have some.relief from these or am I wasting my time?
submitted by Brettolson19 to AnxietySquad [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Stock-Extension-3626 What color shirt do I wear today yall

submitted by Stock-Extension-3626 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 persevering_one CFIs at Washington State - Average monthly flight time

As the title says, what are your average monthly flying time there?
I've heard the state has much less sunlight hours per year than in the southern states but I'm sure there are just as equal more/less VFR flying days.
submitted by persevering_one to flying [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 mst3kdork Released twice?

Released twice? So I got this game for the switch a few months back. Played a few hours, started a different game but plan on going back. But now I am seeing it is on pre-order and not set to release For another week on switch? Huh? Didn’t fall through I time home? Are the feds coming for me? I even loaded it up today to take a picture to convince myself I wasn’t crazy. At least about that
submitted by mst3kdork to LaikaAgedThroughBlood [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Inevitable-Role6690 dbrand are awesome

Title says it all.
submitted by Inevitable-Role6690 to dbrand [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 ExoticShock "Delicious In Dandadan" (Art Credit: Askmeabtaurochs - Tumblr)

submitted by ExoticShock to DungeonMeshi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 AbjectFray Hello from West Chester PA

12 years SAHD, new to Reddit and just saying hello to everyone. My kids are 11 and 9. My son is on the spectrum as well. I am a long time member of a couple of SAHD Facebook groups but am in the process of moving away from Facebook / Meta.
Just wanted to say hello and am looking forward to meeting / chatting with everyone. Glad I found this group!
submitted by AbjectFray to StayAtHomeDaddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 OkSpinach2113 Those of you who have made a career change from something unrelated into farming, what has your experience been?

I work in the legal industry and I've been wanting to make a move into livestock farming for quite a while now. I'm wondering what people's experiences have been
submitted by OkSpinach2113 to FarmingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Familiar-Leg-3439 R12i Spinning Issues

Having a strange issue with the R12i
We can locate a control point for 3+ minutes and when stored we will then stake it out from the opposite direction that we shot it from and it is showing over a tenth of error when we spin 180 degrees. We re calibrated the IMU and we thought it was fixed but it started doing it again.
Any ideas?
submitted by Familiar-Leg-3439 to Surveying [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 13:20 Old_General_6741 'We don't need their oil and gas': Trump doubles down on imposing tariffs as Smith pitches diplomacy

submitted by Old_General_6741 to alberta [link] [comments]
